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Current World Food Situation

Recommended that at future sessions of the Council, the item on the Current World Food Situation be the first substantive item for discussion as in the past (para. 11)

Urged that the international community should redouble its efforts to accelerate the development of the food and agriculture sector both by reversing the outflow of resources from developing to developed countries and by creating a global economic environment more conducive to growth (para. 15)

Report of the Fourteenth Session of the Committee on World Food Security (Rome, 3-7 April 1989)

Endorsed the conclusions and recommendations of the Fourteenth Session of the Committee on World Food Security (para. 19)

Agreed that the Secretariat should carry out a study on the important role of young rural women in food security in developing countries in compliance with Council Resolution 194 for consideration by the Committee on World Food Security at its next session (para. 24)

Requested the Secretariat to report to the next session of the Committee on World Food Security on progress in the implementation of the broader mandate of the FSAS (para. 25)

Invited food aid donors to make all efforts to maintain food aid shipments to both low-income and other food-deficit countries (para. 26)

Urged donors and the World Food Programme to make further use of surpluses produced in developing countries, through triangular transactions, swap arrangements and local purchases (para. 26)

Recommended that FAO continue to support regional and sub-regional cooperative activities among developing countries to strengthen their food security (para. 29)

Agreed that there was a need for greater collaboration between the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and FAO in order to safeguard food security concerns in the context of structural adjustment (para. 34)

Recommended that interested governments and international financial institutions make increased use of FAO's technical expertise in assisting them in the design and implementation of adjustment processes (para. 35)

Supported specific areas where FAO's policy-related technical assistance could be of particular value, inter alia, assisting in: (a) reforming or building-up of institutions in the food and agricultural sector and in training of local staff; (b) undertaking monitoring and evaluation studies; (c) establishing appropriate relationships between State marketing agencies and the private sector; (d) overcoming bottlenecks in the marketing infrastructure; (e) designing appropriate investment strategies and implementing incentive pricing policies for food and export crops; (f) designing special nutritional intervention schemes and employment creation activities and (g) assessing the effects of macro-economic factors, both domestic and external, on the food and agricultural sectors (para. 35)

Encouraged the Committee to continue the examination of case studies of national experiences on policies and programmes to achieve food security (para. 36)

Reiterated its strong support for the work of the Global Information and Early Warning System, which it considered should continue to be accorded high priority in FAO's programme of work and budget (para. 38)

Report of the Tenth Session of the Committee on Agriculture (Rome, 26 April - 5 May 1989)

Endorsed the conclusions and recommendations contained in the Report of the Tenth Session of COAG (para. 41)

- Review of FAO's Programme of Work in the Food and Agriculture Sector

Urged FAO to strengthen its role on biotechnology in the crop production and livestock sectors so as to facilitate access by developing countries to the benefits of the rapidly evolving biotechnologies (para. 47)

Called for close cooperation of FAO with other UN agencies and international research centres dealing with biotechnology (para. 47)

Urged FAO to increase the emergency action initiated for combating the American screwworm fly (Cochliomyia hominivorax) outbreak in North Africa (para. 48)

Requested that increased attention be given to credit systems for cooperatives and to the improvement of women's access to credit for agricultural production (para. 50)

Requested FAO, in cooperation with UNIDO, to give due consideration to the development of indigenous agricultural machinery and equipment which could be manufactured locally (para. 50)

Supported women in development activities including the implementation of the Plan of Action for Integration of Women in Development (para. 52)

Strongly supported recent initiatives aimed at improving data management, data dissemination and the development of a World Agricultural Information Centre (para. 54)

Agreed that policy activities should be an increasingly important area of work for the Organization (para. 55)

-Urbanization, Food Consumption Patterns and Nutrition

Urged FAO to continue to support nutrition interventions and surveillance in urban areas in addition to consumer education, orientation and food quality control activities (para. 59)

Requested FAO to include information on urban malnutrition in the forthcoming Sixth World Food Survey (para. 59)

