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Calendar of 1982-83 Sessions of the Council and of those Bodies which report to the Council 1

10. The Council approved the calendar of sessions for 1982-83 of the Council and of those Bodies which report to it, as set out in Appendix D to this Report.

Site of the Ninth World Forestry Congress, 1984 2

11. In resuming the debate on this item, the Council recalled its agreement at its Eightieth Session to the proposal that the Ministers of the three prospective host countries consult among themselves during the Conference with a view to arriving at a consensus. The Council further recalled its wish to decide this issue at its Eighty-first Session, after receiving a report on the Ministers’ consultation.

12. The Council was informed that the three Ministers (India, Mexico,Philippines) concerned met,exchanged views and ideas and agreed to submit for the consideration of Council that:

  1. on the principle of rotation the Ninth World Forestry Congress be held in Mexico, 1984;
  2. World Forestry Congresses were being held too infrequently and should be held at two to three year intervals in view of the growing significance of forestry problems;
  3. the Tenth and Eleventh World Forestry Congresses be held (at shorter intervals) in the other two prospective host countries.

13. Considering that the time intervals at which congresses are to be held was a topic to be decided by the Congress itself, the Council agreed to select Mexico as the site for the Ninth World Forestry Congress to be held in 1984.

14. The Council wished to record its appreciation of the generous offers made by India and the Philippines to provide host facilities for the Ninth World Forestry Congress and invited the Director-General to transmit to the Congress authorities the interest of the Philippines to host the Tenth Congress as well as the suggestion that future Congresses be held at more frequent intervals.

Appointment of the Deputy Director-General3

15. The Council adopted the following Resolution:

Resolution 1/81



Noting the decision of the Director-General to appoint Edward M. West to fill as from 1 January 1982 the vacancy created by the retirement of Ralph W. Phillips, and

Being aware of Edward M, West’s wide experience and familiarity with the affairs and activities of the Organization:

  1. Confirms the appointment of Edward M. West to the Office of Deputy Director-General of the Organization in accordance with the terms of Rule XXXIX-l of the General Rules of the Organization; and
  2. Conveys to Edward M. West its satisfaction at his acceptance of the post.

Date and Place of the Eighty-second Session of the Council 4

16. The Council decided that its Eighty-second Session should be convened in Rome from 22 November to 3 December 1982.

1CL 81/5; CL 8l/PV/2.

2CL 8O/REP/paras. 105-109; CL 8l/PV/2.

3CL 81/PV/l.

4 CL 81/PV/2.

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