Women in agriculture and rural development
Les femmes dans l'agriculture et le developpement rural
Las mujeres en la agricultura y el desarrollo rural

FAO documentation 1994-1998




Roma, 1998




This list has been prepared on the occasion of World Food Day 1998 whose theme is � Women feed the world �.

It is arranged by accession number and contains references to FAO documents on this subject added to the FAODOC database from 1994 to September 1998.

How to obtain publications and documents

Please quote the accession number, author, title, class of document or ISBN/Job Number where available.

Publications (class P) and main documents (class M), are available in book form from your local sales agent. Requests from countries where sales agents have not yet been appointed may be sent to the Sales and Marketing Group, C183, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.

Sales agents in all countries will establish local prices in accordance with current book trade practices. A handling fee may be charged for the documents. Member Governments of FAO may obtain priced publications and/or documents at 50 percent discount.

Most of the cited titles in this Bibliography are available on Internet FAO Home Page or on a CD-ROM produced for World Food Day.

Documents not available electronically can be obtained from FAO's David Lubin Memorial Library (e-mail: [email protected])



Cette liste a �t� pr�par�e pour la Journ�e Mondiale de l'Alimentation 1998 dont le th�me est � Les femmes nourrissent le monde �.

Elle est class�e par num�ro d'entr�e et contient les r�f�rences des publications de la FAO sur ce th�me qui ont �t� int�gr�es dans la base de donn�es FAODOC de 1994 � septembre 1998.

Comment obtenir publications et documents

Pri�re d'indiquer le num�ro d'entr�e, l'auteur, le titre, la classe de document et, le cas �ch�ant, le num�ro ISBN ou de travail.

Les publications (classe P) et les documents principaux (classe M) sont disponibles sous forme imprim�e chez votre agent de vente. Pour les pays o� il n'y a pas encore d'agent de vente, s'adresser au Groupe des ventes et de la commercialisation de la FAO, C183, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italie.

Les agents de vente de tous les pays fixent les prix locaux conform�ment aux usages en vigueur dans la profession. Les documents sont envoy�s contre remboursement des frais de service. Les Etats Membres peuvent obtenir une remise de 50 pour cent sur les publications et sur les documents.

La plupart des titres cit�s dans cette liste sont disponibles sur Internet ou sur le CD-ROM produit pour la Journ�e Mondiale de l'Alimentation.

On peut demander � la Biblioth�que David Lubin de la FAO les documents qui ne sont pas disponibles en version �lectronique

(e-mail: [email protected])



Esta lista se ha preparado en ocasi�n del D�a Mundial de la Alimentaci�n 1998 cuyo tema es � La mujer nutre al mundo �.

Est� ordenada por el n�mero de entrada y contiene referencias a las publicaciones de la FAO sobre esta materia introducidas en la base datos FAODOC desde 1994 a septiembre 1998.

C�mo obtener las publicaciones y los documentos

C�tese el n�mero de entrada, autor, t�tulo, la clase de documento y el n�mero ISBN o de trabajo en su caso.

Las publicaciones (clase P) y los documentos principales (clase M) podr�n obtenerse en forma de libro de los agentes de venta locales. En los pa�ses donde todav�a no se hayan nombrado agentes de venta las peticiones podr�n enviarse al Grupo de Comercializaci�n y Ventas, C183, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Roma, Italia.

Los agentes de venta de los distintos pa�ses, establecer�n precios de venta locales de acuerdo con la pr�ctica vigente en el comercio de la librer�a. Los documentos gratuitos se remiten contra reembolso de los gastos de env�o. Los Estados Miembros obtienen un descuento del 50 por ciento sobre los previos indicados en las publicaciones y los documentos.

La mayor�a de los t�tulos citados en esta Bibliograf�a est�n disponible en la p�gina Internet de la FAO o en un CD-ROM producido por el D�a Mundial de la Alimentaci�n.

Los documentos que no est�n disponibles en forma electr�nica pueden ser obtenidos a trav�s de la Biblioteca David Lubin de la FAO

(e-mail: [email protected]).



FAO DOCUMENTATION: Women in agriculture and rural development


FAO Documentation: Women in agriculture and rural development,1980-1989. Documentation de la FAO:

Les femmes dans l'agriculture et le developpement rural, 1980-1989. Documentaci�n de la FAO: Las mujeres en la agricultura y el desarrollo rural, 1980-1989. (En, Es, Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Library and

Documentation Systems Div.

1989. 62 p.

Job no: T8250; T1663.

Microfiche number: 289443.



A gender-disaggregated data base on human resources in agriculture: data requirements and availability. (En)FAO, Rome (Italy). Human Resources, Institutions and Agrarian Reform Div.

1993. 85 p.

Job no: U8905.

Microfiche number: 331179.

Other language versions: 354229(Fr);




Situaci�n jur�dica de la mujer rural en diecinueve pa�ses de Am�rica Latina. (Es)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Direcci�n de

Recursos Humanos, Instituciones y Reforma Agraria.

1992. 145 p.

Job no: U5615.

Microfiche number: 332367.

Other language versions: 343585(En);



Guidelines for participatory nutrition projects. (En, Ne)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Food Policy and Nutrition Div.

1993. 80 p.

Job no: V1490.

Microfiche number: 335721.

Other language versions: 347583(Fr);

347585(Es); 373229(Pt);



Guide methodologique des interventions dans la communication sociale en nutrition. (Fr)

Andrien, M.

1993. 114 p.

ISBN 92-5-203367-X.

Job no: T0807.

Microfiche number: 335769.

Other language versions: 343545(En);



Social communication in nutrition: a methodology for intervention. (En)

Andrien, M.

1994. 109 p.

ISBN 92-5-103367-6.

Job no: T0807.

Microfiche number: 343545.

Other language versions: 335769(Fr);



The legal status of rural women in 19 Latin American countries. (En)FAO, Rome (Italy). Human Resources, Institutions and Agrarian Reform Div.

1994. 123 p.

Job no: U5615.

Microfiche number: 343585.

Other language versions: 332367(Es);



Integrating gender considerations into FAO forestry projects. (En)

Rojas, M.

1993. 53 p.

Job no: T1855.

Microfiche number: 343857.

Other language versions: 359809(Es);



Body mass index. A measure of chronic energy deficiency in adults. (En)

Shetty, P.S.; James, W.P.T., (Rowett Research Inst., Aberdeen (United Kingdom)).

1994. 68 p.

(FAO Food and Nutrition Paper (FAO), no. 56)

ISBN 92-5-103472-9.

Job no: T1970.

Microfiche number: 345617.



Gender analysis has a crucial role in planning workable farming systems. (Ar, En)

Wilde, V.L.

Ceres. The FAO Review (FAO), v.

26(4, = no. 148) p. 28-31)

Job no: T3550.

Microfiche number: 94S00304.

Other language versions: 345985(Fr);




Labor in low-input systems: a bibliography. (Ar, En)

Comte, M.-C.

(Ceres. The FAO Review (FAO), v.

26(4, = no. 148) p. 20-22)

Job no: T3550.

Microfiche number: 94S00304.

Other language versions: 345987(Fr);




La r�partition du travail entre hommes et femmes joue un r�le crucial pour planifier des syst�mes agricoles qui fonctionnent. (Fr)

Wilde, V.L.

(Ceres. Revue de la FAO (FAO), v. 26(4, = no. 148) p. 28-31)

Job no: T3550.

Microfiche number: 94S00304.

Other language versions: 345969(Ar,

En); 346001(Es);



Le travail dans les syst�mes a faible apport d'intrants: bibliographie. (Fr)

Comte, M.-C.

(Ceres.Revue de la FAO (FAO),v.

26(4, = no. 148) p. 31-33)

Job no: T3550.

Microfiche number: 94S00304.

Other language versions: 345971(Ar, En); 346003(Es);



El an�lisis de g�nero es fundamental para la correcta planificaci�n del desarrollo.(Es)

Wilde, V.L.

(Ceres. Revista de la FAO (FAO), v. 26(4, = no. 148) p. 28-31)

Job no: T3550.

Microfiche number: 94S00304.

Other language versions: 345969(Ar,

En); 345985(Fr);



Bibliograf�a sobre el trabajo en la agricultura de bajos insumos. (Es)

Comte, M.-C.

(Ceres. Revista de la FAO (FAO), v. 26(4, = no. 148) p. 31-33)

Job no: T3550.

Microfiche number: 94S00304.

Other language versions: 345971(Ar,

En); 345987(Fr);



Managing income-generating rural activities. Village group training.(En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Agricultural

Services Div.

1994. 32 p.

Job no: T1675.

Microfiche number: 346733.

Other language versions: 346735(Fr);



Gestion des activit�s rurales g�n�ratrices de revenus. Document pour la formation des membres des groupements villageois. (Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. des

Op�rations Agricoles.

1994. 22 p.

Job no: T1675.

Microfiche number: 346735.

Other language versions: 346733(En);



Enqu�te sur les conditions de vie et la situation socio-�conomique des m�nages en milieu rural. R�sultats.(Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. des

Op�rations Agricoles.

Nov 1994. 82 p., tables.

Report no: FAO-AGO-ZAI/92/004.

Microfiche number: 346997.



Development of fisheries in the region: the role of filipino women in fishing communities. Workshop on Research and Training on Population and Development Dynamics of Rural Fishing Communities in Asia and Africa. Dhaka (Bangladesh). 24-26

Jan 1994. Report. (En)

Conlu, P.V., (Philippines Univ.,Iloilo (Philippines). Coll. of Fisheries).

Tietze, U.; Abbasi, A.S.

1994. p. 49-57.

Report no: FAO-FO-FPA/INT/287/FPA.

Microfiche number: 347009-027.



Rural women in fishing communities: an overview of CIRDAP action research programme experiences in selected CIRDAP member countries. Workshop on Research and Training on Population and Development Dynamics  Rural Fishing Communities in Asia and Africa. Dhaka (Bangladesh). 24-26 Jan 1994. Report. (En)

Abbasi, A.S.

Tietze, U.

1994. p. 124-152.

Report no: FAO-FI-FAP/INT/287/FPA.

Microfiche number: 347009-027.



Politique et strat�gie de developpement en faveur des femmes rurales. (Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. des Ressources Humaines, des Institutions et de la Reforme Agraire.

1994. 76 p.

Job no: V2715.

Microfiche number: 347031.

Other language versions: 359803(En);



Guide pour les projets participatifs de nutrition.


FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. des

Politiques Alimentaires et de la Nutrition.1994. 80 p.

Job no: V1490.

Microfiche number: 347583.

Other language versions: 335721(En,

Ne); 347585(Es); 373229(Pt);



Gu�a para proyectos participativos de nutrici�n. (Es)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Direcci�n de Pol�tica Alimentaria y Nutrici�n.

1994. 80 p.

Job no: V1490.

Microfiche number: 347585.

Other language versions: 335721(En, Ne); 347583(Fr); 373229(Pt);



The integration of social and gender issues in smallholder dairy production. (En)

Dieckmann, N., (International Agricultural Centre, Wageningen Netherlands).

(World Animal Review (FAO), (no.79)

p. 23-33)

Job no: T3080.

Microfiche number: 94S01202.



Am�lioration de la technologie du fromage tchoukou au Niger. (Fr)

Lambert, J.C.; Soukehal, A.

(World Animal Review (FAO), (no.79)p. 34-45)

Job no: T3080.

Microfiche number: 94S01202.



A study on women in dairy production. (En)

Rangnekar, S., (Development Research Foundation, Ahmedabad (India));

Vasiani, P.; Rangnekar, D.V.

(World Animal Review (FAO), (no.79)

p. 51-54)

Job no: T3080.

Microfiche number: 94S01202



Indian experience on household food and nutrition security. Regional Expert Consultation of the Asia-Pacific Network for Food and Nutrition on Household Food Security with Respect to Desirable Dietary Pattern. Bangkok (Thailand). 8-11

Aug 1994. (En)

Nawani, N.P.

Aug 1994. 103 p., tables.

Microfiche number: 348099.



The contribution of post-harvest activities to employment and household incomes. Socio-economic issues in coastal fisheries management. Symposium on Socio-Economic Issues in Coastal Fisheries Management. Bangkok (Thailand). 23- 26 Nov 1993. Proceedings of the IPFC Symposium held in conjunction with the twenty-fourth Session of IPFC. (En)

Legaspi, A.S., (Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Quezon City (Philippines)).

1994. p. 287-294.

(RAPA Publication (FAO), no. 1994/8)

Microfiche number: 349319-365.



Research programme on rural women and youth. European Commission on Agriculture. Working Party on Women and the Agricultural Family in Rural Development. Sess. 7.Athens (Greece). 18-21 Oct 1994. (En)

Garcia Bartolome, J.M.

Jul 1994. 19 p.

Job no: V3324. Report no: FAO-ECA-WRD/94/6.

Microfiche number: 349699-713.

Other language versions: 349721(Fr);



"New Opportunities for Women"NOW - EC Programme. European Commission on Agriculture. Working Party on Women and the Agricultural Family in Rural Development. Sess. 7. Athens (Greece). 18-21 Oct 1994. (En)

Diplas, P.

Jul 1994. 7 p.

Job no: V3327. Report no: FAO-ECA-WRD/94/9.

Microfiche number: 349699-713.

Other language versions: 349725(Fr);



European Commission on Agriculture.Working Party on Women and the Agricultural Family in Rural Development. Sess. 7. Athens (Greece). 18-21 Oct 1994. Report on the activities of the Working Party and future focus, 1990-1994. (En)Pichler, G.

Jul 1994. 11 p.

Job no: V3317. Report no: FAO-ECA-WRD/94/10.

Microfiche number: 349699-713.

Other language versions: 349727(Fr);



Programme de recherche sur les femmes et la jeunesse rurales. Commission Europ�enne d'Agriculture. Groupe de Travail sur la Femme et la Famille Agricole dans le Developpement Rural. Sess. 7. Ath�nes (Greece). 18-21 Oct 1994. (Fr)

Garcia Bartolome, J.M.

Jul 1994. 19 p.

Job no: V3324. Report no: FAO-ECA-WRD/94/6.

Microfiche number: 349715-727.

Other language versions: 349705(En);



"Nouveaux horizons pour les femmes" NOW - Programme de la CE. Commission Europ�enne d'Agriculture. Groupe de Travail sur la Femme et la Famille Agricole dans le Developpement Rural. Sess. 7. Ath�nes (Greece). 18-21 Oct 1994. (Fr)

Diplas, P.

