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The Council adopted its agenda as set out in Appendix A, and elected Dr. A. Davatchi (Iran) and Mr. C.F. Pennison (United Kingdom) as first and second Vice-Chairmen respectively (paragraphs 3–4).


State of Food and Agriculture 1964

In view of the late circulation of the Director-General's report on The State of Food and Agriculture 1964, only a few Members of the Council has been in a position to make preliminary observations and comments. The Council requested the secretariat to avoid a recurrence of such a situation (paragraph 5).

Some Council Members stressed the importance of the analysis and comparative study of national agricultural plans and policies (paragraph 12).

Commodity Problems

It was suggested that the Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP) might relate foodstuff production targets to nutritional needs of developing areas and that the task of indicating production targets could be performed by a new permanent subcommittee of CCP (paragraph 18). The Council decided to discuss the membership of CCP at its Forty-Fourth Session in June 1965 (paragraph 19).

Matters arising out of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

The Council agreed that the question of the future division of work between agencies concerned with trade and development matters should be considered at the Forty-Fourth Council Session and Thirteenth Conference Session, when it was expected that the machinery would have taken more definite shape (paragraphs 22–24).

International Rice Year

The Council designated 1966 as International Rice Year and requested the Director-General to give all possible assistance and support to national programs or projects in connection with the International Rice Year within the limitations of his Budget (paragraphs 26–27).


Program activities - Fisheries, Forestry and Forest Products and Nutrition Divisions

The Council considered the programs of the above Divisions (CL 43/8, CL 43/9 and CL 43/10) and the report of the Program Committee thereon (CL 43/41), and made a number of suggestions regarding the future orientation of the activities of these Divisions (paragraphs 28–55).

Matters arising out of the Thirty-Seventh Session of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC)

The Council noted that should the ECOSOC Advisory Committee on Science and Technology decide to act as the Advisory Committee on Unesco's programs in this field, the other United Nations agencies should have equal right to call on that Committee to discharge a similar function. The Council agreed that FAO activities in the field of agricultural industries should be recognized and co-ordinated with any new arrangements relating to over-all industrial development and approved the Director-General's reservation about the establishment of a special United Nations Disaster Fund to be financed from voluntary contributions (paragraph 58).

Expanded Program of Technical Assistance (EPTA) and the United Nations Special Fund (UNSF)

The Council considered that at its Thirteenth Session (November 1965) the FAO Conference should pay more attention to a review of the technical and economic aspects of FAO's field work and requested the Director-General to take this into account in preparing the provisional agenda for the session. The Council recommended that the Conference discuss co-operation between and co-ordination of multilateral and bilateral aid programs. The Council noted with satisfaction the proposed merger of the EPTA and UNSF programs (paragraphs 63–65).

Agreement between FAO and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association

The Council approved the Agreement between the International Bank and FAO (paragraph 68) as set out in Appendix C. Questions were raised with regard to the principle of cost-sharing (paragraph 71). Regarding the procedures relating to the signature on an interim basis of the Memorandum of Understanding, the Council requested the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters to examine the possibility of introducing procedures to be applied in the event of urgent issues of this kind arising in future between Council sessions (paragraph 72).

Agreement with the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO)

The Council approved the Agreement with IMCO, set out in Appendix D, subject to confirmation by the Conference (paragraph 73).

1970 World Census of Agriculture

The Council appointed a Working Party on the Agricultural Census Fund composed of Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ethiopia, France, Federal Republic of Germany, India, Japan, Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Spain, United Arab Republic, United Kingdom, United States of America, and established terms of reference for the Working Party (paragraphs 74–75).

Freedom from Hunger Campaigns (FFHC)

The Council noted the plans for a Second World Freedom from Hunger Week in October 1965 and for the Young World Mobilization Appeal from October 1965 to March 1966 (paragraph 83). The Council approved the report of its Committee-of-the-Whole on the future of FFHC (CL 43/16), and endorsed the recommendation that the Campaign should be continued until the end of the United Nations Development Decade in 1970. The inclusion of the central Campaign costs in the Regular Budget was generally supported, provided the Director-General was free to seek voluntary contributions for special purposes (paragraphs 86–87).

