August 1976      

Rome, 29 March - 9 April 1976


Issued by the Secretariat of the
Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, FAO, Rome
Ref. No. ALINORM 76/44, August 1976

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Address by the Deputy Director-General of FAO

Adoption of Agenda and Timetable

Election of Officers of the Commission


Executive Committee - Report on the Twenty-First and Twenty-Second Sessions

Proposed GATT Code of Conduct for Preventing Technical Barriers to Trade


Membership of the Codex Alimentarius Commission

Progress Report on Acceptances of Recommended Codex Standards and Recommended Codex Maximum Limits for Pesticide Residues


Activities within FAO and WHO of interest to the Codex Alimentarius Commission

Information on the Activities of other International Organization working on the Standardization of Foods and Related Matters


Income and Expenditure of the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme for 1974/75 and Proposed Programme of Work and Budget for 1976/77


Codex Committee on General Principles

Codex Committee on Food Labelling

Codex Committee on Food Additives

- Specifications for Food Additives

- Principle relating to the Carry-Over of Additives into Foods

- Changes to the Status of Endorsement of Food Additive Provisions in Step 9 Codex Standards

- Provisions for Contaminants in Codex Standards

Codex Committee on Food Hygiene

- Consideration of the Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Poultry Processing at Step 8

- Consideration of the Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Egg Products at Step 8

- Consideration of the Proposed Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Molluscan Shellfish at Step 5

- Matters arising from the Reports of the 11th and 12th Sessions of the Committee. Terms of Reference of the Committee

Report of the Ad Hoc Consultation on Pesticides in Agriculture and Public Health

Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues

- Maximum Residue Limits at Step 8

- Amendments to Maximum Residue Limits at Step 9

- Maximum Residue Limits at Step 5

- Non-substantive changes to Maximum Residue Limits at Step 9

- Scheduling of Sessions of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues

Codex Committee on Method of Analysis and Sampling

- Sampling for the Determination of Net Content

- Role of Referee Methods


Coordinating Committee for Africa

Coordinating Committee for Latin America

Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Regional Conference for Asia

- Establishment of a Coordinating Committee for Asia

Coordinating Committee for Europe and Codex Committee on Natural Mineral Waters

Boneless Meat

Codex Coordinating Committees


Codex Committee on Cocoa Products and Chocolate

- Draft Standard for Cocoa (Cacao) Beans, Cocoa (Cacao) Nibs, Cocoa (Cacao) Mass, Cocoa Press Cake and Cocoa Dust (Cocoa Fines) for Use in the Manufacture of Cocoa and Chocolate Products at Step 7

- Consideration of the Draft Standard for Cocoa Butter at Step 8

- Consideration of the Draft Standard for Chocolate at Step 8

Codex Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables

- Reconsideration of the Draft Standard for Canned Fruit Cocktail at Step 8

- Consideration of the Draft General Standard for Jams (Fruit Preserves) and Jellies at Step 8

- Consideration of the Draft General Standard for Citrus Marmalade at Step 8

- Consideration of the Draft Standard for Canned Mature Processed Peas at Step 8

- Consideration of the Proposed Draft Standard for Canned Tropical Fruit Salad at Step 5

- Proposed Amendments to the Recommended International Standard for Canned Peaches

- Inclusion of Contaminants Provision in Standards

Joint ECE/Codex Alimentarius Group of Experts on Standardization of Fruit Juices

- Consideration of the Draft Standard for Grape Juice at Step 8

- Consideration of the Draft Standards for Concentrated Grape Juice and Sweetened Concentrated Labrusca Type Grape Juice at Step 8

- Consideration of the Draft Standard for Pineapple Juice at Step 8

- Proposed Draft Standard for Non-Pulpy Blackcurrant Nectar at Step 5

- Amendments to Step 9 Standards

Joint ECE/Codex Alimentarius Group of Experts on Standardization of Quick Frozen Foods

- Consideration of the Draft Standard for Quick Frozen Peaches at Step 8

- Consideration of the Draft Standard for Quick Frozen Bilberries at Step 8

- Consideration of the Draft Standard for Quick Frozen Spinach at Step 8

- Consideration of the Draft Code of Practice for the Processing and Handling of Quick Frozen Foods at Step 8

- Consideration of the Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Fresh Meat at Step 8

- Proposed Draft Standards for Quick Frozen Foods at Step 5

- Method for Checking Temperature of Quick Frozen Foods at Step 5

- Amendments to Standards at Step 9 of the Procedure

Codex Committee on Meat Hygiene

- Consideration of Draft Code of Ante-mortem and Post-mortem Inspection of Slaughter Animals at Step 8

Codex Committee on Processed Meat Products

- Consideration of Draft Standard for Canned Corned Beef at Step 8

- Consideration of Standard for Luncheon Meat at Step 8

- Consideration of Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Processed Meat Products at Step 8

Codex Committee on Meat

Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products

- Consideration of the Draft Standard for Quick Frozen Fillets of Flat Fish at Step 8

- Consideration of the Draft Standard for Canned Crab Meat at Step 8

- Consideration of the Draft Standard for Quick Frozen Shrimps or Prawns at Step 8

- Consideration of the Proposed Draft Standards for Quick Frozen Lobsters, Rock Lobsters, Spiny Lobsters and Slipper Lobsters and Canned Sardines and Sardine-Type Products at Step 5

- Consideration of Draft Codes of Practice for Fresh Fish and for Canned Fish at Step 5

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Code of Practice for Frozen Fish at Step 5

Codex Committee on Foods for Special Dietary Uses

- Consideration of the Draft Standard for Infant Formula at Step 8

- Consideration of the Draft Standard for Canned Baby Foods at Step 8

- Consideration of the Draft Standard for Cereal-based Foods for Infants and Children at Step 8

- Methods of Analysis for Foods for Infants and Children

- Modified Starches to be included in the Draft Standard for Canned Baby Foods

Joint FAO/WHO Committee of Government Experts on the Code of Principles concerning Milk and Milk Products

- Procedure for Elaboration of Milk and Milk Product Standards

- Progress at 17th Session

- Hygienic Requirements for Milk and Milk Products

- Imitation Milk Products

- Labelling Provisions for Standard for Yogurt and Sweetened Yogurt

- Acceptance Forms

Codex Committee on Edible Ices

- Consideration of Proposed Draft Standard for Edible Ices and Ice Mixes at Step 5

Codex Committee on Fats and Oils

- Consideration of the Proposed Draft Standard for Low Fat Spreads at Step 5

- Consideration of the Proposed Draft Standard for Low Erucic Acid Rapeseed Oil at Step 5

- Matters arising from the Report of the 8th Session of the Committee

Codex Committee on Sugars

- Draft Standard for Fructose at Steps 4 and 5

Codex Committee on Soups and Broths

- Matters arising from the Report of the Committee


International Standards for Food Contaminants - Scope and Magnitude of work




Coffee and Coffee Products



Provisional Timetable of Codex Sessions in 1976/77

Provisional List of Codex Sessions in the 1978/79 biennium

Date and Place of the Twelfth Session of the Commission


Other Business

Vegetable Proteins

Possible Relocation of the Joint Office of the FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme



Appendix I - List of Participants

Appendix II - Opening Address by the Deputy Director-General of FAO

Appendix III - Country Positions as at 9 April 1976 regarding Acceptance of Recommended Codex Standards and Codex Maximum Limits for Pesticide Residues