PC 85/11


Eighty-fifth Session

Rome, 7 - 11 May 2001

Progress Report on the Follow-up to Past Programme Committee Recommendations


1. As is now standing practice, this Progress Report is submitted in tabular format. The table provides a status report on Programme Committee items for which specific follow-up action was requested by the Committee, or jointly with the Finance Committee.

2. The Committee is invited to note this Progress Report.

Schedule of the Programme Committee and Joint Meeting Recommendations and
Status of Follow-up Action




CL 119/11

paras. 7, 8
and 12

Medium Term Plan 2002-2007

The Committee

  • considered that there was room to identify more precise and measurable indicators, particularly in the case of technical projects;
  • encouraged a more appropriate choice in the use of the three types of programme entitiy; and
  • encouraged the refinement of the PAIAs in order to sharpen their focus.
These comments will be taken into account in the preparation of the next Medium Term Plan.
CL 117/3

para. 62

The Evaluation of FAO's Training Activities

The Committee requested that this report be submitted at its Eighty-fifth Session.

This paper will now be presented to the Eighty-sixth Session of the Programme Committee. The delay results from a combination of staff shortages and the need to ask the contractor to further refine the assessment of FAO training materials.
CL 119/10

para. 37

Synthesis of Recent Field Project Evaluations

The Committee requested that progress made in updating guidelines regarding project formulation and design, further training of FAO staff and the strengthening of existing project proposal review mechanisms, be reported to the Committee at its May 2001 session.

A progress report on follow-up actions taken will be submitted to the May 2001 session.
CL 119/9

para. 12

Efficiency Gains

In their Joint Meeting, the Committees requested that a document on efficiency gains be prepared for the 119th Council, recognising that the normal rules for the distribution of documentation were unlikely to be met.

A paper on efficiency gains was presented to the November 2000 Council session (CL 119/INF/12).
CL 119/9

para. 27

FAO's presence at Country Level

It was requested that the Secretariat provide the Committees with a progress report based on an evaluation of the new arrangements for enhancing FAO's presence at country level.

A paper evaluating the new arrangements will be presented to the Joint Meeting at a future date.