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Current World Food Situation

Called for support to the Director—General’s appeal for food aid and technical and financial assistance to the countries in Africa with a precarious food situation and requested a prompt response to the need to rehabilitate livestock populations decimated by disease (para. 11).

Appealed for a fresh commitment to multilateralism and for more liberalized trade policies including the removal of protectionist barriers (Para. 17).

Urged that greater emphasis could be given to more efficient programmes of fertilizer aid including such programmes as FAO’s International Fertilizer Supply Scheme (para. 19).

Report of the Eighth Session of the Committee on World Food Security (Rome, 13—20 April 1983)

Endorsed the report of the Eighth Session of the Committee on World Food Security, including its conclusions and recommendations (para. 26).

Endorsed the revised concept of world food security as viewed from a global perspective and a broad institutional framework, which had been adopted by the Committee (para. 28).

Strongly supported the recommendations contained in the report on national measures which provided the indispensable foundation for an improved food security system (para. 30).

Stressed that national and regional efforts were handicapped by the absence of an effective global food security system and reaffirmed that in designing and executing their national food security programmes, developing countries would need aid in the form of financial resources, food aid and/or technical assistance to augment national efforts (para. 33).

Agreed that in view of the critical food supply situation in many developing countries, food aid remained an essential component of development aid (para. 34).

Reaffirmed its support for the activities of the Food Security Assistance Scheme (para. 36).

Agreed that a free and growing export trade was one of the important foundations for establishing food security (para. 37).

Called for the conclusion of a more effective International Wheat Agreement, with price and stock clauses (para, 38).

Agreed that the Director—General’s report should be followed up at subsequent sessions of the Committee, and agreed to the approach set out in paragraph 90 of the report (para. 40).

Requested the Director—General to initiate action on matters where the Committee had reached consensus, and to give greater emphasis to proposals on which consensus seemed possible in the near future (para. 40).

Urged all international agencies and institutions dealing with food issues to cooperate closely and coordinate their efforts, keeping in mind their respective mandates, in order to avoid overlap and wastage of resources, and to maximize progress towards the common goal of achieving a viable global food security system (para. 41).

Endorsed the Committee’s suggestion that the priorities could be grouped within four broad areas i.e., Training, Research, Delivery Systems and Institutional Development (para. 43).

Requested the Director—General to report periodically to the Council and to other relevant for a of FAO on the progress made and the results achieved in response to the requests made by the Twelfth FAO Regional Conference for Africa (para. 44).

Underlined the need to augment the resources allocated to agriculture in the low— income food—deficit countries of Africa (para. 44).

Report of the Seventh Session of the Committee on Agriculture (Rome, 21—-3OMaich.l983)

Endorsed the conclusions and recommendations of the Report of the Seventh Session of the Committee on Agriculture (para. 47).

Agreed with the Committee’s conclusion that the long—term goals and medium—term objectives and strategies as presented by the Secretariat took fully into account the major problems of the agricultural sector (para. 51).

Endorsed the Committee’s conclusion that the priorities embodied in the proposed Programme of Work and Budget 1984—85 for Major Programme 2.1: Agriculture,reflected the recommendations of various intergovernmental bodies of FAO and responded to the objectives described in the Long— and Medium—Term Outlook (para. 52).

Agreed with the Committee’s recommendations to give highest priorities to food production and food security, research and technology development, training and follow—up to WCARRD including the role of women, as well as to the special problems of Africa (para. 52).

(a) Programme 2.1.1: Natural Resources

Endorsed the priorities accorded by the Committee to integrated plant nutrition systems, small—scale irrigation development, soil and water conservation, control of salinity and waterlogging, and small-farm development under the Natural Resources Programme (para. 53).

Appealed to donors for increased support to the International Fertilizer Supply Scheme (para. 56).

Endorsed FAG’s multidisciplinary approach to improved farming systems aimed at increasing rural productivity within the limitations of the agro—ecological zone and within the existing socio—economic environment (para, 57).

(b) Prgranime 2.1.2: Crops

Endorsed the high priority given to increasing food crop production and the need for implementing well—designed food crop production projects, particularly in Africa (para. 58).

Appealed to donors to continue their support to the Seed Improvement and Development Programme (para. 59).

Endorsed the proposed global strategy on crop protection with emphasis on the strengthening of national and regional plant protection services and organizations, as well as on integrated pest management and the development and transfer of plant protection technology suited to the needs of small farmers (para. 60).

