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Appendix 2

A. Enriched seawater media

  1. Add approximately 80–90% of the required volume of seawater to a beaker.

  2. Dispense the appropriate nutrients from previously prepared stock solutions.

  3. Check the pH and make necessary adjustments with either I N HCI or NaOH; ensure that the media is well mixed.

  4. Dilute the medium to volume with sterile seawater and dispense into containers.

B. Artifical media

  1. Dissolve appropriate quantities of weighed salts in about 80% of the final volume of distilled water.

  2. Dispense other previously prepared solutions.

  3. Add other nutrients

  4. Check pH and dilute to volume with distilled water.

The usual method for soil extraction (Foyn “Erd-Schreiber” medium) is to mix 1 volume of soil to 2 volumes of soil to 2 volumes of distilled water and steam it for one hour to autoclave for a few minutes; after cooling, the liquid is decanted, allowed to stand overnight (or centrifuged) and filtered clear. The other components are then added.


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