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Major Programme 2.4: Forestry

440.     Major Programme 2.4 assists countries to achieve the sustainable management of their forests. It was restructured in 2003 and the key dimensions of sustainable forest management were aligned to the following three programmes:

441.     The three Major Programmes are supported by a cross-cutting substantive programme: Programme 2.4.4 Forestry Information and Liaison.

442.     In view of this recent restructuring, no significant changes are proposed over the previous MTP. The Major Programme's main thrusts and priorities remain steady, while seeking to maximize results, particularly at country level. The strengthening of the regional forestry commissions as a mechanism to translate global policies into national actions will be given primary attention. As regards the economic dimension of forests, the main thrust will be to enhance small scale forest initiatives, including collaboration with the private sector. Forestry information, through FORIS and the Forestry Department Web site, will be enhanced.

Programme 2.4.1: Forest Resources

Prog. Entity Time Frame Title PWB 2004-05 MTP 2006-07 MTP 2008-09 MTP 2010-11 MTP Total
241A1 2002-2007 Sustainable Management of Natural Forests and Woodlands 1,647 1,647 0 0 1,647
241A4 2002-2007 Conservation in Forests and Fragile Ecosystems 1,003 1,003 0 0 1,003
241A5 2002-2007 Forest Plantations and Trees Outside Forests 1,140 1,140 0 0 1,140
241A7 2004-2009 Forests and Water 865 865 865 0 1,730
241A8 2004-2009 Forests and Climate Change 482 482 482 0 964
241P1 Continuing Assessment and Monitoring of Forests and Woodland Resources 1,449 1,449 1,449 1,449 4,347
241S1 Continuing Technical Support and Advisory Services 2,072 2,072 2,072 2,072 6,216
Programme Reserve 0   3,790 5,137  
Total Programme of Work 8,658 8,658 8,658 8,658 25,974
Less External Income 60 60 60 60 180
Net Appropriation 8,598 8,598 8,598 8,598 25,794
Real Growth 400 800 1,200 2,400
Net Appropriation with Real Growth 8,998 9,398 9,798 28,194
Growth in Net Appropriation (Percentage) 4.7% 9.3% 14.0% 9.3%

443.     The programme provides the technical basis to implement effective forest management and conservation strategies that facilitate social, economic and environmental benefits from forest resources (forests, woodlands and trees outside forests). It emphasizes the multiple functions of forests, providing sources of food and income to poor rural dwellers, wood and non-wood products from renewable sources, and environmental services to all. The programme also provides information about forest resources, their management and uses at the global level for the benefit of several international processes related to forests, and supports countries in developing related monitoring and assessment systems.

444.     Over the MTP period, the programme will consolidate the new entities brought into the previous plan, in particular Forests and water - the importance of trees and forests to supply clean water - and Forests and climate change, reflecting the key role of forest management in climate regulation and the possible effects on forests that climate change may have. These programme entities are also facilitating increased recognition of FAO as a major contributor in these fields.

445.     The programme will also emphasize the role of forest management and conservation in sustainable development, including linkages to the Millennium Development Goals and support to the implementation of major UN conventions on biological diversity, climate change and desertification. Taking agreed concepts of sustainable management of forests into action on the ground, and sharing the experiences widely among stakeholders, are very important in bringing international dialogue to bear on field level implementation.

446.     The programme will pursue FAO's leadership in global forest resources assessments. Following the 2005 assessment update, a comprehensive report on forest resources is envisaged during the plan period, laying a foundation for monitoring of progress towards sustainability at regional and global levels. At national level, attention will be given to monitoring and assessment systems that support policy processes - in particular with reference to other land use sectors and rural development.

Entity A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 C1 C2 D1 D2 E1 E2 E3
241A1     m         l        
241A4                 l      
241A5               l        
241A7               l        
241A8       m m              
241P1                   l l  
241S1     l   l     l l   m  
Legend:  m less than US$ 750,000
  l US$ 750,000 to US$ 2 million
  l more than US$ 2 million

Real Growth Proposal

Under Real Growth conditions, it would be possible to support more countries in translating agreed concepts of sustainable management of forests into action on the ground and sharing the experiences more widely among stakeholders. The programme would also expand the dissemination of new and innovative approaches to watershed management and prepare appropriate communication tools. Another area of expanded advice would be the sequestration of carbon and other carbon mechanisms linked to climate change.

