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592.      It is recalled that FAO’s Programme of Work is presented in a "unified" manner in the MTP and PWB documents. The constituent programme entities are designed to address the problems faced by Members, while contributing to the corporate objectives reflected in the Strategic Framework. The entities are, therefore, jointly executed in most cases by headquarters departments and the corresponding outposted teams in Regional or Subregional Offices. Over the time period covered by this MTP document, many activities and outputs will involve, therefore, participation of both headquarters staff and that of outlying offices.

593.      Within this unified approach, it is of course incumbent upon all units to bear in mind the major cross-sectoral (as well as sectoral) issues of relevance to specific regions. As the result of consultations between technical departments at headquarters and FAO Regional and Subregional offices, it was possible to identify selectively key cross-sectoral issues pertaining to individual regions, also taking account of the recommendations of recent FAO Regional Conferences. It is no doubt of interest to Members to note these issues, as they will influence the areas of FAO’s interventions and support over the medium term and hence the design of future outputs. The headings below refer to the established programme structure for technical work (i.e. Chapter 2, Technical and Economic Programmes and Major Programme 3.1, Policy Assistance).


Agricultural Production and Support Systems

594.      The following cross-sectoral issues have been identified as of particular relevance to Africa:

Food and Agricultural Policy and Development

595.      The over-reaching issue in the Africa Region is the insufficient speed of progress in implementing the World Food Summit target for 2015, calling for specific nutrition interventions. Also, the continent suffers from persistent weakness of the statistical information base, undermining the capacity to identify and develop appropriate policies in the food and agriculture sector.


596.      In the fisheries sector, Africa will need to address more particularly:


597.      To enhance the role of forests in food security and mitigating poverty, most African countries will need to pursue a mix of interventions:

Sustainable Development

598.      As essential building blocks towards sustainable development, the region will require support in relation to:

Policy Assistance

599.      Policy concerns of most direct interest to the region – and therefore likely to affect related policy advisory services expected from FAO – will continue to be:

Asia and the Pacific

Agricultural Production and Support Systems

600.      Taking account of the varied conditions and the importance of agricultural systems in the region, it will need to address inter alia the following major issues:

Food and Agricultural Policy and Development

601.      Complementary to the preceding, there will need to be priority attention within the region to:


602.      Building on the impressive progress so far in fisheries and aquaculture development, the region will need to address:


603.      In relation to the forestry sector, concerns of importance to the region will include:

Sustainable Development

604.      The region will need to pay attention to:

Policy Assistance

605.      Given current trends in the region, policy formulation would need to take account of:


Agricultural Production and Support Systems

606.      In the CEE and CIS countries, the transition from a centrally planned to market oriented economy has often led to outdated infrastructure and practices. These countries face a number of problems in their efforts to modernize and expand the agriculture sector:

Food and Agricultural Policy and Development

607.      In the nutrition area in particular, the above countries need to:


608.      Some of the major issues in the context of fisheries development in the region are:


609.      As for agriculture, the CEE and CIS countries need to ensure an appropriate contribution of forestry to rural development, especially given its significant economic potential. The main obstacles in this endeavour include:

Sustainable Development

610.      As essential ingredients for sustainable development, many countries in the region need to address:

Policy Assistance

611.      Priority areas for the region where FAO could provide valuable assistance relate to:

Latin America and the Caribbean

Agricultural Production and Support Systems

612.      Among the major issues of relevance to agricultural development in the region are:

Food and Agriculture Policy and Development

613.      Regional issues include:


614.      In the fisheries sector, major regional concerns include:


615.      While the region is richly endowed with forest resources, specific concerns are:

Sustainable Development

616.      Requirements of special importance to the region include:

Policy Assistance

617.      Agricultural trade policy will continue to be a primary concern to the region, calling for support to governments in international trade negotiations, the assessments of the impact of free trade agreements on agriculture and competitiveness issues. Other important components of policy formulation are the sustainable management of natural resources, rural development at the local/territorial level, institutional reforms, social capital development and new opportunities for regional integration.

Near East

Agricultural Production and Support Systems

618.      Water scarcity is clearly the overriding limiting factor for agricultural production and food security in the region. In the light of this and other regional specificities, the core issues of agricultural development include:

Food and Agricultural Policy and Development

619.      Policy makers in the region will need to focus inter alia on:


620.      In respect of fisheries, the Near East region will need more specifically to:


621.      Given that most countries in the region are low forest cover countries, they will need to:

Sustainable Development

622.      The dimensions of sustainable development of keen interest to the region include:

Policy Assistance

623.      The countries in the region have shown much interest in Regional Programmes for Food Security (RPFS), calling for continued assistance from FAO including contacts with regional funding organizations and individual oil-producing countries. A vehicle worth mentioning for policy cooperation is the Near East and North Africa Regional Network for Agricultural Policies (NENARNAP). Other aspects of policy formulation of relevance to the region include:

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