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On the basis of extensive discussions between the consultant and the Project NPD, the following budget modifications are strongly recommended:

Materials and supplies

- Increase number of tanks from 16 to 24 at US$ 133/piece; price including piping, taps, solvent, and tank modifications: total US$ 3,200 (no budget change, but just the number of tanks increased).


- Deletion of the grinder (US$ 2,500) and water bath (US$ 500) from the equipment listing due to their availability at the Centre in Mamposton. With these cost savings (US$ 3,000) it is recommended that the Project purchase the following new equipment items: a portable oxygen probe ( × 1 at US$ 500/piece; for the measurement of oxygen within the 16 experimental cages during the outdoor pond feeding trials), a homogenizer/blender ( × 1 at US$ 244/piece; for the blending/homogenization of vitamin/lipid emulsions prior to feed preparation), plastic storage tanks ( × 10 at US$ 17.46/tank-10 gallon capacity, × 10 at US$ 25.74/tank - 20 gallon capacity; total US$ 432; for the storage of dietary feed ingredients and feeds, and for the preparation of fish silages), a stainless steel double sink ( × 1 at US$ 770/piece; for use during fish sampling for holding fish, anaesthesia and weighing), a video camera ( × 1 at US$ 800/piece, with external viewing screen; for use during the study tour, farm visits, and project training courses for educational purposes only), a 1 × 2m hanging drawing board ( × 1 at US$ 54/piece; for use in the indoor diet testing facility for educational purposes), and office shelving (US$ 200),
- Inclusion of refrigerator within the cost of the freezer (refrigerator × 1 at US$ 500/piece and freezer × 1 at US$ 500/piece; no budget change, except for the inclusion of a refrigerator within the freezer budget).

Overseas study tour

- Within the allocated budget of US $ 10,000 for this activity, to include a registration fee of US$ 300 × 2 (2 persons; total US $ 600) for the two national project staff to attend the International Symposium in Aquatic Nutrition' to be held in La Paz (Mexico) from 15–18 November 1998.

TCDC Expert

- In view of the high budget allocation for this activity (ie. US$ 8,000) it is recommended that this amount be used for two one-month visits (instead of just one month) using a TCDC expert from within the Latin American and Caribbean region.

Publications of the Project

- It is recommended that the various technical reports of the Project be produced as FAO Field Documents, and published in Cuba with a cover, for subsequent distribution to aquaculture workers and other interested parties within the country. Although no budget allocation was to the publication of project reports, it is recommended that any cost savings from the overseas study tour be used for this.


On the basis of extensive discussions between the consultant and the NPD, a tentative workplan was prepared for each of the major project activities of the Project as follows;


The Project NPD agreed to translate the present report into Spanish for subsequent publication by the Project as Field Document No. 1.

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