Endorsed the expansion of the scope of the Special Action Programme for the Prevention of Food Losses to include perishable fruits and vegetables, in addition to its central focus on staple cereals, food legumes, roots and tubers (para. 61).

Appealed for increased contributions to the Special Account of this important action programme (para. 61).

(c) Programme 2.1.3: Livestock

Fully supported the components of the livestock programme and agreed that the better utilization of feed resources, the introduction of well—defined breeding programmes together with improved animal health services and disease control would contribute significantly to supporting increased animal production in the future (para. 63).

Urged that action be taken to identify livestock insurance schemes that might be adopted, particularly for smallholders (para. 65).

(d) Programme 2.1.4: Research Support

Endorsed the activities carried out under research support, and reaffirmed its support for the emphasis placed on research planning, organization and management strengthening of linkages between research, extension and farmers, and evaluation of national research programmes (para. 67).

Reemphasized the need for the expansion and strengthening of intercountry cooperation through cooperative research and technology transfer networks (para. 69).

(e) Programme 2.1.5: Rural Development

Agreed with the high priority accorded to rural development and reaffirmed the validity of the framework provided by the Declaration of Principles and Programme of Action of WCARRD for FAO’s technical assistance to countries in this area (para. 70).

Welcomed FAO’s continuing role as lead agency of the ACC Task Force on Rural Development and supported the increased emphasis on country level activities, the follow—up action to recommendations of the FAO Regional Conferences, support to TCDC (Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries) activities and the Regional Agrarian Reform and Rural Development Centers (para. 71).

Called for more extra—budgetary funds to be made available for the Rural Development Programme (para. 71).

Approved the TCDC activities being promoted by FAO through the Regional Agricultural Credit Associations to harness financial resources and mobilize rural savings in order to improve the access of smallholders, especially women, to essential credit facilities (para. 74).

Called upon the Director—General to strengthen the Organization’s work on both livestock and crop insurance as an incentive to increased food production (para. 74).

(f) Programme 2.1.6: Nutrition

Recommended that activities to accelerate agricultural production must be accompanied by measures to ensure improved nutrition for the poorest groups, and supported the objective of FAO to introduce nutritional considerations in national agricultural and rural development planning and policymaking and in project formulation (para. 76).

(g) Programme 2.1.7: Food and Agricultural Information and Analysis

Emphasized the need to further strengthen food and agricultural information as the base for formulating development strategies, providing continuous review of the world food situation for assisting international deliberations and negotiations and for special studies and assessments (para. 80).

Supported additional provision of advice and technical support to the strengthening of national statistical systems, including national and regional Early Warning Systems (para. 80).

Recommended fuller exploitation of electronic technology to provide a cost effective approach of handling large volumes of data and assuring rapid accessibility processing and dissemination (para. 82).

(h) Programme 2.1.8: Food and Agriculture Policy

Agreed with the high priority attached to FAO activities in World Food Security, particularly the Food Security Assistance Scheme (para. 87).

Emphasized the need for FAQ to provide technical support to other agencies within the international community with a view to resolving agricultural commodity trade problems (para. 88).

Malnutrition: Its Nature, Magnitude and Policy Implications

Endorsed the high priority being given by FAO to the preparation of the Fifth World Food Survey and to the development of the FAO Nutrition Data Bank (para. 90).

Supported the recommendations that FAO carry out various studies on malnutrition, continue adapting its methodology on the nutritional assessment of projects and that its training activities be strengthened, and also fully supported the nutrition strategies for Member Governments including the integration of nutrition into national policies and projects (para. 92).

Follow—up to WCARRD: Role of Women in Agricultural Production

Urged that FAO increase its support for training of rural women engaged in various aspects of agricultural production (para. 94).

Urged FAO to emphasize women’s roles in community forestry and fuel wood development and recommended that national agricultural development plans should take into consideration the contribution of rural women in the agricultural sector (para. 95).

Endorsed FAO’s efforts to target small farmers, of which women are an important part and urged FAO to concentrate on landless rural families (para. 95).

Requested FAO to enhance the nutrition education aspects of training agricultural extension agents, both men and women (para. 95).

Emphatically supported the suggestion made concerning the call for increased donor contributions to FAQ field programme activities supporting the productive work of rural women (para. 95).

Plant Protection _  Development of a Global Strategy

Endorsed the Global Strategy for Improved Plant Protection based on the establishment of a Cooperative Action for Plant Health and on the reorientation of FAO’s programme in this area (para. 96).

