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ProgrammeSession No.Title and Remarks Estimated Cost
Art. of Const. and CategoryAttendance
2.1.2AGP 725-1Commission on Plant. Genetic Resources
- Established by 85th Session of Council, Nov. 1983 (CL 85/REP, Resolution 1/85)
23. 000VI-1 (1)Members of Commission
2.1.2REUR 822Consultation on the European Cooperative Network on Sheep and Goat Production
- The 1983 session of this Consultation recommended to hold its next session in 1985, in conjunction with the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP) Conference
8 000VI-5 (2)Selected MNs in Region
2.1.3AGA. 809Ad Hoc Consultation on Improved Animal Health Coordination in European Region
- Recommended by the 13th Regional Conference for Europe, October 1982 (ERC/82/REP, (para. 1ll)
5 000VI-5 (2)Selected MNS
2.1.3AGA 810Consultation of International Organizations on Animal Health in the Americas
- To intensify cooperation and harmonization of activities of the international agencies in the field of animal health in Latin America and the Caribbean
5 000VI-4 (2)International Organizations
2.1.3AGA 811Expert Consultation on Dairy Development
- To discuss the new strategy for dairy development and to propose measures for increasing participation in FAO's efforts to promote milk production and marketing of dairy products
850VI-4 (3)Individuals in Personal Capacity
2.1.3AGA 970Training Course for Trainers in Operation and Management of Abattoirs in Asia and the Pacific-Region
- Recommended by the Expert Consultation on Training Meat Inspectors and Slaughterhouse Personnel in Asian Countries and by the Seventh Session of the FAO Regional APHCA
9000-(4)Selected Individuals
2.1.3AGA 971Workshop on Rural Poultry Development for Francophone Countries in Africa
- To identify regional constraints to rural poultry development and to define the means of overcoming them
640-(4)Selected Individuals
2.1.3RNEA 806Expert Consultation on Emerging Poultry Disease Problems of Economic Importance in the Near East
- To meet priority needs of Near East countries
3000VI-4(3)Individuals in Personal Capacity
2.1.5ESH 821-2Second Government Consultation for Africa on the Follow-up of WCARRD
- Follow-up to WCARRD
36 200VI-5 (2)Selected MNs
2.1.5ESH 906Sub-Regional Workshop on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development for the Countries of the South Pacific
- Follow-up to WCARRD
1 500-(4)Selected Individuals
2.1.6CX 725-3Coordinating Committee for Latin America
- Decided by the 15th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, July 1983
33 100VI-1 (1)Selected MNs of FAO/WHO in Region and International Organizations
2.1.6ESN 803FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Food
- Requested by the 15th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, July 1983
400VI-4 (3)Individuals in Personal Capacity
2.1.8ESC 729-4Working Party on Elements of an International Banana Agreement
- Recommended by the 8th Session of the Sub-Group of Exporters of the Intergovernmental Group on Bananas, April1984
23000V-6(1)Members of Working Party and interested MNs of Intergovernmental Group
2.1.8ESC 803Consultation of Experts on Indicative Harvest-Twine Prices and Supporting Supply Management Arrangements for Sisal and Henequen
- Recommended by the 18th Session of the Intergovernmental Group on Hard Fibres, September 1983
16 800V-6(2)Experts designated by Member Governments
2.1.8RAPA 902Regional Workshop on Foodgrain Stock Management and Logistics in Asia and the Pacific
- Recommended by the Fifteenth Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific
4 000-(4)Selected Individuals
2.1.9RNEA 807FAO Consultation with the League of Arab States and its Subsidiary Bodies and Other International Organizations on Cooperation in Food and Agriculture in the Arab Region
- Requested by the UN General Assembly in October 1983 (Resolution 38/6)
13 500VI-5- International organizations
2.2.3FI 771-4IPFC Standing Committee on Resources Research and Development (SCORRAD)
- Recommended by the 14th Session of COFI, October 1983
36 100XIV(2)Members of IPFC
2.2.3FI 7 7 7-3COPESCAL Working Party on Fishery Resources
- Recommended by the 14th Session of COFI, October 1983
NILVI-1(3)Individuals in Personal Capacity
2.2.3FI 778-2COPESCAL Working Party on Fishery Technology
- Recommended by the 14th Session of COFI, October 1983
NIL VI-2(3)Individuals in Personal Capacity
2.2.3FI 811Ad Hoc Consultation of Government Experts (World Conference on Fisheries Management and Development)
- Approved by the Eighty-fourth Council Session November 1983 (CL 84/REP, para. 49)
97 000Vl-5 (2)Experts designated by Member Governments
2.3.3FO727-13Executive Committee of European Forestry Commission
- Recommended by the European Forestry Commission, December 1983
10 000VI-1 (1)Members of Executive Committee
2.3.4FO 914Workshop on Planning Fuelwood Projects
- To meet priority needs of African countries
3 000-(4)Selected Individuals



