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1. The Eighty-fourth Session of the Council was held in Rome from 1 to 3 November 1983 under the Chairmanship of M.S. Swaminathan, Independent Chairman of the Council.

Adoption of the Agenda and Timetable1

2. The agenda and timetable of the session, with amendments, were adopted unanimously. The agenda as adopted is given in Appendix A to this report.

Election of three Vice-Chairmen, and Designation of Chairman and Members of the Drafting Committee 2

3. The Council elected three Vice-Chairmen for its session: A. Pinoargote Cevallos (Ecuador), A. Féquant (France) and A.M. Qureshi (Pakistan).

4. The Council elected the following as members of the Drafting Committee: Congo, Cuba, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, India, Iraq, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Thailand and United States of America. The Drafting Committee elected G.J. Boxall (New Zealand) as its Chairman.

Tribute to A.G. Leeks and R.B. Griffiths 3

5. The Council recorded its warm appreciation for the contribution to the work of the Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP), the Council and the Organization which had been made by Mr. A.G. Leeks, Director of the Commodities and Trade Division, who was retiring from the Organization after 31 years of distinguished service.

6. The Council expressed its deepest appreciation to Dr R.B. Griffiths, who would be retiring at the end of the year, for services rendered to the Organization. Over a period of 26 years Dr Griffiths had made an outstanding contribution both in the field and at Headquarters to livestock development and in particular to animal health.

1 CL 84/1; CL 84/INF/1; CL 84/PV/1; CL 84/PV/6.

2 CL 84/PV/1; CL 84/PV/2; CL 84/PV/6.

3 CL 84/PV/4; CL 84/PV/5; CL 84/PV/6.