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Election of Vice-Chairmen and Designation of Chairman and Members of the Drafting Committee

Decided that provision should be made, as from the current session, to increase the number of its Vice-Chairmen from two to three, and accordingly amended Rule I-1 of the Rules of Procedure of the Council (paras. 3 and 4).

Current World Food Situation

Endorsed the analysis of the current world food situation and outlook as presented in the document and considered the assessment clear and comprehensive (para. 13).

Requested the Director-General to take appropriate early action to tackle any emergencies that might arise, in view of the uncertain crop prospects for 1979 (para. 14).

Strongly endorsed the Director-General's appeal for urgently needed contributions to the Desert Locust Control and other Special Action Programmes (para. 15).

Urged the Member Countries in Africa to take determined action to increase food production, as recommended in the Arusha Resolution on the Regional Food Plan for Africa, and requested developed countries and international organizations to provide the necessary financial and technical support (para. 16).

Urged both traditional and potential donors to make additional or new pledges to cover shortfalls in food aid and the pledges' targets of the International Emergency Food Reserve and of the World Food Programme (para. 18).

Urged all donors to increase the level and improve the terms of their external assistance for food and agriculture (para. 27).

Reiterated the agreed recommendations of the Second Session of the Committee of the Whole established under General Assembly Resolution 32/174 that the estimated annual requirement for external assistance of US$ 8 300 million, with US$ 6 500 million on concessional terms should be reached if possible by the end of 1980 (para. 27).

Again requested member countries to give priority to sending adequate and timely replies to the FAO questionnaire requesting data on domestic investment and recurrent expenditure in agriculture (para. 28).

Report of the Fourth Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS)

Endorsed the Committee's request to all governments concerned to search urgently for a basis for resuming and concluding negotiations for a new international grains arrangement (para. 31)

Agreed that the Plan of Action would need to be reviewed in the event of a new international grains arrangement being concluded (para. 31).

Agreed that world food security was a basic component of a New International Economic Order. National food reserves, which were essential to offset temporary shortfalls in food supplies, should be conceived and operated in full conformity with national development policies, and should be linked with efforts to increase production and improve nutritional standards while providing an adequate return to farmers (para. 33).

Endorsed the recommendations of the Committee regarding the Global Information and Early Warning System, and urged all governments which were not already doing so to participate fully in its operation (para. 38).

Endorsed the need for a full-scale review of the implications for world food security, longer-term trends in world food production, consumption and trade, with particular attention being given to the causes of the sharp rise in grain imports of the developing countries (para. 39).

Endorsed the Committee's decision to pay special attention to the role of non-cereal foods in world food security (para. 39).

Agreed to adopt the Plan of Action as formulated by the Fourth Session of the Committee on World Food Security, and requested the Director-General to make it available to the Fifth Session of the World Food Council for consideration (para. 40).

Adopted Resolution 1/75 on the Plan of Action on World Food Security (para. 41, Res. 1/75).

Recommended that all Member Nations and international organizations concerned take immediate steps to put the Plan of Action into operation as a means of strengthening world food security (para. 41, Res. 1/75).

Requested the Director-General in consultation with Member Nations and organizations concerned

(a) to report to the Twentieth Session of the FAO Conference and future sessions of the Committee on World Food Security and the FAO Council on the progress made toward implementing the Plan of Action; and

(b) to submit proposals for any further measures required to achieve the objectives of world food security (para. 41, Res. 1/75).

Report of the Fifth Session of the Committee on Agriculture (COAG)

Endorsed the Report of the Fifth Session of the Committee on Agriculture (COAG) (para. 42).

Endorsed the recommendations of the Committee concerning Implementation of the Programme of Work 1978-79, Medium and Long-Term Outlook, and the Summary Programme of Work and Budget 1980-81 (para. 44).

Urged that further contributions be made to the Action Programme for the Prevention of Food Losses to meet the target of US$ 20, million set by the Nineteenth Session of the FAO Conference and to ensure continuing activity in this field (para. 46).

Urged FAO to further intensify its efforts in favour of rural development, particularly in following-up relevant recommendations Of the forthcoming World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (WCARRD) (para, 47).

