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The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations',

Recalling that the "Advisory Committee on Marine Resources Research" was established by the. Director-General in 1963 under Article VI, paragraph 2 of the Constitution on the authority of the Eleventh Session of the Conference (1961);

Considering the need to bring the Statutes of this Committee into line with current constitutional provisions and decisions adopted by the Conference in recent years with respect to FAO statutory bodies, as well as to update the wording of the text;

Hereby amends the Statutes of the "Advisory Committee on Marine Resources Research" promulgated in January 1963, to read as follows: 1

Article I Purposes and Terms of Reference

The purposes and terms of reference of the. Committee shall be:

[1.] The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the. United Nations (FAO) acting in pursuance of the decision of the Eleventh Session of the FAO Conference (para. 233 of the Report of the Session) has established, under Article VI, paragraph 2 of the FAO Constitution, the Advisory Committee on Marine Resources Research (hereafter referred to as "the Committee"] (a) to study and_advise the Director-General on the formulation and execution of the Organization's [Program] Programme of Work concerned with [the] research on marine fisheries resources (including work on research vessels, biological statistics, training of fisheries scientists and related matters) and the dissemination, interpretation and application of the results of such research, special attention being paid to the fisheries aspects of oceanographic research;

[2.] (b)by agreement[of] between the Director-General and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), of Unesco, and in accordance with Resolution 15 adopted at the Second Session of the [Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (hereafter referred to as "IOC") under Unesco] IOC, [the Committee will] also to act as the advisory body to that Commission on the [fisheries] fishery aspects of oceanography.

Article II [Composition] Membership
[1.] (a) Subject to paragraph (b) below the Committee shall [be composed] consist of not more than [fifteen] thirteen fisheries experts appointed [in their personal capacity] by the Director-General [of FAO for a period of one year and eligible, for reappointment7 in their personal capacity. [The] Members of the Committee shall be selected by the Director-General on the basis of their expert knowledge, after consultations with [governments and7 Member Nations, intergovernmental and other organizations and bodies [of Member countries] concerned with fisheries research, [account being taken of] taking into account the need for [regional and subject] representation by region and by subject-matter.

[2. For the purpose of Article I, paragraph 1 above, the Committee shall be composed of not more than thirteen members]

[3.]_(b) For the purpose of Article [I, paragraph l7 l(b)_above, the Committee shall _ be [augmented] increased by two additional members from [countries not members of FAO] non-member States of the Organization, appointed by the Director-General on the basis of nominations by the Bureau of IOC, in accordance with [the terms of] Resolution 15 referred to in that Article. [I, paragraph 2 above]

(c) Members of the Committee shall be appointed for a period of up to four years and shall be eligible for reappointment. Appointment to fill vacancies on the Committee shall be effected in the same manner as the original appointments. When a vacancy occurs due to resignation, death, disability or other reasons, the term of office of the new appointee shall be for the remainder of the term of office of the member who is being replaced.

Article III - [REPORTS] Reporting

The Committee shall [report and make appropriate recommendations] submit to the Director-General [who will bring the Committee's recommendations having policy, program, or financial implications for the Organization, to the attention of the Conference or Council, and will ensure appropriate circulation of the Committee's findings and recommen­dations ] reports on its activities and recommendations so as to enable the Director General to take them into account when preparing the draft programme of work and budget of the Organization and other submissions to the Conference and Council. The Director-General shall bring to the attention of the Conference through the Council any recommen­dations of the Committee which have policy implications or which affect the programme or finances of the Organization, and will ensure appropriate circulation of such reports and recommendations.

Article IV - Subsidiary bodies

The Committee may establish such subsidiary bodies as it deems necessary for the accom­plishment of its tasks, subject to the availability of the necessary funds in the relevant Chapter of the approved Budget of the Organization.

Article V - Expenses

(a) The expenses incurred by members of the Committee when attending sessions of the Committee shall be borne by the Organization in accordance with its travel regulations.
(b) The expenses incurred by observers attending a session of the Committee shall be
borne by their respective organizations.
(c) The Secretariat expenses of the Committee shall be borne by the rganization.

Article [v]VI - Rules of Procedure

The Committee may adopt and amend its own Rules of Procedure which shall [come into force upon approval by the Director-General, subject to confirmation by the Conference or Council of the Organization, as appropriate.] be in conformity with the Constitution and the General Rules of the Organization and with the Statement of Principles governing commissions and committees adopted by the Conference. The Rules of Procedure and amendments there to shall come into force upon approval by the Director-General.

Article VII - Amendments to the Statutes

The Committee may propose amendments to these Statutes. Such proposals shall be transmitted to the Director-General for consideration and approval.

1Words between square brackets have been deleted and words underlined have been added.

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