241A1: Sustainable Management of Natural Forests and Woodlands

Development problem to be addressed:
447.     Deforestation, forest degradation and desertification due to lack of sustainable management of forests and woodlands. Lack of forest-based livelihood opportunities for local communities.

Proposed contribution to problem resolution:
448.     Greater capacity of policy makers, forest managers and local communities to identify practices and implement policies that conserve, enhance and sustainably utilize natural forests and woodlands should lead to more sustainable forest management and improved livelihoods of adjacent communities.

Intended end beneficiaries and benefits:
449.     The maintenance and enhancement of the environmental, social and economic values of forests for both the local communities and the wider public, and increased food security and better livelihoods for local communities.

450.     Improved local, national and regional forest management capacity leading to practices and policies that conserve, enhance and sustainably utilize natural forests and woodlands for a wide variety of goods and services.

Major Output(s)
  • Best practices and methodologies in silviculture and management of natural forests
  • Best practices and methodologies in silviculture and management of woodlands and trees in arid lands and in low forest cover countries
  • Support to use of integrated pest management practices in forestry
  • Improved knowledge and best practices for the management of forest genetic resources
  • Improved methodologies and cooperation in forest fire management
  • Success stories and examples of practices at various levels that support sustainable forest management.
  • Increase in area of forests and woodlands under sustainable management.

241A4: Conservation in Forests and Fragile Ecosystems

Development problem to be addressed:
451.     Continuing degradation of lands in fragile ecosystems, particularly in mountainous areas and in arid zones. Lack of effective environmental conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

Proposed contribution to problem resolution:
452.     Raising international awareness, increasing knowledge and improving policy, methods and best practices in forests and fragile ecosystems will lead to more effective environmental conservation, protection and sustainable use.

Intended end beneficiaries and benefits:
453.     Intended benefits include enhanced protection and improved environmental conditions in fragile ecosystems, better livelihoods and quality of life for inhabitants in mountains and arid zones and protection of and sustainable use of biological diversity.

454.     Improved national policies and practices, supported by international awareness and collaboration, for the sustainable use of forest and wildland resources and environmental conservation; support of biodiversity, the protective role of trees, shrubs and other vegetation in fragile ecosystems and sustainable arid land management.

Major Output(s)
  • Technologies, technical information and best practices on critical issues in fragile ecosystems with special reference to mountains
  • Best practices and approaches to promote effective conservation and sustainable management of biological diversity, including wildlife, in forests and wildlands
  • Implementation support to: Chapter 13 of Agenda 21, Sustainable Mountain Development, including action resulting from the observance of the International Year of Mountains; the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD); and the Convention to Combat Desertification (CCD)
  • Partnerships with institutions involved in sustainable mountain development and enhanced collaboration with national committees established for the observance of and follow-up to the International Year of Mountains
  • Technical information and best practices on critical issues in fragile ecosystems with special reference to arid zones and drylands
  • Examples of policies and practices reflecting improved approaches to fragile ecosystem management and use of biological diversity.
  • Effective and well functioning networks and partnerships that have developed and implemented concrete activities in sustainable mountain development.

241A5: Forest Plantations and Trees Outside Forests

Development problem to be addressed:
455.     The ability of natural forests to meet future demands of growing populations is being compromised. Forest plantations and trees outside forest systems will take on an increasingly important role as a source of wood and non-wood products, as will environmental and social services in sustaining livelihoods and ensuring food security.

Proposed contribution to problem resolution:
456.     Through support of national programmes in forest plantations and trees outside of forests and participatory land-use policy and planning, a renewable supply of wood and non-wood forest products with attendant environmental and social services, can be developed as an alternative to natural forest resources.

Intended end beneficiaries and benefits:
457.     Tree establishment and management plantations can complement natural forests and contribute to meeting a wide range of needs, including future demand for wood and non-wood goods, contribution to food security, and the provision of environmental services. Local communities and forest owners, as well as the private sector and the general public are expected beneficiaries.

458.     Awareness of the role and contribution of forest plantations and trees outside of forests, including agroforestry systems and urban and peri-urban environments; improved national policy formulation and investment.

Major Output(s)
  • Support to availability of, and access to information on appropriate tree planting materials and technologies
  • Improved practices in tree planting and plantation establishment and management
  • Policy and methodologies on land use planning and agroforestry systems
  • Best practices and information on the integration of trees in urban and peri-urban environments
  • Examples of national policies and programmes that support planted forests and trees outside forests.
  • Extent of increased production and distribution of quality, seed, seedlings and reproductive materials.

