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Summary and Conclusions

The summary and conclusions of the 20th Session of the Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses are as follows:

Matters for adoption by the Commission:

The Committee:

- advanced to Step 8 Part A of the Table of Conditions for Claims for Nutrient Content, to be included in the Draft Guidelines for Use of Health and Nutrition Claims (para. 26, Appendix II)

- advanced to Step 5/8 the Proposed Draft Revised Standard for Food Grade Salt (para. 32, Appendix III)

- advanced to Step 5 of the Accelerated Procedure the Proposed Draft Amendment to the Standard for Infant Formula (Vitamin B12) (para. 94, Appendix IV)

- proposed to revise its Terms of Reference (para. 6)

- advanced to Step 5 the Proposed Draft Guidelines for Vitamins and Minerals Supplements (para. 64, Appendix VI)

- advanced to Step 5 the Proposed Draft Standard for Gluten Free Foods (para. 41, Appendix V)

- proposed to discontinue work on the revision of the Guidelines for the Inclusion of Provisions on Nutritional Quality (para. 102)

Other Matters of Interest to the Commission

The Committee:

- returned to Step 6 Part B. of the Table of Conditions for Claims (para. 26, Appendix VII)

- returned to Step 3 the Proposed Draft Revised Standard for Cereal-Based Foods for Infants and Young Children (para. 89, Appendix VIII)

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