Jul 1994. 8 p.

Job no: V3327. Report no: FAO-ECA-WRD/94/9.

Microfiche number: 349715-727.

Other language versions: 349711(En);



Commission Europ�enne d'Agriculture.Groupe de Travail sur la Femme et la Famille

Agricole dans le Developpement Rural. Sess. 7. Ath�nes (Greece). 18-21 Oct 1994. Rapport sur les activites du groupe de travail et perspectives d'avenir, 1990-1994. (Fr)

Pichler, G.

Jul 1994. 9 p.

Job no: V3317. Report no: FAO-ECA-WRD/94/10.

Microfiche number: 349715-727.

Other language versions: 349713(En)



The role of women in agriculture and rural development. A bibliography extracted from AGRIS 1986-1994. World Conference on Women. Sess. 4. Beijing (China). 4-15 Sep 1995. (En)

1994. 218 p.

Job no: V5420.

Microfiche number: 349867.

Other language versions: 349869(Fr);349871(Es);



Le r�le des femmes dans l'agriculture et le developpement rural. Bibliographie extraite d'AGRIS 1986-1994. Conf�rence Mondiale sur les Femmes. Sess. 4. Beijing (China). 4-15 Sep 1995. (Fr)

1994. 243 p.

Job no: V5420.

Microfiche number: 349869.

Other language versions: 349867(En); 349871(Es);



El papel de la mujer en la

agricultura y el desarrollo rural.Bibliograf�a extra�da del AGRIS 1986-1994. Conferencia Mundial sobre la Mujer. Sess. 4. Beijing (China).

4-15 Sep 1995. (Es)

1994. 247 p.

Job no: V5420.

Microfiche number: 349871.

Other language versions: 349867(En); 349869(Fr);



La diversification des revenus au Sahel et ses liens �ventuels avec la gestion des ressources naturelles par les agriculteurs. Promotion de syst�mes agricoles durables dans les pays de l'Afrique soudano-sah�lienne. S�minaire r�gional organise par la FAO et le CIRAD, Dakar, S�n�gal, 10-14 janvier 1994.(Fr)

Reardon, T., (Michigan State Univ., Ann Arbor (USA)).

Benoit-Cattin, M., (ed.); de Grandi, J.-C., (ed.).

1994. p. 205-217.

ISBN 92-5-203610-5.

Job no: V5300.

Microfiche number: 350331-371.



Extension "woman to woman": training peasant women liaisons to reach peasant women. A case study of lessons learned through FAO projects in Honduras. (En)

Fleck, S. 1994. 69 p., illus.

Job no: U8654.

Microfiche number: 350809.

Other language versions: 365229(Es);



Embracing the earth: an agenda for partnership with peasant women. (En)

Mazumdar, V.

(1994). 48 p.

Microfiche number: 351073.



European Commission on Agriculture. Working Party on Women and the Agricultural Family in Rural Development. Sess. 7. Athens (Greece). 18-21 Oct 1994. Report. (En)

1994. 51 p.

Job no: V4859.

Microfiche number: 351303.

Other language versions: 365223(Fr);



Is HIV/AIDS a threat to livestock production? The example of Rakai, Uganda. (En)

Haslwimmer, M.

(World Animal Review (FAO),

(no.80/81) p. 92-97)

Job no: T4650.

Microfiche number: 94S01203.



Gender analysis, environment, and sustainable agricultural development. Expert Consultation on Integrating Environmental and Sustainable Development Themes into Agricultural Education and Extension Programmes. Rome (Italy). 30 Nov - 3 Dec 1993. Report. (En)

Howard-Borjas, P.

Stocking, M., (comp.); Perkin, S.,(ed.). 1994. p. 55-89.

Job no: V4255.

Microfiche number: 351495-501.



Gender analysis for forestry development planning. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Forestry Dept. 1994. Videocassette, VHS, PAL, sd. col. (ca. 16 min.).

Other language versions: 368551(Fr);



Sorghum and millets in human nutrition. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Food Policy and Nutrition Div.

1995. 189 p.

(FAO Food and Nutrition Series (FAO), no. 27)

ISBN 92-5-103381-1.

Job no: T0818.

Microfiche number: 352677.

Other language versions: 352679(Fr);352681(Es);



Le sorgho et les mils dans la nutrition humaine. (Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. des Politiques Alimentaires et de la Nutrition.

1995. 203 p.

(Collection FAO: Alimentation et Nutrition (FAO), no. 27)

ISBN 92-5-203381-5.

Job no: T0818.

Microfiche number: 352679.

Other language versions: 352677(En);352681(Es);



El sorgo y el mijo en la nutrici�n humana. (Es)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Direcci�n de Pol�tica Alimentaria y Nutrici�n. 1995. 209 p.

(Colecci�n FAO: Alimentaci�n y Nutrici�n (FAO), no. 27)

ISBN 92-5-303381-9.

Job no: T0818.

Microfiche number: 352681.

Other language versions: 352677(En); 352679(Fr);



Women, agriculture and rural development: a synthesis report of the Africa region. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and People's Participation Div.

1995. 53 p.

Microfiche number: 352779.



Women, agriculture and rural development: national sectoral report for Namibia. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and People's Participation Div.

1995. 73 p., tables.

Microfiche number: 352781.



Women, agriculture and rural development: national sectoral report for the Philippines.(En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and People's Participation Div.

1995. 38 p., tables.

Microfiche number: 352783.



Women, agriculture and rural development: a synthesis report of the Near East region. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and People's Participation Div.

1995. 43 p.

Microfiche number: 352785.



Women participation: a new direction for agroforestry research and development in CARP - ISF (Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program - Integrated Social Forestry) area at Brgy (Barangay).

Mapili, San Enrique, Iloilo.

Regional Expert Consultation on Farmer to Farmer Adaptive Agroforestry Research. Cebu

(Philippines). 4-10 Oct 1992.

Proceedings. (En)

Talabero, V.P., (Department of

Environment and Natural Resources, Iloilo City (Philippines). Ecosystems Research and Development

Services). Tomboc, C.C., (ed.); Luna, A.M., (ed.).

Jul 1994. p. 67-78.

(APAN Report (FAO/APAN), no. 12) Report no: FAO-FO GCP/RAS/133/JPN.

Microfiche number: 352817-869.



Livestock in Nepalese household economy. (En)

Karki Lila Bahadur, (Department of Agriculture Development, Kathmandu (Nepal)).

(Asian Livestock (FAO), v. 19(8) p. 85-88)

Microfiche number: 94S91008.



Base de donn�es ventil�es par sexe concernant les ressources humaines en agriculture: donn�es n�cessaires et disponibilit�s. (Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. des Ressources Humaines, des Institutions et de la Reforme

Agraire. 1994. 53 p.

Job no: U8905.

Microfiche number: 354229.

Other language versions: 331179(En); 354231(Es);



Una base de datos sobre los recursos humanos en la agricultura desglosada por sexos: necesidades y disponibilidad de datos. (Es)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Direcci�n de Recursos Humanos, Instituciones y Reforma Agraria. 1994. 54 p.

Job no: U8905.

Microfiche number: 354231.

Other language versions: 331179(En); 354229(Fr);



Gender issues in agricultural and rural development policy in Asia and the Pacific. Regional Expert Consultation, 1-5 November, 1993. (En)

FAO, Bangkok (Thailand). Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. 1995. 122 p.

(RAPA Publication (FAO), no. 1995/2)

Microfiche number: 354285-293.



Gender issues in agricultural and rural development policy in Asia and the Pacific. Gender issues in agricultural and rural development policy in Asia and the Pacific.

Regional Expert Consultation, 1-5 November, 1993. (En)

Stephens, A. 1995. p. 41-71.

(RAPA Publication (FAO), no. 1995/2)

Microfiche number: 354285-293.



Gender issues in macro-economic policy planning for agricultural and rural development: the imperative for the 21st century. Gender issues in agricultural and rural development policy in Asia and the Pacific. Regional Expert Consultation, 1-5 November, 1993. (En)

Waring, M. 1995. p. 73-85.

(RAPA Publication (FAO), no. 1995/2)

Microfiche number: 354285-293.



Gender issues in agricultural and rural development. Gender issues in agricultural and rural development policy in Asia and the Pacific. Regional Expert Consultation, 1-5 November, 1993. (En)Mumtaz, K. 1995. p. 87-104. (RAPA Publication (FAO), no. 1995/2)

Microfiche number: 354285-293.



Community forestry, NGOs, women and the poor: some observations from the field. Gender issues in agricultural and rural development policy in Asia

and the Pacific. Regional Expert Consultation 1-5 November, 1993. (En) Yadama, G.N. 1995. p. 105-115.

(RAPA Publication (FAO), no. 1995/2)

Microfiche number: 354285-293.



Environment, women and population: interrelated issues in rural development in Southeast Asia. Proceedings of a Round Table, held from 2 to 6 May, 1994, at the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAP), Bangkok, Thailand. (En)

FAO, Bangkok (Thailand). Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. 1995. 107 p.

(RAP Publication (FAO), no. 1995/18)

Microfiche number: 354295.



Meeting information needs on gender issues in inland and small water body fisheries.(En)

Seki, E.; Sen, S. Dec 1994. 45 p. Report no: FAO-FI GCP/INT/555/SWE;


Microfiche number: 354423.



Meeting information needs on gender issues in aquaculture. (En)

Van der Mheen-Sluijer, J.; Sen, S. Dec 1994. 41 p. Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/INT/555/SWE;


Microfiche number: 354425.



Feed resources for smallholder poultry in Nigeria. (En)

Sonaiya, E.B., (Obafemi Awolowo Univ., Ile-Ife (Nigeria). Dept. of Animal Science).(World Animal Review (FAO), (no.82) p. 25-33)

Job no: V4440.

Microfiche number: 95S01201.



Get the best from your food. (Ar, En, Vi, Zh) FAO, Rome (Italy). (1993). 31 p., leaflets in pocket.

Microfiche number: 355867.

Other language versions: 375971(Fr); 375973(Es); 375975(Pt); 375977(Pl);



Improving the relevance and effectiveness of agricultural extension activities for women

farmers. An Andre Mayer Research Study. (En) Dutta Das, M. 1995. 111 p., tables.

Job no: V4805.

Microfiche number: 355873.



All the lonely people. (Ar, En)

Delafin, A. (Ceres. The FAO Review (FAO), v. 27(2, = no.152) p. 26-30)

Job no: V5500.

Microfiche number: 95S00302.

Other language versions: 356989(Fr); 357007(Es);



La solitude du pauvre. (Fr)

Delafin, A. (Ceres. Revue de la FAO (FAO), v. 27(2, = no.152) p. 26-30)

Job no: V5500.

Microfiche number: 95S00302.

Other language versions: 356971(Ar, En); 357007(Es);



La marginaci�n como destino. (Es) Delafin, A.

(Ceres. Revista de la FAO (FAO), v. 27(2, = no.152) p. 26-30)

Job no: V5500.

Microfiche number: 95S00302.

Other language versions: 356971(Ar,En); 356989(Fr);



Land reform is a gender issue. (Ar, En)

Galan, B.B.

(Ceres. The FAO Review (FAO), v. 27(3, = no.153) p. 45-47)

Job no: V5715.

Microfiche number: 95S00303.

Other language versions: 357197(Fr);357213(Es);



Les reformes agraires? Une question de sexe. (Fr)

Galan, B.B. (Ceres. Revue de la FAO (FAO), v. 27(3, = no.153) p. 45-47)

Job no: V5715.

Microfiche number: 95S00303.

Other language versions: 357181(Ar, En); 357213(Es);



La campesina latinoamericana ante la reforma agraria. (Es)

Gal�n, B.B. (Ceres. Revista de la FAO (FAO), v. 27(3, = no.153) p. 45-47)

Job no: V5715.

Microfiche number: 95S00303.

Other language versions: 357181(Ar, En); 357197(Fr);



El papel fundamental de la mujer en la reducci�n de la tasa de natalidad y el aumento de la producci�n de alimentos. Lucha contra el hambre:compromiso del futuro. Documentos preparados para la Teleconferencia del D�a Mundial de la Alimentaci�n, 17 de octubre de 1995. (Es) Cately-Carlson, M.Raymond, N., (ed.). 1995. p. 45-46.

Microfiche number: 357699-715.



Opciones y desaf�os en Am�rica Latina y el Caribe. Lucha contra el hambre: compromiso del futuro.

Documentos preparados para la Teleconferencia del D�a Mundial de la Alimentaci�n, 17 de octubre de 1995. (Es) Mor�n, C.

Raymond, N., (ed.). 1995. p. 47-53.

Microfiche number: 357699-715.



Fact sheet: Philippines - Women, agriculture and rural development. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and People's Participation Div.

(1995). 5 p.

Job no: V9095.

Microfiche number: 357869.



Fact sheet: Namibia - Women, agriculture and rural development. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and People's Participation Div.

(1995). 5 p.

Job no: V9094.

Microfiche number: 357871.



Socio-economic benefits and issues in non-wood forest products use. International Expert Consultation on Non-Wood Forest Products. Yogyakarta (Indonesia). 17-27 Jan 1995. Report. (En)

Arnold, J.E.M., (Oxford Univ.

United Kingdom). Oxford Forestry Inst.). 1995. p. 89-123. (Non-Wood Forest Products (FAO), no. 3)

ISBN 92-5-103701-9.

Job no: V7540.

Microfiche number: 357891-927.



The busiest people in the world. (Ar, En)

Dunn, K. (Ceres. The FAO Review (FAO), v.

27(4, = no.154) p. 48-50)

Job no: V6640.

Microfiche number: 95S00304.

Other language versions: 358111(Fr); 358127(Es);



New hope for Jesus (and others). (Ar, En)

Baeza-Lopez, P.

(Ceres. The FAO Review (FAO), v. 27(4, = no.154) p. 50-52)

Job no: V6640.

Microfiche number: 95S00304.

Other language versions: 358113(Fr); 358129(Es);



L'homme le plus actif du monde est une femme. (Fr)

Dunn, K. (Ceres. Revue de la FAO (FAO), v. 27(4, = no.154) p. 48-50)

Job no: V6640.

Microfiche number: 95S00304.

Other language versions: 358095(Ar, En); 358127(Es);



Ces paysannes du Honduras. (Fr)

Baeza-Lopez, P. (Ceres. Revue de la FAO (FAO), v. 27(4, = no.154) p. 50-52)

Job no: V6640.

