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Intento de una estimación de 105 bosques húmedos tropicales por Adnan Sommer

CHAMPION, H.G. & SETH, S.K. 1968 A revised survey of the forest types of India. New Delhi, India Press Nasik.

FAO. 1974 Anuario de producción 1973. Roma.

FAO. 1975 Anuario de productos forestales 1973. Revista 1962-1973. Roma.

HOLDRIGE, L.R. 1967 Life zone ecology San José, Costa Rica, Tropical Science Center.

HUECK, K. 1966 Die Wälder Südamerikas. Stuttgart, Fischer Verlag.

LIND, E.M. & MORRISON, M.E.S. 1974 East African vegetation. London, Longman.

PERSSON, R. 1974 World forest resources. Stockholm, Department of Forest Survey, Royal College of Forestry.

RICHARDS, P.W. 1952 The tropical rain forest. Cambridge, University Press.

ROLLET, B. 1974 L'architecture des forêts denses humides sempervirentes de plaine. Nogent-sur-Marne, CTFT.

SCHNELL, R. 1970 Introduction a la phytogéographie des pays tropicaux. Paris, Gauthier-Villars.

UNESCO. 1963 A review of the natural resources of the African continent. París.

UNESCO. 1974 Ressources naturelles de l'Asie tropicale humide. París.

UNESCO. 1975 The state of knowledge. Report on tropical and subtropical forest ecosystems. París.

WALTER, H. Vegetation der Erde in ökologischer Betrachtung. Jena, Fischer Verlag.

WATTERS, R.F. 1971 La agricultura migratoria en América Latina. Roma, FAO.

Welt forst atlas. 1976 Hamburg and Berlin, Parey.

World atlas of agriculture. 1969 Novara, Istituto Geográfico Agostini.

World geography of forest resources, 1956 New York, Ronald Press.

Utilización y tenencia de tierras en los trópicos
por S. Kolade Adeyoju

ADEYOJU, S. K. 1973 A pre-investment survey of the northern arid region of Nigeria. Informe preparado por el Director, Federal Department of Forest Research, Ibadán.

ELIAS, T.O. 1962 The nature of African customary law. 2nd ed. Manchester, Manchester University Press.

ENABOR, E.E. & ADEYOJU. S.K. 1975 An appraisal of departmental taungya as practised in the South-Eastern State of Nigeria. Informe al Director, Federal Department of Forestry, Ibadán.

FAO, 1962 Inventario forestal mundial 1963. Roma.

FAO. 1965 Forest reservation policies and rights of usage in Africa. Secretariat Note, Item 5(a) of the Provisional Agenda Intergovernmental Conference on Timber Trends and Prospects in Africa 27/7-2/10, Nairobi.

FAO. 1966 Conferencia Mundial sobre Reforma Agraria, 1966. En Información sobre Reforma Agraria 1966. Roma. (RU:WLR/66/T)

FAO. 1974 Conferencia Técnica sobre el Bosque Tropical Húmedo. Nota de la Secretaría, Documento, tercer periodo de sesiones, Comité de Desarrollo Forestal en los Trópicos. Roma.

FAO. 1975a Land evaluation by the Working Group on Land Evaluation. Roma. Soils Bulletin N° 32.

FAO. 1975b Report of the FAO/SIDA Seminar on Forestry Social Relations for English-Speaking Countries in Africa and the Caribbean. Roma. (FOR/SWE/TF 148)

GARBETT, G.K. 1963 The Land Husbandry Act of Southern Rhodesia. En African agrarian systems, ed. by D. Biebuyck.

KING K. F. S. 1968 Agri-silvicultire (the taungya system). Bulletin N° 1. Department of Forestry, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

KING, K.F.S. 1974/75 Políticas forestales y desarrollo nacional. Unasylva 27, N° 107: 9-13, FAO, Roma.

MABOGUNJE, A.L. 1971 The land and peoples of West Africa. En History of West Africa Vol. 1 Ed. by J.F.A. Ajayi and H. Crowther. London, Longmans.

MUTHOO, M K. 1970 Renewable natural resource planning for regional development with special reference to Kasrmir. University of Oxford. (Tesis)

NAUTIYAL, J.C. & SMITH, J.H.G. 1968 Acceleration of economic development depends on harmonization of technical and economic objectives for forestry. Documento presentado en la Novena British Commonwealth Forestry Conference, Nueva Delhi.

RAUP, P. 1967 Land reform and agricultural development. En Agricultural development and economic growth ed. por Herman M. Southworth and Bruce F. Johnston, p. 267-314, Ithaca, Cornell University Press.

THOMAS, L.V. En African agrarian systems 1963 ed. por D. Biebuyck, p. 314-330. London, Oxford University Press.