Recommended to step up the preparation, in close cooperation with other UN Agencies, including the United Nations Environment Programme, of the Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides (para. 96).

Animal Health (National and International Strategies of Action)

Requested the Director—General to continue the Organization’s efforts in mobilizing support for the launching of a Pan—African Rinderpest Campaign, and to appeal to the international community to make adequate financial assistance available (para. 101).

Recommended that FAO support should cover not only technical assistance for OAU/IR but should also include responsibility for the backstopping and monitoring of the progress of the campaign, as well as coordination of the very substantial bilateral and multilateral donor inputs that were needed, and requested that a report on achievements be submitted to the next session of the Council (para. 102).

Endorsed the need for strengthening veterinary services for small farmers and recommended that research should be geared to specific needs of the small farmers and appropriate related technology (para. 106).

Proposals for the Establishment of an International Genebank and the Preparation of a Draft International Convention for Plant Genetic Resources

Expressed its full support of the action taken by the Director—General in convening a Working Party of Member Nations to advise him on the preparation of his report to the next session of the Council (para. 108).

Report of the Eighth Session of the Commission on Fertilizers (Rome, 31 January — 3 February 1983)

Endorsed the Commission’s report and supported the recommendations contained therein (para. 112).

Agreed with the views of the Commission that the alarming stagnation of fertilizer consumption in many developing countries, in spite of the decline in fertilizer prices was due to the economic difficulties being experienced by those countries, further agreed that shortage of foreign exchange was a major problem for fertilizer importing developing countries and endorsed the Commission’s suggestion that the Secretariat should explore the possibilities of appropriate agencies assisting countries with balance—of—payment problems (para. 114).

Endorsed the Commission’s suggestion that developing countries should enter into joint ventures with other countries to take advantage of the availability of raw materials and markets for the fertilizer produced (para. 115).

Agreed with the Commission’s recommendation that the draft study on Major Factors Affecting Fertilizer Supply, Demand and Prices be appropriately updated and revised, and be given wide distribution to FAO member countries and interested agencies (para. 116),

Strongly endorsed the findings of the Commission with regard to the usefulness of the International Fertilizer Supply Scheme and requested donor governments to channel increased resources to the Scheme (para. 117).

Endorsed the activities on recycling organic materials and agreed on the validity of the Integrated Plant Nutrition Approach (para. 118).

Recommended that the regular monitoring of fertilizer supply, demand and prices be continued and that member countries should be provided with this important document on an annual basis (para. 119).

World Food Programme

Eighth Annual Report of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes of the UN/FAO World Food Programme

Endorsed the priorities of the Programme, especially the emphasis on projects for agricultural and rural development and on assistance to the low—income food-deficit countries and to those in Sub—Saharan Africa (para. 129).

Urged traditional and possible new donors to fill in the balance of the target (para. 131).

Urged greater use of developing countries’ shipping for the transport of WFP commodities (para. 132).

Adopted Resolution 1/83 on Target for WFP Pledges for the Period 1985—86 (para. 137).

Twentieth Anniversary of the UN/FAO World Food Programme

Complimented FAO for its initiative and arrangements to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of WFP (para. 141).

Emphasized the complementarity in the functions of WFP and FAO as evident from the commitment of a substantial proportion of WFP resources to sectors falling within FAO’s mandate and priorities (para. 144).

Commended the technical assistance and backstopping extended by FAO in ensuring the technical soundness and economic feasibility of WFP projects (para. 144).

Reaffirmed the importance of preserving and further strengthening the close working relationship between the WFP and FAO in order that the resources of both organizations could be utilized, to the best advantage (para. 144).

Unanimously placed on record its appreciation of the work of the Programme during the past 20 years (para. 146).

Approved the arrangements being made by FAO to mark the twentieth anniversary of the Programme (para. 147).

Strongly appealed to then traditional and possible new donors to fulfill the regular WFP and IEFR targets for the current period (para. 149).

Inter-Agency Relations and Consultations on Questions of Common Interest

Recent Developments in the United Nations System of Interest to FAO

Approved the Director—General’s decision to submit a document on the International Development Strategy to the next FAO Conference (para. 152).

Stressed the importance of the International Fund for Agricultural Development as a source of funding for agricultural development (para. 155).

Joint Inspection Unit Reports:

(b) Personnel Policy Options and Career Concept

Endorsed the views of the Programme and Finance Committees and agreed with the conclusion of ACC that while the recommendations of the JIU were appreciated, the established procedure for study of personnel policies was inter—agency consultations under the aegis of and/or in cooperation with the International Civil Service Commission (para. 159).