Microfiche number: 95S00304.

Other language versions: 358097(Ar, En); 358129(Es);



La gente m�s ocupada del mundo. (Es) Dunn, K. (Ceres. Revista de la FAO (FAO), v. 27(4, = no.154) p. 48-50)

Job no: V6640.

Microfiche number: 95S00304.

Other language versions: 358095(Ar, En); 358111(Fr);



La esperanza de las campesinas Hondure�as. (Es)

Baeza-Lopez, P. (Ceres. Revista de la FAO (FAO), v.(4,= no.154) p. 50-52)

Job no: V6640.

Microfiche number: 95S00304.

Other language versions: 358097(Ar, En); 358113(Fr);



Fact sheet: Tanzania - Women, agriculture and rural development. (En) FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and People's Participation Div. 1994. 5 p.

Job no: V8192.

Microfiche number: 358181.



Conservaci�n y Manejo de los Recursos Naturales en la Vertiente Occidental de la Cordillera de los Maribios. Consultor�a en aspectos de g�nero. (Es)

Van der Borg, B.J. Mar 1994. 38 p. Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/NIC/019/NET.

Microfiche number: 358579.



Seminario Taller Subregional sobre la Participaci�n de la Mujer en el Desarrollo Rural y la Descentralizaci�n. Caracas (Venezuela). 23-25 Aug 1994. Informe. (Es)

1995. 100 p. Report no: FAO-RLAC-95/06/DERU-51.

Microfiche number: 358941.



Fact sheet: Egypt - Women, agriculture and rural development. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and People's Participation Div.

(1995). 4 p.

Job no: V9104.

Microfiche number: 359433.



Fact sheet: El Salvador - Women, agriculture and rural development. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and People's Participation Div.

(1995). 4 p.

Job no: V9648.

Microfiche number: 359435.



Fact sheet: Honduras - Women, agriculture and rural development. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and People's Participation Div.

(1995). 4 p.

Job no: V9650.

Microfiche number: 359437.



Fact sheet: Sudan - Women, agriculture and rural development. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and People's Participation Div.

(1995). 5 p.

Job no: V9105.

Microfiche number: 359439.



Fact sheet: Zimbabwe - Women, agriculture and rural development.(En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and People's Participation Div.

(1995). 5 p.

Job no: V9101.

Microfiche number: 359441.



Fact sheet: Iran - Women, agriculture and rural development. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and People's Participation Div.

(1995). 4 p.

Job no: V9103.

Microfiche number: 359443.



Fact sheet: Mauritania - Women, agriculture and rural development. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and People's Participation Div.

(1995). 4 p.

Job no: V9324.

Microfiche number: 359445.



Fact sheet: Cameroon - Women, agriculture and rural development. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and People's Participation Div.

(1995). 4 p.

Job no: V9319.

Microfiche number: 359447.



Development policy and strategy in support of rural women. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Human Resources, Institutions and Agrarian Reform Div.

1995. 59 p.

Job no: V2715.

Microfiche number: 359803.

Other language versions: 347031(Fr);



Integrando los aspectos de g�nero en los proyectos forestales de FAO. (Es)

Rojas, M. 1994. 54 p.

Job no: T1855.

Microfiche number: 359809.

Other language versions: 343857(En);



Looking towards Beijing 95. Rural women in Latin America and the Caribbean: situation, perspectives and proposals.(En)

FAO, Santiago (Chile). Regional

Office for Latin America and the Caribbean. 1995. 141 p.

Report no: FAO-RLC-95/13-DERU-52(I).

Microfiche number: 359935.

Other language versions: 359937(Es);



Mirando hacia Beijing 95. Mujeres rurales en Am�rica Latina y el Caribe: situaci�n, perspectivas, propuestas. (Es)

FAO, Santiago (Chile). Oficina

Regional para Am�rica Latina y el Caribe. 1995. 155 p.Report no: FAO-RLC-95/13-DERU-52(I). Microfiche number: 359937.

Other language versions: 359935(En);



Gender issues, constraints and potentials in AGRITEX: an overview. (En)

Mvududu, S.C. Jan 1994. 45 p.

Report no: FAO-AGO-ZIM/91/005.

Microfiche number: 360001.



Gender analysis and forestry. International training package. Section 1: How to design and implement participatory training programmes.- Section 2: How to design and carry out participatory, training workshops.- Section 3: How to use rapid rural appraisal (RRA) to develop case studies. Ready-To- Use Training Materials, Section A: How forestry can benefit from gender analysis.- Sections B and C: Management-level and field-level frameworks and training notes.- Section D: Case studies.- Slide set scripts.- User's guide to the training package. (En)

Wilde, V.L.; Vainio-Mattila, A.; Brindley, B., (ed.).

1995. v. 1-9, 9 pamphlets in one case.

Microfiche number: 360123.



Report on consultancy in women's studies: a review of women's participation in forestry activities in the Western and Northern States.(En)

Bickel, A.M. 1995. 36 p.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/SUD/047/NET.

Microfiche number: 360745.



Drawing lessons from a pilot

project: socio economic research in the IRLDP (Integrated Range-Livestock Development Project). (En)

Bonfiglioli, A.

May 1995. 53 p.

Report no: FAO-FO-PAK/88/071.

Microfiche number: 360919.



Proceedings of the Workshop on Gender Sensitization for the Regional and District Heads of Departments, 25-27 January, 1994 Karibuni Centre - Mbeya. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Food and Nutrition Div. 1994. 78 p.

Report no: FAO-ESN-GCP/URT/103/NET.

Microfiche number: 360959.



FAO's role and experiences with improving the social and economic status of women in fishing communities in Asia and the Pacific. Regional Workshop on the Role of Women in Fisheries Development. Iloilo City (Philippines). 17-21 Jul 1995. (En)

Tietze, U. 1995. 9 p.

Microfiche number: 361075.



Breaking through. A manual for field workers and rural women on group formation. Women Population and Development Programme, China.

2nd ed. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and Population Div.

Mar 1995. 291 p. (WPD Series (FAO), no. 1)

Microfiche number: 361099.



My very own. Training manual: Micro-enterprise development for project officers and field workers. Women Population and Development Programme, China.(En) FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and Population Div. Jun 1995. 224 p.

(WPD Series (FAO), no. 2)

Microfiche number: 361101.



Credit for women and food security. Food for all. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAP) celebrates the 50th anniversary and

observes 15th World Food Day 1995. (En)

Nurjahan, B., (Grameen Bank, Dhaka (Bangladesh)). 1995. p. 29-32. (RAP Publication (FAO), no. 1995/37)

Microfiche number: 361743-749.



People are part of the pattern. Culture and agriculture, orientation texts on the 1995 theme. World decade for cultural development 1988-1997. (En)

Hall, M. Leander, B., (ed.).

1995. p. 33-38.

Report no: UNESCO-CLT/DEC/PRO-1995.

Microfiche number: 361877-901.



Both men and women. Culture and agriculture, orientation texts on the 1995 theme. World decade for cultural development 1988-1997. (En)

Wilde, V.L. Leander, B., (ed.).

1995. p. 39-42.

Report no: UNESCO-CLT/DEC/PRO-1995.

Microfiche number: 361877-901.



Improving nutrition through home gardening. A training package for preparing field workers in Southeast Asia. (En, Hi)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Food and Nutrition Div.

1995. 171 p., illus., tables.

Job no: V5290.

Microfiche number: 362441.



Statistics on women obtained through national agricultural censuses and sample surveys. Asia and Pacific Commission on Agricultural Statistics. Sess. 15. Manila (Philippines). 24-28 Oct 1994. Draft guidelines.(En)

Sep 1994. 29 p.

Report no: FAO-RAPA-APCAS/94/8.

Microfiche number: 362667-685.



Alternative data sources for women's work in agriculture. Asia and Pacific Commission on Agricultural Statistics. Sess. 15. Manila (Philippines). 24-28 Oct 1994. (En)

Sep 1994. 10 p.

Report no: FAO-RAPA-APCAS/94/9.

Microfiche number: 362667-685.



Footballs, almond blossoms and blue chickens: forestry extension with rural women in Pakistan. (En)

Kane, M.

(Unasylva (FAO), v. 47(= no.184) p. 27-37)

Job no: V9122.

Microfiche number: 96S01101.

Other language versions: 362953(Fr); 362969(Es);



Ballons de football, fleurs d'amandier et poules bleues: vulgarisation foresti�re aupr�s des femmes rurales du Pakistan. (Fr) Kane, M. (Unasylva (FAO), v. 47(= no.184) p. 27-37)

Job no: V9122.

Microfiche number: 96S01101.

Other language versions: 362937(En); 362969(Es);



Flores de almendro y gallinas azules: la capacitaci�n y la extensi�n forestales de las mujeres del medio rural en Pakist�n. (Es) Kane, M. (Unasylva (FAO), v. 47(=no.184) p. 27-37) Job no: V9122.

Microfiche number: 96S01101.

Other language versions: 362937(En); 362953(Fr);



Taller de Estad�stica con Enfoque de Genero. Bogot� (Colombia). 21-23 Nov 1995. Informe. (Es)  1996. 40 p.

Report no: FAO-RLAC-96/04-DERU-54.

Microfiche number: 363161.



Women in agriculture in the Near East: towards a regional plan of action (1996-2000). Near East Regional Economic and Social Policy Commission. Sess. 6. Nicosia (Cyprus). 20-24 Nov 1995. (Ar, En)

Makram Ebeid, N.

Jul 1995. 16 p.

Job no: T1034. Report no: FAO-ESPC-NE/95/4.

Microfiche number: 363241-253.



Regional NGO Consultation for Europe on the World Food Summit. Tel Aviv (Israel). 28-29 Apr 1996. Report. (En)

May 1996. 11 p.

Job no: W1324. Report no: FAO-SWFS-WFS/ERC/NGO/REP.

Microfiche number: 363751.

Other language versions: 363753(Fr); 363755(Es);



Consultation R�gionale des ONG pour l'Europe sur le Sommet Mondial de l'Alimentation. Tel Aviv (Isra�l). 28-29 Apr 1996. Rapport. (Fr)

May 1996. 11 p.

Job no: W1324. Report no: FAO-SWFS-WFS/ERC/NGO/REP.

Microfiche number: 363753.

Other language versions: 363751(En); 363755(Es);



Consulta de ONG Regionales para Europa acerca de la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Alimentaci�n. Tel Aviv (Israel). 28-29 Apr 1996. Informe.


May 1996. 10 p.

Job no: W1324. Report no: FAO-SWFS- WFS/ERC/NGO/REP.

Microfiche number: 363755.

Other language versions: 363751(En);




JIU (Joint Inspection Unit) report on the advancement of women through and in the programmes of the United Nations system: what happens after the fourth World Conference on Women? (JIU/REP/95/5). FAO Council.

Sess. 111. Rome (Italy). 29 Jan – 2 Feb 1996. (Ar, Zh, En)

Mar 1996. 81 p.

Job no: W0746. Report no: FAO-GIC-CL/111/INF/13.

Microfiche number: 364089-099.

Other language versions: 364107(Fr);364119(Es);



Conseil de la FAO. Sess. 111. Rome (Italy). 29 Jan - 2 Feb 1996. Rapport du CCI (Corps Commun d'Inspection) sur la promotion de la femme au moyen et dans le cadre des programmes du syst�me des Nations Unies: que se passera-t-il apr�s la quatri�me Conf�rence Mondiale sur les Femmes? (JIU/REP/95/5). (Fr) Mar 1996. 121 p.

Job no: W0746. Report no: FAO-GIC-CL/111/INF/14.

Microfiche number: 364101-111.

Other language versions: 364095(Ar, Zh, En); 364119(Es);



Consejo de la FAO. Sess. 111. Rome(Italy). 29 Jan - 2 Feb 1996. Informe de la DCI (Dependencia Com�n de Inspecci�n) sobre el mejoramiento de la condici�n de la mujer mediante los program�s del sistema de las Naciones Unidas y dentro de ellos,qu� va a suceder tras la cuarta Conferencia Mundial sobre la Mujer? (JIU/REP/95/5). (Es)

Apr 1996. 118 p.

Job no: W0746. Report no: FAO-GIC-CL/111/INF/14.

Microfiche number: 364113-123.

Other language versions: 364095(Ar,Zh, En); 364107(Fr);



El granero familiar subterr�neo para el tr�pico h�medo de M�xico. El sistema poscosecha de granos en el nivel rural: problem�tica y propuestas. (Es)

Turrent Fern�ndez, A.; Uribe G�mez, S.; Camacho Castro, R.; Guti�rrez D�az, L.J.; Nicol�s, N.F. Moreno, E., (ed.); Torres Torres, F., (ed.); Chong, I., (ed.). 1995. p. 367-384.

ISBN 968-36-4519-4.

Microfiche number: 364435-483.



Improving gender disaggregated data on human resources through agricultural censuses. (En)

Perucci, F. 1992. 55 p.

(Women in Agricultural Development (FAO), no. 8)

Microfiche number: 364533.

Other language versions: 364535(Fr); 364537(Es);



Am�liorer les donn�es sur les ressources humaines d�compos�es d’apr�s le sexe a partir des recensements agricoles. (Fr)

Perucci, F. 1994. 53 p.

(R�le des Femmes dans le

Developpement Agricole(FAO),no. 8)

Microfiche number: 364535.

Other language versions: 364533(En); 364537(Es);



Mejora de los datos sobre recursos humanos desglosados por sexos derivados de los censos agropecuarios. (Es)

Perucci, F. 1994. 56 p.

(La Mujer en el Desarrollo Agr�cola (FAO), no. 8)

Job no: V1523; V1523.

Microfiche number: 364537.

Other language versions: 364533(En); 364535(Fr);



Guidelines on social analysis for rural area development planning. (En)

Conyers, D. 1993. 232 p.

(Training Materials for Agricultural Planning (FAO), no. 34)

ISBN 92-5-103439-7.

Job no: T1660.

Microfiche number: 364647.



The role of women in plant genetic resources activities in Ghana.(En)

Bennett-Lartey, S.O.; Akromah, R., (Plant Genetic Resources Centre, Bunso (Ghana)).

(Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter

(IPGRI/FAO), (no. 106) p. 43)

Microfiche number: 96S00202.



Droits de propri�t� et modes d’acc�s a la terre en Afrique. (Fr)

Lambert, S., (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Ivry (France)); Sindzingre, A. (Land Reform, Land Settlement and

Cooperatives (FAO), p. 7-28)

Job no: V9828.