-Preservation of Animal Genetic Resources

Called for the FAO programme on the Preservation of Animal Genetic Resources to be expanded and further developed as proposed in the Report of COAG, and recommended that lack of funding should not be the cause of delay in implementation nor lessen the impetus already achieved (para. 60)

Requested the Director-General to examine the many technical institutional and policy aspects of FAO's future role and programmes in the important field of animal genetic resources, including the possibilities of integrating the institutional infrastructures for animal and plant genetic resources within one system, while at the same time taking account of the relationships and needs of fisheries and wildlife (para. 62)

Affirmed its support for the Director-General's intention, subject to availability of funds, to hold an Expert Consultation in September 1989 and a meeting of the Working Group of the Commission on Plant Genetic Resources in October 1989 (para. 63)

-People's Participation in Agricultural and Rural Development

Endorsed COAG's recommendations regarding people's participation (para. 64)

Agreed that data collection concerning the constitution and activities of traditional, informal groups and their importance for the development process should be done in a flexible manner using a combination of various approaches, including case studies (para. 65)

-Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides;

Introduction of the "Prior Informed Consent" (PIC) Clause

Agreed to the further amendments to Articles 2 and 9.8.1 and 9.8.4 of the Code of Conduct, as proposed by COAG in paragraph 172 of its report (para. 69)

Requested the Secretariat to keep the Council informed oh progress on cooperation with UNEP in the implementation of the PIC scheme (para. 71)

Requested the Conference to approve the Revisions and Amendments of the Code (Article 2 and Article 9) and the Guidelines on the Operation of Prior Informed Consent which are given in Appendix E to this report (para. 74)

Report of the Third Session of the Commission on Plant Genetic Resources (Rome, 17-21 April 1989)

Agreed that the Secretariat should periodically prepare a State of the World Plant Genetic Resources, and that such reports should be based on information compiled by the Global Information System, contemplated in Article 7 of the International Undertaking (para. 83)

Endorsed the Commission's request that FAO continue to actively monitor the evolving new biotechnologies in line with the principles of the International Undertaking (para. 84)

Endorsed the proposed preparation of (i) a Code of Conduct for international collectors of germplasm, and (ii) a Code of Conduct on Biotechnology, as these affected conservation and use of plant genetic resources (para. 85)

Urged close cooperation with relevant international organizations and interested countries, taking into account the work already initiated by others (para. 85)

Urged that a possible separation of IBPGR from FAO should not involve costs to FAO and that a duplicate of the data bases jointly developed should remain in FAO (para. 89)

Requested that a Memorandum of Understanding between FAO and IBPGR should be prepared, taking into account the objectives of the International Undertaking (para. 89)

Agreed that the current programme of work and budget (programme 2.1.2 - Crops) should be restructured in order to address financial implications derived from some of the recommendations of the Commission, while extra-budgetary funds would need to be identified for others (para. 90)

Approved the text of the Agreed Interpretation of the International Undertaking, which is given in Appendix F to this report, and recommended a draft Resolution regarding Farmers' Rights for consideration and adoption by the Conference (para. 91)

Recommended to the Conference that both the Agreed Intepretation of the International Undertaking and the eventual Conference Resolution become annexes to the International Undertaking, facilitating the withdrawal of reservations which countries might have made with regard to the Undertaking, and securing the adherence of others (para. 92)

Report of the Eighteenth Session of the Committee on Fisheries (Rome, 10-14 April 1989)

Endorsed the conclusions and recommendations as contained in the Report of the Eighteenth Session of the Committee (para. 94)

Agreed that high priority should be accorded to the strengthening of FAO's role in the collection, analysis and dissemination of fisheries information, data and statistics, including socio-economic information (para. 96)

Agreed that FAO should give priority in its fisheries programme to the monitoring and prevention of environmental degradation in both marine and inland waters, as well as in aquaculture operations and to promote inter-country collaboration in this respect and urged that care should be taken to avoid overlapping with the activities of other UN agencies and programmes in this field (para. 100)

