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Summary Status of Work

Subject Matter


Action by

Document Reference in ALINORM 95/26

Table of Conditions for Claims for Nutrient Contents (Part A)


Governments 22nd CAC

para. 26
Appendix II

Part B


Governments CNFSDU

Appendix VII

Proposed Draft Revised Standard for Food Grade Salt (Salt Iodization)


Governments 22nd CAC

paras. 32
Appendix III

Vitamin B12 (Proposed Draft Amendment)


Governments 22nd CAC

para. 94
Appendix IV

Proposed Draft Revised Standard for Gluten Free Foods


Governments 22nd CAC

para. 41
Appendix V

Proposed Draft Guidelines for Vitamins and Minerals Supplements


Governments 22nd CAC

para. 64
Appendix VI

Proposed Draft Revised Standard for Cereal Based Foods


Governments CCNFSDU

para. 89
Appendix VIII

Proposed Draft Revised Standard for Infant Formula


Governments CCNFSDU

para. 93

Proposed Draft Revised Guidelines on the Inclusion of Provisions on Nutrition

22nd CAC

para. 102

Vitamins and Minerals in foods for medical purposes

Governments CCNFSDU

para. 100

NRVs for labelling purposes

Governments CCNFSDU

para. 97

Dietary modelling

Governments CCNFSDU

para. 107

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