Urged donor countries to continue to give support to food security programmes, including the FAO Food Security Assistance Scheme (para. 48).

Urged FAO to continue to play an active role in the current efforts of the United Nations General Assembly to formulate a new international development strategy (para. 49).

Agreed with the Committee's endorsement of the proposed priorities and programme changes for the 1980-81 biennium concerning the main activities of the Agricultural and Economic and Social Policy Departments, the Regional Offices and Joint Divisions in Major Programme 2.1 Agriculture (para. 51).

Agreed that the Director-General's proposals were in line with the strategies required by the world situation, FAO's roles, the overall policy orientation and priorities of the Organization (para. 51).

Agreed that nutrition planning should be an integral part of overall development and production planning (para. 52).

Endorsed the recommendations of COAG on the role of nutrition in agricultural and rural development (para. 52).

Endorsed the views of the Programme Committee on the nature of the appropriate inter-governmental body to review FAO's programme of work on nutrition, and agreed that nutrition aspects would have to be considered from time to time by the Committee on Fisheries, that the Programme Committee would consider further progress achieved in developing the nutrition programme of the Organization at a later session and that the Director-General could convene, upon the request of Member Governments, inter-governmental consultations on an ad hoc basis for a review of the nutrition programme of FAO (para. 53).

Agreed that Food and Nutrition should be a standing item on the agenda of COAG and that the terms of reference of COAG laid down in Rule XXXII of the General Rules of the Organization be amended so as to reflect the inclusion of nutrition among the areas to be covered by the Committee (para. 54).

Decided to refer the amendment to General Rule XXXII, to the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM) (para. 54).

Decided to discontinue the Ad Hoc Committee on Nutrition (para. 55).

Endorsed the proposed national action programme for rehabilitation and improvement of irrigation schemes and for better water management at the farm level and agreed with the priority given to these items in FAO's Programme (para. 56).

Requested that the causes of deterioration of existing irrigation systems be identified and remedied, especially through the strengthening of extension and advisory services (para. 56).

Agreed that the planning and development of water resources for agriculture must be considered within an overall framework for water use (para. 57).

Suggested that additional attention be given to energy-saving devices for waterlifting (para. 57).

Agreed that greater attention should be given to agricultural mechanization, to assist small farmers, and that it should take into account technical, economic, socal and political factors specific to individual countries (para. 58).

Endorsed the views of COAG that agricultural mechanization, combined with the use of other inputs, was essential at peak labour periods (para. 58).

Endorsed the recommendation of COAG that FAO increase its efforts in agricul-tural mechanization in priority areas such as training at all levels; animal draught equipment; small tools; creation of small decentralization units for sale, repair and maintenance of agricultural machinery and implements for small farmers (para. 59).

Decided to transmit to the Twentieth Session of the Conference for approval the modified version of the revised text of the International Plant Protection Convention (para. 62).

Recommended that the final selection of subjects for COAG's Agenda should take into account the need to ensure a satisfactory balance between technical and socio-economic areas of work and a reasonable coverage over time of the various Programmes within the competence of the Committee (para. 64).

Supported the Committee's desire to maintain a balance between the general review of FAO's Programme of Work in the food and agricultural sector and in-depth discussion of selected items (para 65).

Agreed that the Committee should receive a progress report on follow-up to its recommendations made at the previous session (para. 66).

Report of the Fifth Session of the Commission on Fertilizers

Endorsed the Commission's report and supported the recommendations contained in it including the future programme of work (para. 67).

Requested that the Commission meet annually (para. 67).

Agreed with the Commission's request that the Secretariat and Consultative Working Groups prepare a model, for use by countries wishing to enter into bi-lateral barter agreements, for consideration by the Commission at its next session (para. 69).

Agreed that the Commission continue its study of investment and production costs (para. 70).

Agreed that international financial institutions should endeavour to provide finance on concessional terms for associated infrastructure as well as for fertilizer plants (para. 70).

Agreed that, in addition to promoting the efficient and more widespread use of fertilizers through training at the grass-root level, country and regional training courses and seminars on the agronomic and economic aspects of fertilizer use, more attention should be given to the improvement of credit systems and infrastructure for the supply of fertilizer down to the farm level (para. 71).

