Carbon Monitor

Carbon Monitor, a newsletter published by Environmental Intermediaries & Trading Group Limited, covers many issues on commercializing the carbon offsets created by Kyoto and provides regular updates with a commentary.
To join, send an E-mail to Richard Hayes ([email protected] ) with your full contact details. (Source: FIU, 20 March 2000.)

Climate Change - Changement Climatique - Cambios Climáticos

The CIDA Forestry Advisers Network (CFAN) has recently posted a new presentation on its Web site - "Tropical forests and climate change".


Le Réseau des conseillers forestiers de l'ACDI a récemment placé une nouvelle publication sur son site Internet - "Les forêts tropicales et le changement climatique".


La Red de Asesores Forestales de la ACDI (RAFA) recientemente publicó una nueva presentación en su sitio Web - "Los bosques tropicales y los cambios climáticos".


Climate Change Library

The Climate Change Secretariat recently launched their "public" library Web site. The objective of the Web site is to link users of climate change information to resource providers. A key new feature is the links to the Web sites of all those involved in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process including: Parties of the Convention, Observer States, Accredited NGOs, IGOs and UN and Specialized Agencies. Of special interest is the link to on-line resources such as: glossaries, newsletters, annual reports, full-text documents, climate change search engines and many other electronic tools.

To locate the Library Web site, go to the UNFCCC Web site at www.unfccc.int   and click on "Resources". (Source: FIU, 26 June 2000.)


A new list called CLIMATE-D that will offer moderated, focused and high-level policy discussions on a series of key topics in the climate change debate has just been created by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). Experts in specific topics will be invited to "chair" an ongoing series of virtual sessions, which would each last for limited periods. This new list is in addition to IISD's other informational list CLIMATE-L on the UNFCCC/Climate Change process that is now in its fifth year with about 5 000 subscribers.

To subscribe, go to: http://iisd.ca/scripts/lyris.pl?enter=climate-d&text_mode=0

Earth Negotiations Bulletin now available in Spanish

The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) has advised that their Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) is being published in Spanish for the first time.
To sign up for either the ASCII/Plain Text or Portable Document Format (PDF) version of the ENB in Spanish, please go to http://iisd.ca/scripts/lyris.pl?enter=enbs&text_mode=0 for text , and  http://iisd.ca/scripts/lyris.pl?enter=enbs-pdf&text_mode= 0  for PDF.


Energyforum is an interactive E-mail discussion list on sustainable energy development and consumption issues. Renewable energy resources, energy research and analysis, energy planning and information systems, appropriate technology, energy efficiency and conservation measures and techniques, sustainable technology and transfer, new and renewable energy development, energy policy formulation and implementation are among the topics to be addressed.

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