Future of the FFHC Fertilizer Program

The Council agreed with the report of the Joint Session of the Program and Finance Committee (CL 43/41) concerning the Fertilizer Program and approved the budgetary adjustments for the current biennium and the recommendation to adjust the FAO service charge to 12 percent. The Council expressed its appreciation for the voluntary contributions made by some Member Nations and hoped that other governments would find it possible to give similar support (paragraphs 89–90).

Role of FAO in World Fishery Development

The Council recognized the need for expansion of the Fisheries Division although some delegates felt that the Director-General should proceed cautiously and the Director-General was requested to report to the Council at its Forty-Fourth Session with a view to establishing a permanent committee on fisheries, consisting of selected Member Nations (paragraphs 95–97).

The Council authorized the Director-General to establish under Article VI.2 of the Constitution an Ad Hoc Committee to report to the Forty-Fourth Council Session on the organization and status of fisheries activities within FAO (Twelfth Conference Resolution No. 8/63): the Ad Hoc Committee would comprise Chile, France, Iran, Italy, Philippines, Senegal, United Kingdom, United States of America, and such other Member Nations as were, or would, on 1 January 1965 be Members of the Council and have notified the Director-General of their wish to participate (paragraph 98).

Regional Structure of FAO

The Council noted the action taken by the Program Committee to study the regional structure of FAO (paragraph 99).

Relationship of Field Programs and the Regular Program

The Council expressed its concern at the impact of field programs on the Regular Program and in particular at the inadequate reimbursement rates of the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance and the United Nations Special Fund. The Council hoped that the United Nations Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions would find a more realistic formula for reimbursement (paragraphs 100–112).

Committees, Working Parties and Panels of Experts.

The Council recommended (paragraph 118) that the Conference at its Thirteenth Session adopt the Program Committee's proposals as set out in Appendix B.

Establishment of an FAO Committee on Wood-Based Panel Products

The Council authorized the Director-General under Article VI.2 of the Constitution to establish the above Committee, the members of which would be appointed by selected Member Nations and Associate Members, expenses relating to the services of each Member being borne by the Member Nation or Associate Member having appointed him. Terms of reference of the Committee were agreed (paragraph 120).

European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease

The Council approved the report of the Eleventh Session of the Commission (paragraph 121).

Rational Utilization of Tuna Resources in the Atlantic Ocean

The Council agreed with certain findings of the Working Party on the Rational Utilization of Tuna Resources in the Atlantic Ocean as set out in paragraph 123. With regard to the establishment of a new organization for Atlantic tuna, and the convening of a conference of plenipotentiaries of interested nations on this subject, the Council referred the matter to the Thirteenth Conference Session for a decision, requesting the Director-General in the meantime to undertake preparatory work, including further consultations with Member Nations and international organizations (paragraphs 124–126). If necessary, the Working Party on Rational Utilization of Tuna Resources could be reconvened in the interval by the Director-General in consultation with the Chairman of the Working Party (paragraph 126).

Co-operation between FAO and the International Atomic Energy Agency in activities relating to the peaceful uses of atomic energy in agriculture

The Council approved the arrangements for the establishment of a Joint FAO/IAEA Division for Atomic Energy in Agriculture (paragraph 129).

Program of Work for 1966–67

The Council noted the information given by the Director-General on his current ideas concerning the Program of Work for 1966/67 and expressed some tentative views on certain aspects (paragraphs 131–132). The Council requested the Finance Committee to report to its Forty-Fourth Session on what the mandatory increases comprise and how they are calculated (paragraph 132).


The Council noted the second annual report of the UN/FAO Intergovernmental Committee of the World Food Program to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) and to the Council (CL 43/26) and expressed satisfaction with the progress achieved since the first annual report (paragraphs 133–137). The Council hoped that Member Nations and Associate Members, who had not yet pledged contributions to the World Food Program, would do so now, preferably in cash, to enable the original goal of 100 million dollars to be attained (paragraph 138). The view was expressed that the Executive Director should pay particular attention to the need for close co-operation in the field with bilateral aid-giving agencies and to maintaining close and regular contacts with the national administrations of the donor countries (paragraph 140). The Council adopted the recommendations of the Intergovernmental Committee for the amendment of General Regulations C.7(a) and E.27 of the World Food Program which had already been adopted by ECOSOC (paragraph 141).


Methods of work of the Council

The Council reviewed and revised its methods of work (paragraphs 142–168).

