Participatory processes for integrated watershed management

Table Of Contents

PWMTA-FARM Field Document No. 7

Edited by:
Prem N. Sharma

Kathmandu, Nepal

Participatory Watershed Management Training in Asia (PWMTA) and Farmer-centred Agricultural Resource Management (FARM) Programs, Netherlands/UNDP/FAO, GCP/RAS/161/NET - RAS/93/062


The Participatory Watershed Management Training in Asia (PWMTA) Program (GCP/RAS/ 161/NET, FAO/Netherlands) is designed for human resource development in participatory watershed management. It will contribute to sustainable use and management of forest, soil, water and other natural resources by enhancing skills and national capabilities to plan, implement, evaluate and monitor participatory watershed rehabilitation programs. This will be achieved by regional training, workshops, seminars and national and regional watershed management networking. The PWMTA is closely linked and complimentary to the FARM program.

Many of the Asian countries are seriously investing in WM today. However, few are providing training in holistic approach to participatory watershed management. PWMTA is to assist the member countries in filling this gap.

First Edition: June, 1997

Participatory Watershed Management Training in Asia (PWMTA) Program
GCP/RAS/161/NET - RAS/93/062, FAO(UN), U.N. Bldg, P.O. Box 25, Kathmandu, Nepal

Office address:
Dept. of Soil Conservation, HMG, Babarmahal, Kathmandu, Nepal

For copies write to:
Dr. Prem N. Sharma, FAO(UN), P.O. Box 25, Kathmandu, Nepal

Cover photo by Ms. Celestine Krosschell of a farmers' organization leader, FARM high
Himalayan site, Goljung village, Rasuwa district, Nepal.




Part 1: Key elements in participatory processes

Part 2: Some important aspects

Part 3: Some experiences

Annex 1

Annex 2

Farm program

List of Publications of PWMTA-FARM

Participating countries

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