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Current World Food Situation

Agreed with Director-General's view that the prospects currently facing the world economy were not good, that there were increased economic tensions and pressures and that these were having an adverse effect, particularly on the low-income developing countries (para. 9).

Agreed with the Director-General's statement that many countries were still not giving sufficiently high priority to food and agricultural development, either in terms of long- term investment or of current budgetary allocations whilst recognizing that the perform- ance achieved in food production by developing countries as a whole in the 1970s had relatively improved (para. 14).

Appealed for increased contributions, particularly from new donors, so that the regular and emergency food aid targets could be met and the pledging target of the World Food Programme for 1981-82 be achieved (para. 18).

Report of the Sixth Session of the Committee on World Food Security
(Rome, 8 - 15 April 1981)

Endorsed the Report of the Sixth Session of the Committee on World Food Security, including its recommendations on steps to be taken to implement the Plan of Action on World Food Security; its conclusions concerning the state pf preparedness to meet acute and large- scale food shortages; and its conclusions on procedures, mechanisms and remedial action in the event of such shortages (para. 22).

Agreed that, in particular, the Committee's conclusions on procedures, mechanisms and remedial action, including the Agenda for Consultations and Possible Action to Deal with Acute and Large-scale Food Shortages, represented a useful framework for discussion and action which may be considered necessary for consultations convened by the Director- General (para. 23).

Agreed that the lasting solution to the food security problem lay in a more rapid growth of food production particularly in low-income food-deficit countries and urged these countries to give higher priority to food production in their development plans (para. 24).

Agreed that while the primary responsibility for increasing production lay with the developing countries themselves, all developed countries and others in a position to do so should give priority to food production projects in their external assistance pro- grammes, and contribute adequate fertilizer aid to developing countries, either bilaterally or through the FAO International Fertilizer Supply Scheme (para. 24).

Stressed the need to reduce trade barriers against agricultural imports, especially from developing cpuntries (para. 25).

Reaffirmed its support to plan of action on world food security(para 26).

called for concerted efforts on the part of all countries to achieve the objectives and targets on which the entire international community to achievethe objectives and Confernece and in later years, but which had still not been reached (para.26).

Agreed in particular that every effort be made to achieve the food aid target of at least 10 million tons of cereals annually as recommended by the World Food Conference (para. 27).

Emphasized that all efforts be made to reach and, if possible, surpass the minimum pledging target of US$1 000 million for the WFP for the biennium 1981-82 as well as to increase the cash component of its resources and thus invited additional contributions, particularly from OPEC members and the industrialized centrally-planned economies (para. 27).

Emphasized the need for financial and technical assistance to improve food security infra- structure including grain storage, transportation and port facilities in the developing countries (para. 28).

Urged all countries in a position to do so, to contribute resources for this purpose under bilateral and multilateral assistance programmes including the FAO Food Security Assistance Scheme (para. 28).

Report of the Sixth Session of the Committee on Agriculture
(Rome, 25 March - 3 April 1981)

Endorsed the report of the Committee, emerging from its Review of FAO's programmes in the food and agricultural sector, concerning the Implementation of the Programme of Work 1980-81, Medium and Long-term Outlook, and the Summary Programme of Work and Budget 1982-83 (para. 31).

Agreed with the Committee's conclusion that the medium and long-term objectives proposed in the Summary Programme of Work and Budget 1982-83 generally reflected the problems of the sector and the tasks to be undertaken to achieve a four percent annual growth rate in food production in developing countries (para. 32).

Stressed that every effort should be made to attain an annual flow of international financial assistance of US$8-9 billion at 1975 prices, which the Secretariat estimated would be needed to achieve a four percent annual growth rate in food production in developing countries (para. 32).

Agreed that the proposed Programme of Work for 1982-83 in Major Programme 2.1, Agriculture, and the priorities accorded to the different programmes, corresponded to the medium and long-term objectives (para. 32).

Endorsed the Committee's recommendations to accord high priority to food security, energy, management of natural resources, harmonization of crop and livestock production, research, conservation of the environment through appropriate farming systems, the Plan of Action of the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (with particular reference to rural institutions, training, extension, integration of women and rural youth, and people's participation), integration of nutrition in rural development, and food and agricultural information and analysis (para.33).

