Major Programme 2.4: Forestry

(all amounts in US$ 000)
  Programme 2004-05 Programme of Work ZRG Programme Change ZRG 2006-07 Programme of Work RG Programme Change RG 2006-07 Programme of Work
241 Forest Resources 9,131 (2) 9,129 455 9,584
242 Forest Products and Economics 9,193 0 9,193 600 9,793
243 Forestry Policy and Institutions 5,788 0 5,788 400 6,188
244 Forestry Information and Liaison 5,457 0 5,457 0 5,457
249 Programme Management 5,805 (2) 5,803 0 5,803
Total 35,374 (3) 35,370 1,455 36,825
ZNG Impact     (2,316)    
Total     33,054    

Substantive thrusts under ZRG conditions

250.     The Major Programme aims at sustainable forest management in its three dimensions: environmental, economic and social. During the biennium 2006-07, activities will be maintained on these three fronts, while placing emphasis on: sustainable forest management in the context of the Millennium Development Goals; FAO leadership in the international forest agenda, primarily through the Collaborative Partnership on Forests; further strengthening of international cooperation on forest fires; support to national capacity-building and forest programmes particularly through field projects, including the National Forest Programme Facility; and continued analysis and dissemination of information about forests and trees outside forests, including statistics, national and global forest resource assessments, support to countries, effective use of the Internet as a dissemination tool, and leadership in monitoring, assessing and reporting on sustainable forest management.

Programme 2.4.1: Forest Resources
251.     Sustainable forest management aims at ensuring that goods and services derived from the forests and trees meet the needs of present and future generations, while at the same time securing their continuing availability and contribution to development. To this end, FAO will continue the update of the global forest resource assessment and enhance capacities for national forest assessment in 20 countries. FAO will provide countries with decision support information for management of planted forest and tree resources and increase assistance to smallholders in relation to plantation forest and agroforestry systems. New management approaches to fragile ecosystems, especially dry lands and mountain ecosystems, will be tested and promoted in a number of countries. The programme will provide a forum for discussions and assist country and regional networks in combating fires and forest pests and diseases. It will support national strategies and plans against forest fires, including prevention and control, and facilitate inter-country cooperation. The role of forests in climate change and support to countries in climate change-related actions is another priority area. Developing countries will be provided information on the potential benefits of new environmental markets, under the Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM).

Programme 2.4.2: Forest Products and Economics
252.     Key activities will remain global and regional Forestry Sector Outlook Studies and analysis of the status, trends and emerging opportunities and challenges for the forestry sector in the mid and long term. The economics of sustainable forest management, specifically in the tropics, will be another major thrust. The programme will continue to provide data and information on forestry production, consumption and trade of wood and non-wood products as well as on wood fuels and their economics. The programme will also actively work towards the enhancement of forests and forest products' contribution to poverty alleviation while ensuring environmental sustainability by: 1) identifying the potential of non-wood forest products, improved harvesting and production methods, and disseminating related knowledge widely at all levels; 2) re-appraising the value and potential of wood energy as a clean and safe energy source and raising awareness of its importance at policy level, including improved information systems; and 3) assisting countries in Asia and Africa to introduce reduced impact logging practices based on regional codes of harvesting, and also preparing one for Latin America.

Programme 2.4.3: Forestry Policy and Institutions
253.     In the particular perspective of the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, the programme will continue to emphasise the vital role trees and forests play in addressing poverty and food security, and increase awareness of the forest sector’s contributions nationally and internationally. Raising the profile of forests in national planning, policy development and poverty reduction strategies will be underscored. In addressing the social dimensions of sustainable forest management, FAO will aim at creating an enabling environment for better access to forest resources and sustainable livelihoods by the rural poor. Participatory approaches to forest policy planning and implementation, multi-stakeholder platforms and communities of practice will be major tools to support this goal. At the same time, the programme will continue to strengthen institutional capacities to formulate, implement and enforce policies which promote sustainable development of the forest sector through: support to national forest programmes, promoting cross-sectoral approaches and addressing important issues such as privatisation and decentralization. The programme will also stress the important roles education, research and extension play in forest development and provide active support to strengthen these roles.

Programme 2.4.4: Forestry Information and Liaison
254.     Ensuring synergies with other key organizations is a prime objective of this programme, including continued FAO leadership in the international forest agenda, particularly through the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF). FAO's key role in providing country-based information at the regional and global levels will be further strengthened in partnership with countries themselves and with other international and regional organizations, at the same time contributing to national capacity-building. Monitoring and reporting on forests, and in particular on progress toward sustainable forest management, will be strengthened, including through a coordinated CPF information framework. High quality forestry information will continue to be provided through publications including the State of the World's Forests and UNASYLVA, technical publications and policy guidelines, and a comprehensive Web site about forests. FAO will continue to serve as a venue for regional and global discussions on key forest issues by organizing: regional forestry commissions and their working groups; international expert consultations; technical statutory bodies such as the Advisory Committee on Paper and Wood Products; and the Committee on Forestry (COFO).

Real Growth Scenario

255.     Support would be provided to more countries in translating agreed concepts of sustainable management of forests into action, and sharing the experiences more widely among stakeholders. Programme 2.4.1 would also expand the dissemination of new and innovative approaches to watershed management and prepare appropriate communication tools. Awareness of the implications of the Kyoto Protocol would be fostered with regional top level forestry administrators in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The programme would also facilitate small-scale forestry and agroforestry projects under the Clean Development Mechanism.

256.     The additional resources for 2.4.2 would be applied to three outputs. Under the study of forests and forestry for the 2030 horizon, more emphasis would be put on demographic changes, links between economic development of forests and the evolution of technologies, and an expert consultation on forest trends would be held. The second output pertains to the economic analysis of forestry in countries in transition, i.e. approaches to enhance economic benefits from forests and support to capacity building in economic analysis in these countries. The third would be the reduction of carbon emissions during harvesting operations.

257.     The RG level for 2.4.3 would allow enhancement of work on national policy frameworks and institutional arrangements for increased participation of civil society. Support would also be provided to improve forest law compliance and ensure transparency in the management of public forests at country level.

Zero Nominal Growth Impact

258.     The ZNG scenario would have to be addressed by abolishing a number of posts. Under 2.4.1, activities in Low Forest Cover Countries (LFCC) have included integrating desertification control programmes into national development plans and ensuring participation of all stakeholders, especially rural populations in the rehabilitation of degraded lands. With reduced resources, LFCC support will be subject to extra-budgetary funding. Support to countries in combating desertification and implementing the UNCCD40 would have to be severely reduced. One statutory body, Silva Mediterranea, could be eliminated, unless extra-budgetary resources are identified.

259.     Negative impacts are also expected from insufficient capacity to support countries in the prevention and control of forest fires at national and regional levels, to support forest fire networks and to elaborate guidelines on fire management. Assistance to countries in forest fire management would be dependent on extra-budgetary funding.

260.     Under 2.4.2, it would not be possible to initiate new regional outlook studies and update previous ones. Work on forest products trade and environment would be eliminated. A planned major regional assessment of trends in production, consumption and trade in forest products and updated forecast for 2020 would have to be put on hold.

261.     Under 2.4.3 and 2.4.4, ZNG would reduce capacity to promote problem-solving, participatory, multistakeholder approaches to enhance the contribution of trees and forests to sustainable land use and food security. Planned activities to address inadequacies in forestry institutions as the result of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, especially in Africa, would be halted.

262.     Support to the United Nations Forum on Forests and other dimensions of the international arrangement on forests would be severely curtailed in order to maintain adequate support to Regional Forestry Commissions.

40 United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, particularly in Africa