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Reports of the Fifty-eighth and Fifty-ninth Sessions of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters1

201. The Reports of both the Fifty-eighth and Fifty-ninth Sessions of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters were presented by its Chairman, Mr Samuel Fernández Illanes (Chile).

202. The Council joined in the tribute which the CCLM had paid to Ambassador Fotis G. Poulides, former Chairman of the CCLM, for his determining role in the important contribution which the CCLM had made to the work of the Organization in the past two biennia and in shaping the role which it would be Called upon to play in future.

- Terms of Reference of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM)

203. The Council recalled that it had already discussed this matter at its Hundredth Session in November 1991, following apreliminary discussion which had taken place at the Fifty-seventh Session of the CCLM in October 1991. Subsequently, the Conference, at its Twenty-sixth Session in November 1991, had requested the Director-General to submit to the CCLM for study and possible consideration by a future session of the Council a review of the Terms of Reference of the Committee.

204. In carrying out this review, the CCLM had taken into account, in particular, the evolution of its work since it was first established in 1957, as well as the terms of reference of both the Programme Committee and the Finance Committee. The CCLM had concentrated on three principal areas:

  1. its statutory responsibilities of a continuing nature;
  2. the power to make recommendations; and
  3. the possibility of referring to the CCLM other relevant matters not specifically enumerated in its Terms of Reference.

205. The Council noted that the CCLM had made a number of suggestions for amendment to Rule XXXIV of the General Rules of the Organization which sets forth the Terms of Reference of the CCLM. These amendments were not intended to change the nature of the Committee but, rather, to enable it to be of greater service to the Organization. The amendments dealt with three subjects:

  1. defining more clearly the competence of the Committee as regards privileges and immunities;
  2. the introduction of a general provision whereby either the Council or the Director-General could refer to the CCLM matters which might require consideration, although they were not specifically enumerated in its Terms of Reference;
  3. authorizing the CCLM to make recommendations and to give advisory opinions, where appropriate, on matters referred to it by the Council or the Director-General.

206. The Council noted the statement of the former Chairman of the CCLM, Ambassador Fotis Poulides (Cyprus) emphasizing the importance of the proposed amendments as a means of strengthening the role of the Committee in order that it be in a position to still better serve the interests of the Organization and of its members.

207. The Council agreed unanimously that the enlargement and strengthening of the Terms of Reference of the CCLM would enable the CCLM to make an even greater contribution to the work of the Organization and recommended that the Conference adopt the following proposed amendments to Rule XXXIV of the General Rules of the Organization (GRO), at its Twenty-seventh Session in November 1993:

  1. Revise sub-paragraph (h) of paragraph 3 by adding the words underlined:
  2. "(h) the policy regarding privileges and immunities to be sought from host governments for the Organization's Headquarters, regional offices, country representations. conferences and meetings;"

  3. Include a new sub-paragraph after present sub-paragraph (h) of paragraph 3:
  4. "problems encountered in ensuring the immunity of the Organization, its staff and its assets;"

  5. Include a general clause to be inserted between present paragraphs 3 and 4:
  6. "4. The Committee may also consider the legal and constitutional aspects of any other matters submitted to it by the Council or the Director-General."

  7. Add a new separate paragraph also to be inserted between present paragraphs 3 and 4:
  8. "5. In considering items referred to it under paragraphs 3 and 4, the Committee may make recommendations and give advisory opinion, as appropriate."

  9. Renumber present paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 accordingly as paragraphs 6, 7 and 8.

- Agreement for the Establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission

208. The Council recalled that the CCLM had considered the draft Agreement for the Establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission at its Fifty-eighth Session in April 1992, prior to its submission to the Technical Conference for the Adoption of a Draft Assessment on the Establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission which met from 22 to 26 June 1992. The CCLM had proposed some amendments to the draft, and concluded that the text as amended was legally correct. The CCLM, at its Fifty-ninth Session held from 23 to 25 September 1992, had considered the text as amended by the Technical Conference which had adopted substantial

modifications to the text of the draft Agreement which had been considered by the Committee at its previous session.