Appealed to donors to consider providing greater support to FAO regional fisheries bodies (para. 102)

Agreed that the 1984 World Fisheries Conference's five Programmes of Action should be continued beyond 1989 in order to provide an international framework and guidelines for fisheries management and development and that the annual indicative target figures should be raised to US$20 million (para. 103)

Requested the Secretariat to consult with potential donors with a view to rectifying the continued imbalances in the support received for activities and projects under the Programmes of Action, in particular those in the Latin America and the Caribbean region (para. 104)

Urged, when formulating and implementing activities within the Programmes of Action, that full account be taken of the following key issues common to all the Programmes : protection of aquatic environment ; improvement of fisheries information, data and statistics; investment; training; and the role of women in fisheries development and research (para. 105)

Urged interested donors to ensure funding for the Technical Assistance Programme for Fishery Commodities and Marketing Development and the network of regional fish marketing information and technical advisory services (para. 107)

Fully agreed with the conclusions reached by the Programme Committee at its Fifty-seventh Session in May 1989 that the proposals for Major Programme 2.2: Fisheries, were balanced, responsive to the needs of member countries and constituted an acceptable basis for the preparation of the full Programme of Work and Budget in fisheries and welcomed the proposed modest increase in the budget of the Fisheries Department (para. 109)

Fourteenth Annual Report of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes of the UN/FAO World Food Programme

Urged donors to fulfil their pledges, and in particular the proportion pledged in cash (para. 120)

Considered that there would be merit including in future reports by the CFA to the Council more detailed and timely information on the food aid policy deliberations and decisions of the CFA (para. 124)

- WFP Proposed Pledging Target 1991-92

Unanimously supported the pledging target for the regular resources of WFP for the 1991-92 biennium at US$1 500 million and urged donors to fully meet this target (para. 133)

Urged donors to provide in the aggregate at least one-third of the total contributions in cash pledges in accordance with WFP's General Regulations (para. 133)

Adopted a resolution on Target for WFP Pledges for the Period 1991-92 through which it submitted a draft resolution for approval by the Conference (para. 134)

Recent Developments in the UN System of Interest to FAO

Urged that further negotiations on tropical products, as agreed by the TNC, should lead to the fullest liberalization of trade in this sector (para. 138)

Reiterated its support for FAO's involvement in the Uruguay Round negotiations, through cooperation with the GATT Secretariat and through technical assistance to interested participants (para. 139)

Agreed that the strategy for the food and agriculture sector should be based on an elaboration of the findings and recommendations in existing FAO global and regional studies ("Agriculture: Toward 2000" and the regional studies on Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean and Europe) as well as on the existing FAO or FAO-sponsored sectoral strategies, plans of action and undertakings (para. 143)

Urged that the proposed Conference document be circulated to member governments as early as possible (para. 143)

Urged that the capacity of FAO in the formulation and implementation of projects in the rural sector be utilized fully in the implementation of the Special Plan of Economic Cooperation for Central America (para. 149)

Venue of the Tenth World Forestry Congress 1991

Agreed to accept the generous offer of France as the host country for the Congress and expressed its fullest confidence in that country's ability to organize this most important meeting (para. 154)

Preparations for the Twenty-fifth Session of the FAO Conference

- Arrangements for the Session and Provisional Timetable

Agreed to amend Item 17.1 of the Provisional Agenda for the Conference to read "Recent Developments in the UN System of Interest to FAO (including the International Conference on Nutrition)" and approved the Provisional Agenda, as amended, and the general arrangements for the Conference (paras 159 and 160)

- Deadline for Nominations for Independent Chairman of the Council

Established the deadline for the receipt of such nominations at 17.00 hours on

Friday 1 September 1989 and for the nominations to be circulated by the

Secretary-General to all Member Nations by Friday 8 September 1989 (para. 163)

