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10. Adapting existing checklists

10. Adapting existing checklists

10.1. Gender in the project cycle

Gender in the Project Cycle has four major questions:

Major concerns are:

Analysis of target group

Analysis of institutional setting:

Analysis of project idea/Proposal:


10.2. Questions to ask

The following questions are part of a paper by Sara Hlupekile Longwe of Zambia. We have excerpted the section called "Examples of Questions to Ask About a Project's Contribution

Towards Women's Development".

Question on Problem Identification

Questions on Project Strategy

Questions on Project Objectives

Questions on Project Management

Questions on Project Implementation

Questions on Project Outcomes

10.3. Exercise questions on gender in the project cycle

Activity Profile (an example)


Hours per day

Income per day






A. Productive Activities (producing


Income in money or kind)


- farming


- ploughing


- weeding


- fertilizing


- planting


- harvesting


- drying.


- storing


- cattle breeding (please specify)




- home industry (please specify)




- trading (please specify)




- industrial work


- civil servant


- private company employee


B. Reproductive Activities


(non-remunerated work)


- food production for own consumption


- organizing household budget


- housework


-- cleaning


-- cooking


- washing clothes


- fetching water


- mending clothes


- collecting fire wood


- childcare


- health care


-- house repairs


- others….



C. Social Activities


- family welfare movement (PKK)


- village council


- credit savings and credit group


- farmer's group


- religious meetings


- others.........


D. Free Time


- recreation visiting relatives or neighbours




Profile of Access to and Control of Resources by Women and Men (an example)


Access by

Control by








- land


- water


- raw material (please state)


- capital/credit


- production inputs


- farming




- pesticide


- seeds


- cattle/poultry breeding


- animal feed


- medicines


- hybrid stock


- for home industry


- thread/yams


- material


- others..........




- equipment for


- farming


- cattle/poultry breeding


- fish farming


- home industry transport


- as a seller


- as a buyer


- as a distributor


- information


- training


Key: H = high

L = low

0 = non-existent

The access and control of resources should be seen as "high" or "low" as a ratio between men and women's access control in any one area.

Example, men's access to land in area A could be classified as high compared with women's access to land in the same area. A could be relatively low compared with men's access to land in area B or C.

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