Database now available on the RWEDP site

The FAO Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia (RWEDP) has developed a wood energy database which contains data on various aspects related to wood energy for the 16 RWEDP member countries. Data are grouped in five main categories: resources, utilization, woodfuel flows, technology and socio-economic aspects. They have been compiled by RWEDP from various sources, such as national and international agencies, research work and miscellaneous publications.

Besides the database, the user can find nearly 50 publications and all issues of the RWEDP newsletter Wood Energy News, together with overviews of major issues in wood energy, and the wood energy situation for each country, programmes and institutions. RWEDP has also developed a CD-ROM of the site (without the database), which can be ordered by contacting the RWEDP secretariat.

For more information, please contact: Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia (RWEDP), FAO-RAPA, Maliwan Mansion, 39 Phra Atit Road, Bangkok 10200, Thailand.

Fax: +66 2 2800760;

e-mail: [email protected]




Canadian Association for Renewable Energies (CARE)

CARE is a federal not-for-profit association, incorporated to promote feasible applications of renewable energies. A weekly newsletter, Trends in Renewable Energies, is available by e-mail.

Environmental Overview
The Energy Information Agency (EIA) of the United States Government is now including an expanded overview of the environment towards the end of each individual Country Analysis Brief; in each case, it immediately follows the Energy Overview. In the expanded Environmental Overview, information can be found on sectoral energy use and carbon emissions, energy intensity, carbon intensity, fuel share of energy use and carbon emissions, as well as other key environmental statistics.

Home page of Grant Ballard-Tremeer
This site is an information resource for people concerned with energy, the environment and the developing world.

Household Energy Development Organisations' Network (HEDON)
The Household Energy Development Organisations' Network (HEDON) is an informal consultative forum dedicated to improving social, economic, and environmental conditions through the promotion of local, national, regional and international initiatives in the household energy sector. It does this in two ways: by encouraging appreciation of, and support for, household energy programmes among decision-makers and the general public in developing and developed countries; and by enhancing the professional knowledge of individuals and organizational workers in the household energy sector.

Household Energy Programme

Internet Newsbrief
Internet NewsBrief is a weekly service from the United States Environment Production Agency (EPA) Headquarters Information Resources Center that provides a sampling of new and/or useful Internet resources for EPA staff and other environmental professionals.

Intergovernmental Forum on Forests (IFF )

IFF produces an informal monthly circular letter.



Bioenergy Information Network

The Bioenergy Information Network is an integral part of the United States Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy outreach activities. This network of programmes focuses on the domestic production, recovery and conversion of energy crops (fast-growing trees and grasses) and residues to economically priced, environmentally beneficial fuels and power generation.

Programmes connected to this site include the DOE National Biofuels Program, which researches and develops the use of biofuels for electricity and transportation, and the Regional Biomass Energy Program (RBEP), which carries out activities related to technology transfer, industry support and resource assessment, and matches local resources to conversion technologies.


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