Microfiche number: 95S01801.



Landownership and access to farm inputs by rural women in Nigeria. (En)

Chikwendu, D.O.; Arokoyo, J.O.,

(Ahmadu Bello Univ., Zaria

(Nigeria). National Agricultural

Extension and Research Liaison

Services). (Land Reform, Land Settlement and Cooperatives (FAO), p. 52-60)

Job no: V9828.

Microfiche number: 95S01801.



Commission Europeenne d'Agriculture. Groupe de Travail sur la Femme et la Famille Agricole dans le Developpement Rural. Sess. 7. Athens (Greece). 18-21 Oct 1994. Rapport. (Fr)

1994. 51 p.

Job no: V4859.

Microfiche number: 365223.

Other language versions: 351303(En);



Extensi�n "por y para la mujer": capacitaci�n de campesinas para que act�en de enlace con otras campesinas. Estudio monogr�fico

sobre la experiencia obtenida a trav�s de los proyectos de la FAO en Honduras. (Es)

Fleck, S.

1995. 71 p., illus.

Job no: U8654.

Microfiche number: 365229.

Other language versions: 350809(En);



Food consumption and nutrition in Hungary. Food for everybody. Proceedings of the workshop of CEE countries, Modra, Slovakia,

September 7-9, 1995, held on occasion of 50th anniversary of  FAO establishment. (En)

Biacs, P.A., (Central Food Research Inst., Budapest (Hungary)); Szoeke, M.; Lajos, J. 1995. p. 23-41.

Microfiche number: 365433-461.



Rural women and employment: Issues, action and proposals for collaboration. Consultation between International Trade Union Organizations and FAO. 13. Rome (Italy). 11-13 Dec 1995. Final report. (En)

Sontheimer, S. 1996. 23 p.

Job no: W1043.

Microfiche number: 365895-903.



Gender and employment: Organizing to initiate change. Consultation between International Trade Union Organizations and FAO. 13. Rome

(Italy). 11-13 Dec 1995. Final report. (En)

Goodson, E.

1996. 7 p.

Job no: W1043.

Microfiche number: 365895-903.



Women groups leadership development and management training, Bhusunde Khola watershed (Nepal), 13 – 28 April 1995. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Forestry Dept. Jul 1995. 24 p.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/INT/542/ITA.

Microfiche number: 366083.



Women and the re-making of civil society. (En)

Jiggins, J., (Swedish Univ., Uppsala (Sweden)).

(Forests, Trees and People

Newsletter (FAO/Sweden), (no.30) p. 18-22)

Microfiche number: 96S91601.

Other language versions: 375021(Fr);



Preparation and use of food-based dietary guidelines. Report of a joint FAO/WHO Consultation, Nicosia, Cyprus (2 - 7 Mar 1995). (En)

WHO, Geneva (Switzerland). Nutrition Programme.

1996. 99 p.

Report no: WHO-NUT/96.6.

Microfiche number: 366405.



Improving the Status of Disadvantaged Women in Small-Scale Fishing Communities of Capiz and Pangasinan, Philippines. Consultancy report (credit). (En)

Nepomuceno, D.N.

Sep 1994. 90 p.

Report no: FAO-FI-DP/PHI/89/P16.

Microfiche number: 366483.



Improving the Status of Disadvantaged Women in Small-Scale Fishing Communities of Capiz and Pangasinan, Philippines. An evaluation of Project PHI/89/P16.


Tagarino, R.N.; Miralao, V.A.;

Ortiona, C.J.B.

Oct 1994. 87 p.

Report no: FAO-FI-DP/PHI/89/P16.

Microfiche number: 366489.



Estrategia para incorporar el enfoque de g�nero en el Plan de Acci�n Forestal del Ecuador - PAFE. (Es)

Abramovay, M.; Arguello, S.

Oct 1995. 16 p.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/ECU/064/NET.

Microfiche number: 366527.



Gender aspects of irrigation management transfer: rethinking efficiency and equity. Irrigation management transfer. Selected papers. International Conference on Irrigation Management Transfer. Wuhan (China). 20-24 Sep 1994. (En)

Zwarteveen, M.Z. Johnson, S.H., (ed.); Vermillion, D.L., (ed.); Sagardoy, J.A., (ed.). 1995. p. 87-100. (Water Reports (FAO), no. 5)

ISBN 92-5-103706-X.

Job no: V7650.

Microfiche number: 366777-843.



Considering nutrition in National Forestry Programmes. Formulation, implementation and revision of National Forestry Programmes. (En)

Ogden, C.L.

1996. 34 p.

Job no: W2167.

Microfiche number: 367043.

Other language versions: 367045(Fr); 367047(Es);



La nutrition et les programmes forestiers nationaux. Formulation,mise en œuvre et r�vision des Programmes forestiers nationaux. (Fr)

Ogden, C.L.

1996. 41 p.

Job no: W2167.

Microfiche number: 367045.

Other language versions: 367043(En); 367047(Es);



La nutrici�n y los program�s forestales nacionales. Formulaci�n, ejecuci�n y revisi�n de los program�s forestales nacionales. (Es)

Ogden, C.L.

1996. 38 p.

Job no: W2167.

Microfiche number: 367047.

Other language versions: 367043(En); 367045(Fr);



M�thodologie et analyse des enqu�tes "rapides" aupr�s des m�nages. (Fr)

Ngassam, A.

Jun 1995. 75 p.

Report no: FAO-ESN-TCP/CMR/3452.

Microfiche number: 367223.



Farm household decision making and extension framework for understanding farm household-level decision making and design of agroforestry extension strategies. Training Workshop on Integrating Woodfuel Production into Agroforestry Extension Programmes in Southeast Asia. West Java (Indonesia). 23-30 Apr 1995. Summary report. (En)

French, J.H.

Oct 1995. p. 79-85.

(APAN Report (FAO/APAN), no. 19) Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/RAS/154/NET; FAO-FO-GCP/RAS/133/JPN.

Microfiche number: 367359-373.



Hills Leasehold Forestry and Forage Development Project, Nepal. Project baseline studies. Household survey report 1. Year 1993: Families. (En)

Shrestha, R.P.; Sharma, B.M. May 1995. Vp. Report no: FAO-FO GCP/NEP/049/NET.

Microfiche number: 367379.



Gender sensitivity and the project. (En)

Umans, L. Mar 1995. 23 p. Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/NEP/049/NET.

Microfiche number: 367381.



Participatory management and gender issues in non-wood forest products development. Beyond timber: social, economic and cultural dimensions of non-wood forest products in Asia and the Pacific. Proceedings of a Regional Expert Consultation, 28 Nov - 2 Dec 1994, FAO/RAP, Bangkok

(Thailand). (En) Stephens, A.

Durst, P.B., (ed.); Bishop, A.,

(ed.). 1995. p. 47-54.

(RAP Publication (FAO), no. 1995/13)

Microfiche number: 367441-507.



Integrando el enfoque de g�nero en el desarrollo forestal participativo. Seminario

Latinoamericano, Memorias, octubre de 1995, Cuenca, Ecuador. (Es) FAO, Quito (Ecuador). Programa

Bosques, Arboles y Comunidades

Rurales. 1996. 197 p.

ISBN 9978-95-073-7. Report no: FAO-FO GCP/RLA/090/NET;


Microfiche number: 367509-523.



Metodolog�as para la investigaci�n y acci�n con g�nero y forester�a. Integrando el enfoque de g�nero en el desarrollo forestal participativo. Seminario

Latinoamericano, Memorias, octubre de 1995, Cuenca, Ecuador. (Es) Paulson, S.

1996. p. 57-70.

ISBN 9978-95-073-7.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/RLA/090/NET;


Microfiche number: 367509-523.



Manejo sustentable de los recursos forestales en Am�rica Latina. Integrando el enfoque de genero en el desarrollo forestal participativo. Seminario Latinoamericano, Memorias, octubre de 1995, Cuenca, Ecuador. (Es) Paz, M.F., (Universidad Nacional Aut�noma de M�xico, M�xico City (Mexico). Centro Regional de Investigaciones Disciplinarias)

1996. p. 73-97. ISBN 9978-95-073-7. Report no: FAO-FO GCP/RLA/090/NET; FAO-FO-GCP/ECU/064/NET.

Microfiche number: 367509-523.


Estrateg�as para lograr la participaci�n por genero en el PAFE (Plan de Acci�n Forestal del Ecuador). Integrando el enfoque de g�nero en el desarrollo forestal participativo. Seminario Latinoamericano, Memorias, octubre de 1995, Cuenca, Ecuador. (Es) Abramovay, M.

1996. p. 99-104. ISBN 9978-95-073-7. Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/RLA/090/NET;


Microfiche number: 367509-523.



G�nero y desarrollo forestal participativo y equitativo. Integrando el enfoque de g�nero en el desarrollo forestal participativo. Seminario Latinoamericano, Memorias, octubre de 1995, Cuenca, Ecuador. (Es) L�pez, T.; Schreuel, I. 1996. p. 107-131.

ISBN 9978-95-073-7.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/RLA/090/NET;


Microfiche number: 367509-523.



La biodiversidad como recurso para la equidad. Integrando el enfoque de g�nero en el desarrollo forestal participativo. Seminario Latinoamericano, Memorias, octubre de 1995, Cuenca, Ecuador. (Es)

Ayales, I.; Solis, V.

1996. p. 133-145.

ISBN 9978-95-073-7.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/RLA/090/NET;


Microfiche number: 367509-523.



Participaci�n en el manejo integral de cuencas hidrogr�ficas. Integrando el enfoque de g�nero en el desarrollo forestal  participativo. Seminario Latinoamericano, Memorias, octubre de 1995, Cuenca, Ecuador.


Van der Put, I.; Alvarado, E.

1996. p. 147-157.

ISBN 9978-95-073-7.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/RLA/090/NET;


Microfiche number: 367509-523.



Participaci�n de la mujer en el desarrollo forestal de Honduras.Integrando el enfoque de g�nero en el desarrollo forestal participativo. Seminario Latinoamericano, Memorias, octubre de 1995, Cuenca, Ecuador. (Es)

Flores B, M.E. 1996. p. 159-176. ISBN 9978-95-073-7.

Report no: FAO-FO GCP/RLA/090/NET;


Microfiche number: 367509-523.



Food for all. World Food Summit. Rome (Italy). 13-17 Nov 1996. (Ar,En) 1996. 48 p.

Microfiche number: 368487.

Other language versions: 368489(Fr); 368491(Es);



La nourriture pour tous. Sommet Mondial de l'Alimentation. Rome (Italy). 13-17 Nov 1996. (Fr)

1996. 48 p.

Microfiche number: 368489.

Other language versions: 368487(Ar,En); 368491(Es);



Alimentos para todos. Cumbre Mundial sobre la Alimentaci�n. Rome (Italy). 13-17 Nov 1996. (Es)

1996. 48 p.

Microfiche number: 368491.

Other language versions: 368487(Ar,En); 368489(Fr);



Overview of the socio-economic position of rural women in selected Central and Eastern European countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Regional Office for Europe.

1996. 64 p.

Job no: W2356.

Microfiche number: 368705.



Seminario-Taller: Mujer Rural y Recursos Naturales, Marzo de 1995, San Salvador. Memoria. (Es)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Dept. de Montes.

Mar 1995. 64 p.

Microfiche number: 368707.



Guidelines for the improvement of statistics on women: obtaining statistics from national agricultural surveys in selected countries of the Near East. (Ar, En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Statistics Div.1996. 43 p.

Job no: W0022.

Microfiche number: 368709.

Other language versions: 380255(Fr);(Es);



Women: The key to food security. (Ar, En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and Population Div.

(1997). vp., 11 loose leaves in folder.

Microfiche number: 369283.

Other language versions: 369285(Fr); 369287(Es);



Overview of the socio-economic position of rural women in selected Central and Eastern European countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Regional Office for Europe.

1996. 64 p.

Job no: W2356.

Microfiche number: 368705.



Seminario-Taller: Mujer Rural y Recursos Naturales, Marzo de 1995, San Salvador. Memoria. (Es)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Dept. de Montes.

Mar 1995. 64 p.

Microfiche number: 368707.



Guidelines for the improvement of statistics on women: obtaining statistics from national agricultural surveys in selected countries of the Near East. (Ar, En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Statistics Div.1996. 43 p.

Job no: W0022.

Microfiche number: 368709.

Other language versions: 380255(Fr);(Es);



Women: The key to food security. (Ar, En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and Population Div.

(1997). vp., 11 loose leaves in folder.

Microfiche number: 369283.

Other language versions: 369285(Fr); 369287(Es);



Femmes: cl�s de la s�curit� alimentaire. (Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. de la Femme et de la Population.

(1997). vp., 11 loose leaves in folder.

Microfiche number: 369285.

Other language versions:


En); 369287(Es);



Mujeres: Llave de la seguridad alimentaria. (Es)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Direcci�n de la Mujer y de la Poblaci�n.

(1997). vp., 11 loose leaves in folder.

Microfiche number: 369287.

Other language versions: 369283(Ar,

En); 369285(Fr);



Gender and development. Information kit. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and Population Div.

(1996). vp.

Microfiche number: 369315.

Other language versions: 369317(Fr);369319(Es);



Genre et developpement. Dossier d'information. (Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. de la Femme et de la Population.

(1996). vp.

Microfiche number: 369317.

Other language versions: 369315(En);369319(Es);



G�nero y desarrollo. Informaci�n.(Es)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Direcci�n de la Mujer y de la Poblaci�n.

1996. vp.

Microfiche number: 369319.

Other language versions: 369315(En);369317(Fr);



Gu�a metodol�gica para incorporarla dimensi�n de g�nero en el ciclo de proyectos forestales participativos. (Es)

Balarezo P, S. Jul 1994. 145 p.

ISBN 9978-82-710-X.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/RLA/090/NET.

Microfiche number: 369791.



Agriculture Development and Environmental Rehabilitation in theDry Zone Project, Myanmar. Consultant report. (En)

Eckman, K.Feb 1995. 82 p.

Report no:FAO-FO DP/MYA/93/004.

Microfiche number: 369809.



Working Group on Women's Key Roleand Issues related to Gender inFishing Communities. Cotonou (Benin). 9-12 Oct 1995. Report. (En)

Satia, B.P.; Wetohossou, C.Z.

Dec 1995. 109 p.Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.

Microfiche number: 370127.