241A7: Forests and Water

Development problem to be addressed:
459.     Supplies of fresh water are increasingly scarce and, therefore, the importance of mountain forests and upland areas with regard to the conservation of water resources requires special attention.

Proposed contribution to problem resolution:
460.     This entity focuses on improved national awareness and policy environment in support of the sustainable management of mountain forests and upland areas with regard to water resources.

Intended end beneficiaries and benefits:
461.     The improved management of the world's limited supplies of freshwater in upland areas and understanding of the role of forests and trees in the conservation and use of water resources will benefit vulnerable groups as well as populations at large.

462.     Enhanced national awareness and dialogue on, and enabling policy environment for the role of forests and trees, and related practices such as watershed management, in the conservation of water resources.

Major Output(s)
  • Approaches and strategies on effective watershed management, forest hydrology application and other forest related practices for the sustainable use of water resources
  • Innovative approaches for the conservation and sustainable development of critical mountain watersheds and upland resources relevant to water conservation and use
  • Development of best forestry practices for the enhancement and conservation of water resources in lowland landscapes
  • Institutional capacity building for the implementation of sustainable management strategies and programmes for mountain watersheds and upland resources
  • Policies and action programmes for effective watershed management, including field-level approaches, as a follow up to the International Year of Mountains and the International Year of Fresh Water
  • Extent of enhanced exchange of best practices on watershed management.
  • Examples of national policy promoting the role of forests and integrated watershed management in water resources use.

241A8: Forests and Climate Change

Development problem to be addressed:
463.     As more scientific information about global warming accumulates, climate change emerges as one of the major environmental issues facing the international community. Environmental degradation, including forests, is intricately intertwined with climate change and must be addressed.

Proposed contribution to problem resolution:
464.     Ensuring that the importance of the role of forests and sustainable forest management has a high profile in international and national climate change agenda and mechanisms; support to international agreements and Members in more fully taking into account and address this critical aspect.

Intended end beneficiaries and benefits:
465.     Addressing the critical role of forests in mitigating the impact of climate change will benefit all Members, particularly developing countries, whom FAO can help with implementation of the Kyoto Protocol and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCC), e.g. in the context of national forest programmes, thus promoting the well-being of their populations, particularly the most vulnerable segments.

466.     International climate change-related instruments, national programmes, implementation plans and mechanisms adequately address and safeguard the sustainable development of forests, forestry and forest products.

Major Output(s)
  • Technical support to international climate change-related processes and negotiations from the perspective of forests
  • Technical assistance to Members and comprehensive information for implementing the Kyoto Protocol and/or for climate change mitigation and adaptation measures
  • Integration of climate change adaptation and mitigation into pertinent FAO's substantive activities
  • Information regarding promotion of wood fuels as substitutes for fossil fuels
  • Climate change regime in land use adequately addresses forest issues.
  • Successful national implementation of the pertinent aspects of the Kyoto Protocol.

241P1: Assessment and Monitoring of Forests and Woodland Resources

Development problem to be addressed:
467.     The quality and quantity of information on forest resources appears to be declining in many developing countries. Further, there is no common set of assessment and monitoring methodologies to facilitate exchange among the various partners at the international level.

Proposed contribution to problem resolution:
468.     This entity will seek to ensure that international and national initiatives, policies and programmes more fully reflecting common understanding of forestry resources and uses which should contribute to better management of these resources. This would ultimately lead to more sustainable forest management and fair trade.

Intended end beneficiaries and benefits:
469.     Both current and future generations would ultimately derive environmental and economic benefits, as well as indigenous peoples who depend on forest resources for their livelihoods.

470.     International and national initiatives, policies and programmes reflect and are facilitated by a common and enhanced information base.

Major Output(s)
  • Improved methodologies for assessing and monitoring changes in all types of forests and woodlands
  • Reports and updates on the extent and quality of global forest resources
  • Support to national and international monitoring and reporting on progress towards sustainable forest management
  • Extent to which national forest policies and programmes and international initiatives and conventions take into account the information on forest resources generated by FAO.
  • Extent to which new methodologies for national forest resources assessments are being implemented by countries

241S1: Technical Support and Advisory Services

471.     As this entity largely represents on-demand services to Members which by their nature are difficult to plan in advance, no formulation of rationale and objective is provided.