Agreed with the Commission's recommendation on fertilizer terminology (para. 71).

Agreed that the activities of the International Fertilizer Supply Scheme (IFS) should be continued and strengthened, with special reference to MSA countries which still faced serious balance of payments problems (para. 72).

World Food Programme (WFP): Fourth Annual Report of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes (CFA)

Adopted Resolution 2/75 on the target for WFP pledges for the period 1981-82, which submits a draft resolution for the consideration of the Conference (para. 82, Res. 2/75).

Preparations for the Twentieth Session of the FAO Conference:

- Arrangements for the Session, and Provisional Agenda

Approved the draft Conference document on the arrangements for the Twentieth Session of the Conference, with the addition of the following items to the Provisional Agenda:

"Examination of a comprehensive study prepared by the Director-General on the activities and functioning of the FAO Regional Office for the Near East, taking into account the views expressed during the Seventy-Fifth Session of the Council by some delegations, including the examination of its location" (para. 92).

- Date for Nominations for Independent Chairman of the Council

Established the deadline for the receipt of nominations at 17.00 hours on Friday 7 September 1979. Nominations would be circulated by 14 September 1979 (para. 96).

Summary Programme of Work and Budget, 1980-81

Endorsed the statement of the Director-General that the Programme of Work and Budget reflected a general consensus of Member Governments on strategies, priorities and means of action (para. 98).

Agreed with the conclusion in the report of the Joint Session of the Programme and Finance Committees that the Summary Programme of Work and Budget followed the approved format, was clear and concise, and provided a satisfactory basis for consideration by the Council and preparation of the final Programme of Work and Budget (para. 101).

Agreed that the Summary Programme of Work and Budget 1980-81 was the corner- stone of all of FAO's activities, and was well planned, brief, clear and to the point in setting out the Director-General's proposals for the next biennium (para. 102)

Supported the unceasing efforts of the Director-General to alleviate the grave world situation through policies and strategies which emphasized concrete action at the field level (para. 104)

Welcomed the Director-General's proposals, with respect to decentralization to the country level, as being fully consistent with the policies adopted by it in 1976 and by the Nineteenth Session of the Conference (para. 108)

Welcomed the fact that the need for new posts had been rigourously evaluated and that in most cases proposals had been accepted for only the highest priority needs and this mainly by the abolition of posts in lower priority areas, with the result that only four additional posts were proposed for Headquarters (para. 109)

Generally welcomed the fact that wherever possible and feasible, provision had been made to implement new initiatives and programme expansions through increased use of consultants, contracts and national institutions (para. 110)

Welcomed the continuation of the policy of reduction in meetings, documents and publications (para. 111)

Stressed its full satisfaction with the Technical Cooperation Programme recognizing that it had proven to be an effective tool for helping developing countries in the achievement of their agricultural development objectives (para. 112).

Supported the proposals with regard to assistance to developing countries in identifying and formulating projects for investment in agricultural develop- ment by financing institutions such as the World Bank, IFAD and the regional development banks (para. 113)

Noted with satisfaction the continuing expansion in the field programme and the increasing importance of the Trust Fund component of this programme (para. 114)

Particularly welcomed the emphasis placed by the Director-General on the use of developing country institutions, personnel and services in the execution of projects, and urged that this be further developed as the method of presenting TCDC (para. 114)

Urged that consultations be held with UNDP to ensure that the pre-eminent position of FAO was recognized in the designation of executing responsibility for projects in the agriculture sector (para. 115)

Supported the proposals in the field of natural resources and endorsed the increase which was envisaged (para. 118)

Requested that experience available in certain countries on the causes of deterioration of irrigation systems should be taken into consideration and welcomed work on rehabilitation of existing irrigation and drainage schemes (para. 118)

Welcomed the continuing emphasis given to seed production and expressed its satisfaction on the support given to this activity by the UN Committee of the Whole (para. 120)

Supported the emphasis on activities involving increasing the production of rice, improving its quality, and reducing losses after harvest (para. 121)

Endorsed the high priority given to the prevention of food losses activities but recognized that substantial contributions from extra-budgetary sources would be required (para. 122)

