FAO has completely redesigned and updated its forestry Web site


State of the World's Forests 1999 (SOFO)

The report, State of the World's Forests 1999, is now available on the Forestry Web site in:

English - www.fao.org/fo/sofo/sofo99/default.htm;

French - www.fao.org/fo/sofo/sofo99/debut.htm; and

Spanish - www.fao.org/fo/sofo/sofo99/inicio.htm

The Arabic and Chinese versions will be added to the site in the near future. [See under Special Features for more information on SOFO.]

Center for International Climate and Environmental Research (CICERO)


This site gives a list of their publications.

IEA Bioenergy



ENERBOIS-liste est un nouveau «forum de discussion électronique» sur Internet proposé par ALKAEST Conseil aux professionnels francophones intervenant dans la valorisation énergétique du bois et des ressources ligneuses:

Cette liste a pour objet d'aider les professionnels du Bois Energie à:

Gratuite, cette liste de diffusion est cependant réservée aux seuls professionnels concernés afin de garantir un niveau élevé de qualité dans les échanges.

L'adhésion à la liste est un acte volontaire et il est demandé aux adhérents de respecter les règles éthiques et les procédures techniques simples proposées par ALKAEST Conseil.

Vous pouvez les consulter en ligne sur le site d'ALKAEST Conseil ainsi que les conseils pratiques à l'usage des abonnés.

Si vous souhaitez adhérer à la liste ENERBOIS-Liste, et obtenir davantage d'informations sur ses principes de fonctionnement, n'hésitez pas à consulter la page d'accueil présentant ce nouveau service d'ALKAEST Conseil (www.alkaest.com/html/Enerbois.htm).

Environment Protection Agency Global Warning Site


This contains information on climate change.

The Jatropha System


An integrated approach of rural development in tropical and subtropical countries. [See also under News and Notes.]

Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning model (LEAP)


[See also under News and Notes.]



The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) is the first international organization to make a commitment to improve the livelihood of mountain communities, helping them to live and not merely exist on the highest wonders on earth. [See also under Focus on ... Nepal.]



SYNERGY is a cooperation programme managed by the Directorate General for Energy (DGXVII) of the European Commission. It finances cooperation activities with non-European Union (EU) countries in the field of the formulation and implementation of energy policy to the mutual benefit of all parties concerned. The EU became involved in energy-related cooperation projects following the oil crises in the 1980s, with the EC International Energy Cooperation Programme, which has evolved into the present SYNERGY programme.

Wood-Science Internet discussion list

To subscribe, send the following one-line message:
<subscribe wood-science> to [email protected]

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