209. The Council noted that two major problems had remained unsolved. The first concerned the proposed Article on reservations which a number of Member Nations attending the Technical Conference had considered to be out of date because it did not reflect the current status of public international law. The second problem was of a political nature and arose out of the proposed participation in the new Commission of two Member States of the EEC in respect of their overseas territories because the legal status of some of these territories was still a subject of dispute.

210. The Council agreed with the CCLM that the political problem which had arisen was not something that could, or should, be resolved within the framework of a technical organization such as FAO or within the context of a technical agreement such as the one being considered, but was more appropriate to the UN forum. It noted that consultations were being held with the members directly concerned with a view to reaching agreement on a compromise formula. The Council requested that it be kept fully informed of any further developments.

211. As concerned the Article on reservations, the Council noted that it was in line with the precepts adopted by the FAO Conference in 1957, and set out in paragraph 10 of Conference Resolution 46/57 (Part R of the Basic Texts). That paragraph required unanimous acceptance by all contracting parties in order that a proposed reservation take effect. However, the Council agreed that these precepts were no longer in line with the present practice under public international law. Consequently, the Council recommended that paragraph 10 of the Appendix to Conference Resolution 46/57 should be amended to reflect the current state of international law.

212. In the light of the foregoing the Council decided that the following procedure for further action on the draft Agreement should be followed:

  1. consultations should continue between the Secretariat and the parties concerned on the question of participation in the proposed new Commission;
  2. subsequently, the text of the draft agreement as it may be revised, should be circulated to all Members represented at the Technical Conference, and informal consultations held with them to insure that there were no problems with the revised text of the Agreement;
  3. the outcome of both sets of consultations should be referred to the CCLM at its Sixtieth Session, scheduled for April 1993, and to the Hundred and Third Session of the Council in June 1993;
  4. consideration of the formal approval of the Agreement should be deferred until the Hundred and Third Session of the Council in June 1993;
  5. a draft amendment of paragraph 10 of the Appendix to Conference Resolution 46/57 (Part R of the Basic Texts) should be prepared by the CCLM at its Sixtieth Session for submission to the Council in June 1993, for transmittal to the Conference in November 1993 for adoption;
  6. a new clause on reservations should be included in the draft Agreement along the following lines:
  7. " Acceptance of this Agreement may be made subject to reservations in accordance with the general rules of public international law as reflected in the provisions of Part II, Section 2 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969."

  8. the Council, at its Hundred and Third Session in June 1993, would consider approval of the draft Agreement as amended, subject to the amendment by the Conference at its Twenty-seventh Session in November 1993 of paragraph 10 of the Appendix to Conference Resolution 46/57 (Part R of the Basic Texts) regarding reservations.

-Amendment of FAO Financial Regulations to Incorporate the Provisions of Relevant Conference Resolutions Regarding the Special Reserve Account2

213. The Council recalled that the Director-General had proposed that, in order to assemble in an orderly and convenient manner the provisions of the various Conference Resolutions in respect of the Special Reserve Account, they be incorporated into the Basic Texts of the Organization, in line with established practice in analogous cases. The Council recalled in this respect that the Special Reserve Account had first been established 15 years ago and that the purposes and modalities of its operation had been set out in a series of Conference Resolutions. It noted that the Finance Committee, at its Seventy-fourth Session in September 1992, had considered it appropriate, from the substantive point of view, that these Resolutions should now be codified and incorporated into the Financial Regulations of the Organization, in line with the provisions establishing and regulating the other major funds of the Organization.

214. The Council noted further that the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM) had considered that the amendments proposed by the Finance Committee were basically a codification of existing provisions hitherto contained only in a number of successive Conference Resolutions, and were correct from a legal point of view, and that the CCLM had prepared a draft resolution for the consideration of the Conference.

215. It was noted that one member of the Finance Committee and two members of the CCLM had indicated their Governments' general reservation with regard to the necessity for the Special Reserve Account.