Major Output(s)
  • Interaction with field programme
  • Advice to member countries
  • Intra-departmental cooperation
  • Technical backstopping to field projects
  • Advisory missions to member countries

Programme 2.4.2: Forest Products and Economics

Prog. Entity Time Frame Title PWB 2004-05 MTP 2006-07 MTP 2008-09 MTP 2010-11 MTP Total
242A3 2004-2009 Forestry Sector Outlook Studies 1,430 1,430 1,430 0 2,860
242A4 2004-2009 Economic Aspects of Forests 1,287 1,287 1,287 0 2,574
242P1 Continuing Forest Products Information 2,411 2,411 2,411 2,411 7,233
242P2 Continuing Appropriate Utilisation of Forest Products 1,657 1,657 1,657 1,657 4,971
242S1 Continuing Support to Field Projects and Advisory Services 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 5,100
Programme Reserve 0   0 2,717  
Total Programme of Work 8,485 8,485 8,485 8,485 25,455
Less External Income 34 34 34 34 102
Net Appropriation 8,451 8,451 8,451 8,451 25,353
Real Growth 600 1,200 1,800 3,600
Net Appropriation with Real Growth 9,051 9,651 10,251 28,953
Growth in Net Appropriation (Percentage) 7.1% 14.2% 21.3% 14.2%

472.     Programme 2.4.2 aims at enhancing the sustainable harvesting, processing and utilization of forest products to contribute to strengthening of national economies, as well as to poverty reduction at the sub-national level through employment and income generation. It will assess and disseminate best practices for the generation and use of wood energy, as well as the harvesting, processing and trade of non-wood forest products. The programme is the conduit of support to countries and the private sector in the development of voluntary codes of best practices in the harvesting, processing and trade of forest products.

473.     Through the collection, analysis and dissemination of data and information on past, present and anticipated production, consumption and trade of wood and non-wood forest products as well as on wood fuels, and the assessment of their economics, FAO will continue to provide countries with a wide range of data and background information necessary for policy decisions.

Entity A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 C1 C2 D1 D2 E1 E2 E3
242A3           l         l  
242A4           l   l        
242P1                   l    
242P2             l          
242S1           l     l      
Legend:  m less than US$ 750,000
  l US$ 750,000 to US$ 2 million
  l more than US$ 2 million

Real Growth Proposal

The additional resources would be applied to three major outputs. Under the study of forests and forestry for the 2030 horizon, more emphasis would be put on demographic changes, links between economic development of forests and the evolution of technologies, while an expert consultation on forest trends would be held.

The second major output pertains to the economic analysis of forestry in countries in transition, i.e. approaches to enhance economic benefits from forests and support to capacity building in economic analysis in these countries.

The third area would be the reduction of carbon emissions during harvesting operations. The programme would analyze the impact of forest harvesting techniques on carbon lost, determine the relationship between loss of biomass and carbon lost, quantify the amount of carbon sequestered due to reduction in harvesting waste, and conduct case studies to monitor the rate of change of carbon stores during harvesting operations.

242A3: Forestry Sector Outlook Studies

Development problem to be addressed:
474.     Forestry policy makers do not always have a complete understanding of the long-term outlook for the sector and future economic, environmental, technological and social trends affecting it. This can lead to policies that do not, or incompletely support the sustainable use of resources.

Proposed contribution to problem resolution:
475.     A policy environment based on more complete understanding of long-term forestry issues should lead to more sustainable forest management practices which, in turn, contribute to addressing future economic, environmental, technological and social trends affecting the sector.

Intended end beneficiaries and benefits:
476.     Policies which take into account long-term trends should benefit all stakeholders with interest in forestry policy, including investors, owners and managers, as well as indigenous and vulnerable groups.

477.     Policy formulation in countries and donor assistance and investment programmes that take into account long-term opportunities and challenges of the forestry sector, stimulated by enhanced strategic planning capacity.

Major Output(s)
  • Support to improved capacity for strategic planning at the national, sub-regional and regional levels
  • Forestry sector outlook study for the Near East and Central Asia
  • Asia-Pacific Forestry Towards 2020 (APFSOS)
  • Examples of forestry policies, plans and programmes that are based on the long-term outlook for the sector.
  • Examples of investment planning reflecting a long-term perspective.

242A4: Economic Aspects of Forests

Development problem to be addressed:
478.     In the context of achieving sustainable management, the intergovernmental dialogue on forestry must be enlightened by sufficient analysis of key issues such as financing, trade, methods of valuation and internalization of forest-based goods and services, and forestry's role in employment generation, particularly in rural areas.

