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1. The Sixtieth Session of the Council was held in Rome from 11 to 22 June 1973, under the Chairmanship of M. Cépède.

Welcome to New Council Members and to the Observers from the People's Republic of China 1

2. The Chairman, on behalf of the Council, welcomed the new members of the Council, i.e. Australia, Dahomey, Denmark, Ethiopia and the Sudan. The Council also expressed its welcome to the observers from the People's Republic of China, which had resumed its place in the Organization on 1 April 1973.

Adoption of the Agenda and Timetable2

3. The Agenda of the Session as adopted is set out in Appendix A to this Report. The Council decided to establish a Committee-of-the-Whole, to deal with some of the constitutional, legal, administrative and financial matters on its Agenda. The Council further decided not to introduce any changes to its methods of work for the present session, and to continue therefore the present system of verbatim records.

Election of Vice-Chairmen and Appointment of Drafting Committees of Plenary and of the Committee-of-the-Whole1

4. The Council elected W.G. Lamarque (United Kingdom) as First Vice-Chairman and Soegeng Amat (Indonesia) as Second Vice-Chairman. Soegeng Amat would also act as Chairman of the Committee-of-the-Whole. N. El Ghorfi (Morocco) was elected Vice-Chairman of the Committee-of-the-Whole.

5. The Council elected A. Saco (Peru) as Chairman of the Drafting Committee of Plenary. The members of the Drafting Committee of Plenary were Argentina, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic and the United States of America.

6. The Council elected Miss M. McPherson (Australia) as Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Committee-of-the-Whole. The members of the Drafting Committee of the Committee-of-the-Whole were Canada, Chile, Egypt, Hungary, Morocco, the Sudan and Togo.

Statement by the Director-General3

7. The Council heard an introductory statement by the Director-General, the text of which may be found in Appendix D to this Report.

Tribute to A. de Vajda4

8. The Council paid a heartfelt tribute to Andre de Vajda for his distinguished achievements in the Land and Water Development Division. Andre de Vajda, who was aged 80, would end his career as Field Inspector, Development Department, when he retired on 15 July 1973.

Appreciation of the Services of Harry B. Wirin5

9. The Council expressed its sincere appreciation to Harry B. Wirin, Controller of FAO, who was retiring in June 1973, for the loyal and effective service he had rendered to the Organization during the last eight years.

1 CL 60/PV/1
2 CL 60/1, CL 60/1(a), CL 60/INF/2-Rev. 1, CL 60/PV/1, CL 60/PV/2.
3 CL 60/INF/3, CL 60/PV/1
4 CL 60/PV/4
5 CL 60/PV/15

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