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State of Food and Agriculture 1988

Urged in general, that developing countries, especially those undertaking economic adjustments, be assisted through significant concessions on debt to make possible the resumption of their economic growth and social improvement (para. 12)

Supported in general, the Director-General’s proposal that governments which so desired should insist for FAO to be associated with the formulation of new food and agriculture policy guidelines as part of the structural adjustment process (para.13)

Renewed its call for all efforts to be made to achieve the objectives of the Ministerial Declaration on the Uruguay Round, particularly in agriculture and as regards tropical products, and urged all concerned parties to ensure that significant progress be achieved at the forthcoming mid-term review in Montreal of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations (MTN) (para. 14)

Urged an early and successful conclusion of on-going negotiations, including those on tropical products and specific action relating to the principle of special and differential treatment for developing countries in line with the objectives and principles of the Ministerial Declaration at Punta del Este (para. 14)

Urged donors to address in appropriate fora the issue of designing a system for maintaining levels of food and shipments in situations of rising prices (para. 16)

Invited developed, countries to take full account of the impact their policies had on agricultural and rural development in developing countries (para. 17)

Appealed for continued support to be given to those countries that had suffered from a wide range of natural disasters such as droughts, floods and tropical storms, as well as from the increased incidence of locusts (para. 18)

Urged that International Emergency Food Reserve (IEFR) resources, which were almost exhausted, be urgently replenished, as requested by the Director-General (para.18)

Requested that efforts be reinforced to enhance flows of development assistance to the rural sector, particularly in low-income countries (para. 23)

The Locust Situation in 1988 and Outlook for 1989

Urged that maximum support be given to the Organization to implement the continued need for effecting coordination of the various activities to be undertaken (para. 28)

Report of the Thirteenth Session of the Committee on World Food Security (Rome, 13-19 April 1988)

Endorsed the conclusions and recommendations of the Thirteenth Session of the Committee on World Food Security and called on donor countries to make all efforts to maintain the volume of food aid shipments (para. 36)

Urged that the highest priority be accorded to the development of the food and agricultural sectors of the low-income food-deficit countries and to the formulation of a suitable policy framework in which to accomplish it (para. 37)

Requested the international community to support the efforts of developing countries with adequate technical and financial assistance (para. 37)

Urged that appropriate action be taken to ensure that the debt service payments of developing countries did not hamper the development of the food and agricultural sectors and the performance of the overall economies of these countries (para. 38)

Urged concerted action to bring the cereals market into a better balance in the long-term interests of both producing and consuming countries, and to enhance export market access in order to improve the foreign exchange earning ability of developing countries (para. 40)

Requested the Secretariat to analyse the impact of structural adjustment programmes and to identify possible measures to avoid a negative impact on food security, especially on the poor (para. 41)

Endorsed the decision of the Committee to continue to examine national food security case studies at its future sessions (para. 43)

Agreed with the Committee’s suggestion that future case studies should aim at providing an in-depth analysis of the reasons why certain policies had greater success than others, and should attempt to draw recommendations concerning domestic policy changes required as well as external constraints affecting the implementation of domestic policies (para. 43)

Report of the Ninth Session of the Committee on Forestry
(Rome, 913 Nay 1988)

Endorsed the Report of the Ninth Session of the Committee on Forestry and agreed in particular with the Committee’s recommendation that FAO allocate an increased share of its Regular Programme budget to forestry activities (para.49)

Recommended that TFAP be brought to the attention of the Committee on Agriculture (para. 50)

Endorsed the Committee’s recommendation to incorporate wildlife management and utilization in national development plans and to give it a higher priority in FAO’s programmes (para. 51)

Supported the Committee’s recommendation that A0 give increased emphasis to technical assistance in forest harvesting operations and to harvesting methodologies of non-wood forest products (para. 54)

Venue of the Tenth World Forestry Congress 1991

Agreed to postpone a decision on the venue until its Ninety-fifth Session, in order to provide more time for France and Tanzania and the Secretariat to reach a consensus (para, 57)

Aspects of FAO Policies, Programmes, Budget and Activities Aimed at Contributing to Sustainable Development

Requested FAO to further strengthen its internal coordination mechanisms on environment and. sustainable development (para. 69)

Urged FAO, within its specific mandate and its limited financial resources, to progressively translate the concept of sustainable development into practical and operational polities and programmes in the agricultural, forestry and fisheries sectors including natural resources management, conservation, technology development and delivery, private and public investment in the rural sector to promote growth beyond the subsistence level, policy reform, institution building and grass-root participation in development planning and management (para. 69)

Called upon donors to take into account the need for external resources to support incorporation of environmental concerns and to strengthen national capabilities in the application of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as they make their as allocations (para. 70)

Plan of Action for the Integration of Women in Development

Unanimously approvedthe Plan of Action presented by the Director-General and agreed that it be implemented in a step-by-step process (para. 73)

Recommended that FAO identify concrete priorities and a timetable of activities for the implementation of the Plan of Action (para. 75)

Recommended that priority be given to the training of FAO staff on means for addressing women in agriculture and rural development in FAO’s activities including programmes and projects and their planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation (para, 75)