Agreed with the Committee's recommendation to give high priority to activities in Africa without prejudice to the pressing and legitimate needs of other regions (para. 34).

Appealed for continuing and increased assistance required to maintain an adequate flow of resources to the Special Action Programme for the Prevention of Food Losses (para. 40).

Supported the list of selected development problems which the Committee had recommended, viz: (1) Plant Protection - Development of a Global Strategy; (2) Animal Health (National and International Strategies for Action); (3) Follow-up to WCARRD with Special Reference to the Role of Women in Agricultural Production (para. 75).

Agreed that this list was in line with the recommendation at its Seventy-fifth Session that a satisfactory balance between technical and socio-economic areas of work be ensured (para. 76).

Report of the Fourteenth Session of the Committee on Fisheries
(Rome, 26 - 30 May 1981)

Agreed that there was a continued need for priority attention to assistance to developing countries in fishery policy and planning, training, small-scale fisheries, monitoring, control and surveillance, and, generally resource information and other data (para. 79). Called upon international and bilateral donor agencies to reinforce their support for fisheries management and development (para. 81).

Fully endorsed the approval expressed by the Committee on Fisheries that FAO should organize a World Conference on Fisheries Management and Development with both technical and high level policy phases (para. 82).

Endorsed the Committee's recommendation that the role of fishery products in food aid should be considered at the next session of the WFP Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes (para. 83).

Supported and approved the overall priorities and general thrust of the proposals for FAO's work in fisheries during 1982-83 (para. 84).

Agreed that in addition to the Organization's activities in EEZ fisheries management and development, continued attention should be given to the technical and marketing aspects of fisheries, to the promotion of energy conservation in fisheries, and to inland fisheries and aquaculture development (para. 84).

Endorsed the report of the Fourteenth Session of the Committee on Fisheries (para. 86).

World Food Programme:
Sixth Annual Report of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes (CFA) of the UN/FAO World Food Programme

Endorsed the report of CFA, expressed support for the policies, priorities and programmes of WFP and paid special tribute to the work of the Programme (para 92).

Recommended that cooperation between WFP and agencies providing financial, technical and non-food assistance be further strengthened for the benefit of the development efforts of recipient countries (para. 93).

Recommended strengthening of cooperation between WFP and other aid organizations in the provision of assistance to people involved in refugee and emergency situations (para. 93).

Urged that more resources be made available to the Programme, both from new donors and from traditional donors, particularly those in a position to increase their contributions, so that the minimum target of US$1 000 million for the 1981)-82 biennium might be reached and, if possible, surpassed (para. 94).

Appealed to traditional and new donors to make cash resources available to WFP so that they might amount, in the aggregate, to at least one third of the total contributions to the regular resources of the Programme (para. 94).

Endorsed the CFA's decision that, as a matter of urgency, the level, predictability and continuity of IEFR resources needed to be strengthened (para. 95)

Approved the priority given by WFP to assistance for food production and rural development (para. 96)

Supported the Programme's endeavours in pursuing a regional approach to food aid and in increasing triangular transactions (para. 96)

Appealed to donors, in view of the increasingly grave refugee situation, particularly in Pakistan and Somalia, to assist host countries, including through WFP, in meeting the humanitarian needs of the affected populations (para. 97)

Inter-Agency Relations and Consultations on Questions of Common Interest including:

Recent Developments in the United Nations System of Interest to FAO

Endorsed the views of the Director-General as set forth in the document on this subject (para. 98)

Endorsed the initiative taken by the Director-General in offering FAO's services, experience and technical competence as appropriate for the Global Negotiations relating to Inter-national Economic Cooperation for Development concerning food and agriculture (para. 99)

Agreed that the policies of the Director-General had been fully in line with Resolution 35/8! of the UN General Assembly, in particular by raising increased resources for development for the special action programmes of FAO and in taking various measures to achieve the greatest possible efficiency in the implementation of all programmes (para. 101)