Increase in the number of Council seats

The Council recommended that the Conference at its Thirteenth Session increase the number of Council seats by four to a total of thirty-one and proposed the text of amendments to the Constitution and General Rules of the Organization to implement the change (paragraph 170). The Council recommended that two of the additional seats be allocated to the African region (paragraph 171). With regard to the remaining two seats, the Council concluded that the Conference should decide between the proposal that these seats be left unallocated to specific regions and the proposal that they be allocated to two of the regions (paragraphs 172–176). With regard to rotation of seats, the Council recommended that the Conference request the FAO Regional Conferences in 1966 to consider measures to achieve more effective implementation within their regions of the principle of rotation of Council membership as laid down in Rule XXII.3(c) of the General Rules of the Organization (paragraph 178).

Technical Committees of the Conference

With regard to the Thirteenth Session of the Conference (November 1965) the Council recommended that the Technical Committees should meet between 8 and 18 November 1965, the Conference session opening on Saturday, 20 November; the Council made a number of other specific recommendations regarding reporting by the Technical Committees (paragraph 194). With regard to the role and optimum timing of sessions of Technical Committees in future biennia, the Council requested the Director-General to consult all Member Nations and Associate Members and submit an analysis of the replies to the Program Committee in April 1965, so that the Program Committee could report to the Council (June 1965) on the issues which the Conference should consider in determining the arrangements to apply in future biennia (paragraphs 195–197).

Rules of procedure of Article VI bodies

The Council confirmed (paragraph 204) the rules of procedure and amendments thereto of the Near East Commission on Agricultural Planning, the Regional Fisheries Advisory Commission for the Southwest Atlantic, the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission and the Near East Forestry Commission, as set out in Appendix I of document CL 43/43.

Establishment of the Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa (DLCO - EA) within the framework of FAO

The alternative draft agreements proposed by the Council of DLCO-EA were referred back to the Council of DLCO-EA with a view to reaching an agreement on provisions which would ensure adequate control by FAO (paragraph 213). The Council noted that FAO and DLCO-EA would in the meantime continue to co-operate in accordance with the Relationship Agreement in force (paragraph 214).


Status of Contributions and Contributions in Arrears

The Council authorized the Director-General to borrow in case of need in the course of 1965 from available sources an amount up to $2,000,000, to be repaid in 1965 as soon as adequate funds were received; authorized the Director-General to contract loans; and requested the Finance Committee to keep the position under review and to report to the Council in June 1965 on action taken (paragraph 217).

Working Capital Fund

The Council authorized the Director-General to withhold the release of excess credits in the Working Capital Fund until the Thirteenth Session of the Conference (paragraph 218).

Withdrawal from Working Capital Fund

The Council authorized the Director-General to withdraw up to $500,000 from the Working Capital Fund to meet part of expenditure for unbudgeted increases in salaries and related costs in 1964/65, the balance of $1,250,000 to be provided from savings in the 1964–65 Budget; and requested the Finance Committee to review the situation at its next session in April 1965 (paragraph 224).

Arrears in Contributions - Measures to secure Payment

The Council urgently appealed to Member Governments in arrears to regularize their position and called the attention of Member Governments to the need to pay their contributions early in the year in order to avoid a critical cash position for the Organization. The Council would study the situation further at a later session (paragraphs 226–229).

Emergency Fund for the Control of Livestock Disease

The Council felt that it was not in a position to make a recommendation at this time as to how such an emergency fund could be financed and requested the Director-General to submit more detailed proposals to its next session in June 1965 (paragraph 234).

Codex Alimentarius Commission

The Council noted that no expenditure of the type contemplated in Article 9 of the Commission's statutes would be made in 1964–65 but that provision for this type of expenditure would be included in the Organization's Regular Budget in 1966/67 (paragraph 235).

Funding of Compensation Plan Reserve Fund

The Council approved the arrangements proposed by the Finance Committee (paragraph 241).

Format and documentation on the Program of Work and Budget (1966/67)

The Council noted the report of the Program and Finance Committees (CL 43/41), and requested those Committees periodically to review the format and documentation of the Program of Work and Budget and to submit such information and views as they consider necessary for the guidance of the Council and the Conference in reaching decisions on the matter (paragraphs 242–245).