ProgrammeSession No.Title of SessionEstimated Cost. $Reason for Cancellation
2.1.2AGP 713-28FAO Desert Locust Control Committee22 000Recommended by the 27th Session of the Desert Locust Control Committee, June 1984
2.1.2AGP 807Expert Consultation on Breeding Strategies for Maize Production Improvement in the Tropics1 000No longer necessary as the activities will be carried out by another institution (Istituto per l'Oltremare)
2.1.3AGA 805Expert Consultation on Helminth Parasites10 000Difficulties in recruiting the Helminth Parasitologist who would have been responsible for organizing this session
2.1.3AGA 957Training Course on Management for High-Level Dairy PersonnelNILCancelled as extra-budgetary contributions did not materialize
2.1.5AGS 802Government Consultation on Establishment of Sub-Regional Rural Credit Training Centre for Central America2 000Cancelled due to organizational difficulties I experienced by host government
2.1.6ESN 801Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Nutrition in Rural Development26 000Postponed to next biennium pending the outcome of the 5th World Food Survey to be completed in 1985
2.1.6CX 708-16Codex Committee on Cocoa Products and Chocolate NILThe work of this Committee was completed earlier than expected and the Codex Alimentarius Commission, at its Fifteenth Session, decided that this Committee need not meet in the current biennium
2.1.6CX 716-8Codex Committee on General PrinciplesNILCancelled as the Codex Alimentarius decided that there were no problems to be resolved in the 1984-85 biennium; these were likely to arise only in the next biennium
2.1.8ESC 710-7Intergovernmental Group on Citrus Fruit16 800Cancelled as the situation in the world citrus market is stable and does not warrant a meeting during the current biennium
2.1.8ESC 722-6Intergovernmental Group on Tea23 000Cancelled in view of schedule of meetings on Tea established under the UNCTAD Programme in 1984
2.2.3FI 748-2CIFA Working Party on Water Pollution Effects on FisheriesNILThe objectives will be met by discussions in the main session of CIFA in 1985 and by correspondence
2.2.3FI 759-2COPESCAL Working Party on AquacultureNILPostponed to next biennium as this Working Party should meet in conjunction with the 4th Session of COPESCAL scheduled for 1986
2.2.3FI 791-1EIFAC Working Party on Eel AquacultureNILCancelled as activities covered by its main session
2.2.3FI 803Expert Consultation on Credit and Finance for Fisheries DevelopmentNILReplaced by Unscheduled Session FI 778-2 COPESCAL Working Party on Fishery Technology
2.2.3FI 805-2Technical Consultation on Prophylactic Measures in Fish CultureNILCancelled as decided by the Thirteenth Session of EIFAC (May 1984)
2.2.3FI 901Workshop on Fisheries StatisticsNILCancelled as the work envisaged will be undertaken by the CIFA Working Party on Stock Assessment in 1985
2.3.2FO 802Expert Consultation on Rational Conversion Technology of Tropical Plantation Wood into Mechanical Wood ProductsNILCancelled as the activities are expected to be carried out with extra-budgetary resources



ESH 903 under programme 2.1.5 a "Seminar for African Women Farmers on Women's Savings and Production Groups" was programmed as a Category 4 meeting. Its title has been changed to "Government Consultation on Role of Women in Food Production and Food Security". It therefore becomes a Category 1 meeting under Article VI-5 of the Constitution. The Session number becomes ESH 811. Attendance includes all Member Nations in the Region instead of selected Member Nations, resulting in an increase in direct meetings costs from $1 500 to $23 500.
ESH 904-905 Under programme 2.1.5 two "Seminars on Women in Agricultural Production" were programmed as Category 4 meetings. Their titles have been changed to "Government Consultations on Women in Staple Food Production". They therefore become Category 1 meetings under Article VI-5 of the Constitution. The Session numbers become ESH 813 and 812 respectively. Attendance includes selected Member Nations instead of selected individuals from the African region. The direct meetings costs are unchanged ($1 500 each).

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