Other language versions: 370129(Fr);



Groupe de Travail sur la PositionCentrale des Femmes et les QuestionsLi�es au Genre dans les Communaut�s de P�che. Cotonou (Benin). 9-12 Oct1995. Rapport. (Fr)

Satia, B.P.; Wetohossou, C.Z.

Apr 1996. 50 p.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.

Microfiche number: 370129.

Other language versions: 370127(En);



Etude sur les organisations de femmes des communaut�s de Brufut et de Gunjur en Gambie et les facteurs qui favorisent ou g�nent leur p�rennit�. (Fr)

Touray, I.

Sep 1996. 57 p.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.

Microfiche number: 370143.

Other language versions: 375745(En);



Economic role of women in fishing communities: a case study of Koko, Nigeria. (En)

Williams, S.

Nov 1996. 50 p.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.

Microfiche number: 370155.

Other language versions: 370157(Fr);



R�le �conomique des femmes dans les communaut�s de p�che: le cas de Koko au Nigeria. (Fr)

Williams, S.

Nov 1996. 55 p.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.

Microfiche number: 370157.

Other language versions: 370155(En);



An assessment of the role of women in fisheries in Vanuatu. (En)

Kailola, P.J.

Dec 1996. vp.

Report no: FAO-FI-TCP/VAN/4552.

Microfiche number: 370343.



Gu�a del rotafolio: participaci�n y organizaci�n de mujeres campesinas.(Es)

Choque, A.; Rocha, E.; Van

Broekhoven, L.; Chavez, A.; Santa Cruz, L.

1994. 29 p.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/BOL/022/NET.

Microfiche number: 370419.



Women and change, exchanges with women in Kach Mulazai (Qila Saifullah District) Balochistan.(En)

Nisa, K.; Watson, C.; Bonfiglioli,A.

Nov 1995. 13 p.

Report no: FAO-FO-PAK/88/071.

Microfiche number: 371017.



Feed Resources Development Project of Balochistan. Final report (women in development component). (En)

Sardar, N.

Aug 1995. vp.

Report no: FAO-TCO-PAK/88/050.

Microfiche number: 371021.



Women in development component of SAERT (Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Rehabilitation in Tigray), v. VIII. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Agricultural

Operations Div.

Aug 1994. 43 p.

Report no: FAO-AGO-ETH/93/004.

Microfiche number: 371039.



Women's indigenous knowledge and attitudes in wildlife conservation:a case study in Padampur Village Development Committee (VDC), Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal. (En)

Shrestha, R.; Kattel, G.R., (Nepal-Australia Community Forestry Project, Kathmandu (Nepal)).

(Tigerpaper (FAO), v. 23(3) p. 20-22)

Microfiche number: 96S90103.



European Commission on Agriculture. Working Party on Women and the Agricultural Family in Rural Development. Sess. 8. Akureyri (Iceland). 25-28 Sep 1996. Report.


1996. 21 p.

Job no: W3725.

Microfiche number: 371669.



Use and commercialization of non-timber forest products in western Burkina Faso. Domestication and commercialization of non-timber forest products in agroforestry systems. Proceedings of an international conference held in Nairobi, Kenya, 19 - 23 February 1996. (En)

Lamien, N.; Sidibe, A.; Bayala, J., (Institut d'Etudes et de Recherches Agricoles, Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso)).

Leakey, R.R.B., (ed.); Temu, A.B., (ed.); Melnyk, M., (ed.); Vantomme, P., (ed.).

1996. p. 51-64, diagrs., illus., tables.

(Non-Wood Forest Products (FAO), no. 9)

ISBN 92-5-103935-6.

Job no: W3735.

Microfiche number: 371737-789.



Economic factors in farmer doption of forest product activities. Domestication and ommercialization of non-timber forest products in agroforestry systems. Proceedings of an international conference held in Nairobi, Kenya, 19 - 23 February 1996. (En)

Arnold, J.E.M. Leakey, R.R.B., (ed.); Temu, A.B.,(ed.); Melnyk, M., (ed.); Vantomme,

P., (ed.).

1996. p. 131-146, tables.

(Non-Wood Forest Products (FAO), no.9)

ISBN 92-5-103935-6.

Job no: W3735.

Microfiche number: 371737-789.



Progress report on the implementation of WFP's commitments to women. World Food Programme. Executive Board. Regular Sess. 2. Rome (Italy). 24-26 Mar 1997. Agenda item 3d. (Ar, En)

25 Feb 1997. 11 p.

Report no: FAO-WFP-EB.2/97/3-D.

Microfiche number: 371889-907.

Other language versions: 371915(Fr);371935(Es);



Programme Alimentaire Mondial. Conseil d'Administration. Sess. ordinaire 2. Rome (Italy). 24-26 Mar 1997. Rapport d’activit� sur

la mise en œuvre des engagements du PAM en faveur des femmes. Point 3d de l'ordre du jour. (Fr)

25 Feb 1997. 14 p.

Report no: FAO-WFP-EB.2/97/3-D.

Microfiche number: 371909-927.

Other language versions: 371895(Ar,En); 371935(Es);



Programa Mundial de Alimentos. Junta Ejecutiva. Periodo de sesiones ordinario 2. Rome (Italy). 24-26 Mar 1997. Informe parcial sobre la aplicaci�n de los compromisos del PMA relativos a la mujer. Tema 3d del programa. (Es)

25 Feb 1997. 15 p.

Report no: FAO-WFP-EB.2/97/3-D.

Microfiche number: 371929-947.

Other language versions: 371895(Ar,En); 371915(Fr);



Gender and post-harvest technologies in Asian countries, with emphasis on village level processing. Technical consultation proceedings, 3-6 October 1995 at Asian Institute of Technology. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and Population Div. 1996. 116 p.

(Gender Studies (Thailand), no. 3) ISBN 974-8256-59-6.

Microfiche number: 372385-395.



Gender and village level processing: the need for an integrated approach. Gender and post-harvest technologies in Asian countries, with emphasis on village level processing. Technical consultation proceedings, 3-6 October 1995 at Asian Institute of Technology. (En)

Flach, M. 1996. p. 49-55.

(Gender Studies (Thailand), no. 3) Microfiche number: 372385-395.



Gender, technology and agro-enterprises. Gender and post-harvest technologies in Asian countries, with emphasis on village level processing. Technical consultation proceedings, 3-6 October 1995 at Asian Institute of Technology. (En)

Kelkar, G.

1996. p. 57-71. (Gender Studies (Thailand), no. 3)

Microfiche number: 372385-395.



Village level food processing and gender issues: reflections on access to information. Gender and post- harvest technologies in Asian countries, with emphasis on village level processing. Technical consultation proceedings, 3-6 October 1995 at Asian Institute of Technology. (En)

Schoemaker, A.; Flach, M.

1996. p. 73-83. (Gender Studies (Thailand), no. 3)

Microfiche number: 372385-395.



Role of government, donors, NGOs and other agencies in support of women's viable commercial post harvest enterprises in Asia. Gender and post-harvest technologies in Asian countries, with emphasis on village level processing. Technical consultation proceedings, 3-6 October 1995 at Asian Institute of Technology. (En)

Carr, M., (United Nations

Development Fund for Women, New York (USA)). 1996. p. 91-105.

(Gender Studies (Thailand), no.3)

Microfiche number: 372385-395.



Empowering rural women. Gender and post-harvest technologies in Asian countries, with emphasis on village level processing. Technical consultation proceedings, 3-6 October 1995 at Asian Institute of Technology. (En)

Obaidullah Khan, A.Z.M. 1996. p. 107-114. (Gender Studies (Thailand),no. 3)

Microfiche number: 372385-395.



Gender analysis for forestry development planning. Why? and How?. (En)

Hart, N. 1997. 2 videocassettes VHS, PAL, sd. col. (ca. 8+12 min.) + 1 booklet of photographs.

Job no: W4140.



Street foods. Report. Alimentation de rue. Rapport. Alimentos que se venden en la via publica. Informe. Technical Meeting on Street Foods. Calcutta (India). 6-9 Nov 1995. (En,Es, Fr)

1997. 82 p. (FAO Food and Nutrition Paper (FAO), no. 63)

ISBN 92-5-003959.

Job no: W4128.

Microfiche number: 372957.



Micronutrient deficiencies in women and children in the Arab world-strategies for control. Workshop onPrevention and Control ofMicronutrient Deficiencies in theArab Gulf Cooperation CouncilCountries. Kuwait City (Kuwait). 30 Jun - 2 Jul 1996. Proceedings. (En)

Bagchi, K. Musaiger, A.O., (ed.);

Miladi, S.S.,(ed.).

1997. p. 90-97.



Gu�a para projetos participativos de nutricao. (Pt)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Food and

Nutrition Div. 1997. 79 p.

Job no: V1490.

Other language versions: 335721(En,Ne); 347583(Fr); 347585(Es);



Sostenibilidad en el desarrollo agropecuario y el an�lisis de g�nero. Memorias. Simposio Latinoamericano sobre Investigaci�n y Extensi�n en Sistem�s Agropecuarios. Quito (Ecuador). 3-5 Mar 1993. Serie t�cnica no. 6. (Es)

Karremans, J.A.J., (Centro Agron�mico Tropical de Investigaci�n

y Ense�anza, Turrialba (Costa Rica)). Feb 1995. p. 100-116.

ISBN 9978-82-192-9.



Implicancias de g�nero para el cambio t�cnico en Per�: variaciones en la divisi�n gen�rica del trabajo familiar y la toma de decisiones seg�n sistema de producci�n y tipo de hogar. Memorias. Simposio Latinoamericano sobre Investigaci�n y Extensi�n en Sistem�s Agropecuarios. Quito (Ecuador). 3-5 Mar 1993. Serie t�cnica no. 6. (Es)

Espinosa, C.

Feb 1995. p. 346-367.

ISBN 9978-82-192-9.



Proceedings from AGROTEC/FAO Workshop Gender and Agricultural Engineering,Zimbabwe, 4-8 March,1996. (En)

Schoemaker, A., (ed.); Jassey, K.,(ed.).

1996. 93 p.



Introduction to gender issues, definitions and concepts. Proceedings from AGROTEC/FAO Workshop Gender and Agricultural Engineering, Zimbabwe, 4-8 March, 1996. (En)

Schoemaker, A. Jassey, K., (ed.). 1996. p. 25-29.



Gender and post-harvest technologies: The use of farming systems development and participatory approaches. Proceedings from AGROTEC/FAO Workshop Gender and Agricultural Engineering, Zimbabwe, 4-8 March, 1996. (En)

Flach, M. Schoemaker, A., (ed.); Jassey, K.,

(ed.). 1996. p. 30-34.



Gender and Draft Animal Power (DAP). Proceedings from AGROTEC/FAO Workshop Gender and Agricultural Engineering, Zimbabwe, 4-8 March, 1996. (En)

Rwelamira, J. Schoemaker, A., (ed.); Jassey, K.,(ed.).

1996. p. 35-46.



Responsive agricultural engineering. Proceedings from AGROTEC/FAO Workshop Gender and Agricultural Engineering, Zimbabwe, 4-8 March, 1996. (En)

Poston, D. Schoemaker, A., (ed.); Jassey, K., (ed.).

1996. p. 47-51.



Involving women in the market-driven promotion of agricultural technology. Proceedings from AGROTEC/FAO Workshop Gender and

Agricultural Engineering, Zimbabwe, 4-8 March, 1996. (En)

Everts, S. Schoemaker, A., (ed.); Jassey, K., (ed.).

1996. p. 52-60.



Gender and Ergonomics in agricultural engineering. Proceedings from AGROTEC/FAO Workshop Gender and Agricultural Engineering, Zimbabwe, 4-8 March, 1996. (En)

Chatizwa, I. Schoemaker, A., (ed.); Jassey, K., (ed.).

1996. p. 61-68.



Making gender an institutional responsibility: The work of the Intermediate Technology Development Group. Proceedings from AGROTEC/FAO Workshop Gender and Agricultural Engineering, Zimbabwe, 4-8 March,1996. (En)

Lloyd-Laney, M.

Schoemaker, A., (ed.); Jassey, K.,(ed.).

1996. p. 69-72.



Gender and technology development: Zhombe field experiences. Proceedings from AGROTEC/FAO Workshop Gender and Agricultural Engineering, Zimbabwe, 4-8 March, 1996. (En)

Chikandi, S.; Moyo, N., (Zimbabwe Univ., Harare (Zimbabwe)).

Schoemaker, A., (ed.); Jassey, K., (ed.).

1996. p. 73-79.



Activities and experiences in the field of gender and agricultural engineering in Kenya. Proceedings from AGROTEC/FAO Workshop Gender and Agricultural Engineering, Zimbabwe, 4-8 March, 1996. (En)

Morogo, R.J.

Schoemaker, A., (ed.); Jassey, K.,(ed.).

1996. p. 80-81.



Women oil pressers: cooperatives and private entrepreneurs. Proceedings from AGROTEC/FAO Workshop Gender and Agricultural Engineering, Zimbabwe, 4-8 March, 1996. (En)

Mpenda, Z.

Schoemaker, A., (ed.); Jassey, K.,(ed.).

1996. p. 82-85.



Gender in agricultural engineering activities of the Post-Harvest Programme of Uganda. Proceedings from AGROTEC/FAO Workshop Gender and Agricultural Engineering, Zimbabwe,4-8 March, 1996. (En)

Nabasirye, M.; Kolijn, S.

Schoemaker, A., (ed.); Jassey, K., (ed.).

1996. p. 86-91.



Desarrollo Forestal Campesino en los Andes del Ecuador. Informe de consultor�a en g�nero. (Es)

Schreuel, I.

Nov 1994. 30 p.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/ECU/063/NET.



Vocabulario referido a g�nero. (Es)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Dept. de Montes.Jan 1996. 19 p.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/GUA/007/NET.



Desigualdad social y degradaci�n ambiental en Am�rica Latina. Recurso para la reflexi�n y ense�anza con an�lisis de g�nero y forester�a comunal. Bosques, arboles y comunidades rurales. Fase II. Documento de trabajo. (Es)

Paulson, S.

Sep 1995. 192 p.



Preventing micronutrient malnutrition: a guide to food-based approaches. A manual for policy makers and programme planners. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Food and Nutrition Div.

1997. 114 p.



Int�gration des femmes dans le developpement forestier au Tchad.(Fr)

Issa, M.O.

1995. 60 p.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/CHD/024/NET.