Recommended that high priority be given to the strengthening of the Women in Agricultural Production and Rural Development Service (ESHW), including filling all vacant staff positions (para. 76)

Recommended that all technical divisions of FAO participate fully in including WID (Women in Development) concerns in their programme of work and that focal points, with clear responsibilities, be designated in appropriate technical divisions (para.76)

Urged that ways of encouraging rural women’s access to credit programmes, training, marketing, and extension services be promoted (para. 78)

Recommended a closer collaboration with the sister agencies within the UN System, other international organizations, national agencies and NGO’s and that efforts be made for the best and most efficient use of existing data studies, guidelines, and training programmes related to agricultural and rural development (para.79)

Asked FAO to prepare an updated document that would guide the Organization in clarifying more specific action areas needed to be presented to the next Conference, taking into account the views expressed in the debate, with cost estimates that would particularly reflect the work to be carried out using Regular Programme resources and extra-budgetary funds (para. 80)

Requested the Conference to approve the Plan of Action, taking into account the views expressed by the Council, and adopted Resolution 1/94 (para. 82)

World Food Programme

Thirteenth Annual Report of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes of the UN/FAO World Food Programme

Urged WFP to enhance the approach to ensure the effective participation of women in WFP—assisted projects, both as beneficiaries and agents of development (para. 93)

Invited all concerned with food aid, including FAO, to continue to cooperate with the Programme in its implementation by providing timely and accurate data and information (para. 101)

Election of Five Members of the Committee on
Food Aid Policies and Programmes

Elected Congo, France ,Germany(Federal Republic of), Mexico and Zambia to the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes for a term of office of three years from 1 January 1989 to 31 December 1991(para. 106)

Recent Developments in the UN System of Interest to FAO

Urged FAO to continue to seek ways to improve FAO cooperation with other UN organizations (para.108)

Called for the early implementation of the Cyprus Initiative Against Hunger and noted with satisfaction FAO’s willingness to cooperate with WFC, and others, in this regard (para. 110)

Urged FAO to continue to provide technical assistance to interested developing countries in connection with their preparations for the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations (para. 111)

Strongly urged all concerned - the African countries, developed countries, international organizations and others - to fulfill their responsibilities for the implementation of PAAERD and called for maximum mobilization of resources for Africa and underlined the importance of the implementation of the recommendations of the Advisory Group on Resource Flows to Africa (para, 112)

Agreed that Africa should continue to be the regional priority for FAO, taking into account the needs of other developing regions (para. 113)

Decided that this section of its report, together with paras. 107-114, constituted its response to Resolution 4(ix) of the Intergovernmental Committee on Science and Technology for Development (para. 114)

Urged FAO to coordinate closely in the field with other bilateral and multilateral agencies in identifying and counteracting any possible negative effects which structural adjustment programmes might cause in the agricultural sector, especially in the poor areas where and whenever this occurred in the developing countries concerned (para. 115)

Approved the proposed new title of the FAO/IAEA Joint Division: “Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture (para. 116)

Progress Report on World Food Day Activities

Supported the Director-General’s decision to choose “Food and the Environment”, an extremely topical subject for developed and developing countries alike, as the theme for 1989 (para. 122)

Reports of the Fifty-fourth and Fifty-fifth Sessions of the Programme Committee

Concurred with the Committee’s views regarding the UN Programme of Action for African Economic Recovery and Development (PAAERD), and placed particular stress on the fact that the success of the Programme depended on a massive mobilization of resources, from within and outside the region (para. 124)

Progress Report on the Review of FAO

(a) Reform of the Programme Budget Process

Approved, on an experimental basis, the proposal put forth by the Programme and Finance Committees for the preparation of the Programme of Work and Budget 1990-91 (para. 132)

(b) Arrangements for the Review

Reiterated that the purpose of the Review was to strengthen the Organization’s capability to better serve its Member Nations, to make FAO’s programmes more responsive to the challenges of the future and to enhance efficiency. The Council welcomed the consensus which had emerged within the Programme and Finance Committees early in the process of carrying out this Review, and expressed the strong hope that this Consensus would be maintained through the successive stages of the review process (para. 140)

- UN System Operational Activities for Development

Endorsed in general, the Programme Committee’s views on the case studies

of operational activities at the country level (the Jansson report)(para. 141)

Noted that the Programme Committee’s comments on the report had been submitted to ECOSOC in July 1988 and that the Council’s own views would also be conveyed to the United Nations in compliance with the request contained in UNGA Resolution 42/196 (pares. 144-151)

Reports of the Sixty-second and Sixty-third Sessions of the Finance Committee

Extension of Terminal Payment Fund Coverage

Endorsed the approval given by the Finance Committee for an extension of the use of the Terminal Payment Fund to cover Repatriation Grant payments arising from the Support Cost (Trust Fund) Programme, in addition to those arising from the Trust Fund Programme proper (para. 155)

Support Costs from UNDP and Trust Fund Programmes

Urged funding sources to consider the acceptance of appropriate project servicing charges when requested by the Director-General (para. 156)