216. In the course of the discussion which took place on this subject, differing views were expressed, ranging from endorsement of the draft resolution as proposed and its transmission to the Conference, to the position that no action be taken. It was also suggested that a decision on the draft Conference resolution be postponed to allow for consultations with a view to achieving consensus. A consensus could not be reached at this Session of the Council.

217. In order to avoid divisiveness in the Council, the Director-General proposed that the matter be withdrawn from consideration by the Council Session. The Council then decided to discontinue its discussions on this item.

-Codex Alimentarius: Amendment of Relevant Texts to Take Account of the Membership in FAO of Regional Economic Integration Organizations3

218. The Council was informed that the question of membership in the Codex Alimentarius Commission of regional economic integration organizations that were members of FAO had been discussed by the Codex Committee on General Principles in September 1992. The Council recalled that the Codex Alimentarius Commission had been established in 1962 as a Joint Body of FAO and WHO, and that membership therein was open to all members of FAO and WHO which were interested in international food standards. The Council noted that the matter had been referred to the Codex Committee on General Principles because the EEC had become a member of FAO and had expressed its interest in taking part in Codex. However, the Procedural Manual of the Codex Alimentarius Commission would require amendment in order to adapt the text to the participation of member organizations.

219. The Council noted that, in the course of the session of the Codex Committee on General Principles, a number of fundamental questions had arisen, and that it had been decided that further consultations would be necessary before a decision could be taken on the precise amendments required. In particular, the EEC appeared to be seeking a status which would differ from that provided for in the General Rules of the Organization. The Council noted the views of the CCLM that a fundamental issue was at stake, but that it would not be appropriate to renegotiate the status of EEC as this had been the subject of very long discussions by the relevan bodies of FAO when preparing the amendments to the FAO Constitution and General Rules.

220. The Council noted that it had been agreed at the Session of the Codex Committee on General Principles that the Committee would consider the question at its next Session but that, in the meantime, the EEC would prepare specific proposals for discussion with the FAO and WHO Secretariats. The Representative of the Member State which currently held the Presidency of the European Communities confirmed that the EEC would be seeking a meeting with the Codex Secretariat with a view to resolving this matter. The Council considered that the matter would require very careful consideration after discussions had taken place among the parties concerned and when concrete proposals had been formulated. The Council requested that it be kept informed of developments. Finally, the Council noted that until such time as amendments to the Codex Procedural Manual had been adopted, the EEC would retain its observer status in the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

-Immunity of the Organization from Legal Process in Italy

221. The Council took note of the Judgement adopted on 21 November 1991 by the Italian Supreme Court, the text of which had only recently been published, in which the Court had overturned earlier decisions by lower courts, as well as a previous ruling of the Supreme Court itself, and had fully upheld the immunity of the Organization. In particular, the Court had recognized that FAO's immunity from legal process in Italy derived from the provisions of Article VIII, Section 16 of the Headquarters Agreement. The Court had concluded that the Organization was immune from legal process in Italy with respect to labour disputes between the Organization and its staff.

222. The Council noted the Judgement of the Supreme Court with very great satisfaction and expressed its deep recognition to the Italian Government for its assistance in this matter. It also complimented the Director-General and the staff of the Legal Office for their accomplishments in defending the interests of the Organization and its members.

-Abolition of (a) Joint FAO/ECE Working Party on Agrarian Structure and Farm Rationalization and (b) Joint FAO/ECE Working Party on Mechanization of Agriculture and Establishment of (a) Joint FAO/ECE (UN) Working Party on Economics of the Agri-Food Sector and Farm Management and (b) Joint FAO/ECE (UN) Working Party on Relations between Agriculture and Environment

223. The Council reviewed both a proposal to abolish two joint bodies established by FAO and the UN Economic Commission for Europe, and a proposal to establish two new joint bodies which would partly carry on the work begun by the previous working bodies but with new terms of reference which were better adapted to the present situation.

224. The Council noted that these proposals had already received the agreement, from a substantive point of view, of the UN Economic Commission for Europe in April 1991 and the FAO European Commission on Agriculture in July 1991. The Council noted further that the CCLM had found the proposals to be legally correct.