Gender and food security. Synthesis report of regional documents: Africa, Asia and Pacific, Europe, Near East, Latin America. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and Population Div.

(nd). 19 p.

Other language versions: 374583(Fr);374585(Es);



Genre et s�curit� alimentaire. Rapport de synth�se de documents r�gionaux: Afrique, Am�rique Latine et les Cara�bes, Asie et Pacifique, Europe, Moyen Orient. (Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. de la Femme et de la Population.

(nd). 23 p.

Other language versions: 374581(En); 374585(Es);



G�nero y Seguridad Alimentaria. Informe de documentos regionales: Africa, Asia y Pacifico, Europa,Cercano Oriente, Am�rica Latina y El Caribe. (Es)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Direcci�n de la Mujer y de la Poblaci�n.

(nd). 22 p.

Other language versions: 374581(En);




Suketar Watershed Management Project, Mirpur, Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Technical report, 2 May – 7 June, 1995. (En)

Nauman, H.

Jun 1995. vp.

Report no: FAO-FO-PAK/87/009.



Le r�le des femmes dans le secteur de la p�che artisanale en R�publique du Cap Vert. Document no. 3. (Fr)

Surpris, M.J.

Oct 1996. 39 p.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/CVI/033/NET.



Les femmes et la reforme de la soci�t� civile. (Fr)

Jiggins, J., (Swedish Univ., Uppsala(Sweden)).

(Arbres, Forets et Communautes

Rurales (FAO/Sweden), (no.9) p. 29-35)

Other language versions: 366169(En);



Household food security, health and nutrition in Africa. OAU Conference of African Ministers of Health. 5.Cairo (Egypt). 26-29 Apr 1995. (En)

(1995). 12 p.



Preventing micronutrient malnutrition: a guide to food-based approaches. Why policy makers should give priority to food-based strategies. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Food and Nutrition Div.

1997. 11 p.

ISBN 0-944398-94-4.



Rural women and food security: current situation and perspectives. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and Population Div.

1998. 142 p., illus., tables.



Agricultural and food security trends worldwide: an overview. Rural women and food security: current situation and perspectives. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and Population Div.

1998. p. 3-12.



Africa (rural women and food security). Rural women and food security: current situation and perspectives. (En)

Tempelman, D.E.

1998. p. 13-33.



Asia (Rural women). Rural women and food security: current situation and perspectives.(En)

Balakrishnan, R.

1998. p. 35-48.



The Pacific (Rural women and food security). Rural women and food security: current situation and perspectives.(En)

Balakrishnan, R.

1998. p. 49-60.



Europe (women in agriculture). Rural women and food security: current situation and perspectives. (En)

Howard-Borijas, P.; De Rooij, S.1998. p. 61-93.



Latin America and the Caribbean (Rural women and rural development).Rural women and food security:current situation and perspectives.(En)

Vargas, R.M.

1998. p. 95-117.



Near East (Rural women and food security). Rural women and food security: current situation and perspectives. (En)

El-Fattal, L.

1998. p. 119-137.



Women's participation in national forest programmes. Formulation, execution and revision of national forest programmes. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and People's Participation Div.

1997. 38 p.

Job no: W6206.

Other language versions: 375373(Fr); 375375(Es);



La participation des femmes dans les programmes forestiers nationaux. Formulation, mise en œuvre et r�vision des programmes forestiers nationaux. (Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. de la Femme et de la Population.

1997. 42 p.

Job no: W6206.

Other language versions: 375371(En);




La participaci�n de la mujer en los program�s forestales nacionales.Nota de orientaci�n para los program�s de acci�n forestal nacionales. (Es)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Direcci�n de la Mujer y de la Poblaci�n.

1997. 41 p.

Job no: W6206.

Other language versions: 375371(En);




Studies on consumption of forest products in the Sudan. Woodfuel consumption in the household sector. Consultancy report. (En)

Ali, G. El F.

1994. 50 p., tables.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/SUD/047/NET.



Studies on consumption of forest products in the Sudan. Seasonal monitoring survey of households: biom�ss consumption for energy. Technical report. (En)

Ibn Aouf, M.O.M.

Apr 1995. vp., diagrs., tables.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/SUD/047/NET.



Bibliography on gender and agricultural engineering for small farms in developing countries.(En)

Muylwijk, J.

Mar 1996. 67 p.

Job no: W3782.



Study on women's organizations in Brufut and Gunjur communities and the factors that favour or impede their sustainability in the Gambia. (En)

Touray, I.

Jul 1996. 47 p.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.

Other language versions: 370143(Fr);



Regional Expert Consultation on Gender and Wood Energy in Asia. Chiang Mai (Thailand). 28-30 Jun 1995. Report. RWEDP Report no. 22. (En)

Jul 1995. 125 p.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/RAS/154/NET.



Hills Leasehold Forestry and ForageDevelopment Project, Nepal. Report on gender analysis. Project working paper 24. (En)

Lama, K.V.

Mar 1996. vp.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/NEP/049/NET.



Hills Leasehold Forestry and Forage Development Project, Nepal. Guidelines for the enumerators with the household survey questionnaire.(En)

Van der Grinten, P.

Mar 1996. vp.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/NEP/049/NET.



Mujer, agroforester�a y participaci�n en Potos�. (Es)

Choque Salas, A.

1996. 81 p.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/BOL/022/NET.



Sub-Regional Training Course on Women in Wood Energy Development. Bangkok (Thailand). 27 Nov - 1 Dec 1995. Report. RWEDP Report no. 24. (En)

Apr 1996. 111 p.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/RAS/154/NET.



Profitons au mieux de notre nourriture. (Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy).

1997. 32 p., leaflets in pocket.

Job no: V9889.

Other language versions: 355867(Ar, En, Vi, Zh); 375973(Es); 375975(Pt);




Saque el m�ximo provecho de los alimentos que come. (Es)

FAO, Rome (Italy).

1997. 32 p., leaflets in pocket.

Job no: V9889.

Other language versions: 355867(Ar, En, Vi, Zh); 375971(Fr); 375975(Pt);




Aproveite o que a sua alimentacao tem de melhor.(Pt)

FAO, Rome (Italy).

1997. 31 p., leaflets in pocket.

ISBN 972-97124-4-1.

Other language versions: 355867(Ar, En, Vi, Zh); 375971(Fr); 375973(Es);




Fifth progress report on the implementation of the Plan of Action for Women in Development. FAO Conference. Sess. 29. Rome (Italy). 7-18 Nov 1997. (Ar, En, Zh)

Jun 1997. 5 p.

Job no: W5687. Report no: FAO-GIC-C/97/INF/18.

Other language versions: 376191(Fr);




Cinqui�me rapport d’activit� sur la mise en œuvre du Plan d'action pour l’int�gration des femmes dans le developpement. Conf�rence de la FAO. Sess. 29. Rome (Italy). 7-18 Nov 1997. (Fr)

Jul 1997. 7 p.

Job no: W5687. Report no: FAO-GIC- C/97/INF/18.

Other language versions: 376169(Ar, En, Zh); 376213(Es);



Quinto informe sobre la aplicaci�n del Plan de Acci�n para la Integraci�n de la Mujer en el Desarrollo. Conferencia de la FAO. Sess. 29. Rome (Italy). 7-18 Nov 1997. (Es)

Jun 1997. 7 p.

Job no: W5687. Report no: FAO-GIC- C/97/INF/18.

Other language versions: 376169(Ar,En, Zh); 376191(Fr);



Impact des projets forestiers sur les femmes. (Fr)

Kone, O.K.N.; Ba, D. Aug 1996. 59 p. Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/SEN/042/NET.



Household impact study III. v. 1: Main report. - v. 2: Supporting material. (En)

Van der Grinten, P.; Nara Hari


Mar 1997. vp., tables.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/NEP/049/NET.



Rapport de l'Atelier de

sensibilisation sur les rapports entre les hommes et les femmes dans les communaut�s de p�che a l'intention des agents des p�ches et agents de vulgarisation, 13-17 mai 1996. (Fr)

Touray, I.

Oct 1996. 87 p.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.



Mesures relatives aux questions

li�es aux rapports entre les hommes et les femmes dans le secteur des p�ches. Rapport de l'Atelier de sensibilisation sur les rapports entre les hommes et les femmes dans les communaut�s de p�che a l'intention des agents des p�ches et agents de vulgarisation, 13-17 mai 1996. (Fr)

Jallow, A.M.

Touray, I.

Oct 1996. p. 25-31.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.



La perception courante du probl�me des rapports entre les hommes et les femmes dans le secteur de la p�che. Rapport de l'Atelier de

sensibilisation sur les rapports entre les hommes et les femmes dans les communaut�s de p�che a

l'intention des agents des p�ches et agents de vulgarisation, 13-17 mai 1996. (Fr)

Drammeh, O.K.L.

Touray, I.

Oct 1996. p. 32-34.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.



Questions li�es aux rapports entre les hommes et les femmes et a la participation effective dans le secteur de la p�che. Rapport de

l'Atelier de sensibilisation sur les rapports entre les hommes et les femmes dans les communaut�s de p�che � l'intention des agents des p�ches et agents de vulgarisation, 13-17 mai 1996. (Fr)

Njie, M.

Touray, I.

Oct 1996. p. 50-56.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.



Workshop on Gender Roles and Issues in Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, Lome, Togo, 11-13 December 1996. (En)

Horemans, B., (ed.); Jallow, A.M., (ed.).

Jan 1997. 59 p.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.

Other language versions: 376599(Fr);



Study on women's organizations in Brufut and Gunjur communities and the factors that favour or impede their sustainability in the Gambia. Workshop on Gender Roles and Issues in Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, Lome, Togo, 11-13 December 1996. (En)

Touray, I., (Management Development Inst., Banjul (Gambia)).

Horemans, B., (ed.); Jallow, A.M.,(ed.).

Jan 1997. p. 14-16.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.

Other language versions: 376601(Fr);



The participation of the Aguegues district population in the project "Improving the living conditions of the populations of the Aguegues

district". Workshop on Gender Roles and Issues in Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, Lome, Togo, 11-13 December 1996. (En)

Beauvallet-Le Coq, C.

Horemans, B., (ed.); Jallow, A.M., (ed.).

Jan 1997. p. 17-21.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.

Other language versions: 376603(Fr);



Nutritional, food security, hygiene, and sanitation conditions in the fishing community of Limbe, Cameroon. Workshop on Gender Roles

and Issues in Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, Lome, Togo, 11-13 December 1996. (En)

Ngo Som, J.

Horemans, B., (ed.); Jallow, A.M., (ed.).

Jan 1997. p. 22-24.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.

Other language versions: 376605(Fr);



Nutritional, food security, hygiene, and sanitation conditions in the fishing community of Joal, Senegal. Workshop on Gender Roles and Issues in Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, Lome, Togo, 11-13 December 1996. (En)

Sy, M.S.

Horemans, B., (ed.); Jallow, A.M.,(ed.).

Jan 1997. p. 25-28.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.

Other language versions: 376607(Fr);



Economic role of women in fishing communities: a case study of Koko, Nigeria. Workshop on Gender Roles

and Issues in Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, Lome, Togo, 11-13 December 1996. (En)

Williams, S.

Horemans, B., (ed.); Jallow, A.M.,(ed.).

Jan 1997. p. 29-35.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.

Other language versions: 376609(Fr);



Gender sensitive measures in the fisheries sector. Workshop on Gender Roles and Issues in Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, Lome, Togo, 11-13 December 1996. (En)

Jallow, A.M.

Horemans, B., (ed.).

Jan 1997. p. 36-41.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.

Other language versions: 376611(Fr);



Gender issues in the fisheries

sector and effective participation. Workshop on Gender Roles and Issues in Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, Lome, Togo, 11-13 December 1996. (En)

Njie, M.

Horemans, B., (ed.); Jallow, A.M.,(ed.).

Jan 1997. p. 42-47.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.

Other language versions: 376613(Fr);



Atelier sur les r�les des hommes et des femmes et les questions li�es aux rapports entre les hommes et les femmes dans la p�che artisanale en Afrique de l'Ouest, Lom�, Togo, 11- 13 d�cembre 1996. (Fr)

Horemans, B., (ed.); Jallow, A.M., (ed.).

Jan 1997. 62 p.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.

Other language versions: 376583(En);



Etude sur les organisations de femmes des communaut�s de Brufut et Gunjur en Gambie et les facteurs qui favorisent ou g�nent leur p�rennit�. Atelier sur les r�les des hommes et des femmes et les questions li�es aux rapports entre les hommes et les femmes dans la p�che artisanale en Afrique de l'Ouest, Lom�, Togo, 11-13 d�cembre 1996. (Fr)

Touray, I., (Management Development Inst., Banjul (Gambia)). Horemans, B., (ed.); Jallow, A.M.,(ed.).Jan 1997. p. 15-17.Report no: FAO-FI GCP/RAF/192/DEN.

Other language versions: 376585(En);



Etude de la participation des populations des Aguegues au projet BEN/88/014 "Am�lioration des Conditions de vie des Populations de la sous-pr�fecture Lacustre des Aguegues". Atelier sur les r�les des hommes et des femmes et les questions li�es aux rapports entre les hommes et les femmes dans la p�che artisanale en Afrique de l'Ouest, Lom�, Togo, 11-13 d�cembre 1996. (Fr)

Beauvallet-Le Coq, C.

Horemans, B., (ed.); Jallow, A.M., (ed.). Jan 1997. p. 18-22. Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.

Other language versions: 376587(En);



Situation nutritionnelle, s�curit� alimentaire, hygi�ne et salubrit� dans la communaut� de p�che de Limbe, Cameroun. Atelier sur les r�les des hommes et des femmes et les questions li�es aux rapports entre les hommes et les femmes dansla p�che artisanale en Afrique de l'Ouest, Lom�, Togo, 11-13 d�cembre 1996. (Fr)

Ngo Som, J.

Horemans, B., (ed.); Jallow, A.M.,(ed.).

Jan 1997. p. 23-25.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.

Other language versions: 376589(En);



Situation nutritionnelle, s�curit� alimentaire, hygi�ne et salubrit� dans la communaut� de p�che de Joal, S�n�gal. Atelier sur les r�les des hommes et des femmes et les questions li�es aux rapports entre les hommes et les femmes dans la p�che artisanale en Afrique de l'Ouest, Lom�, Togo, 11-13 d�cembre 1996. (Fr)

Sy, M.S.

Horemans, B., (ed.); Jallow, A.M.,


Jan 1997. p. 26-29.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.