(c) Organization and Methods for Official Travel

Commended the Director—General for the exemplary initiative he had taken and the substantial savings in administrative costs which the FAO arrangements of an in-house travel agency had been generating (para. 160).

(d) Communications in the United Nations System

Agreed in general with the ACC comments on this JIU Report, as well as the comments formulated thereon by the Programme Committee and the Finance Committee (para. 161).

(e) Status of Women in Professional Category and Above

Generally agreed with the comments made by the Programme and Finance Committees (para. 162).

Recommended that among the candidatures presented by ember Governments, they should include more women who were qualified for employment in the Secretariat and requested the Director—General to improve this situation, inter alias by requesting member Governments to assist the Secretariat in providing suitable female candidates (para. 163).

Endorsed the Programme and Finance Committees’ proposal that a review of the status of women in the Organization every four years would be a suitable time frame in which to reflect the progress made (para. 165).

(f) Economic Commission for Africa

Agreed with the views of the Programme and Finance Committees on the JIU Report and endorsed the comments of the Director—General on the recommendation of the Report (para. 166).

Preparation for the Twenty—second Session of the FAO Conference

Arrangements f or the Session and Provisional Timetable

A roved the draft Conference document on arrangements for the Twenty—second Session of the Conference (para. 167).

Deadline for Nominations for Independent Chairman of the Council Established the deadline for the receipt of nominations at 17.00 hours on Friday 2 September 1983 to be circulated to all Member Nations by Friday 9 September 1983 (para. 170).

Preparations for the World Conference on Fisheries Management and Development

Endorsed the draft agendas for the two phases of the Conference (para. 174).

Approved. the proposed structure for the policy phase of the Conference (pam. 175).

Agreed that the proposed structure should comprise guidelines and principles for consideration by governments and international organizations (para. 176).

Endorsed the proposal that the Conference should seek agreement upon programme of action in such areas as technical assistance, investment, trade and training (para. 177).

Recommended that whilst frameworks for both the strategy and the action programmes would be presented to the technical phase of the Conference in October 1983, further consultations would be necessary before detailed proposals were submitted to the policy phase of the Conference in June 1984 (para. 178).

Summary ProgrammeO Work and Budget, 1984—85

Introductory Statement by the Director-General

Noted with appreciation the remarks made by the Director—General on the approach he had adopted in formulating his budgetary proposals for 1984—85 (para. 182).

Commended the efficiency and economy of the Organization (para. 182).

Partieu1arly commended the courage, vigor and lucid judgement demonstrated by the Director—General in striking a reasonable balance between so many requests (para. 183).

Views of Programme and Finance Committees

Agreed with both Committees in appreciating the further improvements in the format and presentation of the document (para. 185).

Fully supported the views of the Committees that the proposals for 1984—85 were framed to limit the request for additional resources while responding to the highest priorities of the Organization, that they provided a satisfactory basis for consideraction by the Council and merited therefore full endorsement by the Council (para. 186).

Agreed with the thorough and detailed review carried out by the Finance Committee of the methodology for calculating and presenting cost increases for 1984—85, which were in full agreement with previous practice as approved by the FAO Conference and Council (para. 187).

World Background

Agreed with the assessment of the world economic and political situation made by the Director—General in the Summary Programme of Work and Budget (para. 188).

Emphasized the unique role of FAO as the only international organization dealing comprehensively with all food and agricultural problems, and stressed the importance of according it the necessary resources to tackle effectively the challenges posed to the world community of nations (para. 189).

Field Programme

Endorsed the call made by the Programme and Finance Committees for adequate replenishment of the resources to enable the funding of pipeline projects awaiting implementation (para. 192).

Strategies and Priorities

Endorsed the strategies and priorities proposed by the Director—General and fully agreedthat they faithfully reflected the guidance of the FAO Conference, Council and the recommendations of subsidiary committees and the last cycle of Regional Conferences (para. 194).

Fully supported the special emphasis on the urgent requirements of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), particularly of Sub—Saharan Africa (para. 195).

Programme Activities

Endorsed the proposed activities as described in the Annex to the Summary Programme of Work and Budget (para. 199).

Reiterated the central importance of the crops programme (para. 200).

Stressed the multiple role of forestry in rural development, through inter alias its contribution to environmental stability and consequently increased food production (para. 201).

Fully endorsed the proposed broadening of the scope of farming systems activities (para. 202).

