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7. The Executive Committee supported all of the recommendations contained in the paper, including the proposals to establish guidelines, consistent with the policies of the parent organizations, for International Non-Government Organization (INGO) participation in the work of Codex.

8. The Executive Committee stressed the different roles played by national NGOs working in co-operation with national Codex Contact Points and national Codex Committees and by the INGOs working in co-operation with the Commission and its subsidiary bodies at the international level. It strongly supported proposals to encourage greater involvement in Codex work at the national level by national NGOs. It also encouraged greater participation of INGOs within the Codex system, but noted that practical ways and means still had to be considered further.

9. The Executive appreciated the information contained in the Addendum to the paper concerning the procedures for the selection of experts for the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) and the Joint FAO/WHO Meetings on Pesticide Residues (JMPR). Some Members suggested that this information could be expanded to cover the specific credentials and background required for selection as an experts; the period of time for which experts served in their capacity; and nature of the responsibilities of experts vis-à-vis Temporary Advisers. One Member proposed that the selection process for ad hoc expert consultations be made more transparent with a public call for candidates and publication of a list of those candidates, and that experts be encouraged to make positive (rather than negative) declarations of interest. The means by which INGOs could propose potential experts was also thought to need further consideration and transparency.

[3] ALINORM 97/8; ALINORM 97/8-Addendum

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