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1. The Sixty-Third Session of the Council was held in Rome from 15 to 19 July 1974, under the Chairmanship of G. Bula Hoyos.

Adoption of the Agenda and Timetable 1

2. The Agenda of the Session as adopted is set out in Appendix A to this report. In view of the short time available the Council decided to defer to its next session consideration of item 6.

1 CL 63/1, CL 63/INF/1-Rev 1, CL 63/PV/1.

Election of Vice-Chairmen and Appointment of Drafting Committee 2

3. The Council elected K. Karcsai (Hungary) as First Vice-Chairman and M. Wanjigi (Kenya) as second Vice-Chairman.

4. The Council elected A.A.W. Landymore (U.K.) as Chairman of the Drafting Committee of Plenary and Rapporteur. The members of the committee were: Australia, Egypt, France, Panama, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka and the United States of America. Japan participated in the Committee's work on item 3.

2 CL 63/PV/1, CL 63/PV/3.

Farewell to Dr. O.E. Fischnich 3

5. The council paid tribute to Dr. O.E. Fischnich, Assistant Director-General, Agriculture Department, who was to retire at the end of July. It expressed appreciation for the work he had done during his 12 years of service with the Organization, and wished him and his family every happiness during the coming years of his retirement.

3 CL 63/PV/9.

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