Supported the views concerning Resolution 35/81 of the UN General Assembly as expressed by the Programme and Finance Committees in CL 79/4, paras 2.207 to 2.210 and 3.115 to 3.120 and underlined once again the sole responsibility of FAO's Governing Bodies in judging the use and management of the totality of FAO's activities (para. 101)

Expressed its support for FAO's contributions to major world conferences and in particular to the forthcoming UN Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy, on the Least Developed Countries and on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (para. 103)

Joint Inspection Unit Reports

(a) Status of Women in the Professional Category and Above: A Progress Report

Agreed generally with the comments made by the Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC) and by the Programme and Finance Committees (para. 107)

Supported the various measures included in Part III of UN General Assembly Resolution 33/143 (para. 107)

Agreed with the recommendations of the report with regard to appointment, training and promotion and that an important measure in this regard was the membership of women on the various personnel advisory and administrative boards of the various organizations (para. 109)

Agreed that member states could play a crucial role by making special efforts to present more and better qualified female candidates for employment to the member organizations of the system (para. 110)

(b) Evaluation of the Translation Process of United Nations Organizations

Agreed with the comments of the AAC and of the Programme and Finance Committees (para. 112)

Preparations for the Twenty-first Session of the FAO Conference

Arrangements for the Session, and Provisional Timetable

Approved the draft Conference document on the arrangements for the Twenty-first Session of the Conference (para. 114).

Date for Nominations for Independent Chairman of the Council

Established the deadline for the receipt of nominations at 17.00 hours on Friday 4 September 1981, to be circulated to all Member Nations by Friday 11 September 1981 (para. 117).

Summary Programme of Work and Budget 1982-83

Agreed that the Summary Programme of Work and Budget gave a clear, concise and accurate description of the World Background and of the proposed activities, and provided a satisfactory basis for consideration by the Council (para. 122).

Agreed that the world situation called for governments to reinforce their support of food and agricultural development, especially through FAO and other concerned international organizations (para. 123).

Agreed that the Resolutions adopted by the United Nations General Assembly at its Thirtyfifth Session, including the International Development Strategy (Res. 35/56), and the resolutions regarding the Least Developed Countries and adversely affected regions, as well as agreed regional strategies such as the Lagos Plan of Action, implied heavy additional responsibilities for FAO (para. 124).

Fully supported, without prejudice to the views of several governments concerning the budget level, the strategies and priorities proposed by the Director-General and considered that they were consistent with the serious world food situation and in accordance with previous policy guidance by the Council and Conference (para. 126).

Endorsed the major programme proposals and the balance between them and reached a consensus in supporting the broad strategies, priorities and means of action proposed for 1982-83 (para. 126).

Endorsed the programme activities under the Regular Programme as described in the Annex to the Summary Programme of Work and Budget (para. 127).

Fully supported FAO's Special Action Programmes (para. 134).

Endorsed the views of the Programme and Finance Committees on the need for replenishment of the resources of the programmes which constituted key elements of FAO's assistance to member countries, i.e. prevention of Food Losses, support of food aid and the Food Security Assistance Scheme (para. 134).

Considered that the resources available for decentralisation should not be reduced (para. 138).

Felt that measures were essential to minimize the impact on developing countries of certain negative prospects for the Field Programmes financed from extra-budgetary funds, particularly through UNDP, and that economies should be equally shared by all components of the UN development system, including the UNDP administrative structure, taking all necessary steps to avoid duplication of efforts and utilizing more effectively the competence available within specialized agencies such as FAO (para. 140).

Urged continuing efforts in the direction of the Director-General's reorientation of field programme activities to give effect to the "New Dimensions" in technical cooperation activities, utilizing increasingly the capacities of developing countries in FAO project execution (para. 144).

Agreed that the emphasis on Africa was fully in accord with the Lagos Plan of Action and the Africa Food Plan, which would provide a basis for FAO's future activities in that region (para. 146).

Supported the addition of US$10.1 million in cost increases as proposed by the Director-General (para. 149).

Recommended that the Director-General should prepare his final proposed Programme of Work and Budget using the Summary as a fully acceptable basis, and taking into account the viewpoints expressed in paragraphs 158-164 (para. 165).