225. One Member welcomed the establishment of the new joint FAO/ECE (UN) Working Parties as a step forward in coordinating the work of both organizations in common fields of endeavour and also suggested that joint sessions of the joint working parties be hosted by the UN/ECE Committee on Agriculture and the FAO European Commission on Agriculture on an alternative basis at the normal respective meeting places of each body.

226. The Council adopted the following Resolution:

Resolution 2102




Recalling that the Eighth FAO Regional Conference for Europe held in Munich in September 1972 had strongly endorsed the establishment of a closer relationship between FAO and the UN Economic Commission for Europe (ECE/UN) and the possible merger of FAO statutory bodies with corresponding organs of ECE,

Noting that the ECE Committee on Agriculture, at its Forty-second Session held in March 1991, proposed the abolition of the Working Parties on Agrarian Structure and Farm Rationalization and on Mechanization of Agriculture and the establishment, jointly by ECE and FAO, of two Working Parties on Economics of the Agri-Food Sector and Farm Management and on Relations

between Agriculture and the Environment, and that these proposals were endorsed by ECE at its Forty-sixth Session in April 1991,

Noting further that the FAO European Commission on Agriculture (ECA), at its Twenty-seventh Session, in July 1991, supported the conclusions reached by ECE,

Considering that the joint sponsorship of specialized intergovernmental bodies by institutions with related responsibilities is a suitable means of strengthening inter-agency cooperation, of avoiding duplication, and of ensuring the most economical use of resources:

  1. Decides to abolish the following Working Parties which had been established under Article VI, paragraph 1 of the Constitution:
    1. Joint FAO/ECE (UN) Working Party on Agrarian Structure and Farm Rationalization;
    2. Joint FAO/ECE (UN) Working Party on Mechanization of Agriculture;
  1. Decides to establish under Article VI, paragraph 1 of the Constitution and subject to approval by the appropriate organs of ECE/UN the following Working Parties:
    1. Joint FAO/ECE (UN) Working Party on Economics of the Agri-Food Sector and Farm Management,
    2. Joint FAO/ECE (UN) Working Party on Relations between Agriculture and the Environment;
  1. Approves the terms of reference of these Working Parties contained in Annexes A and B to this Resolution;
  2. Authorizes the Director-General, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article VI of the Constitution, to draw up and promulgate, in consultation with the Executive Secretary of ECE (UN), appropriate Statutes for the aforementioned Joint Working Parties;
  3. Requests the Director-General to arrange for all reports of the Joint Working Parties to be submitted to ECA for consultation.

to Resolution 2/102


The Working Party on the Economics of the Agri-Food Sector and Farm Management, established jointly by FAO and the UN Economic Commission for Europe, is to provide a regional forum for exchanging information and experience as well as undertaking analysis of and providing guidance on problems related to:

- structural policies and changes in the Agri-Food sector as a whole, including social and economic implications and policies;
- integrated rural development, with particular reference to less-favoured areas, part-time farming and to pluri-activities with due attention to environmental needs;
- planning and management methods at the level of farms and other agri-food enterprises;
- efficiency of investment, optimization of production factors and related matters ;
- agricultural institutions, employment and marketing;
- while carrying out analysis in the above main areas, particular attention is to be given to the problems of the economies in transition of Central and Eastern Europe and cooperation is to be maintained with other international bodies active in the above field.

to Resolution 2/102


The Working Party on Relations between Agriculture and the Environment is a regional forum for cooperation, the exchange of information and experience, the drawing up of recommendations for consideration by the UN Economic Commission for Europe and FAO in their fields of interest and the development of practically oriented activities, making full use of the results of relevant research:

- aiming at sustainable agricultural development in which economic efficiency is reconciled with the conservation and improvement of natural resources, taking into account specific problems and needs of the economies in transition and with a view to correcting existing failures and avoiding further deterioration of the environment; and
- relating to socio-economic, legal, institutional, regulatory and technological aspects of: (1) the positive and negative effects of agricultural and related practices on the environment, (2) the impact of pollution and other forms of environmental degradation on agricultural land crops, animals and final products.

