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C 2005/8

C 2005/8-Corr.1

August 2004

Thirty-third Session of the Conference
19–26 November 2005

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, 2004

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© FAO 2004


Director-General's Foreword



Strategies to Address Members' Needs

Corporate Strategy A: Contributing to the eradication of food insecurity and rural poverty

Strategic Objective A1: Sustainable rural livelihoods and more equitable access to resources

Strategic Objective A2: Access of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups to sufficient, safe and nutritionally adequate food

Strategic Objective A3: Preparedness for, and effective and sustainable response to, food and agricultural emergencies

Corporate Strategy B: Promoting, developing and reinforcing policy and regulatory frameworks for food, agriculture, fisheries and forestry

Strategic Objective B1: International instruments concerning food, agriculture, fisheries and forestry, and the production, safe use and fair exchange of agricultural, fishery and forestry goods

Strategic Objective B2: National policies, legal instruments and supporting mechanisms that respond to domestic requirements and are consistent with the international policy and regulatory framework

Corporate Strategy C: Creating sustainable increases in the supply and availability of food and other products from the crop, livestock, fisheries and forestry sectors

Strategic Objective C1: Policy options and institutional measures to improve efficiency and adaptability in production, processing and marketing systems, and meet the changing needs of producers and consumers

Strategic Objective C2: Adoption of appropriate technology to sustainably intensify production systems and to ensure sufficient supplies of food and agricultural, fisheries and forestry goods and services

Corporate Strategy D: Supporting the conservation, improvement and sustainable use of natural resources for food and agriculture

Strategic Objective D1: Integrated management of land, water, fisheries, forestry and genetic resources

Strategic Objective D2: Conservation, rehabilitation and development of environments at greatest risk

Corporate Strategy E: Improving decision-making through the provision of information and assessments and fostering of knowledge management for food and agriculture

Strategic Objective E1: An integrated information resource base, with current, relevant and reliable statistics, information and knowledge made accessible to all FAO clients

Strategic Objective E2: Regular assessments, analyses and outlook studies for food and agriculture

Strategic Objective E3: A central place for food security on the international agenda

Corporate level PAIAs

Strategies to Address Cross-Organizational Issues (SACOIs)

Ensuring excellence

Enhancing interdisciplinarity

Broadening partnerships and alliances

Continuing to improve the management process

Leveraging resources for FAO and its Members

Communicating FAO's messages



Agricultural Production and Support Systems

Food and Agriculture Policy and Development



Sustainable Development

Policy Assistance

Asia and the Pacific

Agricultural Production and Support Systems

Food and Agriculture Policy and Development



Sustainable Development

Policy Assistance


Agricultural Production and Support Systems

Food and Agriculture Policy and Development



Sustainable Development

Policy Assistance

Latin America and the Caribbean

Agricultural Production and Support Systems

Food and Agriculture Policy and Development



Sustainable Development

Policy Assistance

Near East

Agricultural Production and Support Systems

Food and Agriculture Policy and Development



Sustainable Development

Policy Assistance


Evolution of Total Resources

Cost of Field Programme Support

Technical Support Services

Administrative and Operational Support

FAO Language Policy

FAO Meetings


Electronic material (WAICENT and the FAO Internet site)


Programme for the Improvement of Language Coverage

Geographical Representation and Gender Balance of Professional Staff


PWB Chapter 1: General Policy and Direction

Major Programme 1.1: Governing Bodies

Major Programme 1.2: Policy, Direction and Planning

Major Programme 1.3: External Coordination and Liaison

PWB Chapter 2: Technical and Economic Programmes

Major Programme 2.1: Agricultural Production and Support Systems

Major Programme 2.2: Food and Agriculture Policy and Development

Major Programme 2.3: Fisheries

Major Programme 2.4: Forestry

Major Programme 2.5: Contributions to Sustainable Development and Special Programme Thrusts

PWB Chapter 3: Cooperation and Partnerships

Major Programme 3.1: Policy Assistance

Major Programme 3.2: Support to Investment

Major Programme 3.3: Field Operations

Major Programme 3.4: FAO Representatives

Major Programme 3.5: Cooperation with External Partners

PWB Chapter 4: Technical Cooperation Programme

Major Programme 4.1: Technical Cooperation Programme

Major Programme 4.2: TCP Unit

PWB Chapter 5: Support Services

Major Programme 5.1: Information and Publications Support

Major Programme 5.2: Administration

PWB Chapter 6: Common Services

Annex I

Completion of 2002-03 Outputs by Programme

Annex II

Report on Unscheduled and Cancelled Sessions

(1 January 2002 - 31 December 2003)

Annex III

Geographical Representation of Professional Staff
