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Appendix 1

It has been recommended by the author that the standards of the Laboratory Procedures are improved. At the present time there is no laboratory set aside where the necessary daily monitoring work can be handled.

As the new laboratories in the Administration Building being built on the site are nearing completion, it is recommended that nothing is done to build another temporary laboratory until this building is ready for occupancy in about 1–2 months. However, there is need to begin to purchase some of the basic laboratory equipment and supplies for the new laboratories.

The author recommends the attached check list for useful supplies needed by an Aquaculture Centre. The list is taken from “Review of Breeding and Propagation Techniques for Grey Mullet, Mugil cephalus L.” by Nash, C.E. and Shehadeh, Z.H. in ICLARM Studies and Reviews 3, International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila, Philippines, 1980. This is a complete list for many activities not yet planned for the Fish Farming Centre in Jeddah, but key requirements are marked in the attached copies of pages from the book. (It is added that the Centre has this book in its Library.)

Appendix 2

The author recommends that a module of cages is constructed for location in the lagoon in front of the Fish Farming Centre at Jeddah. The options are for the project staff to purchase a module of cages, or build one themselves with the advice and help of an engineer. Little information is available at the Centre on the names of manufacturers of such items. This can be obtained from trade magazines and newspapers, such as AQUACULTURE Magazine and FISH FARMING INTERNATIONAL. There are also several others.

Fig. 1

Fig. 1 Diagram of revised site plan

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