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Preparations for the Twenty-third Session of the Conference

Increase in the number of Vice-Chairmen of the Conference

Recommended to the Conference that in order to facilitate the elections at its forthcoming session, it suspend the application of Rule VIII-GRO to enable the Conference to elect four Vice-Chairmen for the Twenty-third Session (para.11).

Report of the Fifty-fifth Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems (Rome, 21-25 October 1985)

Agreed that all efforts should be made by the international community to persuade countries to halt and eliminate export subsidies and other similar practices as well as protectionist measures which curbed access to international markets (para.16).

Agreed that during the next round of negotiations in the GATT, the effective participation of developing countries should be ensured (para.19).

Endorsed the request of the Committee on Commodity Problems that the topic of international trade be followed up in future sessions (para.30).

Called upon all donor countries to take urgent steps to replenish the Fund, which was of such crucial concern to the world's poorest and smallest farmers (para.31).

Fully supported FAO's work in the field of commodities and trade (para.32).

Approved the priority being given to workshops at regional and sub-regional levels to promote agricultural commodity trade among developing countries (para.32).

Code of Conduct on Distribution and Use of Pesticides

Endorsed the position taken by the Director-General that in a code of global significance no specific reference should be made to particular identified regional groupings of states but that in order to achieve a consensus, an amendment should be adopted (para.43).

Endorsed the draft Resolution on the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides for transmission to and adoption by the Conference (para.44).

Evaluation of the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP)

Urged all Governments concerned with the clearance of TCP consultants for assignments of three months or less to take measures to reduce the time required for certain actions (para.61).

Decided to endorse the findings and conclusions of the evaluation team, and the recommendations by the Director-General as contained in document CL 88/8, subject to what was stated in paragraph 59 (para.62).

World Food Programme (WFP): Proposed Pledging Target for 1987-88

Urged all donors, potential and traditional, to meet the approved target fully both in cash and commodities and to endeavour to exceed it (para.65).

Adopted Resolution 1/88 on the Target for WFP Pledges for the period 1987-88, to which was attached draft Resolution for adoption by the Conference (para.66).

Action Arising out of the Ninth World. Forestry Congress (Mexico City, July 1985)

Decided to refer the Manifesto of Mexico to the Twenty-third Session of the FAO Conference for its adoption by a resolution (para.69).

Decided to authorize the Director-General to initiate consultations for the hosting of the Tenth World Forestry Congress in 1990 (para. 72).

Programme of Work and Budget 1986-87 and Medium-Term Objectives

Agreed to give its full support to the proposed Programme of Work and Budget and expressed the hope that the Conference would approve it unanimously (para.80).

Review of the Regular Programme 1984-85

Urged FAO to increase its efforts in all the critical areas mentioned in the paragraph which had a direct and positive impact on the rural poor (para.86).

Financial Position of the Organization

Current Assessments

Endorsed the recommendation of the Finance Committee urging all Member Nations with outstanding contributions to arrange to remit accounts due and overdue without further delay (para.100).

Voting Right Problems

Appealed to the 11 Member Nations which were in danger of losing their right to vote to regularize in accordance with the Regulations of the Organization their positions as soon as possible, in order to ensure their full participation in the deliberations and decisions of this session of the Conference (para.104).

Delayed Payment of Assessed Contributions

Endorsed the general approach of the Finance Committee concerning delayed payment of assessed contributions (para.105).

Reports of the Forty-ninth Session of the Programme Committee, the Fifty-sixth Session of the Finance Committee, and their Joint Session (Rome, 16-26 September 1985)

Recommended a draft Resolution on the Emoluments of the Director-General for adoption by the Conference (para.108).

Appointment of the External Auditor

Agreed to reappoint the Comptroller and Auditor-General of the United Kingdom for a further period of two years commencing with the audit of accounts for the year 1986 (para.109).

Requested the Director-General to again formulate and submit for its consideration alternatives, including the present External Auditor, with regard to future appointments (para.109).

Adopted Resolution 2/88 on the Appointment of External Auditor (para.110).

Report of the Fifty-seventh Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (Rome, 14-15 October 1985)

Reimbursement of Travel Expenses of Council Members (Rule XXV-6 GRO)

Endorsed the CCLM's suggestion that the objective of permitting the reimbursement of the travel expenses of any one member of a delegation to the Council could best be achieved by amending Rule XXV-6 GRO (para.120).

Endorsed the CCLM's suggestion that a consequential amendment be made to Rule VII.2 of its Rules of Procedure (para.123).

Recommended a draft Resolution on the Amendment to Rule XXV-6 of the General Rules of the Organization for adoption by the Conference (para.124).

Date and Place of the Eighty-ninth Session of the Council

Decided that its Eighty-ninth Session would be convened on Friday 29 November 1985 at FAO Headquarters, unless the Twenty-third Session of the Conference finished early, in which case it would be convened beforehand (para.128).

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