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Part II: Annexes

Part II: Annexes

Annex l: Opening speech

FAO Regional Expert Consultation on Rural Families and Household Economies in Asia and the Pacific

7-10 November 1995

Opening speech by Mr. A.Z.M. Obaidullah Khan, Assistant Director-General and FAO Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific

(presented by Mr. Dong Qingsong, Deputy Regional Representative)

Ms. Mermillod, Mrs. Khalakdina, Ms. Stephens and all participants: Since there are no gentlemen attending this Consultation may I begin by welcoming an "all women" gathering to the FAO Regional Office, and to thank you in advance for the contributions you will make to our deliberations on Rural Families and Household Economies.

This meeting was originally planned to mark the International Year of the Family in 1994, but due to budget cuts throughout FAO in that year, we had to postpone it until now. Although we were requested to cancel a number of meetings in 1994 and 1995, this one was not cancelled, because we felt it was important to seek the advice of experts such as yourselves in planning our programme of work in the follow up to the 4th World Conference on Women, held earlier this year in Beijing.

We are very lucky that we have been able to have the support of our headquarters in Rome to provide the technical support of Ms. Mermillod, Senior Officer for Home Economics, as well as a consultant provided under the FAO retirees' programme - Ms. Margaret Khalakdina from India. In addition, although my colleague Ms. Stephens has resigned from FAO early last month, she has returned to help us in this Consultation.

I would like to place on record our gratitude to consultants and colleagues from sister agencies 1 UNIFEM and A.I.T., for providing interesting papers for consideration and discussion at this meeting. Together with the papers and the data to be presented by each participant here, they will provide a wealth of information on the problems faced by rural families in Asia, and also on the various ways in which families find ways to meet their needs.

The purpose of the meeting is to identify major issues, and to discuss the necessary reorientations needed in order for us to better serve rural families. This is done through research studies, extension and training, policy and planning, and on-going monitoring and evaluation. You will no doubt be in a position to offer us valuable advice on the directions we should take in the reorientation of home economics and agriculture curricula, the research agenda, rural extension, services and data base work needed to improve the profile of rural families. No doubt gender analysis will form a central part of your deliberations, and you will pay special attention to the role of women in rural life. We welcome this. Since Ms. Stephens left us, we have no officer now concerned with these issues. Your recommendations will provide a concrete platform for her successor to launch new programmes next year.

Thank you all for coming here, and I look forward to meeting you at lunch today. I also look forward to hearing on Friday, the results of your deliberations at the Consultation.

Welcome to Bangkok, and a very warm welcome to F.A.O.

Annex II: List of documents


Rural Families and Farm Households in Asia and the Pacific: an Overview


The Family as an Enterprise


Rural Women and the Family in an Era of Liberalization: Danger and Opportunities


The Rural Family as an Enterprise


The Family and Democracy: Challenges From the IYF


The Impact of the Institutionalisation of Religion on the Status of Women


Women's Strategies Against Violence in the Family


Fight Against Poverty: A Challenge for Home Economists

Annex III: Agenda and time table

Regional Expert Consultation on Rural Families and Household Economies

Tuesday, 7 November 1995

Wednesday, 8 November 1995

Thursday, 9 November 1995

Friday, 10 November 1995

Annex IV: List of participants

Regional Expert Consultation on Rural Families and Household Economies

Bangkok, Thailand, 7 to 10 November, 1995














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