Financial Position of the Organization

Contribution Matters

Current Contributions

Agreed with the view expressed by the Finance Committee that the situation of current year's assessments collected was critical (para. 169).

Considered it indispensable that Member Nations meet their obligations as quickly as possible (para. 171).

Contributions in Arrears

Appealed to those members with contributions still outstanding, and particularly those whose voting rights at the Twenty-first Session of the Conference were in question, to make special efforts to remit promptly amounts due and overdue (para. 174).

Coverage of Unbudgeted Costs - Withdrawal from the Working Capital Fund

Agreed that the most appropriate Way to cover the unbudgeted costs, remaining after programme reductions, was to make full use of the provision in the Special Reserve Account to cover unbudgeted extra costs up to two percent of the total effective working budget and to withdraw the remainder of approximately US$6 million from the Working Capital Fund (para. 178).

Adopted Resolution 1/79 on Withdrawal from the Working Capital Fund (para. 180).

Scale of Contributions, 1982-1983

Proposed that the Conference adopt for 1982-83 the Scale of Contributions given in Appendix F to this report, which was based on the United Nations Scale of Assessments for 1981, subject, however, to any adjustments from the admission of new members at the Twenty-first Session of the Conference (para. 182).

Recommended a draft resolution on Scale of Contributions 1982-1983 for adoption by the Conference (para. 183).

Proposed Modification to the Special Reserve Account of the Regular Programme

Considered that situations in which the full programme approved by the Conference could not be achieved owing to the impact of programme cuts to meet unbudgeted costs should as far as possible be avoided in future and that further and more flexible measures were necessary to try to maintain the integrity of programmes once approved by the Conference (para. 186).

Proposed a corresponding draft resolution on the Special Reserve Account which incorporated the suggestions of the CCLM, for approval by the Conference (para. 192).

Other Programme, Budgetary, Financial and Administrative Matters: Work of the Fortieth Session of the Programme Committee and the Forty-seventh Session of the Finance Committee

Appointment of External Auditor

Agreed to re-appoint the Comptroller and Auditor-General of the United Kingdom for a further period of two years commencing with the audit of accounts for the year 1982 and accordingly adopted Resolution 2/79 on Appointment of the External Auditor (para. 193).

Personnel Matters

Endorsed the recommendation of the Finance Committee that the Director-General should proceed with caution in implementing the ICSC Master Standard and should apply it only when the need for a classification decision on individual posts was required (para. 196).

Headquarters Accommodation

Adopted the recommendations of the Finance Committee as outlined in the Committee's report of its Forty-seventh Session and requested the Director-General:

– to pursue as a matter of urgency the interim measures outlined in paragraph 3.96 of the Finance Committee's report (CL 79/4);
– to pursue vigorously with the Italian authorities the proposal for the new building complex, as the only permanent solution to the accommodation problem provided, however, that the construction of such a complex would not cause an increase in the Regular Programme budget;
– to report further developments to the Council's Eightieth Session with a view to bringing the matter to the attention of the forthcoming Conference (para- 200).

Abolition of Audited Interim Accounts

Endorsed the proposal that, in order to take full advantage of biennial budgeting possibilities and to reduce expenses, the requirement for audited interim accounts be abolished, subject to the possibility of audited interim accounts being prepared in exceptional cases or where the nature of the account so warranted (para. 202).

Recommended that the Conference approve the amendments to the Financial Regulations as set out in the draft resolution (para. 203).

Revised Calendar of 1980-81 Sessions of the Council and of Those Bodies which report to the Council

Approved the revised Calendar of Sessions for 1980-81 of the Council and of Those Bodies which report to it, as given in Appendix G to this report (para. 204).

Application for Membership in the Organization: Bhutan

Authorized the Director-General to invite Bhutan to participate in an observer capacity at appropriate Council meetings, as well as at regional and technical meetings of the Organization of interest to it (para. 207).

Date and Place of the Eightieth Council Session

Decided that its Eightieth Session should be convened in Rome from 3 to 5 November 1981 (para. 211).

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