Proposed contribution to problem resolution:
479.     Forestry policies and management practices that are economically sustainable over the long-term should stimulate investment in the sector, optimize goods and services provided and improve employment and income generation capacity for both large and small forest enterprises.

Intended end beneficiaries and benefits:
480.     Better fiscal and land tenure arrangements, incorporation of social costs into forest management and policy decisions and a higher level of financing for sustainable forest management should benefit forest owners, sectoral employees and other groups deriving their livelihood from the sector.

481.     Forest policy makers, owners, managers and investors design policies and pursue practices that are economically sustainable over the long-term and lead to increased investment and employment in the sector, including in small-scale enterprises.

Major Output(s)
  • Mechanisms to enhance resource mobilization and financing in support of sustainable forest management
  • Tools and techniques for the valuation, internalization and optimization of the provision of forest based goods and environmental services
  • Assessment of employment and income generation opportunities from forestry
  • Study of economic, social and technological aspects of small-scale forestry enterprises
  • Assessment of emerging issues and opportunities in the trade of forest products and services
  • Number of countries changing fiscal policies and adopting innovative mechanisms to finance sustainable forest management.
  • Examples of improvements in policies and strategies that support increased sector income generation and employment.

242P1: Forest Products Information

Development problem to be addressed:
482.     Current national policies relating to forest products and operations practices do not always promote sustainable use of these resources.

Proposed contribution to problem resolution:
483.     A policy environment which supports the sustainable use of forest products and efficient forest operations practices, as well as awareness at national, regional and global level of the contribution of wood and non-wood forest products to national economies, should result in a more balanced and sustainable use of these resources.

Intended end beneficiaries and benefits:
484.     More sustainable use of forest products and sound forest operations practices would ultimately benefit forest owners and managers, as well as civil society, in particular vulnerable groups whose livelihoods depend on forest resources.

485.     National forestry strategies and policies are based on an improved awareness and understanding of forestry product trends and support their sustainable use, and forest management better reflects sustainable harvesting practices.

Major Output(s)
  • Information on the social and economic contribution of harvested forest products
  • Forest Products yearbook and other data on forest products, recovered paper and pulp and paper capacities
  • National policies and strategies that support the sustainable use of forest products.

242P2: Appropriate Utilisation of Forest Products

Development problem to be addressed:
486.     In many countries, current practices regarding forest products and services focus on employment and income generation at the expense of national resource conservation and environmental protection goals.

Proposed contribution to problem resolution:
487.     National forest product utilization policies and practices based on a solid understanding of environmentally sound harvesting, engineering and processing methods, and a better balance between economic and social concerns, should lead to sustainability in the provision of these products.

Intended end beneficiaries and benefits:
488.     Environmentally sound, economically feasible and socially acceptable provision and utilization of forest products and services contributes to food security and poverty alleviation of vulnerable groups, and supports overall social and economic development.

489.     National forest wood and non-wood product utilization practices are based on a solid information foundation and reflect balanced economic and social concerns.

Major Output(s)
  • Best practices for forest harvesting and engineering
  • Best practices and case studies on forest products as environmentally sound alternatives
  • Best practices and methodologies for the sustainable use of wood and non-wood forest products
  • Guidelines and methodologies for environmental impact assessments of forest operations
  • Information on sustainable wood energy methodologies and technology
  • Number of countries with forest products' utilization policies and practices supporting sustainable use of these resources.
  • Extent to which technologies and practices advocated by FAO are integrated into national forest products' management practices.

242S1: Support to Field Projects and Advisory Services

490.     As this entity largely represents on-demand services to Members which by their nature are difficult to plan in advance, no formulation of rationale and objective is provided.

Major Output(s)
  • Strengthened interaction with the field programme
  • Advice to member countries
  • Intra-departmental cooperation
  • Technical backstopping to field projects
  • Advice to member countries