WESTOBY, J.C. 1974 Estudio de la FAO sobre política legislación y administración forestal. Comentarios. Roma.

WORRELL, A.C. 1959 Economics of American Forestry. New York, Wiley.

Contratos de aprovechamiento de bosques en tierras públicas en los trópicos
por Franz Schmithüsen

FAO. 1971 Manual sobre contratos de aprovechamiento de bosques en tierras públicas. Roma, (FO:UNDP MISC/71/1)

FAO. 1975 Anuario de productos forestales 1973. Revista 1962- 1973. Roma.

KING, K.F.S. 1974 Forest concession legislation and forest concession agreements. Working Document N° 3, FAO/UNDP. Roma. (FO :DP/SUR/74/506)

MACGREGOR. 1972 Forestry concessions in the British Commonwealth countries. Commonwealth Forestry Review 51(1), N° 147, Oxford.

PERFUMO, L.R. 1975 Manual para confección de planes de trabajo: una guía para concesionarios y particulares. Documento de Trabajo 14 (PNUD/FAO/ECU/71/527)

RÄDER-ROITZSCH, J.E. & ZENNY, F.B. 1975 Forestry law and ordinance Papua New Guinea. Terminal Report UNDP/FAO. (FO: DP/PNG/74/05 1)

RIEDESEL, B.K. 197S Supply of saw logs in Venezuela. Working Document FAO/UNDP. (FO:VEN/72/019)

SCHMITHÜSEN, F, 1974 Forestry development Surinam: Forest legislation. Technical Report N° 2, FAO/UNDP. (FO:DP/ SU R/71 /506)

SCHMITHÜSEN, F. 1975 Concessions d'exploitation fiscalité sur le bois et législation forestière République populaire du Congo. Document de travail, UNDP/FAO. (PRC/71/515)

SOMBERG, S.I. 1975 Advisor on Timber Concession Agreements, Papua New Guinea. Present findings and recommendations. Terminal Report UNDP/FAO. Roma. (FO:DP/PNG/74/032)

UHART. E. 1973 Développment forestier Gabon. Législation forestière Rapport technique N° 20. PNUD/FAO. (FO:DP/ GAB/ 68/50)

Para una lista completa de publicaciones e informes anteriores a 1971, véase Manual sobre contratos de aprovechamiento de bosques en tierras públicas Roma, FAO, 1971.

Elección del mejor sistema silvicultural
por T.J. Synnott y R.H. Kemp

BELL, T.I.W. 1971 Management of the Trinidad Mora (Mora excelsa) forests with special reference to the Matura Forest Reserve. Port of Spain, Forestry Division of Trinidad and Tobago.

BRITWUM, S.P.K. 1976 Natural and artificial regeneration practices in the high forest of Ghana. Documento, cuarto periodo de sesiones, Comité de Desarrollo Forestal en los Trópicos.

BURGESS, P.F. 1976 Prospects for the natural regeneration of the steep hill forests of the Malay, Peninsula. Documento, cuarto periodo de sesiones, Comité de Desarrollo Forestal en los Trópicos.

DANIEL, J.G. & KULASINGAM, A. 1975 Problems arising from large scale jungle clearing for agricultural use - the Malaysian experience. Documento, Workshop on Energy, Resources and the Environment, Penang, Malasia.

DAWKINS, H.C. 1959 The volume increment of natural tropical high forest and limitations on its improvements. Commonwealth Forestry Review 38(2): 175- 180, Oxford.

DONIS, C. 1976 Agriculture itinérante et techniques sylvo-agricoles. Documento, cuarto periodo de sesiones, Comité de Desarrollo Forestal en los Trópicos.

FAO. 1970 Informe riel segundo período de sesiones riel Comité de la FAO de Desarrollo Forestal en los Trópicos 1969. Roma.

FAO. 1974 Informe riel tercer periodo de sesiones riel Comité de Desarrollo Forestal en los Trópicos. Roma.

FAO. 1976 Amazonian forestry: present situation perspectives for its development. Documento, cuarto periodo de sesiones, Comité de Desarrollo Forestal en los Trópicos.

FRASER, A.I. 1976 Technical and economic implications of the management systems applied in moist tropical forests in Asia. Documento, cuarto periodo de sesiones, Comité de Desarrollo Forestal en los Trópicos.

GILMOUR, D.A. 1971 The effects of logging on streamflow and sedimentation in a North Queensland rainforest catchment. Commonwealth Forestry Review 50(1): 39-48, Oxford.

KING, K.F.S. 1968 Agri-silviculture (the Taungya System) Bulletin N° 1. Department of Forestry, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

LAMB, A.F.A. 1969 Artificial regeneration within the humid lowland tropical forest. Commonwealth Forestry Review 48(1): 41-53, Oxford.