Reiterated the need to support FAO's Action Programme on the Prevention of Food Losses, on an assured and continuing basis (para. 122)

Fully supported the Organization's activities as regards Desert Locust Control (para. 122)

Stressed the importance of the activities on genetic resources in animals, fisheries and forestry (para. 123)

Gave full support to the overall approach to implementation of the livestock programme, and gave strong support to the proposed poultry development pro- gramme (para. 124)

Endorsed the priority given to agrarian reform and rural development expecting that this priority would be fully justified and reinforced by the results of the forthcoming World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (WCARRD) (para. 126)

Supported the expansion of the Global Information and Early Warning System, and gave strong support to FAO's food security activities, including the Food Security Assistance Scheme (para. 128)

Supported the proposals in programme 2.1.8, Food and Agricultural Policy, to intensify support for inter-governmental action and trade negotiations regarding basic agricultural commodities (para. 129)

Gave strong support to the Director-General's initiatives to assist countries in taking full advantage of fisheries in their Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) (para. 130)

Agreed that special efforts should be made in those countries which did not have the opportunity for developing marine fisheries, for integrating inland fisheries and acquaculture activities with rural development (para. 131)

Welcomed the greater emphasis given to rural community development within the forestry programme (para. 133)

Agreed that afforestation and control of desertification should continue to receive priority attention, particularly through activities involving fuelwood production in arid zones and the protection of watersheds in mountainous areas (para. 133)

Expressed satisfaction with the continuing growth in investment activities and the fruitful cooperation between the Investment Centre and financing agencies including IFAD (para. 134)

Welcomed the recent great increase in loans to agriculture by the World Bank, and the continuing close collaboration between that Organization and FAO (para. 134)

Reached unanimity on the strategies, priorities and means of action proposed by the Director-General for 1980-81 (para. 136)

Agreed that the Director-General should proceed with the preparation of the final Programme of Work and Budget on the basis of the proposals in his Summary Programme of Work and Budget (para. 140)

Report of the Thirty-Sixth Session of the Programme Committee and of the Forty- Third Session of the Finance Committee

- Review of FAO Investment Activities

Fully endorsed the views and recommendations of the Programme Committee set out in paras. 2.148 - 2.163 of its Report (para. 141)

Particularly welcomed the importance given by the Investment Centre in its work to rural development and support to small farmers, as well as to relative- ly new fields of investment such as agro-industry, social forestry, nutrition and storage, and gave full support to the efforts of the Investment Centre to encourage financing institutions to adopt a programme or sector approach to lending (para. 144)

Urged that the FAO/IFAD partnership be consolidated (para. 146)

Welcomed FAO's close cooperative relations with the regional development banks, subregional financing institutions, national development banks under the FAO/ Bankers Programme, and Arab funds (para. 147)

Urged FAO to devote particular attention to building up the capacity of national institutions to identify, prepare and implement investment projects (para. 148)

Recommended the increased use of consultants and national staff from developing countries on Investment Centre missions (para. 148)

Agreed with the Programme Committee's view that a central concern of FAO should be to expand the pipeline of suitable projects to attract the increased resources of the financing institutions (para. 149)

Fully supported the Investment Centre's current study to determine ways and means of shortening the project cycle (para. 149)

Supported the Director-General's intention to obtain greater uniformity in the agreements with financing institutions (para. 151)

Felt that it was essential that FAO maintain its independance and flexibility in the field of agreements with financing institutions and that since the first responsibility of the Investment Centre was to the governments of member countries, FAO should continue to bear a proportion of mission costs with the financing institutions (para. 152)

Supported the various steps taken recently by the Investment Centre to improve the effectiveness of its services to the developing countries, and recommended its continued strengthening in order to cope with the expected increase in demands for its assistance (para. 153)

- Financial Position of the Organization

(a) Status of Contributions and Contributions in Arrears

Agreed with the Finance Committee that all Member Nations with contributions outstanding should respect the undertakings they had entered into and called upon them to arrange for prompt payment of their obligations (para. 158)

Appealed to Member Nations in arrears to regularize their positions before the Twentieth Session of the Conference so that the question of their right to vote would not arise (para. 162)