Programme 2.4.3: Forestry Policy and Institutions

Prog. Entity Time Frame Title PWB 2004-05 MTP 2006-07 MTP 2008-09 MTP 2010-11 MTP Total
243A3 2002-2007 Strengthening National Institutional Capacities 1,852 1,852 0 0 1,852
243A4 2004-2009 Forest Policies and Governance 993 993 993 0 1,986
243A5 2004-2009 Forests, Poverty Alleviation and Food Security 632 632 632 0 1,264
243P4 Continuing Participatory Forestry and Sustainable Livelihoods 629 629 629 629 1,887
243S1 Continuing Interaction with Field Programmes and Advisory Services 1,318 1,318 1,318 1,318 3,954
Programme Reserve 0   1,852 3,477  
Total Programme of Work 5,424 5,424 5,424 5,424 16,272
Less External Income 26 26 26 26 78
Net Appropriation 5,398 5,398 5,398 5,398 16,194
Real Growth 400 800 1,200 2,400
Net Appropriation with Real Growth 5,798 6,198 6,598 18,594
Growth in Net Appropriation (Percentage) 7.4% 14.8% 22.2% 14.8%

491.     Due to the importance of connecting FAO's activities to the Millennium Development Goals, the programme will emphasize the vital role that forests play in addressing poverty, food security, the needs of the poor for fresh water and renewable energy. FAO's support in addressing the social dimension of sustainable forest management will seek to consolidate the considerable achievements made in a number of countries that have reformed their institutional arrangements through increased participation of civil society, better engagement of local government and increased transparency in forest administration. Raising the profile of forests in national planning efforts and poverty reduction strategies, will be underscored. The constituent entities are all geared to this effort.

Entity A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 C1 C2 D1 D2 E1 E2 E3
243A3         l m            
243A4         l              
243A5 m l                    
243P4 l m                    
243S1 l       l              
Legend:  m less than US$ 750,000
  l US$ 750,000 to US$ 2 million
  l more than US$ 2 million

Real Growth Proposal

The increased level would allow enhancement of work on national policy frameworks and institutional arrangements for increased participation of civil society. Support would also be provided to improve forest law compliance and ensure transparency in the management of public forests at country level.

243A3: Strengthening National Institutional Capacities

Development problem to be addressed:
492.     Current institutional frameworks required for administering and enforcing forestry policies and programmes, particularly in developing countries, are insufficient and in need of improvement.

Proposed contribution to problem resolution:
493.     Better managed and coordinated national forestry institutions and increased capacity to identify, advocate and enforce development policies based on objective analysis and information, will facilitate development of the forestry sector.

Intended end beneficiaries and benefits:
494.     The general public will benefit, particularly in developing countries from increased output of goods and services from forests and rural communities depending on forest resources will benefit from enhanced governance approaches that incorporate economic incentives, participatory methods and equity considerations.

495.     National forestry institutions are more efficiently managed and better coordinated and the main stakeholders, including researchers, educators and policy makers are enabled to formulate and enforce policies which promote development of the forestry sector in a sustainable way.

Major Output(s)
  • Support to capacity building for national planning and programming, policy analysis and performance reporting
  • Reports and analyses on key forestry institutional issues
  • Demonstration and documentation of extension partnership models
  • Support to national and regional capacities in forestry education and development
  • Support to strengthening of national and regional capacities in forestry research
  • Updating, modernizing and reinforcing institutional structures within the forestry sector, improving the forestry sector administration
  • Examples of institutional reforms promoting more effective management and better coordination.

243A4: Forest Policies and Governance

Development problem to be addressed:
496.     Decision makers in governments and other actors in developing countries lack expertise and capacity to guide the development of forestry sector policies and national programmes in a way that meets both economic and sustainable development goals.

Proposed contribution to problem resolution:
497.     The entity aims at supporting implementation and monitoring of forestry policies and programmes that promote conservation and sustainable use of forestry resources in developing countries, leading to major economic benefits from the sector, while ensuring long-term sustainability.

Intended end beneficiaries and benefits:
498.     While the increased flow of goods and services from forestry in a sustainable and efficient way directly contributes to economic development, positive effects will be derived by rural communities dependent on forests for their livelihoods.

499.     Concerned stakeholders in countries will more objectively and rationally guide, implement and monitor forestry policies and programmes, promoting sustainable development as well as increased economic returns, products and services from the sector.

Major Output(s)
  • Technical support to countries on the implementation of national programmes and analysis of current policy issues
  • Research and monitoring of trends and issues critical to forestry development in developing countries
  • Methodologies, approaches and tools for implementation of policy and national programmes
  • Number of countries undertaking formal policy analysis leading to decision making, taking into account emerging trends in sector development.
  • Number of active forestry policies and national programmes supported by this entity.

