Table of ContentsRAP-806-

Chapter 1: Corporate Governance

Programme 1A: Governing Bodies

(all amounts in US$ 000)
Programme Entity Title Programme of Work 2006-07
1AP01 Organization of the Conference and Council sessions and Interdepartmental Coordination of Governing Bodies sessions 6,473
1AP02 Regional Conferences 1,321
Total 7,794

159.     Programme 1A includes the organization of the Conference, the Council and its Committees except the main Technical Committees, as well as Regional Conferences, and provision for documentation, interpretation, short-term staff and overtime, in addition to the travel of government representatives, as provided for in the Financial Regulations. Secretariat is provided to Conference and Council sessions, including the preparation of agendas, schedules of documentation, correspondence, and in-session use of meeting rooms.

Programme 1B: General Direction

(all amounts in US$ 000)
Programme Entity Title Programme of Work 2006-07
1BP01 Director-General's Office 7,296
1BP02 Legal Services Required for the Management of the Organization 2,355
1BP03 Support to CCLM 163
Total 9,814

160.     The programme covers the Office of the Director-General (ODG) stricto sensu, as well as the share of the activities of the Legal Office (LEG) devoted to "in-house counsel" work. A separate entity shows technical support to the CCLM.

Table of ContentsRAP-806-