Recruitment of Professional staff

The Council suggested that particular emphasis should be given to the importance of designation by governments of specific organizational units through which vacancy announcements could be channeled and which were furnished with adequate resources for positive follow-up action in locating and evaluating suitable candidates (paragraph 248). The Council endorsed the procedural improvements already introduced by the Organization (paragraph 249) and noted the current recruitment picture, which was not quite as bright as had been anticipated at its Session in June 1963 (paragraph 251).

Criteria, Guidelines and Procedures for Recognition of Merit

The Council will reconsider this question after the Finance and Program Committees have had an opportunity to review it in the light of the report of the International Civil Service Advisory Board (paragraphs 256–258).

Professional and General Service Salaries at Headquarters

The Council concurred in the establishment of Rome as Class 4 for post-adjustment purposes effective as of 1 June 1964 and noted that it was likely that a Class 5 post adjustment would become due on or about 1 April 1965. (paragraphs 259–260). The Council agreed with the Director-General's proposals regarding the introduction of a wage index for General Service staff in Rome (paragraph 263). The Council concurred with the Finance Committee's proposals regarding comprehensive wage surveys in Rome (paragraph 265) and noted that it would have before it at its Forty-Fourth Session (June 1965) the findings of the comprehensive wage survey and the resulting new General Service salary scale (paragraph 270). The resulting costs of adjustments made will be covered by the arrangements referred to in paragraph 224 of the Council's report (paragraph 272).

Headquarters accommodation

The Council noted that the new wing, Building C, was now largely occupied; it authorized the Director-General to proceed with the construction of a temporary prefabricated structure; and reiterated its concern regarding lack of progress in reaching agreement with the Italian authorities on the adjustment of the boundaries of the Headquarters site (paragraphs 273–275).

Level of Operational and Administrative Charges of Trust Funds for Associate Experts

The Council adopted the Finance Committee's recommendation that a charge of 12 percent should be imposed against Trust Funds for Associate Experts to cover operational and administrative costs (paragraphs 276–277).

Amendment of pensionable remuneration

The Council approved the Finance Committee's recommendation to introduce changes in the pensionable remuneration with effect from the same date as in the United Nations. Appropriate provision would be included in the 1966/67 Budget (paragraphs 278–283). With respect to 1965, the Council agreed to authorize withdrawal of an amount of $170,000 from the Working Capital Fund and recommended to the Conference that the withdrawal be replaced from excess Miscellaneous Income (paragraphs 284–286).

Amendment of Staff Regulations

The Council approved amendments to Staff Regulations 301.162 and 301.094 (paragraph 287).


Appointment of Chairman and Alternate Chairman of the FAO Appeals Committee

The Council confirmed that the above appointments had been made for two years, i.e. until the end of 1965 (paragraph 288).


FAO/UNSF Joint Policy Committee (FAO membership)

The Council decided to postpone consideration of this matter (paragraph 289).

The Union of the Republics of Tanganyika and Zanzibar

The Council took note of the merger of the Republics of Tanganyika and Zanzibar and that the Conference at its Thirteenth Session would be requested to take formal cognizance of this modification in FAO's membership (paragraphs 290–291).

Attendance of observers from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics at FAO Sessions

The Council took note of requests from the U.S.S.R. to attend two recent FAO Sessions and the Director-General's decision in these cases (paragraphs 293–295).

Applications for associate membership

With regard to the applications for associate membership in FAO which had been submitted by the Government of the United Kingdom in January 1964 on behalf of the three territories which originally made up the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, the Council noted that on the accession of any of these territories to independence, the respective application for associate membership would no longer be valid. The Council concluded that, pending action by the Conference, the arrangements normally made by the Director-General would continue to apply (paragraphs 296–301).

Vice-Chairmen of the Council

The Council decided to postpone consideration of a proposal by the delegation of Finland regarding the appointment and functions of the Vice-Chairmen of the Council (CL 43/LIM/12) until its Forty-Fourth Session (paragraphs 302–303).

Retirement of Mr. Marc Veillet-Lavallée

Recognizing the exceptional nature of such a tribute the Council unanimously adopted a resolution conveying to Mr. Marc Veillet-Lavallée its deep appreciation for his outstanding and innumerable services to the Organization (paragraph 304).

Date and place of the Forty-Fourth Council Session

The Council decided to convene its Forty-Fourth Session in Rome on Monday, 21 June 1965.

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