- Scale of Contributions 1980-81

Proposed that the Conference adopt for 1980-81 the Scale of Contributions given in Appendix F to this Report which is based on the United Nations Scale of Assessments for 1979, subject to any adjustments resulting from the admission of new Members at the Twentieth Session of the Conference (para. 165)

Recommended a draft resolution for adoption by the Conference on the Scale of Contributions 1980-81 (para. 166)

- Authority to Borrow

Endorsed the Finance Committee's view that the primary source of loans which it authorized the Director-General to contract should be internal funds (para. 173)

Adopted Resolution 3/75 on Authority to Borrow up to US$ 5 000 000 (para. 174, Res. 3/75)

- International Civil Service Commission Matters

Approved the changes in Staff Regulation 301.0321 on dependency allowances and Staff Regulation 301.033 on the education grant (para. 175)

- Appointment of External Auditor

Decided by Resolution 4/75, to re-appoint the Comptroller and Auditor-General of the United Kingdom as External Auditor of the Organization for a further period of two years commencing with the audit of the accounts for the year 1980 (para. 177, Res. 4/75)

Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries (TCDC)

Reconfirmed its support for Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries as a development concept which had gained increased importance in the United Nations system since the adoption of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action (para. 181)

Commended the "pioneering work" which the Organization had undertaken in this field (para. 181)

Felt that FAO's role in TCDC should not be only catalytical and supportive, but that the Organization should play a dynamic role in developing new concepts and approaches and in assisting countries to identify their needs and capa- cities (para. 182)

Stressed the importance of FAO maintaining links through Regional and Country Offices with the sub-regional and regional institutions which exercised a vital role in the promotion of TCDC (para. 183)

Urged governments concerned to give favourable consideration to policies of utilization of developing countries' capacities in FAO's programmes, and felt that increased attention should be given by FAO to the systematic collection and dissemination of information on developing countries' capacities in FAO's fields of competence (para. 184)

Report of the Thirty-Seventh Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM)

- Procedures for the Establishment and Abolition of Statutory Bodies

Recommended a draft resolution on procedures for the establishment and aboli- tion of statutory bodies for adoption by the Conference (para. 190)

- Amendment of Rules XXVI.9 and XXVII.9 of the General Rules of the Organization.

Recommended a draft resolution on Amendments to Rules XXVI.9 and XXVII.9 of the General Rules of the Organization (GRO) for adoption by the Conference (para. 193)

- Amendments to the Plant Protection Agreement for the South East Asia and Pacific Region

Adopted Resolution 5/75, amending the Plant Protection Agreement for the South East Asia and Pacific Region (para. 196, Res. 5/75)

- Amendments to the Constitution and to the French Version of the General Rules of the Organization

Proposed a draft resolution on Amendments to the Constitution and to the French Version of the General Rules of the Organization for Adoption by the Conference (para. 197)

Other Constitutional and Legal Matters

- French and Spanish versions of the Agreement with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Agreed that versions of the FAO/IFAD Agreement in all FAO and IFAD languages should be established in consultation between the Secretariats of both organi- zations and submitted to the Council at a later session (para. 202)

- Change of Title of the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Far East, and of the Regional Conference for Asia and the Far East

Agreed that the title of the Regional Conference be changed from "FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Far East" to FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific and that of the Regional Office for Asia and the Far East to Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAPA) (para. 204)

Invited the Conference to endorse these changes in title (para. 204)

- Application for Membership in the Organization: Independent State of Western Samoa

Authorized the Director-General to invite the Independent State of Western Samoa to participate in an observer capacity at appropriate Council meetings, as well as at regional and technical meetings of the Organization of interest to it (para. 207)

Appointment of Member Government Representatives to the Staff Pension Committee

Appointed M. Ivankovich de Arosemena, Alternate Permanent Representative of Panama to FAO, and R.W. Harrold, Alternate Permanent Representative of Canada to FAO, as members of the FAO Staff Pension Committee representing the Conference, replacing S.S. Mahdi (India) and G. de Michelis di Slonghello (Italy) for the unexpired term ending 31 December 1979 (para. 208)

Date and Place of the Seventy-Sixth Session of the Council

Decided that its Seventy-Sixth Session should be convened in Rome from 6 to 8 November 1979 (para. 209).

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