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1.1 Background to the project

(01) The present TA-report No 13 provides the final description of the design of the Brackishwater Fisheries Research Institute (BFRS) to be developed within the Fisheries Research Institute (FRI) under the terms of the World Bank Agricultural Research II Project and the UNDP/FAO Technical Assistance Project BGD 83-010, covering the 1984–89 quinqennium. The goal of this component of the project is to provide the research and development infrastructure required, in a co-ordinated resource, to support the expansion and development of the fisheries and aquaculture sector in Bangladesh.

(02) The specific goals of the BFRS are described in other reports in the present series:

• Report 2: Five Year Master Plan, Part 1, Research Plan;

• Report 5: Research plans for the Brackishwater Fisheries Research Station, BFRS;

The present report follows on from, and is the second phase of, the initial design study provided by the same consultant, Dr. J. Muir:

• Report 3: BFRS design - phase 1;

and follows on from the work of the site selection specialist, Dr. M. Karim:

• Report 11: Site selection for the Brackishwater Fisheries Research Station.

Further background details may be found in these reports; relevant background factors affecting the design will be discussed later, and are provided in Annexes.

1.2 Brackishwater resources

(03) The significance of brackishwater fish production, mainly from aquaculture, is clearly defined in the overall project programme, and is given first level priority in the development of the FRI resources in recognition of its potential. The BFRS is therefore an important element in the support of the programme, and is the only component of the project to be provided as a completely new development. It is thus particularly important that the objectives be clear, and that design and implementation meet with these objectives.

1.3 Brackishwater Fisheries Research Station (BFRS)

(04) The overall operational objectives of the BFRS are described in Table 1. These are further detailed in the report of the Shrimp Specialist (Report 5) from which Table 2 is abstracted. The preliminary design (Report 3) defines further the way in which these objectives are to be taken up into the proposed design of the BFRS facilities. The present report incorporates these parts of the first phase design report (Report 3) relevant to the present work; the first phase report may be referred to for additional background.

Table 1 - Overall operational objectives of BFRS

Shrimp culture
Penaeid production
Macrobrachium production
Shrimp farming systems
Production of other species3
Brackishwater production resources
Penaeid survey
Site analysis
Reproduction of brackishwater shrimp and finfish
Other species
Hatchery systems development
Health care for brackishwater shrimp and finfish
Survey of causative agents
Testing of drugs and treatments
Training and demonstration*
Extension activities*

* Following development of respective research areas

1.4 Terms of reference for the design phase

(05) The terms of reference for the work presented in this report are as follows:

  1. Preparation of design criteria for ponds, structures, and other facilities for the Brackishwater Fisheries Research Station (BFRS) of FRI, based on the research plan and the site selection carried out by respectively the Shrimp Specialist and the Soil Specialist;
  2. Preparation of layout of ponds and buildings and preparation of preliminary designs of ponds and hydraulic works, all in consultation with the Shrimp Specialist;
  3. Preparation of specifications for earth movement;
  4. Preparation of specifications for water treatment;
  5. Reporting; the final report is to be edited by the teamleader.

Table 2 - Detailed research objectives of BFRS

Short-term research:
- Survey of unexploited seed resources;
- Development of seed collection devices;
- Seed transportation;
- Improvement of survival during culture;
- Nursery rearing;
- Diversification of products.
Long-term research:
- Improvement of the pond environment;
- Development of fertilization schemes;
- Development of feeds;
- Pond bed influences;
- Stocking policies;
- Hatchery technology;
- Farm design;
- Larval surveys;
- Socio-economics.

(06) The first phase - assistance with site selection, initiation of local survey work and planning of outline design criteria - commenced on April 28th, 1986 and was completed on the 12th of May. The second phase - collection of survey data, preparation of final design specification, and assistance with preparation of tender documents - completes the assignment, and commenced on the 21st of September, finishing on the 13th of October. Details are presented in Annex A.

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