Considering that the Working Party is a joint FAO/ECE(UN) body, it should seek the closest possible coordination in all its activities with other relevant technical bodies and programmes of FAO and ECE. Furthermore, its activities should be developed in cooperation with a complementary to the work of other international organizations and should avoid unnecessary overlapping.

Date for Nominations to the Office of Director-General4

227. By Resolution 2187 of the Twenty-first Session of the Conference, the Director-General was appointed for a period of six years from 1 January 1988, the term of office expiring on

31 December 1993. Under the provisions of Rule XXXVI-l(a) GRO, it was necessary for the Council to set the date for nominations to the Office of Director-General.

228. The Council decided that nominations to the Office of Director-General should be communicated to the Secretary-General of the Conference at the latest by 2 April 1993 at 12.00 hours, and that such nominations should be circulated by the Secretary-General to all Member Nations of the Organization by 26 April 1993.

Amendments of Statutes of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF)5

229. The Council noted that the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF) was established by the Director-General following the decision taken by the Council at its Forty-eighth Session in 1967, under Article VI, paragraph 2, of the FAO Constitution. Since then, a

number of developments had taken place in the fishery situation in West Africa which led the Committee to believe that the time had come to bring its terms of reference up to date and to bring them into line with the new trends emerging in other regional fishery bodies.

230. The Council noted that the matter was discussed in CECAF at its Twelfth Session held in Accra, Ghana, from 27 April to 1 May 1992, and a series of the proposed amendments to the terms of reference and mandate of the Committee were endorsed at that Session and were being submitted to the Council for formal adoption in accordance with Article VI, paragraph 2, of the FAO Constitution.

231. The Council approved the following new Terms of Reference for CECAF:

"The purpose of the Committee shall be to promote the optimum utilization of the living aquatic resources of the area defined under paragraph 1 above, by the proper management and development of the fisheries and fishing operations, the development of marine brackish water

aquaculture and the improvement of related processing and marketing activities in conformity with the objectives of its members.

To this end, it shall have the following functions and responsibilities:

  1. to keep under review the state of these resources and of the industries based on them;
  2. to promote the collection, interchange, dissemination and analysis or study of statistical socio-economic, biological and environment data and other marine fishery information;
  3. to establish the scientific basis for regulatory measures leading to the conservation and management of marine fishery resources, to formulate such measures through subsidiary bodies, as required, and to make appropriate recommendations for the adoption and implementation of these measures;
  4. to encourage, recommend and coordinate, as appropriate, national, sub-regional programmes of research and development;
  5. to encourage, recommend and coordinate training and extension activities in all aspects of marine fisheries;
  6. to keep under review the economic and social aspects of the marine fishing industry and of marine and brackish water aquaculture operations, and recommend any measures aimed at the development of that industry and those operations in order to ensure the contribution of the fishery to the national, social and economic goals;
  7. to promote and encourage the utilization of the most appropriate fishing craft, gear and techniques;
  8. to promote and encourage in cooperation with other regional bodies, as appropriate, activities concerned with the processing, preservation and marketing of fish and fish products;
  9. to collaborate with Member Governments in formulating programmes to be implemented through local andor external sources to help achieve objectives described in subparagraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h) above.
  10. to promote liaison and cooperation among and with competent institutions within the sea area served by the Committee, insofar as the Constitution, the General Rules, regulations and facilities of the Organization permit;

  11. to carry out such other activities as may be necessary for the Committee to achieve its purpose, as defined above."

232. The Council decided to authorize the Director-General to promulgate the proposed amendments to the terms of reference of the Committee under the terms of Article VI, paragraph 2, of the FAO Constitution, pursuant to Resolution 148 of the Forty-eighth Session of the FAO Council.

Invitations to Non-Member Nations to Attend FAO Sessions6

233. In accordance with paragraph B-1 of the " Statement of Principles relating to the Granting of Observer Status to Nations",7 the Council considered the requests made by the Russian Federation, the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Ukraine to attend as observers the Hundred and Second Session of the Council and agreed to their participation.

