Rice post-harvest e-mail conference draft summary - V.1.2

Table of Contents

Prepared by Dante de Padua, Conference Facilitator
June, 1998

© FAO 1998

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Table of Contents


Post production systems for Asian rice farming

Do subsistence farmers prefer traditional varieties?

Commercial rice farming

Farmer's participation in the post-production system (PPS)

The other players in the PPS

Post harvest requirements of HYV

Harvesting, threshing, and cleaning of high moisture paddy

Combine harvesting

Post-production grain losses

Post harvest physical losses: A reality check

Qualitative/economic losses

Drying of high moisture paddy

Storage of paddy

Rice milling

Quality aspects in the production of milled rice.

Grain losses in rice processing

The rice business

Technology adoption

Increasing impact of post-harvest research & development