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Plants, both microphytes and macrophytes utilize the various forms of nitrogen in different ways. Nitrogen is most actively utilized in forms of ammonia and nitrate but numerous nitrogen-containing organic compounds are also suitable as nitrogen sources for plants. The determination of ammoniauptake and nitrate-uptake is important with regard to quantitative description of nitrogen cycle in water bodies.

The rate of nitrogen assimilation may be calculated from the increase in phytoplankton biomass on addition of nutrients (Thomas, 1953). The best method for determining the ammonia and nitrate uptake is that of measuring the uptake of 15N-labelled substrate. However, it requires equipment such as 15N-analyser and mass spectrometer. The method of measuring the reduction in concentrations of ammonia and nitrate in water at different substrate levels, with simultaneous inhibition of substrate producting/consuming processes is a suitable method for uptake studies.


The decrease in the concentrations of ammonia and nitrate is measured at natural, twofold, threefold, fourfold and fivefold substrate concentrations, during a short incubation time (with indophenol blue and cadmium reduction method), with the simultaneous inhibition of nitrification with N-serve. The kinetic parameters, Vmax Km and T are calculated with the Michaelis-Menten equation.




The ammonia and nitrate concentrations of the water sample are determined and natural substrate concentrations c (μmol N . cm-3) are calculated. The nutrient-enriching stock-solution is chosen based on the ranges, as given below:

Range of concentration
in water sample
 Stock solution to
be chosen
0.050 to 0.500 μmol N . cm-3 (i)(250 μmol N . cm-3)
0.005 to 0.050 μmol N . cm-3(ii)(25 μmol N . cm-3)
0.0005 to 0.005 μmol N . cm-3(iii)(2.5 μmol N . cm-3)

Further diluted stock solutions may be prepared as necessary, and the standard quantity of the suitable substrate increase stock solution (Vs) can be calculated.

Approximately 500 cm3 water sample is measured into each of the 12 graduated beakers and 0.25 cm3 N-serve solution added and thoroughly mixed.

To adjust the different substrate concentrations, multiple amounts of the standard quantity of ammonia and nitrate (see above) are pipetted using 5 cm3 pipette with an accuracy of ± 0.01 cm3.

No. of treatment123456
Stock solution

Each reaction flask is filled up completely after mixing the solution thoroughly and the remaining solution is saved. The flasks are closed with rubber teats and suspended with Perlon string for in situ incubation of four hours at a water depth from where the sample was taken. In the meantime, ammonia and nitrate concentrations are determined in the remaining part of the sample (Cb, i NH4-N and Cb, i NO3-N). Reaction flasks are opened after incubation and ammonia and nitrate concentrations are determined (Ca, i NH4-N and Ca, i NO3-N).


Uptake rates at each substrate concentration are calculated as follows:


where:t=incubation time
Cb=initial concentration
Ca=concentration after incubation

If the rate of decrease in substrate concentration is linear with the time of incubation, the uptake rate values are equal to the so-called initial reaction rate. Michaelis-Menten (1913) suggested the following equation to describe the correlation between the initial rate of enzyme reactions and the substrate concentrations.

The so-called Michaelis-Menten equation:

where:v max=maximum rate of uptake defined by the amount of enzyme in the reaction flask
KM=so-called Michaelis constant

Mmax and KM value can be obtained from the curve (Vmax) is the intersect of the curve, where the increase in uptake rate is not corresponding with the increase of substrate concentration, i.e., a substrate concentration corresponding to the half of vmax (Fig. 3).

More reliable vmax and KM values can be obtained if one of the linear forms of Michaelis-Menten equation is plotted. A possible linear form corresponding to y = mx + b: with this option vmax and KM can be measured more accurately from the section of axes or can be determined from the rise of the line (Fig. 4).

Lines are plotted from measurements as can be the characteristics of the enzyme reaction obtained from the two variance linear regression analysis. If the regression analysis is orthogonal, kinetic parameters can be clearly made out regardless of the linearization.

The complete set of kinetic parameters (maximum rate of uptake, vmax; maximum natural substrate concentration KM + Sn; time of exchange T) can be obtained with a slight modification of the Michaelis-Menten equation:

Separating the pre-incubation concentration to a natural and an additional substrate concentration (Cb, i = Cn + Ca,i) the following equation can be described applying the linearizing method of Hanes.

Plotting (Cn + Ca,i) vi values as the function of Ca,i, the time of exchange (T) can be obtained (Fig. 5).

Figure 3

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 5

With the knowledge of maximum natural substrate concentration (KM + Cn), the maximum rate of uptake (vmax) and the natural substrate concentration (Cn), the actual rate of uptake (v) and the Michaelis constant (KM) can be calculated. Thus the rate of ammonia and nitrate uptake (v) as related to a unit volume of lake water will be:

The rate of ammonia and nitrate uptake (w) in the whole water column of the lake as related to a unit volume, can be obtained by summing the rate values (vi) measured in the partial columns.

where: = the depth of water

hi = the length of partial columns

Surface rate (φ) to characterize the ammonia and nitrate uptake as related to a unit region of a lake is the following:

Ammonia and nitrate uptake in an extended region of the lake during a longer period of time can be expressed by summing the uptake values (Iik) of different regions in different periods of time.

where:tik=duration of different periods of time
n=number of different periods of time
Fik=area of different regions
m=number of different regions
K=constant, depending on the units of measurements chosen

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