234. In accordance with paragraph B-2 of the aforementioned Statement of Principles, the Council was informed that since its Hundred and First Session, the Director-General, on being so requested, had extended invitations to the following Non-Member Nations to attend as observers the Sessions listed below:

Republic of Azerbaijan

Twenty-first FAO Regional Conference for the Near East, Teheran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 17-21 May 1992 (CC-711).

Republic of Croatia

Nineteenth Session of the International Poplar Commission, Related Sessions and Study Tours, Zaragoza, Spain, 23-25 September 1992 (FO-702).

Marshall Islands

Interregional Conference of Small Island Countries on Sustainable Development and Environment in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Christchurch, Barbados, 7-10 April 1992 (AGR-807).

Technical Consultation on High Seas Fishing, Rome, Italy, 7-15 September 1992 (FI-801).

Russian Federation

Thirty-fifth Session of the Intergovernmental Group on Rice, Rome, Italy, 6-9 April 1992 (ESC-703).

Third Session of the Sub-Group on Hides and Skins of the Committee on Commodity Problems, Rome, Italy, 21-24 April 1992 (ESC-706).

Fourteenth Session of the Intergovernmental Group on Meat, Rome, Italy, 27-30 April 1992 (ESC-727).

Conference for the Adoption of a Draft Agreement for the Establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission, Rome, Italy, 22-26 June 1992 (FI-823).

Technical Consultation on High Seas Fishing, Rome, Italy, 7-15 September 1992 (FI-801).

Twenty-sixth Session of the Intergovernmental Group on Hard Fibres, Rome, Italy, 20-23 October 1992 (ESC-720).

Twenty-eighth Session of the Intergovernmental Group on Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibres, Rome, Italy, 26-28 October 1992 (ESC-712).

Republic of Slovenia

Sixth Session of the Working Party on Women and the Agricultural Family in Rural Development of the European Commission on Agriculture, Innsbruck, Austria, 13-16 October 1992 (REUR-704).

Republic of Ukraine

Technical Consultation on High Seas Fishing, Rome, Italy, 7-15 September 1992 (FI-801).

235. The Council also agreed to the Director-General's proposal to invite the Russian Federation to the Technical Consultation on Stock Assessment in the Black Sea, Ankara, Turkey, 7-11 December 1992 (FI-803).

Changes in Representation of Member Nations on the Programme and Finance Committees8

236. As provided for in Rule XXVI-4(a) of the General Rules of the Organization (GRO), the Council was advised that Robert F. Andrigo, Minister Counsellor and Permanent Representative of Canada to FAO, had been designated as the new Government Representative in the Programme Committee, as of the Sixty-fifth Session.

237. As provided for in Rule XXVII-4(a) GRO, the Council was advised that William H. Marsh, Minister Counsellor and Permanent Representative of the United States of America, had been designated as the new Government Representative in the Finance Committee as of the Seventy-fourth Session.

238. The Council took note of the changes, welcomed the new members and thanked the outgoing ones for their valuable services.

Applications for Membership in the Organization9

239. The Council was informed of the applications for membership received from the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Slovenia.

240. Pending a decision by the Conference on these applications and pursuant to Rule XXV. 11 of the General Rules of the Organization and paragraphs B-l, B-2 and B-5 of the "Statement of Principles relating to the Granting of Observer Status to Nations", the Council authorized the Director-General to invite Croatia and Slovenia to participate, in an observer capacity, at appropriate Council meetings, as well as regional and technical meetings of the Organization of interest to them.`

1 CL 1025; CL 10215; CL 102PV/15; CL 102PV/19.

2 CL 1025; CL 10215; CL 102PV/15; CL 102PV/16; CL 102PV/19.

3 CL 10215; CL 102PV/15; CL 102PV/19.

4 CL 10216; CL 102PV/17; CL 102PV/19.

5 CL 1023; CL 102PV/17; CL 102PV/19.

6 CL 102PV/2; CL 102PV/19.

7 See FAO Basic Texts, Volume II, Section L (Appendix).

8 CL 10214; CL 102PV/17; CL 102PV/19.

9 CL 102INF/18; CL 102PV/l; CL 102PV/19.

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