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90. The Committee agreed to add two new compounds to the priority list, imidacloprid (Canada) and kresoxim-methyl (Germany). The JMPR Secretariat had tentatively scheduled kresoxim-methyl for toxicological and residue evaluation in 1998 and imidacloprid for toxicological evaluation in 2000 and for residue evaluation in 2001.

91. Based on a good response to a letter from the Global Crop Protection Federation to manufacturers of pesticides eligible for periodic review, many pesticides had been tentatively scheduled for periodic review[25]. Several compounds eligible for periodic review had not yet been scheduled, including three substances that had become eligible for periodic review this year on the basis of the selection criteria previously agreed by the Committee.

92. Cyhalothrin, fenvalerate, and metalaxyl were not supported for periodic reevaluation. However, as there was support for MRLs based on the use of specific enantiomers/isomers, it would be appropriate to maintain the CXLs for these pesticides until such time as MRLs for the new products reach Step 8.

93. It was noted that, in line with the goal of reviewing EMRLs every five years, contaminants with EMRLs should be scheduled for review by the JMPR at the next Session.

94. The Committee’s attention was drawn to the fact that, according to the current schedule, the FAO Panel had a large number of compounds to review over the next few meetings which would present a very heavy workload. The Committee noted that, without additional resources, FAO and WHO would not even be able to complete the work in the current schedules.

95. The Committee thanked the informal group on priorities, under the chairship of Dr. R. Eichner (Australia), for preparing the priority lists. The Committee requested the Delegation of Australia to prepare a paper on priority lists well in advance of the next Session, with assistance provided by other interested delegations and international organizations.

[24] CL 1996/35-PR; CX/PR 97/15; CX/PR 97/15-Add.1 (CRD 3); CRD 12 (report of the as hoc Working Group on priorities).
[25] Appendix III.

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