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Appendices (continue)




(i) General Observations

The present Appendix, which complements Appendix 6 and which includes the species and provenances listed in that Annex, represents an up-dated and revised version of the earlier tables which appeared as Appendix 5 in the Report on the 7th Session of FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources (FAO 1990).

FAO's mandate, and that of the present Expert Panel, relates to genetic resources of species of socio-economic value for agricultural and forestry development, with special reference to intra-specific genetic variation found in these species. Endangered and vulnerable species, and species under threat of depletion listed i.a. in documentation published by the World Conservation Union (IUCN), are included only if they meet these basic development criteria. Similarly, although sometimes referring to genera, the list does not refer to ecosystems or biota.

The present Appendix does not present an exhaustive list of woody perennial species in need of attention at national, regional, ecoregional and global levels. The list is aimed at providing information on those species and provenances which the FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources, during its 8th Session in June 1993, considered should be given highest, relative priority in the forest genetic resources programme of FAO's Forestry Department; and in programmes of other international, regional, bilateral and national institutions or agencies, including those of national and international non-governmental Organizations and the Private Sector. The list, arranged by regions and sub-regions indicates, whenever possible, priority on a scale from 1 to 3 (see below), for the various operational steps identified: exploration, evaluation, conservation and utilization of germplasm (including selection and breeding).

The Panel recognized that many of the priority ratings must be considered tentative. At times basic information necessary for precise rating was lacking and in this case the list may include only a mention of the genus in question (implying an urgent need for exploration).

While not under-rating the fundamental importance of locally occurring species and the need to gain more information and to ensure the conservation and wise use of this category of woody perennials, the present list focusses on species which, in addition to their local importance, are of actual or potential value also in other countries or areas; or which may be of immediate importance in improvement and breeding programmes of related species in their country of origin and other countries.

There is a need to supplement the present list with more detailed, national lists of priorities for action at local and national levels.

(ii) “End Use of Species” (columns 1–4)

Only species of high actual or potential priority in one (or at times, several) of the four, general end use categories identified, are included.

Column 1, “Industrial Wood”, includes those species whose main use is logs, sawn timber, heavy construction wood, plywood, chip and particle board, wood pulp etc.

Column 2, “Industrial Non-Wood Products”, includes those species which are mainly used for the production of gums, resins, oils, tannins or other products used in small, medium and large-scale local and non-local industries.

Column 3, “Fuelwood, Posts, Poles”, includes those species producing mainly fuelwood and wood used for the production of charcoal and energy; and those used for the production of non-industrial roundwood used on-farm (such as building poles, posts).

Column 4, “Other Uses (goods, services)”, is a category which includes species grown mainly for the production of food, fodder, and for land stabilization, soil amelioration, for shade, shelter and other environmental values.

Complementary information is, at times, given in the “Remarks”-column.

(iii) Operations/Activities

Three priority ratings are used. These ratings provide priority ratings over time, as follows:

  1. Highest priority.
    Action should start (or be continued) with immediate effect.

  2. Prompt action recommended.
    Action should start within the next two biennia (1994/95; 1996/97).

  3. Need for attention.
    Action foreseen to start within the quinquennium 1994–1999.

Complementary information is, at times, given in the “Remarks” -column.

(E) in the “Remarks” -column, signifies endangered with extinction or severe depletion of the gene pool (see also paragraph 2 of “General Observations” above).

SPECIES Operations/Activities      REMARKS
End use of speciesExplorationEvaluationConservationGermplasm use