Supported the proposal that a comprehensive report be made to the next Conference on arrangements regarding the level of support costs, which would be submitted to the Council for its prior considerations (para. 157)

Miscellaneous Income: Treatment for Assessment Purposes

Requested the Finance Committee to keep the matter under review, taking into account the views expressed during the discussion and to take suitable action (para. 159)

Statistics of Personnel Services

Endorsed the Finance Committee’s request that the Secretariat continue to refine the statistics, providing in particular more details on temporary services (para. 165)

Financial Position of the Organization

Financial Situation and Future Prospects

(f) Need for All Member Nations to Pay Contributions

Appealed to all Member Nations with outstanding contributions and particularly to those which were in arrears, to remit the amounts due as a matter of urgency, in order that the Organization could fulfill its mandate (para. 176)

Further urged all Member Nations to pay their 1989 assessed contributions, and also to inform the Organization in advance as to the timing and amount of payment as early as possible (para. 176)

Consequences of the Financial Situation and Possible Measuresto Ensure Implementation of the Programme of Work and Budget 1988-89

Concluded that bearing in mind the views expressed in the debate, the Director-General should, in conformity with the mandate given to him by the Conference, take any measures he deemed necessary to carry out the Programme of Work and Budget approved by the Conference (para. 187)

Audited Accounts

(a) Regular Programme 1986-87

(b) United Nations Development Programme 1986-87

(c) World Food Programme 1986-87

Endorsed in general,the views of the Finance Committee to the effect that the reports of the External Auditor on the Regular Programme and UNDP accounts be communicated to the experts involved in the ongoing Review of FAO and that a progress report on the implementation by the Secretariat of the Auditor’s suggestions be presented to the Finance Committee (para. 192)

Agreed that it was appropriate for the next Finance Committee Session to take the matter of the certification of WFP Audited Accounts under further consideration (para. 202)

Agreed that it was in the interest of all, but especially of the poorest countries, that the difficulties which had arisen between the Organization and the Programme be resolved with respect for relevant statutes and standards (para. 202)

Endorsed the Finance Committee’s recommendation and !& to forward a draft resolution on Audited Accounts to the Conference for adoption (para, 203)

Examination of the Proposal made by the Nineteenth Regional Conference for the Near East on the return to the Region of the Regional Office for the Near East

Fully endorsed the desire of the Member Nations of the Near East Region that the Regional Office should return to the Region (para. 207)

Requested the Director-General to take the necessary measures to consult other Governments of the Near East Region in the matter (para. 208)

Agreed that the Director-General should submit a full proposal on the return of the Office to the Region to the Council, for forwarding to the Conference at its Twenty-fifth Session in November 1989 (para. 210)

Revised Calendar of 1988-89 Sessions of the Council and of those Bodies which report to the Council

Concluded that a Joint Session of the Programme and Finance Committees would be held in January 1989, at dates and for a duration to be determined by the Director-General in consultation with the Chairmen of the two Committees; that the Sessions of the Programme and Finance Committees in May 1989 would have to be extended by one week and that the precise dates be determined, by the Director-General in consultation with the two Chairmen; that the Ninety-fifth Session of the Council would be convened on Monday 19 June 1989 to conclude on 30 June 1989; and that the Fifty-seventh Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems would be postponed by one week and would be convened from 3 to 7 July 1989 (para. 216)

Report of the Fifty-first Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters

Requests for convening a Special Session of the Finance Committee

Endorsed the recommendation contained in paragraph 13 of the Report of the CCLM and recommended that the Finance Committee adopt the following provision for inclusion as a new paragraph 1(bis) in Rule II of its Rules of Procedure:

“Where the required number of requests for the calling of a session of the Finance Committee is received under Rule XXVII.8(a) or (b) GRO and such requests indicate that the session should be called on a specified date or within a specified time limit, the Chairman and the Director-General shall consult each other and the members of the Committee with a view to the calling of the session on the date or within the time limit specified, bearing in mind the pertinent factors, including the context and urgency of the request, the availability of the Chairman and the majority of the members of the Committee, conflicting meeting schedules and the preparations necessary for convening the session.

Any session called pursuant to such requests shall be called as soon as possible and at the latest within a period which shall not exceed 50 days from the date of receipt of the third request under sub-paragraph (a) or (b) or the fifth request under sub-paragraph (b). (para. 225)

Procedure for Election of Chairmen and Members of the Programme and Finance Committees

Requested the CCLM to review the matter once again and to report to the Council at its next session (para. 235)

African Forestry Commission: C to African Forestry and Wildlife Commission

Approved the change of name of the “African Forestry Commission” to the “African Forestry and Wildlife Commission” (para 236)

Invitations to Non-Member Nations to Attend FAO Sessions

Agreed to the Director-General’s proposal to invite the German Democratic Republic, Liechtenstein and the USSR to attend as observers the Third Session of the Commission on Plant Genetic Resources to take place in Rome from 17 to 21 April 1989 (AGP-725) (para 238)

Date and Place of the Ninety-fifth Session of the Council Decided that its Ninety-fifth Session should be convened in Rome from 19 to 30 June 1989(para. 247)

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