CL 125/INF/1


Hundred and Twenty-fifth Session

Rome, 26 - 28 November 2003



MORNING (10.00 – 13.00 hours)

Item 1.

Adoption of the Agenda and Timetable: for decision
(CL 125/1; CL 125/1-Add.1; CL 125/INF/1; CL 125/INF/6)

Item 2.

Election of three Vice-Chairpersons, and Designation of the Chairperson and Members of the Drafting Committee: for decision
(CL 125/INF/9)

Item 10.

Other Constitutional and Legal Matters


Invitations to Non-Member Nations to Attend FAO Sessions: for decision

Item 9.

Report of the 75th Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (Rome, October 2003): for discussion and/or decision
(CL 125/5; CL 125/5-Corr.1 (Arabic only))

Item 4.

Preparations for the Thirty-second Session of the FAO Conference (Recommendations to the Conference): for decision
(C 2003/12); (C 2003/12-Sup.1)


Nominations of the Chairperson of the Conference, and of the Chairpersons of the Commissions of the Conference: for decision


Nominations of three Vice-Chairpersons of the Conference: for decision


Nominations of seven Members of the General Committee: for decision

Item 3.

The Reporting Format of the World Food Summit Follow-up: for discussion and/or decision
(CL 125/6)


AFTERNOON (14.30- 17.30 hours or later if required)

Item 6.

Report of the Joint Meeting of the Programme Committee and the Finance Committee (Rome, September 2003): for discussion and/or decision
(CL 125/2)

Item 7.

Report of the 90th Session of the Programme Committee (Rome, September 2003): for discussion and/or decision
(CL 125/3)

Item 8.

Report of the 104th Session (Rome, September 2003) and the 105th Session (Rome, October 2003) of the Finance Committee: for discussion and/or decision
(CL 125/4; CL 125/4-Corr.1 (Arabic, French and Spanish only); CL 125/11)


Status of Contributions and Arrears
(CL 125/LIM/1)


Methodology for Equitable Geographic Distribution


Split Assessments


Capital Budgeting


Other Matters arising out of the Report

Item 5.

Programme of Work and Budget (PWB) 2004-2005; C 2003/3; C 2003/3-Corr.1 (Spanish only); CL 125/12; CL 125/12-Corr.1(Arabic and Spanish only);
CL 125/INF/19), including consideration of Outline of a Zero Nominal Growth Scenario on the PWB 2004-05 (CL 125/10): for discussion and/or decision (cont.)


MORNING (09.30 - 12.30 hours)

Item 5.

Programme of Work and Budget (PWB) 2004-2005; C 2003/3; C 2003/3-Corr.1 (Spanish only); CL 125/12; CL 125/12 Corr.1 (Arabic and Spanish only); CL 125/INF/19), including consideration of Outline of a Zero Nominal Growth Scenario on the PWB 2004-05 (CL 125/10): for discussion and/or decision (cont.)


AFTERNOON (14.30- 17.30 hours or later if required)

Item 11.

Revised Calendar of FAO Governing Bodies and other Main Sessions 2003- 2004: for information and/or decision (CL 125/INF/8)

Item 10.

Other Constitutional and Legal Matters


Applications for Membership in the Organization: for decision (C 2003/10-Rev.1)

Item 12.

Any Other Matters


First Meeting of the Drafting Committee


MORNING (09.30 - 12.30 hours)

Second Meeting of the Drafting Committee


AFTERNOON (14.30- 17.30 hours)

Adoption of the Report