243A5: Forests, Poverty Alleviation and Food Security

Development problem to be addressed:
500.     While currently about 1.6 billion people rely more or less directly on forest resources for their livelihoods, development strategies insufficiently recognize that forests can make a decisive contribution to poverty reduction. At the same time, world's forests are declining, demands on forests and trees are increasing, and global climate changes are expected to have drastic future impacts on forests and agricultural systems.

Proposed contribution to problem resolution:
501.     By increasing awareness of the international community and better incorporating the role of forestry in addressing poverty alleviation and food security into national planning and policy setting, the entity will seek to heighten the influence of the forestry sector and assist with an increased contribution of forests to alleviating poverty.

Intended end beneficiaries and benefits:
502.     An increased contribution of forests and trees to poverty alleviation and food security will particularly benefit vulnerable groups, including women, low-income households, and ethnic minorities living in and around forests.

503.     Increased national and international awareness of the forestry sector's contribution to poverty alleviation, food security and sustainable development and a strengthened role of forestry in national and international planning and policy setting.

Major Output(s)
  • Studies on impact of forest policies and strategies on poverty alleviation and food security
  • Guidelines and workshops to support capacity building and raise awareness on role of forestry in poverty alleviation and food security
  • Research and studies on new approaches and opportunities to enhance the contribution of forest and trees to poverty alleviation
  • Examples of national poverty reduction strategies and other policy frameworks which promote the role of forestry in poverty alleviation and food security.

243P4: Participatory Forestry and Sustainable Livelihoods

Development problem to be addressed:
504.     Participation of the main stakeholders in decisions on the use and management of forest and tree resources has been recognised as a most effective means to enhance the contribution of forestry to rural livelihoods in a sustainable fashion. Yet, participatory forestry has had difficulties moving beyond isolated and short-lived initiatives.

Proposed contribution to problem resolution:
505.     Improved participation of key stakeholders in forest management policy, planning, legislation and implementation practices and an enabling environment for livelihood-oriented forestry are the main areas of attention under this entity.

Intended end beneficiaries and benefits:
506.     Increased opportunities and security regarding access to, and use of tree and forest resources, will benefit directly people whose livelihoods are heavily dependent on these resources. An improved and sustainable management context for forest resources will benefit the general public.

507.     Forest management policy, planning and legislation and implementation practices at local, national and regional levels reflect appropriate participation of key stakeholders, including local communities, and create an enabling environment for better access to forest resources and sustainable livelihoods.

Major Output(s)
  • Approaches for the participatory formulation of forest policy and legislation and planning and management of forest resources
  • Multi-stakeholder capacity building materials and training in participatory processes and approaches
  • Methodologies, guidelines and tools for improving participatory natural resources management and sustainable livelihoods
  • Examples of successful policy development processes that involved local communities and civil society organizations.
  • Evidence of improved community, forest owners, forest user groups organisation and formation of local enterprises of forest dependent communities.

243S1: Interaction with Field Programmes and Advisory Services

508.     As this entity largely represents on-demand services to Members which by their nature are difficult to plan in advance, no formulation of rationale and objective is provided.

Major Output(s)
  • Interaction with field programme
  • Advice to member countries
  • Intra-departmental cooperation
  • Backstopping missions to field projects

Programme 2.4.4: Forestry Information and Liaison

Prog. Entity Time Frame Title PWB 2004-05 MTP 2006-07 MTP 2008-09 MTP 2010-11 MTP Total
244A1 2002-2007 International Forestry Processes 781 781 0 0 781
244P1 Continuing Forestry Information 2,292 2,292 2,292 2,292 6,876
244S1 Continuing Support to Statutory Bodies and Liaison with the Regional Offices 1,977 1,977 1,977 1,977 5,931
Programme Reserve 0   781 781  
Total Programme of Work 5,050 5,050 5,050 5,050 15,150
Less External Income 5 5 5 5 15
Net Appropriation 5,045 5,045 5,045 5,045 15,135
Real Growth 0 0 0 0
Net Appropriation with Real Growth 5,045 5,045 5,045 15,135
Growth in Net Appropriation (Percentage) 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

509.     This programme will continue to cover FAO's key role in providing country-based forestry information at the regional and global levels, which will be further strengthened through partnerships with the countries themselves and other international and regional organizations. The reporting burden of countries will be reduced through improved technology. Synergies with other key organizations will be increased through the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (entity 244A1). The servicing of statutory bodies under 244S1 will retain due prominence. It is recalled that 244S1 covers servicing of the Committee on Forestry (COFO), other statutory bodies in forestry such as the Regional Forestry Commissions, the Advisory Committee on Paper and Wood Products, the International Poplar Commission, Silva Mediterranea, the Working Group of the African Forestry and Wildlife Commission, and the Panel of Experts on Forest Genetic Resources. It also provides a focal point for interaction with forestry officers in Regional and Subregional Offices, and seconded to other organizations.