Other language versions: 376591(En);



R�le �conomique des femmes dans les communaut�s de p�che: le cas de Koko, Nigeria. Atelier sur les r�les des hommes et des femmes et les questions li�es aux rapports entre les hommes et les femmes dans la p�che artisanale en Afrique de l'Ouest, Lom�, Togo, 11-13 d�cembre 1996. (Fr)

Williams, S. Horemans, B., (ed.); Jallow, A.M., (ed.).

Jan 1997. p. 30-32.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.

Other language versions: 376593(En);



Mesures relatives aux questions

li�es aux relations entre les hommes et les femmes dans le secteur des p�ches. Atelier sur les r�les des hommes et des femmes et les questions li�es aux rapports entre les hommes et les femmes dans la p�che artisanale en Afrique de l'Ouest, Lom�, Togo, 11-13 d�cembre 1996. (Fr)

Jallow, A.M. Horemans, B., (ed.). Jan 1997. p. 38-44.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.

Other language versions: 376595(En);



Questions li�es aux relations entre les hommes et les femmes et a la participation effective dans le secteur de la p�che. Atelier sur les r�les des hommes et des femmes et les questions li�es aux rapports entre les hommes et les femmes dans la p�che artisanale en Afrique de l'Ouest, Lom�, Togo, 11-13 d�cembre 1996. (Fr)

Njie, M. Horemans, B., (ed.); Jallow, A.M., (ed.).

Jan 1997. p. 45-50.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.

Other language versions: 376597(En);



A framework for understanding

agroforestry decision making at the farm household-level. Training Workshop Integrating Woodfuel Production into the Implementation of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Extension Programs in South Asia. Dhaka (Bangladesh). 24-30 Oct 1995.Report. RWEDP Report no. 26. (En)

Koppelman, R.; French, J.H.

Bhattarai, T.N., (ed.); Bhuiyan,

A.A., (ed.); Bose, S.K., (ed.);

Ahmed, F.U., (ed.).

Oct 1996. p. 107-114.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/RAS/154/NET.



Development of activities for women communities in Jordan and Syria. Mission report. (En)

Payeur, S.

Jul 1996. 65 p.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/INT/539/ITA.



Desarrollo forestal participativo con el enfoque de g�nero. Memoria ilustrada. Taller Latinoamericano para Organizaciones Campesinas, Yaruqui, Ecuador, septiembre de 1995. (Es)

Roos, W.; Van de Pol, I.; Gomez, R.; Castro, F.

1995. 27 p.

ISBN 9978-95-070-2.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/ECU/064/NET;




Diagn�stico rural participativo y an�lisis de g�nero de las

comunidades atendidas por adecogua: Pachichiac, Chicapir, la Cumbre, Pacacay y Parajbey, Tecpan Guatemala, Chimaltenango. (Es)

Chonay, J.; Tzay, M.; L�pez, T.; Schreuel, I.

Aug 1996. vp.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/GUA/007/NET.



Diagn�stico rural participativo y an�lisis de g�nero en la Comunidad Agraria Nueva Cajola. (Es)

Lopez, T.; Schreuel, I.

Aug 1996. vp.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/GUA/007/NET.



Las mujeres en la planificaci�n

forestal del Ecuador. Memorias del Taller: "Integrando el Enfoque de G�nero en el Plan de Acci�n Forestal del Ecuador - PAFE". (Es)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Dept. de Montes.May 1997. 74 p.

ISBN 9978-40-038-9.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/ECU/064/NET.



Costs, earnings and expenditure structures of fisherwomen, fish processors, and fish traders in Ogheye, Delta State, Nigeria. (En)

Verstralen, K.; Isebor, C.

Aug 1997. 56 p.

Report no: FAO-FI-GCP/RAF/192/DEN.



Safety nets to protect consumers from possible adverse effects. The Uruguay Round and agriculture in Southern Africa. Implications and policy responses. Proceedings of an FAO/SADC workshop, Harare, Zimbabwe, 21-23 January 1997. (En)

Pearce, R., (London Univ. (UnitedKingdom). Wye Coll.).

Konandreas, P., (ed.); Lindland, J.,(ed.); Wilkin, K.

1997. p. 95-111.

Job no: W6808.



The integration of gender into

participatory watershed managementprograms: a review and some suggestions. Participatory processes for integrated watershed management.PWMTA-FARM Field document no. 7.(En)

Kroesschell, C.

Sharma, P.N., (ed.).

Jun 1997. p. 40-55.

Report no: FAO-TCO-GCP/RAS/161/NET;




An�lisis de g�nero y desarrollo forestal: manual de capacitaci�n y aplicaci�n. (Es)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Dept. de Montes. (nd). vp.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/GUA/007/NET.



Agriculture, food and nutrition for Africa: a resource book for teachers of agriculture. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy).

1997. 412 p., tables, fig.

ISBN 92-5-103820-1.

Job no: W0078.



Gender issues in the Zambia Forest Action Programme. (En)

Vainio-Mattila, A.

Jun 1997. 15 p.

Report no: FAO-FO-ZAM/93/004.



Rural development through

entrepreneurship. (En)

Petrin, T., (comp.); Gannon, A.,(comp.).

1997. 127 p.

(REU Technical Series (FAO),

no. 41)

Job no: W6882.



Entrepreneurship as an economic force in rural development. Rural development through entrepreneurship. (En)

Petrin, T.

Gannon, A., (comp.).

1997. p. 7-19.

(REU Technical Series (FAO), no. 41)

Job no: W6882.



Entrepreneurship in the development of a rural area. Rural development through entrepreneurship. (En)

Johnsrud, M.D., (US Dept. of

Agriculture, ND (USA). Extension Service).

Petrin, T., (comp.); Gannon, A.,(comp.).

1997. p. 21-30.

(REU Technical Series (FAO), no. 41)

Job no: W6882.



Institutions supporting entrepreneurial restructuring of rural areas. Rural development through entrepreneurship. (En)

Petrin, T.

Gannon, A., (comp.).

1997. p. 45-55.

(REU Technical Series (FAO), no. 41)

Job no: W6882.



The successful development of a rural community based on entrepreneurship: Moy Valley Resources' role in assisting the development of entrepreneurship in a rural community related through a case study of the Easkey community. Rural development through entrepreneurship. (En)

O'Malley, M., (Longford Community Resources Ltd., Longford (Ireland)). Petrin, T., (comp.); Gannon, A., (comp.). 1997. p. 59-71.

(REU Technical Series (FAO), no. 41)

Job no: W6882.



Rural development through the establishment of a community partnership company: the Upper Meza Valley Development Programme. Rural development through entrepreneurship. (En)

Mesl, M., (Nov'na Studio for Rural Development, Ravne na Koroskem (Slovenia)).

Petrin, T., (comp.); Gannon, A.,(comp.).

1997. p. 91-106.

(REU Technical Series (FAO), no. 41)

Job no: W6882.



The development of enterprising initiatives in rural communities: a study from Austria's Waldviertel Region. Rural development through entrepreneurship. (En)

Grendl, R., (Waldviertel Management, Zwettl (Austria)).

Petrin, T., (comp.); Gannon, A., (comp.).

1997. p. 107-114.

(REU Technical Series (FAO), no. 41)

Job no: W6882.



National action plans for the integration of rural women in development. Case studies in Hungary and Slovenia. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Regional Office for Europe.

1997. 35 p.

Job no: W6543.



Case study of Hungary. National action plans for the integration of rural women in development. Case studies in Hungary and Slovenia.(En)

Kulcsar, L.

1997. p. 1-14, tables.

Job no: W6543.



Case study of Slovenia. National action plans for the integration of rural women in development. Case studies in Hungary and Slovenia. (En)

Verbole, A., (Ljubljana Univ. (Slovenia). Agronomy Dept.).

1997. p. 15-35.

Job no: W6543.



Taller "la Mujer y el Enfoque de G�nero en la Pesca Artesanal y la Acuicultura Costera" Tunapuy (Venezuela). 8-12 Jul 1996. Informe. (Es)

1996. 64 p.

Report no: FAO-RLC-96//35/DERU-58;




Modules on gender, population and rural development with a focus on land tenure and farming systems.(En)

Topouzis, D.; Du Guerny, J.

Nov 1995. vp.

Other language versions: 379855(Fr);



Food intake, nutritional status and related health problems among elderly women in India and Thailand.(En)

Bhattacharjee, L.I.

Nov 1996. 78 p.



A rural women's evaluation of an environmental project. Report. Noza, Kanak Valley (Balochistan), 6 August 1997. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Forestry Dept.

Aug 1997. 13 p., illus.

Report no: FAO-FO-GCP/INT/542/ITA.



Human nutrition in the developing world. (En)

Latham, M.

1997. 517 p.

(FAO Food and Nutrition Series

(FAO), no. 29)

ISBN 92-5-103818-X.

Job no: W0073.



Improving women farmers' access to extension services. Improving agricultural extension. A reference manual. (En)

Jiggins, J., (Guelph Univ., Ontario (Canada). Dept. of Rural Extension Studies); Samanta, R.K.; Olawoye, E.

Swanson, B.E., (ed.); Bentz, R.P.,(ed.); Sofranko, A.J., (ed.).

1997. p. 74-82.

ISBN 92-5-104007-9.

Job no: W5830.



Higher agricultural education and opportunities in rural development for women. An overview and summary of five case-studies. (En)

Karl, M.; Lindley, W.I.; Van

Crowder, L.; Doron, N.

1997. 73 p., tables.

Job no: W6038.



La mujer en la Amazonia Peruana. Agricultura y desarrollo rural. Informe producido en el contexto de las actividades preparatorias de la FAO para la Cuarta Conferencia Mundial sobre la Mujer: Acci�n para la Igualdad, el Desarrollo y la Paz (Beijing, 1995). (Es)

Rodr�guez Achung, M.

1995. 39 p.

Job no: V4965.



La mujer campesina y las semillas andinas. G�nero y el manejo de los recursos gen�ticos. 2. ed. (Es)

Tapia, M.E.; De la Torre, A.

Dec 1997. 48 p., illus.



Technical manual on small-scale processing of fruits and vegetables. (En)

Paltrinieri, G.; Figuerola, F.;

Rojas, L.

1997. 169 p., col. illus.



Gender: key to sustainability and food security. FAO Plan of Action for Women in Development, 1996-2001. (Ar, En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and Population Div.

1997. 32 p., col. illus.

Other language versions: 379741(Fr);




Genre: cl� pour le developpement et la s�curit� alimentaire. Plan d'action pour l’int�gration des femmes dans le developpement, 1996-2001. (Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. de la Femme et de la Population.

1997. 32 p., col. illus.

Other language versions: 379739(Ar,

En); 379743(Es);



G�nero: la clave para el desarrollo sostenible y la seguridad alimentaria. Plan de acci�n para la mujer en el desarrollo, 1996-2001. (Es)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Direcci�n de la Mujer y de la Poblaci�n.

1997. 32 p., col. illus.

Other language versions: 379739(Ar,

En); 379741(Fr);



Gender and participation in

agricultural development planning. Key issues from ten case studies. Review of ten case studies produced for the "Workshop on Gender and Participation in Agricultural Development Planning: Harvesting Best Practices" held in Rome, 8-12 December 1997. (En)

Koopman, J.

1997. 52 p.



Femmes rurales chefs de famille en Afrique subsaharienne. (Fr)

Sow, F.

Nov 1995. 46 p.



Women, migration, environment and rural development policy in Brazil. (En)

Rossini, R.E.; Alves Calio, S.

(nd). 36 p., tables.



A fairer future for rural women. (En, Zh)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and

People's Participation Div.

(nd). vp.

Other language versions: 380081(Fr);380083(Es);



SEAGA, Socioeconomic and Gender Analysis Programme. Field handbook.(En)

Wilde, V.L.Mar 1998. 194 p., illus.

Other language versions: 379825(Fr); 379827(Es);



SEAGA, Socioeconomic and Gender Analysis Programme. Intermediate- level handbook. (En)

Huisinga Norem, R.

Mar 1998. 109 p., illus.

Other language versions: 379829(Fr); 379831(Es);



SEAGA, Socioeconomic and Gender Analysis Programme. Framework and users reference. A conceptual approach to development planning

implementation, monitoring and

evaluation. (En)

Huisinga Norem, R.

Apr 1997. 104 p., illus.



Rural households and sustainability: Integrating environmental and gender concerns into home economics curricula. (En)

Eckman, K.

1994. 126 p.

Job no: V5406.



The potential for improving production tools and implements used by women farmers in Africa. A joint IFAD/FAO/FARMESA study. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Agricultural Support Systems Div.

Feb 1998. 121 p., col. illus.

Job no: W8794.



Rural families and household economies in Asia and the Pacific. Report of a Regional Expert Consultation held in Bangkok, Thailand, 7-10 November 1995. (En)

FAO, Bangkok (Thailand). Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.

1996. 103 p., diagrs., tables.

(RAP Publication (FAO), no. 1996/10)



Rural families and farm households in Asia and the Pacific: an overview. Rural families and household economies in Asia and the Pacific. Report of a Regional Expert Consultation held in Bangkok, Thailand, 7-10 November 1995. (En)

Meynen, C.; Stephens, A.

1996. p. 37-63, diagrs., tables.

(RAP Publication (FAO), no. 1996/10)



Rural women and the family in an era of liberalization: dangers and opportunities. Rural families and household economies in Asia and the Pacific. Report of a Regional Expert Consultation held in Bangkok, Thailand, 7-10 November 1995. (En)

Omvedt, G.

1996. p. 65-78.

(RAP Publication (FAO), no. 1996/10)



The impact of the

institutionalisation of religion on the status of women. Rural families and household economies in Asia and the Pacific. Report of a Regional Expert Consultation held in Bangkok, Thailand, 7-10 November 1995. (En)

Qvist-Soerensen, B., (UNIFEM,

Bangkok (Thailand)).

1996. p. 79-90.

(RAP Publication (FAO), no. 1996/10)



The family and democracy: challenges from the IYF (International Year of the Family). Rural families and household economies in Asia and the Pacific. Report of a Regional Expert Consultation held in Bangkok, Thailand, 7-10 November 1995. (En)

Stephens, A.

1996. p. 91-101.

(RAP Publication (FAO), no. 1996/10)



Forest dependent survival strategies of tribal women: implications for joint forest management in Andhra Pradesh, India. (En)

Yadama, G.N.; Pragada, B.R.;

Pragada, R.R.; Tan Lay Cheng, (ed.); Durst, P.B., (ed.).