Abies amabilis         Int. PVT
A. bracteata   2       
A. concolor         3 
A. grandis        3Int. PVT
A. lasiocarpa        2Int. PVT
A. magnifica var. shastaensis      3    
A. procera         Int. PVT, breeding programs
Acer macrophyllum         In situ cons. stands
Alnus rhombifolia          In situ cons. stands
A. rubra 3 2 3 2PVT. Seed in storage for int. PVT
A. sinuata          In situ cons. stands
A. tenuifolia          In situ cons. stands
Arbutus menziesii          In situ cons. stands
Betula fontinalis          In situ cons. stands
B. papyrifera          In situ cons. stands
Castanopsis chrysophylla          In situ cons. stands
Celtis douglasii          In situ cons. stands
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana          Root rot affecting species:Phytophera lateralis
Chamaecyparis nootkatensis 3 3 3  Tests and collections
C. macrocarpa   3 3     
Cornus nuttalli   3       
Crataegus douglasii      3    
C. columbiana      3    
Cupressus arizonica (complex)   2 32  2 
C. bakeri      3    
Fraxinus latifolia      3    
Juniperus occidentalis   3       
J. scopulorum   3       
Larix laricina        32 
L. lyallii  2       
L. occidentalis  3  2   Breeding trials.
Libocedus decurrens      3    
Lithocarpus densiflorus      3    
Malus fusca      3    
Picea breweriana      3    
Picea engelmannii   2      Int. PVT. Tests and collections
P. glauca          Int. PVT. Breeding.
P. sitchensis          Int. PVT. Tests.
Pinus albicaulis   3 3 3   
P. arizonica  2       
P. attenuata   3     3 
P. chihuahuana  2       
P. contorta         Int. PVT. Recent bulk collections above 5 2 N. Tests
P. engelmanii  2       
P. flexilis      3    
P. jeffreyi   2       
P. lambertiana          Int. PVT
P. monticola          Breeding progr.
P. ponderosa   2      Breeding progr.
P. radiata          Int. PVT. Gene pool stands
P. washoensis  2       
Populus tremuloides          Collections
P. trichocarpa   3       
Pseudotsuga menziesii          Int. PVT. Breeding progr.
P. macrocarpa   2 2   2 
Quercus chrysolepis      3    
Q. garryana  2  1   British Columbia, USA
Q. kelloggii      3    
Rhamnus purshiana          In situ cons. stands
Salix amygdaloides          In situ cons. stands
S. hindsiana          In situ cons. stands
S. hookenana          In situ cons. stands
S. lasiandra          In situ cons. stands
S. lasiolepis          In situ cons. stands
S. scouleriana          In situ cons. stands
Sequoia sempervirens          Collections
Taxus brevifolia 1 211  Use for taxol
Thuja plicata  3 3    Collection and testing
Tsuga heterophylla   2      Collection and testing
T. mertensiana          Collection
Umbellularia california          In situ cons. stands


Abies balsamea    3  3 Breeding progr.
A. fraseri  2 32 3 Breeding progr.
Acer saccharum  322 3 
Betula alleghaniensis   3  2 33 
Carya cordiformis   3 3 2   
C. illinoensis   3 3    Of recent interest to China
C. ovata     3 2   
Castanea dentata  2    11 
Celtis tenuifolia  2  23   
Fraxinus americana      3    
F. quadrangulata  2  22   
Gymnocladus dioieus     22   
Juglans cinerea     222  Ex situ cons. required in Canada
J. nigra       22 
Larix laricina     3  32 
Liquidambar styraciflua     2  22 
Liriodendron tulipifera      3 32Collection and testing in Eastern U.S.
Magnolia acuminata     22   
Picea glauca          Breeding progr.
P. mariana          Breeding progr.
P. rubens        32 
Platenus occidentalis     2  22 
Pinus banksiana          Breeding progr.
P. clausa        33 
P. rigida    3     
P. echinata     2  2 Breeding progr. in Eastern U.S.
P. elliottii          Breeding progr. in Eastern U.S.
P. palustris          Breeding progr. in Eastern U.S.
P. resinosa          Breeding progr.
P. serotina     23 33 
P. strobus          Breeding progr.
P. taeda          Breeding progr.
P. virginiana        22 
Populus balsamifera     2  32High potential for biomass on medium fertility soils
P. deltoides          Breeding progr.
P. tremuloides     3  3 Breeding progr. in U.S.
Prunus serotina     33 3 Canadian populations at extremes of range
Ptelea trifoliata  2  12   
Quercus alba    2 3 3Canadian populations at extremes of range
Q. borealis    3 3 3 
Q. macrocarpa  1 33    
Robinia pseudoacacia    3     
Taxodium ascendens   2 33 3  
T. distichum   2 33 3  
Torreya taxifolia      2    
Ulmus americana  3 3233 Resistance breeding progr.

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