Fully supported therefore the proposed strengthening of programme 2.1.4 and a concomitant increase in resources, particularly for the development of and support to national research activities and capabilities (para. 205).

Endorsed the proposed creation of the new Research and Technology Development Division (para. 206).

Stressed the importance of marine fisheries development in the new context of extended jurisdiction over Exclusive Economic Zones (para. 208).

Endorsed the proposed strengthening of the Office of Internal Audit and Inspection (para. 209).

Technical Cooperation Programme

Supported the Technical Cooperation Programme as an essential instrument of FAO practical action in the field (para. 211).

Real Growth

Generally expressed great concern at the “symbolic” percentage of real programme growth of 0.5 percent proposed for 1984—85, which amounted practically to “zero growth” (para. 218).


Fully supported the Director—General’s approach and his choice of priorities and unanimously requested him to prepare the full Programme of Work and Budget for 1984—85 on the basis of the proposals he had submitted in the Summary Programme of Work and Budget (para. 223).

Financial Matters

Financial Position of the Organization — Contribution Matters

(b) Current Assessments

Appealed to all Member Nations to remit amounts outstanding as soon as possible and made a special appeal to the largest contributors which were not facing critical foreign exchange problems (para. 230).

(c) Contributions in Arrears — Voting Right Problems

Called on all of the 53 Member Nations with arrears outstanding to make every effort to pay these assessed contributions without further delay (para, 231).

Appealed especially to those Member Nations in danger of losing their right to vote at the Conference and urged them to regularize their positions as soon as possible (para. 234).

Scale of Contributions, 1984—85

Proposed that the Conference adopt for 1984—85 the Scale of Contributions given in Appendix Gto this report, which was derived directly from the United Nations Scale of Assessments in force in 1983, subject, however, to any adjustments arising from the admission of new members by the Twenty—second Session of the Conference (para. 242).

Recommended a draft resolution on the Scale of Contributions 1984—85 for adoption by the Conference (para. 243).

Headquarters Accommodation

Endorsed the Director—General’s views on (a) the need for the Host Government to take immediate decisions on both the new wing and the 70 rooms so that these could become available for occupation within the next five to ten years, (b) the fact that even if such accomodation became available, it would merely suffice to house only the existing numbers of FAO and WFP staff, without any reserve for the slightest future expansion by either, and (c) in view of unfavorable prospects regarding the archaeological excavations on the site proposed for the new wing, the Host Government should be requested to consider alternative solutions (para. 247).

Reiterated its request to the Host Government for an early meeting of the Working Party appointed by the Conference and the President of the Council of Ministers (para. 250).

Reports of the Forty—fourth Session of the Programme Committee and the Fifty—first Session of the Finance Committee

Appointment of the External Auditor

Adopted Resolution 2/83 on Appointment of the External Auditor (para. 251).

Revised Calendar of 1982-83 Sessions of the Council and those Bodies which Report to the Council

Approved the revised calendar of sessions for 1982—83 of the Council and of those bodies which report to it, as set out in Appendix H to this report (para. 261).

Constitutional and Legal Matters

FAO’s Immunity from Legal Process

Stressed that confirmation of the categorical assurances given by the Government concerning protection from measures of execution should be provided in writing, as a safeguard in case of any misunderstanding on the part of officials responsible for implementing such measures (para. 267).

Emphasized the need for concrete and expeditious measures of a legislative nature on the part of the Government (para. 268).

Adopted Resolution 3/83 on FAO’s Immunity from Legal Process (para. 269).

Near East Statutory Bodies

Adopted Resolution 4/83 on Establishment of a Near East Regional Commission on Agriculture and Abolition of the Animal Production and Health Commission in the Near East, the Near East Plant Protection Commission and the Commission on Horticultural Production in the Near East and North Africa and Resolution 5/83 on Establishment of a Near East Regional Economic and Social Policy Commission and Abolition of the Regional Food and Nutrition Commission for the Near East, the Near East Commission on Agricultural Planning, and the Near East Commission on Agricultural Statistics (para. 271).

Invitations to Non—Member Nations to attend FAO Sessions

Agreed to the request of the USSR to attend in an observer capacity the Fifteenth Session of the Committee on Fisheries which would take place in Rome from 10 to 19 October 1983 (para. 272).

Date and Place of the Eighty—fourth Session of the Council

Decided that its Eighty—fourth Session should be convened in Rome from 1 to 3 November 1983 (para, 275).

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