Entity A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 C1 C2 D1 D2 E1 E2 E3
244A1       l                
244P1                   l    
244S1       l l     l   l    
Legend:  m less than US$ 750,000
  l US$ 750,000 to US$ 2 million
  l more than US$ 2 million

244A1: International Forestry Processes

Development problem to be addressed:
510.     Members require substantial technical support in relation to their participation in international forest-related instruments and processes, including for the preparation of coordinated inputs. They also need support to decision making and consensus building towards actions to achieve and promote sustainable forest management worldwide.

Proposed contribution to problem resolution:
511.     Increased consensus and action-oriented outcomes within international forest processes, as well as catalytic support from FAO for the implementation of the actions agreed in these processes should lead to better national, regional and global practices for the sustainable management of forest resources.

Intended end beneficiaries and benefits:
512.     The UN Forum on Forests (UNFF) and member organizations of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) in particular will benefit from more effective and consensus-based actions to achieve and promote sustainable forest management worldwide, ultimately benefiting all countries and populations.

513.     Increased consensus and action-oriented outcomes within various international forest-related instruments and processes coupled with facilitation of the implementation of actions agreed in these processes at national, regional and global levels.

Major Output(s)
  • Coordinated technical, policy and legal inputs in support to the United Nations Forum on Forests
  • Coordinated inputs and support to the Collaborative Partnership on Forests
  • Coordinated reports to Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) on the implementation of Agenda 21 and the outcome of World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD)
  • Coordinated forestry reports and inputs to various processes and international conventions
  • Examples and evidence of increased consensus and action-oriented outcomes arising out of international forestry related instruments and processes.
  • Examples of implementation of actions agreed in international forestry processes at the national, regional and global levels benefiting from support from this entity.

244P1: Forestry Information

Development problem to be addressed:
514.     A lack of transparency, clarity and comparability in forestry information, coupled with the extensive geographic spread of forests and their diverse characteristics, makes it quite challenging to have a clear picture of how resources are changing over time, constraining attempts to reform plans, policies and programmes to advance sustainable management of forests. As a result, well-intended policy reform cannot be monitored for effectiveness, while illegal activities and misuse of forest resources result in forest degradation or disappearance.

Proposed contribution to problem resolution:
515.     Improved awareness of key forestry issues and advocacy of sustainable management of forest resources by policy makers and other important sectoral stakeholders, will facilitate reform and refinement of national forest policies and programmes.

Intended end beneficiaries and benefits:
516.     More successful reform efforts will advance sustainable management of forests, stem resource degradation and misuse, as well as illegal activities in the sector, benefiting national governments and both current and future generations.

517.     Improved awareness of key forestry issues, advocacy of sustainable management of forest resources (on the part of policy makers in formulating forest sector plans and of researchers and academic institutions in informing the public debate) based on wider access to a current and objective information base.

Major Output(s)
  • Forestry Web site, providing access to databases and other information using dynamic search criteria
  • Institution building services and methods for managing countries' forest-related data, information and knowledge
  • Production of coordinated forestry information materials
  • Documentation and search facilities and services, linked with specialized documentation centres
  • Advocacy activities for non-technical audiences on selected forestry issues
  • State of the World's Forests (SOFO)
  • Evidence of improved awareness and advocacy of key forestry issues impacting sustainable development.
  • Increased pursuit and achievement of sustainable development policies by government officials and other decision makers formulating forest sector plans.

244S1: Support to Statutory Bodies and Liaison with the Regional Offices

518.     As this entity largely represents on-demand services to Members which by their nature are difficult to plan in advance, no formulation of rationale and objective is provided.

Major Output(s)
  • Committee on Forestry
  • Regional Forestry Commissions
  • Forestry technical statutory bodies: Advisory Committee on Paper and Wood Products; International Poplar Commission; Silva Mediterranea; Working Group of the African Forestry and Wildlife Commission; and Panel of Experts on Forest Genetic Resources
  • Improved liaison with decentralized forestry staff, including those seconded to other organizations, and with FAO Representatives
  • World Forestry Congress
  • Participation by governments
  • Participation by non-governmental organizations
  • Participation by private sector

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