LOWE, R.G. 1976a Farm forestry in Nigeria. Documento, cuarto periodo de sesiones, Comité de Desarrollo Forestal en los Trópicos.

LOWE, R.G. 1976b Nigerian experience with natural regeneration in tropical moist forest. Documento, cuarto periodo de Sesiones, Comité de Desarrollo Forestal en los Trópicos

MOORE, D. 1976 Enrichment of the species composition in relation to management of the tropical moist forest. Documento, cuarto periodo de sesiones, Comité de Desarrollo Forestal en los Trópicos.

NWOBOSHI L.C. 1976 Problems and prospects of natural regeneration in the future management of the tropical moist forest for timber production. Documento, cuarto periodo de sesiones, Comité de Desarrollo Forestal en los Trópicos.

VAN BAREN, F.A. 1974 The soil as an ecological factor in the development of tropical forest areas. En Proceedings of the Regional Meeting on Ecological Principles for Development in Tropical Forest Areas in S.E. Asia. Bandung.

VANNIÈRE, B. 1973 Management possibilities of tropical high forest in Africa. Documento, tercer periodo de sesiones, Comité de Desarrollo Forestal en los Trópicos.

El papel procedente de los bospues tropicales húmedos
por Börje Kyrklund

BERGMAN, O. 1972 Deterioration and protection of wood chips in outside storage FAO/NORAD Symposium on Production, Handling and Transport of Wood Chips. Roma. (FAO/NOR/TF 83)

CROON, 1. & FISK, E. 1972 Outside chip storage. FAO/NORAD Symposium on Production, Handling and Transport of Wood Chips. Roma. (FAO/NOR/TF 83)

GREAVES, H. 1971 Tappi 54: 1128, Atlanta, Ga., Estados Unidos.

GREAVES, H. 1973 Appita 27 (1): 25, Melbourne.

HARRIES, E.D., LEVY, C.R. & PHILLIPS, F.H. 1973 Appita 26 (4): 273, Melbourne.

KYRKLUND, B. 1976 Possibilities of controlling the uniformity of the quality of pulp made from mixed tropical hardwood. Documento, 17° periodo de sesiones, Comité Asesor de la FAO sobre la Pasta y el Papel, Roma. (FO:PAP/76 INF. 5)

PETROFF, G. Pulp and Paper Inter national 1974 16 (11): 74, Bruselas.

PHILLIPS, F. & LOGAN, A.F. 1973 Appita 26 (5): 355, Melbourne.

PHILLIPS, F. H . & LOGAN , A. F. 1976 Background Paper N 67. Documento, cuarto periodo de sesiones, Comité de Desarrollo Forestal en los Trópicos.

Los bosques húmedos tropicales en la demanda, la oferta y el comercio mundiales por S.L. Pringle

ERFURTH, T. & RUSCHE, H. 1973 Marketing of tropical wood (wood species from African humid tropical forests). Roma, FAO.

FAO. 1976 Forest resources in the Asia and Far East region. Roma.

INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE DESENVOLVIMENTO FLORESTAL. 1975 Amazonian forestry: present situation perspective for its development. Río de Janeiro.

JAPÓN. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY. 1973 Basic Plan Regarding Forest Resources and Long Range Prospect Regarding Demand and Supply of Important Forest Products. Tokio

PERSSON, REIDAR. 1975 Forest resources of Africa an approach to international forest resource appraisals Part. 1. Country descriptions. (Part II, en preparación) Stockholm, Royal College of Forestry.

PRINGLE, S.L. 1973 Tropical hardwood products: World summary of trends and prospects on demand, supply and trade. En Proceedings of a Seminar on Properties Uses and Marketing of Tropical Timber Berlin.

TAKEUCHI, K. 1974 Tropical hardwood trade in the Asia-Pacific region. Occasional Paper N° 17. Washington, D.C., World Bank.

TOULUMNE CORPORATION. Market study for forest products for East Asia and the Pacific region. San Francisco.

Méritos de los ecosistemas de los bosques húmedos tropicales
por Duncan Poore

BECKERMAN, W. 1974 In defence of economic growth. Londres.

BRUNIG E.F. 1969 Forestry on tropical podzols and relatad soils. Tropical Ecology N° 10, Londres.

DAWKINS, H.C. 1967 Wood production in tropical rain forest. Journal of Applied Ecology 4(1), Londres.

CEE/FAO. 1974 Report of an Ad Hoc Meeting of Experts on Environmental Benefits of Forestry 1-5 April/ 1974 Geneva.

FAO. 1962 La influencia de los montes. Roma. FAO: Estudios de Silvicultura y Productos Forestales N° 15.

