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Report of the Fifty-third Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems (Rome, 14 - 18 September 1981)

Approved the report of the Fifty-third Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP) (para. 8).

Welcomed the adoption of the recent agreement establishing the Common Fund for Commodities, and hoped that the Fund would become operational at an early date (para. 13).

Regretted the continuing absence of a consensus which would prompt the resumption of negotiations on a new Wheat Trade Convention (para. 16).

Progress in International Agricultural Adjustment

Considered that, for the guidelines to become reference points for the Conference to assess progress periodically, the availability of data would need to be improved especially in such fields as investment and nutrition (para. 23).

Agreed that paragraphs 88-92 of the CCP report, together with the relevant paragraphs on International Agricultural Adjustment from its own report, should be tabled at the Conference to assist discussions (para. 24).

World Food Programme (WFP): Proposed Pledging Target for 1983-84

Expressed its full support of the objectives and priorities of the Programme and endorsed the Pledging Target for voluntary contributions to WFP's regular resources for the period 1983-84 of $1 200 million (para. 28).

Urged that traditional and all potential donors should make a concerted effort, not only to reach the target but to surpass it, in view of the precarious food situation in many countries and regions of the developing world. (para. 28).

Urged traditional and all potential donors to make every effort to reach the Pledging Target of $1 000 million established for the current biennium (para. 28).

Noted with particular appreciation the substantial new contribution made recently by the OPEC Fund and the first contributions made to the International Emergency Food Reserve by Austria and Spain (para. 28).

Noted the significant contributions of a number of donor countries, including Argentina, Australia and Italy (para. 28).

Adopted resolution 180 concerning the target for WFP pledges for the period 1983-84 (para. 28).

Inter-Agency Relations and Consultations on Matters of Common Interest

-Recent Developments in the United Nations System of Interest to FAO

Noted that major importance had been given to the development of the agricultural sector during the discussion at Cancún, and at the Commonwealth meeting in Melbourne (para. 32).

-UN Joint Inspection Unit Report: Assistance by the United Nations System to Regional Inter-Country Technical Cooperation Institutions

Agreed with the observations made by the Programme and Finance Committees, including their views concerning para. 133 of the JIU Report (para. 34).

Programme of Work and Budget 1982-83, and Medium-Term Objectives (Including Agricultural Research in Developing Countries)

Supported generally the findings of the Programme and Finance Committees (CL 80/4) on the final proposals in the Director-General's Programme of Work and Budget for 1982-83 and on the Medium-Term Objectives (para. 36).

Agreed that the presentation of the Programme of Work and Budget was much improved and was in line with Council recommendations (para. 37).

Agreed that the general thrust of the strategies, priorities and means of action were appropriate and were well designed to implement the role of the Organization in agricultural development in developing countries, particularly in Africa (para. 37).

Agreed that the programmes were fully appropriate to the role and capacity of FAO which must continue to play a leading role within the United Nations System with regard to agricultural development (para. 38).

Supported, in the great majority, the budget level proposed by the Director-General as realistic and as the minimum required in the circumstances and hoped that those member countries which had so far reserved their positions on the budget level would, during the Conference, be able to join a consensus on the modest proposals of the Director-General (para. 39).

Review of Field Programmes (including Agricultural Investment and Development Assistance for Food Production and Rural Development and Support Costs)

Endorsed the report of the Programme and Finance Committees concerning document C 81/4 (Review of Field Programmes 1980-81) (para. 43).

Noted the information provided in document C 81/INF/16, Support Costs, which would be submitted to the Conference (para. 46).

Other Programme, Budgetary, Financial and Administrative Matters arising out of the Forty-first Session of the Programme Committee and the Forty-eighth Session of the Finance Committee

Financial Position of the Organization

-Contribution Matters

-Current Assessments

Shared the deep concern expressed by the Finance Committee over the unprecedented serious position of receipts of contributions throughout most of 1981 as compared with previous years (para. 48).

Recalled that all Member Nations, on admission to membership, had undertaken to comply with the Constitution of the Organization and therefore had a legal obligation to pay assessed contributions in full within 30 days of receipt of the Director-General's communication calling for payment or as of the first day of January of the year to which they relate, whichever was later (para. 52).

Requested the Director-General to continue his strong pursuit of collection of amounts due and considered it indispensable that Member Nations met their obligations as quickly as possible (para. 54).

-Contributions in Arrears

Appealed again to the Member Nations concerned to make every possible effort to effect payment without further delay (para. 55).

-Special Reserve Account

Recalled that at its Seventy-ninth Session it had endorsed a draft resolution which would, inter alia, raise the level of the Special Reserve Account to five percent of the total effective working budget and would provide for automatic replenishment of the account from the cash surplus at the end of the biennium (para. 61).

-Working Capital Fund

-Status and Replenishment of the Working Capital Fund

Recommended a draft resolution for adoption by the Conference, entitled "Reimbursement of Working Capital Fund from cash surplus 1980-81" (para. 64).

-Increase in the Level of the Working Capital Fund

Recommended a draft resolution for adoption by the Conference, entitled "Level of the Working Capital Fund", (providing for an increase thereof) (para. 72).

-Authority to Borrow

Noted that if the recent pattern in the payment of contributions were to continue and the major contributor carried out its intention to defer payments, serious shortfalls in the cash flow of the Organization could occur in 1982 and would in all likelihood occur in 1983 (para. 75).

Adopted Resolution 280 entitled "Authority to Borrow" (para. 84).

Audited Accounts

-United Nations Development Programme 1980

Endorsed the External Auditor's recommendations and noted the Director-General's measures to remedy the weaknesses mentioned in the External Auditor's report (para. 87).

- Submission of Audited Accounts to the Conference

Recommended a draft resolution for adoption by the Conference, entitled "Audited Accounts" (para. 89).

- Regular Programme - Interim Accounts 1980

Endorsed the recommendations of the External Auditor contained in his report and noted the measures taken by the Secretariat in response to these recommendations (para. 90).

Personnel Matters : Remuneration of the Director-General

Recommended a draft resolution, for adoption by the Conference entitled "Emoluments of the Director-General" (para. 92).

Headquarters Accommodation

Recommended a draft resolution for adoption by the Conference, entitled "Headquarters Accommodation" (para. 95).

Prevention of Food Losses

Endorsed the views expressed in the reports of the Programme and Finance Committees concerning the operation of the Action Programme for the Prevention of Food Losses and the need for additional resources to finance project requests already received and continuation of the programme in the future (para. 96).

Memorandum of Understanding between FAO and the Asian Development Bank

Endorsed the recommendation of the Programme Committee and the Finance Committee to terminate by mutual consent the 1968 Memorandum of Agreement and welcomed the fact that the Director-General would consequently be in a position to sign the new Memorandum of Understanding (para. 99).

Site of the Ninth World Forestry Congress

Requested the Director-General to invite the Ministers of the three countries - India, Mexico and the Philippines - which had offered to host the Ninth World Forestry Congress to consult on the matter of a venue for the congress and expressed the wish to decide the issue at its Eighty-first Session after receiving a report on the Ministers' consultation (para. 109).

Date and Place of the Eighty-first Session of the Council

Decided that its Eighty-first Session would be convened on Friday, 27 November 1981 (para. 110).

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