1997. 25 p., col. illus.

(RAP Publication (FAO), no. 1997/24)



SEAGA, Socioeconomic and Gender Analysis Programme. Brochure. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and Population Div.

Feb 1998. 29 p.

Other language versions:

379777(Fr); 379779(Es); 379781(Pt);



ASEG, Analyse socio-�conomique selon le Genre. Brochure. (Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. de la Femme et de la Population.

May 1997. 18 p.

Other language versions: 379775(En);

379779(Es); 379781(Pt);



ASEG, An�lisis Socioecon�mico y de G�nero. Brochure. (Es)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Direcci�n de la Mujer y de la Poblaci�n.

Nov 1997. 29 p.

Other language versions: 379775(En);

379777(Fr); 379781(Pt);



ASEG, Programa de Analise Socioeconomica e de Genero. (Pt)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and Population Div.

(1997). 25 p.

Other language versions: 379775(En);

379777(Fr); 379779(Es);



SEAGA, Socioeconomic and Gender Analysis Programme. Macro-level handbook. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and Population Div.

Sep 1997. 182 p.

Other language versions: 379833(Fr);




Women and sustainable food security. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and

Population Div.

(nd). 4 p.



Adolescent fertility: socio-cultural issues and programme implications. (En)

Villarreal, M.

Feb 1998. 39 p., diagrs., tables.



Women and food security: overview and situation in China. (En)

Arkesteijn, M.

Mar 1998. 6 p.



Research and extension: a gender perspective. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and

Population Div. (nd). 3 p.



People's participation in Zambia. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Rural Development Div. (nd). 2 p.



Women and water resources. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and

Population Div.(nd). 3 p.



Women and land tenure. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and

Population Div.

(nd). 2 p.



Farmers' rights in the conservation and use of plant genetic resources: a gender perspective. (En)

Bunning, S.; Hill, C.

Apr 1996. 21 p.



Gender and sustainability: re-

assessing linkages and issues. (En)

Martine, G.; Villarreal, M. Jun 1997. 29 p.



The feminization of poverty: facts,hypotheses and the art of advocacy. (En)

Marcoux, A.

Jun 1997. 8 p., tables.



Streamlining rural dimensions of gender-population concerns in UNFPA planning and programming activities. Gender, Population and Development Workshop, New York, 30 September – 3 October 1996, organized by UNFPA in

association with UNIFEM. (En)

Ogbuagu, S.C.

(1996). 15 p.



The rural elderly and the ageing of rural populations. World Congress of Gerontology. Inter-Agency Meeting for the International Year of Older Persons, 1999. Adelaide (Australia).19-22 Aug1997. (En)

Du Guerny, J. Jul 1997. 5 p.



Gender and participation in agricultural development planning: lessons from Afghanistan. Working

document. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and

Population Div.

1997. 30 p., illus., tables.



Male involvement in reproductive health: Incorporating gender throughout the life cycle. Technical Support Services System: Occasional Paper Series, no. 1. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and Population Div.

Jun 1998. 21 p.



Rural women and population in South East Asia. Population education manual for outreach workers. (En)

Philippine Center for Population and Development, Inc., Manila (Philippines).

1994. 120 p., illus.



Mujer, agricultura y desarrollo rural. Informe nacional sectorial del Per�. Preparado en el marco del Programa de Asistencia a mujeres rurales en la preparaci�n para la Cuarta Conferencia Mundial sobre la Mujer. (Es)

Cuba, A.; Cornejo, C.; Guillen, R. 1996. 66 p., tables.

Job no: V9921.



Les femmes, l'agriculture et le developpement rural. Rapport National Sectoriel pour la   Tunisie. Pr�pare dans le cadre du Programme d'Assistance de la FAO en appui aux femmes rurales en tant qu’activit�s pr�paratoires de la quatri�me Conf�rence Mondiale sur les Femmes. (Fr)

Makhlouf, E.; Abdessalem, K.

1995. vp., tables.

Job no: V9644.



Improving extension work with rural women. (En)

Bonitatibus, E.; Cook, J.

1996. vp., illus.



ASEG, Analyse socio-�conomique selon le Genre. Guide d'application niveau de terrain. (Fr)

Wilde, V.L.

May 1997. 132 p., illus.

Other language versions: 379753(En);




ASEG, An�lisis Socioecon�mico y de G�nero. Manual de campo.(Es)

Wilde, V.L.

Aug 1997. 164 p., illus.

Other language versions: 379753(En); 379825(Fr);



ASEG, Analyse socio-�conomique selon le Genre. Guide d'application au niveau interm�diaire. (Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. de la Femme et de la Population.

May 1997. 86 p., illus.

Other language versions: 379755(En);




ASEG, An�lisis Socioecon�mico y de G�nero. Manual a nivel intermedio. (Es)

Huisinga Norem, R.

Mar 1997. 92 p., illus.

Other language versions: 379755(En);




ASEG, Analyse socio-�conomique selon le Genre. Guide d'application au niveau macro. (Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. de la Femme et de la Population.

May 1997. 102 p.

Other language versions: 379783(En); 379835(Es);



ASEG, An�lisis Socioecon�mico y de Genero. Manual para el nivel macro. (Es)

Arizona Univ., Tucson (USA). Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology.

Oct 1997. 96 p.

Other language versions: 379783(En);




Enrolment of women in agricultural studies at intermediate and higher levels of education. (En)

Van Crowder, L.

Mar 1996. 2 p.



Women in agricultural education and extension. (En)

Van Crowder, L.

Apr 1997. 3 p.



Education in agriculture: links with development in Africa.(En)

Lindley, W.I.; Van Crowder, L.;

Doron, N.

Jul 1996. 3 p.



Uganda: A participatory approach to developing a National Action Programme for Rural Youth. (En)

Seiders, R.W.

Jun 1996. 3 p.



Women, population and environment in agricultural and rural development: policy challenges and responses. (En)

Roca, Z.

Jul 1994. 25 p.



Rural women, population and development in lusophone African countries. An annotated bibliography of selected literature in Portuguese language, 1991-1996. (En)

Roca, Z.

Feb 1996. 49 p.



The impact of HIV/AIDS on rural households/communities and the need for multisectoral prevention and mitigation strategies to combat the epidemic in rural areas (with special emphasis on Africa). (En)

Baier, E.G.

Jan 1997. 26 p.

Other language versions: 379851(Fr);



De l'impact du VIH/SIDA sur les familles/communaut�s rurales et de la n�cessit� de concevoir des strat�gies multisectorielles en vue de pr�venir la pand�mie et d'en att�nuer les effets dans les zones rurales (orientation: Afrique). (Fr)

Baier, E.G.

Jan 1997. 30 p.

Other language versions: 379849(En);



Integration of gender, environmental, population education and sustainable development themes into agricultural education and extension programmes. CST/TSS Professional Meeting of IEC Advisors at UNESCO, Paris, 17-21 October 1994. (En)

Baier, E.G.

1994. 27 p., tables.



Modules sur le genre, la population et le developpement rural avec un int�r�t particulier pour les r�gimes fonciers et les syst�mes d'exploitation agricole. (Fr)

Topouzis, D.; Du Guerny, J.

Nov 1995. vp.



Femmes dans l'Agriculture et le Developpement Rural. Rapport sur l'atelier technique, Dakar, S�n�gal, 15 novembre 1994. Organis� avec l'assistance technique de ENDA Tiers-Monde et dans le cadre de la 5eme Conf�rence R�gionale Africaine sur les Femmes. (Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. des Ressources Humaines, des Institutions et de la Reforme Agraire.

1995. vp.

Job no: V5173.



Women in higher agricultural education and employment opportunities. (En)

Van Crowder, L.

(1996). vp.



Fact sheet: Benin - Women, agriculture and rural development.(En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and People's Participation Div.

(1995). 4 p.

Job no: V7948.

Other language versions: 379863(Fr);



Fiche documentaire: B�nin - Les femmes, l'agriculture et le developpement rural. (Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. de la Femme et de la Participation Populaire.

(1995). 4 p.

Job no: V7948.

Other language versions: 379861(En);



Fact sheet: Burkina Faso - Women, agriculture and rural development. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and People's Participation Div.

(1995). 4 p.

Job no: V7947.

Other language versions: 379867(Fr);



Fiche documentaire: Burkina Faso - Les femmes, l'agriculture et le developpement rural. (Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. de la Femme et de la Participation Populaire.

(1995). 4 p.

Other language versions: 379865(En);



Fact sheet: Congo - Women, agriculture and rural development. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and People's Participation Div.

(1995). 4 p.

Job no: V8194.

Other language versions: 379871(Fr);



Fiche documentaire: Congo - Les femmes, l'agriculture et le developpement rural. (Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. de la Femme et de la Participation Populaire. (1995). 4 p.

Other language versions: 379869(En);



Fact sheet: Lebanon - Women, agriculture and rural development. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and People's Participation Div.

(1995). 4 p.

Job no: V9322.

Other language versions: 379875(Fr);



Fiche documentaire: Liban - Les femmes, l'agriculture et le developpement rural. (Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. de la Femme et de la Participation Populaire. (1995). 4 p.

Job no: V9322.

Other language versions: 379873(En);



Fact sheet: Morocco - Women, agriculture and rural development. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and People's Participation Div.

(1995). 4 p. Job no: V8195.

Other language versions: 379879(Fr);



Fiche documentaire: Maroc - Les femmes, l'agriculture et le developpement rural. (Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. de la Femme et de la Participation Populaire. (1995). 4 p.

Job no: V8195.

Other language versions: 379877(En);



Fact sheet: Peru - Women, agriculture and rural development. (En)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and People's Participation Div.

(1995). 5 p.

Job no: V9651.

Other language versions: 379883(Es);



Hoja informativa: Per� - La mujer, la agricultura y el desarrollo rural. (Es)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Direcci�n de la Mujer y la Participaci�n Popular. (1995). 6 p.

Job no: V9651.

Other language versions: 379881(En);



Fact sheet: Tunisia - Women, agriculture and rural development. (En) FAO, Rome (Italy). Women and People's Participation Div. (En)

(1995). 4 p.

Job no: V9321.

Other language versions: 379887(Fr);



Fiche documentaire: Tunisie - Les femmes, l'agriculture et le developpement rural. (Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. de la Femme et de la Participation Populaire. (1995). 4 p.

Job no: V9321.

Other language versions: 379885(En);



SEAGA, Socioeconomic and Gender Analysis Programme. Sector guide: irrigation. (En)

Jordans, E.

Jan 1998. 71 p., illus.



Capacity Building, Research and Extension for Sustainable Forest Management, People's Republic of China. Mission report no. X (1-30 June, 1998). (En)

Stewart Carloni, A.

Jun 1998. 74 p.

Report no: FAO-TCI-CPR/96/109.



Behaviour and socio-cultural research. Presented on 17 April 1996 during the "Regional Study Directors' Meeting: Socio-cultural Factors affecting Demographic Behaviour and Implications for the Formulation and Execution of Population Policies and Programs", Amman, 16-18 April 1996. (En)

Dabbagh, L.

Apr 1996. 5 p.



Socio-cultural and behavioural research interventions in RH/FP. CST Newsletter, v. 3(3). (En)

Edmondson, J.

Dec 1995. 5 p.



Un avenir plus juste pour les femmes rurales. (Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. de la Femme et de la Participation Populaire.

(nd). vp.

Other language versions: 379751(En,

Zh); 380083(Es);



Un futuro m�s justo para las mujeres rurales. (Es)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Direcci�n de la Mujer y la Participaci�n Popular. (nd). vp.

Other language versions: 379751(En,Zh); 380081(Fr);



ASEG, Analyse socio-�conomique selon le Genre. Guide de r�f�rence. Une d�marche conceptuelle pour la planification, la mise en œuvre, le suivi et l’�valuation du developpement. (Fr)

Huisinga Norem, R.

May 1997. 116 p., illus.

Other language versions: 379757(En); 380087(Es);



ASEG, An�lisis Socioecon�mico y de G�nero. Marco conceptual y referencias para el usuario. (Es) Huisinga Norem, R.

Jun 1997. 105 p., illus.

Other language versions: 379757(En); 380085(Fr);



Hoja informativa: El Salvador - La mujer, la agricultura y el desarrollo rural. (Es)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Direcci�n de la Mujer y la Participaci�n Popular.

(1995). 4 p.

Job no: V9648.

Other language versions: 359435(En);



Fiche documentaire:Mauritanie - Les femmes, l'agriculture et le developpement rural. (Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. de la Femme et de la Participation Populaire.

(1995). 4 p.

Job no: V9324.

Other language versions: 359445(En);



Hoja informativa: Honduras - La mujer, la agricultura y el desarrollo rural. (Es)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Direcci�n de la Mujer y la Participaci�n Popular.

(1995). 5 p.

Job no: V9650.

Other language versions: 359437(En);



Fiche documentaire: Cameroun – Les femmes, l'agriculture et le developpement rural. (Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. de la Femme et de la Participation Populaire.

(1995). 4 p.

Job no: V9319.

Other language versions: 359447(En);



Health effects of pesticide use among women spray operators in West Sumatra, Indonesia. Semi-annual FAO IPM technical assistance progress report. (En)

Murphy, H.; Djajadisastra, M.;

Sanusi, A.; Yuliatingsih, S.

Dec 1997. 41 p., diagrs., illus., tables.

Report no: FAO-TC-UTF/INS/072/INS.



Producci�n de cuyes (Cavia porcellus). (Es)

Chauca de Zaldivar, L.

1997. 77 p., diagrs., illus., tables.

(Estudio FAO: Produccion y Sanidad

Animal (FAO), no. 138)

ISBN 92-5-304033-5.

Job no: W6562.



Directives visant � am�liorer les statistiques concernant les femmes. Statistiques tir�es d’enqu�tes agricoles nationales men�es par certains pays du Proche-Orient. (Fr)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Div. de la Statistique.

1996. 47 p.

Job no: W0022.

Other language versions: 368709(Ar, En); 380257(Es);



Directrices para mejorar las estad�sticas sobre la mujer. Obtenci�n de estad�sticas a partir de encuestas nacionales agr�colas en algunos pa�ses del Cercano Oriente. (Es)

FAO, Rome (Italy). Direcci�n de Estad�stica.

1996. 47 p.

Job no: W0022.

Other language versions: 368709(Ar, En); 380255(Fr).