Summary Programme of Work and Budget 1990-91

-General approach

Reiterated its strong appeal to all member countries to fulfil their financial obligations to the Organization with dispatch and in as predictable a manner as possible (para. 172)

-Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) Reiterated its support for the TCP (para. 183)


Invited the Director-General to proceed to finalize his proposals for the full Programme of Work and Budget, on the basis of the Summary and taking into consideration the reactions to it (para. 195)

Report of the Fifty-seventh Session of the Programme Committee

-Progress Report on the Review of FAO

Agreed that it was up to the Programme and Finance Committees to consider the question of the eventual release of the experts' reports (para. 202)

Agreed that a full discussion of the cost of implementation of recommendations arising from the Review should await the Council and Conference in November 1989 (para. 203)

Report of the Sixty-fifth Session of the Finance Committee

-Level of Support Costs from UNDP and Trust Fund Programmes

Expressed its support for FAO's active involvement in the development of new ! support cost arrangements for UNDP's Fifth Country Programming Cycle, from ; 1992 onwards (para, 208)

Financial Matters

- Financial Position of the Organization

(e) Need for All Member Nations to Pay Contributions

Appealed to all Member Nations which had not yet fulfilled their financial obligations to the Organization to arrange to remit amounts due at the earliest possible date (para. 228)

Requested Member Nations to advise the Director-General as to the amounts and timing of their expected payment of the contributions and arrears outstanding (para. 228)

- Scale of Contributions 1990-91

Recommended a draft resolution on Scale of Contributions 1990-91 for adoption by the Conference (para. 233)

Revised Calendar of 1988-89 Sessions of the Council and Those Bodies which Report to the Council

Approved with one change the revised 1988-89 Calendar of Sessions of the Council and of those Bodies which report to it (para. 234)

Report of the Fifty-second Session of the Committee

on Constitutional and Legal Matters (Rome, 2-4 May 1989)

-Procedure for Election of Chairmen and Members of the Programme and Finance Committees

Agreed that it would be preferable to maintain the flexibility inherent in the present system and not to introduce any modification thereto (para. 243)

Recalled the necessity of ensuring sufficient consultation and coordination both within and between regions in order to respect the criteria set forth in Conference Resolution 1187 (para. 243)

-Draft Agreement between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization

Decided to enter into the Agreement with UNIDO and to submit the Agreement, which is given in Appendix J to this report, to the Conference for confirmation (para. 250)

- Proposed Signature of the Declaration of Environmental Policies and Procedures related to Economic Development

Agreed to the participation of FAO in CIDIE and to the signature of the Declaration by FAO (para. 254)

Underlined the necessity, that the immunity of the organization from legal process in Italy be fully respected (para. 258)

Invitations to Non-Member Nations to Attend FAO Sessions

Agreed to the participation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in the Ninety-fifth Session of the Council as an observer (para. 260)

Communication from the Government of Spain regarding the Status of the EEC with respect to FAO

Invited the Director-General: (a) to explore the options for a form of membership of FAO of regional economic integration organizations to which their Member States had transferred competence in some fields of activity of FAO, along with the full constitutional, legal, financial and other implications for the Organization of such options, keeping the Finance Committee and the CCLM fully informed of the progress thereof; and (b) to report thereon to the Ninety-eighth Session of the Council in November 1990 (para. 276)

Date and Place of the Ninety-sixth Session of the Council

Decided that its Ninety-sixth Session should be convened in Rome, from 6 November to noon of 10 November 1989 (para. 277)

Appointment of a Representative of the FAO Conference to the Staff Pension Committee

Decided that the unexpired term of A.D. Weygandt (United States of America) as Member of the Committee should be completed by Astrid Bergquist (Sweden), Alternate Member of the FAO Staff Pension Committee and that the unexpired term of Astrid Bergquist as Alternate Member of the Committee should be completed by Steven D. Hill (United States of America) (para. 279)

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