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With the acquisition of an additional 35 hectares of fishponds and canal systems, a major renovation plan that would integrate the old and new areas to accomodate the work programme and objectives of the Project, specifically applied research on milkfish and shrimp culture, possibilities of brackishwater polyculture, induced breeding of commercial species amenable to culture in salt water ponds, artificial feeds, etc. had to be drawn up. Provisions for training and demonstration ponds were included. In order to be able to undertake studies, results of which could be applicable to areas where tidal conditions are different, shallow as well as deep ponds that can maintain depths ranging from 40 cm to almost 120 cm have been specified. The major task of preparing the layout and development plan was completed by the expert in consultation with the Project Manager, Co-Manager and the other experts. Renovation is new in progress with work checked from time to time and finally inspected before it is turned over to the administration. Plans and specifications for the 6-opening concrete sluice, perhaps the first of its kind in brackishwater fishpond in the country were provided by him.


Catching of milkfish fry as practised in Lassem, one of the fry collecting grounds of Central Java along the north coast, is with the use of lure lines, set perpendicularly to the shore and small acisser nets pushed underneath the lures. The effective area of the gear depends upon the width at its open end. Since the wide net would require more effort not only in pushing but in keeping the gear at the correct angle, the opening of the net is seldom more than 1.5 m wide.

In August 1974, the Project Manager, together with Expert, designed a push type fry catching gear for one person with its framework of bamboo acting as float and which could be knocked down, bundled up and reset in a very short time at the collection area. The width at the mouth was almost 3 m. With minor changes, this gear has been further improved by the Fishery Biologist (Fry Prospecting) and is now being tried extensively in the vicinity.

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