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Al-Hakim, A.W.H., M.I.A. Al-Mehdi and A.H.J. Al-Salman, 1981 Determination of age, growth and sexual maturity of Barbus grypus in the Dukan reservoir in Iraq. J.Fish.Biol., 18:299–308

Asanov, A.Yu., 1986 Vliyanie neblagopriyatnykh uslovii na sostoyanie zapasov turkmenskogo sazana. Ryb.Khoz.,Mosk., (7): 36-8

Belyaeva, V.N. and V.P. Ivanov, 1986 Sovremennoye sostoyanie i perspektivy sozdaniya upravlyaemogo rybnogo khozyaistva v Kaspiiskom basseine. In Okhrana i vosproizvodstvo rybnykh zapasov basseina Kaspiiskogo morya. Sb.Nauchn.Tr.Vses.Nauchno-Issled.Inst.Morsk. Rybn.Khoz.Okeanogr., : 5–14

Bukhanevich, I.B., L.A. Erman and G.F. Dovgopol, 1986 Opredelenie koeffitsienta promvozvrata sevryugi, vynaschchennoi na rybovodnykh zavodakh. Ryb Khoz., Mosk., (1):49–51

Bullock, S. and R.Rolande, 1971 Fall fishery survey, Karadj Reservoir. Tehran, Iran Game and Fish Department (mimeo)

Clay, C.H. and S. El-Zarka, 1977 Report on a mission to Iran, 14–28 June 1977, to investigate the potential for fish production from man-made lakes. Cairo, FAO, Near East Regional Office, 17p.

Coad, B.W., 1981 A provisional annotated check-list of the freshwater fishes of (?) Iran. J.Bombay Nat.Hist.Soc., 76(1):86–105

El-Zarka, S., 1973 Report on travel to Iran, 23–30 September 1973. Cairo, FAO, Near East Regional Office, 23p.

FAO, 1964 Report to the Government of Iran on the inland fisheries resources of Iran, especially of the Caspian Sea, with special reference to sturgeon. Based on the work of V.D. Vladykov, FAO/TA Inland Fisheries Biologist. Rep.FAO/EPTA, (1918): 51p.

FAO, 1964 Islamic Republic of Iran, Observations on prospects and constraints of development of Iranian fisheries. A report prepared by the Fisheries Identification and Formulation Mission, based on the work of J.E. Caddy, Senior Fishery Resources Officer, FAO. Rome, FAO, Technical Cooperation Programme, FI:TCP/IRA/2301(Mf), Field document 1: 30p.

FAO/UN, 1971 Report to the Government of Iran on a programme for the development of inland fisheries. Based on the work of A.P. Ivanov, Inland Fishery Biologist. Rep.FAO/UNDP(TA), (3028): 57p.

Kazancheev, E.N., 1981 Ryby Kaspiiskogo morya. Moskva, Pishchevaya Promyshlennost

Kolbing, A and K. Seifert, 1981 Fisheries at Lake Assad, Syria. Eschborn, German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), 32p.

Leopold, M. and M. Bninska, 1987 Methods used in Poland for estimating the effectiveness of stocking practices. 30p. MS

Magomedov, G.M., D.A. Aliev and V.O. Proskurina, 1987 O vosproizvodstve kutuma v raione Dagestanskogo poberezhya Kaspiiskogo morya. Ryb.Khoz., Mosk., (1): 37-9

Marshall, B.E., 1984 Towards predicting ecology and fish yields in African reservoirs from preimpoundment physico-chemical data. Comment prévoir l'écologie des réservoirs africains et leur rendement en poisson à partir de donneés physico-chimiques réunies avant endiguement. CIFA Tech.Pap./Doc.Tech.CPCA, (12): 36p.

Milshtein, V.V. 1972 Osetrovodstvo. Moskva, Pischevaya Promyshlennost

Nikinorov, I.V., 1986 Dva podkhoda k odnoi probleme. Rybn.Khoz.,Mosk., (8): 32-5

Nümann, W., 1969 Untersuchungen zur fischereilichen Bewirtschaftung iranischer Stauseen und Fliessgewässer. Verh.Int.Ver.Theor.Angew.Limnol., 17: 705-13

Özdemir, N., 1987 Gesamtkörpergewicht und Schlachtkörpergewicht von Barbus esocinus im Euphrat. Fisch. Teichwirt, (3/1987):71-2

Woynarovich, E., Iran. 1985 Consultancy on fisheries development. Rome, FAO, 27p. (mimeo)

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