FENCO. 1972 The master plan for the development of the Pahang Tenggara. Toronto.

FREISE, F. W. 1934 Beobachtungen über den Verbleib von Niederschlägen im Urwald und der Einfluss von Waldbestand auf den Wasserhaushalt der Umgebung. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt 56: 231-245. Hamburg, Parey.

GÓMEZ-POMPA, A., VÁZQUEZ-YANES, C. & GUEVARA, C. 1972 The tropical rain forest: a non-renewable resource. Science, 177, Wáshington, D.C.

GRAYSON. A.J. Assessing the contribution of non-market benefits. 1974 Oxford, Commonwealth Forestry Institute.

HARRISON, J.L. 1968 The effect of forest clearance on small mammals. En Conservation in tropical South East Asia. IUCN Publication N.S. 10. Morges, Suiza.

Ho, T.H., SOEPADMO, B. & WHITMORE, T.C., 1971 eds. National parks of Malaysia. Malay Nat. J. 24.

LAMB, H.H. 1974 The current trend of world climate: a report on the early 1970s and a perspective. Norwich, Climatic Research Unit, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia.

LEE PENG CHOONG. 1974 Forestry and land use. Oxford, Commonwealth Forestry Institute.

McCLURE, ELLIOTT H. 1968 Some problems concerning endangered birds in South Eastern Asia. En Conservation in tropical South East Asia. IUCN Publication N.S. 10. Morges, Suiza.

NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 1974 The effect of herbicides in S. Vietnam (Part A. Summary and conclusions. Wáshington, D.C.

NEWELL R.E. 1971 The Amazon forest and atmospheric general circulation. En Man's impact on the climate, ed. by Matthews, W.H., Kellogg, W.W. and Robinson, G.D. Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press.

PEREIRA, H.C. 1973 Land use and water resources in temperate and tropical climates. Cambridge, University Press.

PERSSON, REIDAR. 1974 World forest resources Stockholm, Institutionen för Skogstaering. Publication N° 17.

POORE, M.E.D. 1968 Studies in Malaysian rain forest. 1. The forest on the Firassic sediments in Jengka Forest Reserve. Journal of Ecology 56: 154- 196, Londres.

POORE, M.E.D. 1974a A conservation viewpoint. Proc. Royal Society. A. 339: 385-410, Londres.

POORE, M.E.D. 1974b Saving tropical rain forests. IUCN Bulletin, N.S. 5(8). Morges, Suiza.

POORE, M.E.D. Ecological guidelines for development in tropical forest areas. Morges, Suiza, I UCN.

REYNOLDS, E.R.C. & WOOD, P.J. 1976 Natural versus man-made forests as buffers against environmental deterioration. Documento, cuarto período de sesiones, Comité de Desarrollo Forestal en los Trópicos.

RICHARDSON, S.D. 1970 Gene pools in forestry. En Frankel O.H. y Bennett, E. eds. Genetic resources in plants. Londres.

RUSSELL, E.W. 1973 Soil conditions and plant growth. 10th ed. London, Longman.

SCEP. 1970 Man's impact on the global environment Report on the study of critical environmental problems. Cambridge. Mass. y Londres.

TERBORGH JOHN. 1974 Preservation of natural diversity: The problem of extinctionprone species. Broscience Dic. 1974.

UICN. 1974a 1974 United Nations list of national parks and equivalent reserves. IUCN Publication N.S. 29. Morges Suiza.

UICN. 1974b Biotic provinces of the world. IUCN Occasional Paper N° 9. Morges Suiza.

WATTERS R.F. 1975 Shifting agriculture - its past present and future. Paper presented to an International Meeting on the Use of Ecological Guidelines for Development in the American Humid Tropics IUCN Morges Suiza.

WELLS D.R. 1971 Survival of the Malaysian bird fauna. Malay. Nat. Journal N° 24 Kuala Lumpur.

WHITMORE T.C. 1971 Wild fruit trees and some trees of pharmacological potential in the ruin forest of Ulu Kelantan. Malay Nat. Journal N° 24 Kuala Lumpur.

WHITMORE, T.C. 1975 Rain forests of the tropical Far East. Oxford. Clarendon Press.

WOODWELL GEORGE M. & PECAN, ERENE V., eds 1973. Carbon in the biosphere. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Series 30. Wáshington D.C.

WYATT-SMITH J. 1950 Virgin jungle reserves. Malay. Forester 13: 40 Kuala Lumpur.

WYATT-SMITH J. 1963 Manual of Malayan silviculture of inland forests. 2 vols. Malay. For. Rec. 23 Kuala Lumpur.

WYCHERLEY PAUL. 1969 Forests and productivity. Malay Nat. Journal N°, 22. Kuala Lumpur.

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