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Adoption of the Agenda and Timetable

Adopted the Agenda and Timetable for the session (para. 2)

Election of three Vice-Chairmen and designation of the Chairman and Members of the Drafting Committee

Elected three Vice-Chairmen for its session: Ms Melinda Kimble (United States of America), Salah Hamdi (Tunisia) and Juan Nuiry Sánchez (Cuba) (para. 3)

Elected Ms Ileana Di Giovan Battista (Argentina) as Chairman of the Drafting Committee with the following membership: Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Chile, China, Congo, Egypt, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Japan, Norway, Slovakia, Uganda and United States of America (para. 4)

Preparations for the World Food Summit

Recommended that the Conference approve the convening of the World Food Summit in Rome in November 1996 and that it make the necessary provisions in the Programme of Work and Budget for 1996-97 to permit its success (para. 6)

Endorsed the conclusions of the Committee on World Food Security and considered that the revised document on Elements for Possible Inclusion in a Draft Policy Document and Plan of Action on Universal Food Security constituted an appropriate and useful basis for future elaboration of draft final documents for the World Food Summit (para. 8)

Made specific recommendations regarding issues to be given greater attention which were reflected in the Verbatim Records and to which the Secretariat should refer in preparing the draft text (para. 9)

Report of the Twentieth Session of the Committee on
World Food Security (Rome, 25-28 April 1995), including the current world food situation

Endorsed the conclusions and recommendations contained in the Report of the Twentieth Session of the Committee on World Food Security Secretariat and requested that:

a) The Secretariat undertake a review of both optimum national food security stock levels and the minimum safe level of global cereal stocks;

b) FAO continue to provide technical assistance to Members on the modalities for implementation of the Uruguay Round Decision on Measures Concerning the Possible Negative Effects of the Reform Programme on Least-Developed and Net Food-Importing Developing Countries and

c) The Committee continue its consideration of the overall approach to universal food security through strategic approaches and country case-studies which reflected an appropriate balance between supply and demand considerations (para. 12)

Report of the Thirteenth Session of the Committee on Agriculture
(Rome, 27-31 March 1995)

Endorsed the Report of the Thirteenth Session of the Committee on Agriculture (COAG) and the conclusions and recommendations contained therein (para. 13)

Agreed with the importance attached to animal genetic resources for food and agriculture, supported the Global Strategy on Animal Genetic Resources and advised FAO to continue to seek donor support to complement Regular Programme resources for this important activity (para. 14)

Recommended that Conference agree, at its Twenty-eighth Session, to broaden the mandate of the Commission on Plant Genetic Resources to that of a "Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture" and agreed that a broadened Commission should be assisted by sectoral working groups (para. 15)

Referred, in the absence of a consensus on the nature and composition of the working groups, the matter to the Conference (para. 15)

Recommended that the revised international standards "Guidelines for Pest Risk Analysis" (PRA) and "Code of Conduct for the Import and Release of Exotic Biological Control Agents" be submitted to Conference for adoption (para. 16)

Recommended that, subject to the satisfactory conclusion of the review by Members of the revised text for the proposed standard "Requirements for Establishment of Pest Free Areas", it be passed to the Hundred and Ninth Session of Council for endorsement and transmission to Conference for adoption (para. 17)

Agreed that the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) be updated to bring it into line with the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreements of the Uruguay Round and with the recent establishment of the Standard-setting procedure (para. 18)

Requested that a progress report, including estimated costs, possible sources of funding and time schedule, be made to the Conference through the Hundred and Ninth Session of Council (para. 18)

Decided that the standing item on nutrition be shifted to the next session of the Committee on World Food Security in 1997, on a trial basis but recommended that programming aspects of nutrition continue to be discussed at COAG and that the links between nutrition and the range of food and agricultural activities be fully explored in both committees, as appropriate (para. 20)

Report of the Twenty-first Session of the Committee on Fisheries
(Rome, 10-15 March 1995)

Endorsed the conclusions and recommendations contained in the Report of the Twenty-first Session of the Committee on Fisheries (para. 21)

Revised Draft Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries

Agreed that the open-ended Technical Committee hold a further meeting from 25 to 29 September 1995 to complete the full revision of the Code, once the Secretariat had harmonized the texts linguistically and juridically, while taking into account the outcome of the UN Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks (para. 25)

If necessary, agreed that another meeting could be held prior to the Hundred and Ninth Session of the Council (para. 25)

Report of the Twelfth Session of the Committee on Forestry (Rome, 13-17 March 1995)

Endorsed the report of the Twelfth Session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO) (para. 27)

Requested FAO to continue its role as Task Manager for Chapter 11 of Agenda 21 within the United Nations system, and as requested by the CSD, to participate fully in the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests including support to the Secretariat in its substantive tasks (para. 30)

Requested FAO to continue to support and facilitate the initiatives taken with regard to criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management (para. 31)

Decided to accept the offer of Turkey to host the Eleventh World Forestry Congress (para. 33)

Report of the Sixtieth Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems
(Rome, 3-7 April 1995)

Endorsed the Report of the Sixtieth Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP) and made specific recommendations, as contained in paragraph 34 of this Report, on action that should be taken (para. 34)

Twentieth Annual Report of the WFP Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes (CFA)

Approved the Twentieth Report of the CFA to the ECOSOC and FAO Council (para. 36)

Target for WFP pledges for the period 1997-98

Endorsed the WFP pledging target for the period 1997-98, amounting to US$1 300 million, adopted Resolution 1108 and agreed to forward a draft resolution on this target to the Conference for adoption (para. 37)

WFP audited accounts 1992-93

Agreed to forward a draft resolution on the 1992-93 WFP biennial accounts to the Conference for adoption (para. 38)

Implementation of UN General Assembly Resolutions 48/162 and 47/199 on the transformation of the
CFA into an Executive Board and revision of the General Regulations of WFP

Decided to transmit to the Twenty-eighth Session of the FAO Conference for adoption a draft resolution on revising the General Regulations of the WFP and on reconstituting the CFA into an Executive Board (para. 39)

Collaboration within the UN system and with other organizations including outcome of
the Third Session of CSD

Urged that further efforts be undertaken to ensure that human and financial resources are used efficiently and wasteful duplication avoided for the expansion of partnerships with other organizations within and outside the United Nations system (para. 40)

Recommended that collaboration between FAO, the World Food Programme (WFP) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) be strengthened further, including at country, sub-regional and regional levels, and requested to be informed of progress achieved in this respect (para. 41)

Requested that future reports on this item also include cooperation with regional organizations, as well as with NGOs (para. 42)

Agreed that priority should be assigned to Africa within UN system development initiatives and welcomed FAO's increased contribution to them, including work on diversification of Africa's commodities (para. 43)

Supported FAO's efforts to obtain observer status in the bodies of the World Trade Organization (WTO) relevant to FAO's work (para. 44)

Agreed that, in formulating and implementing emergencies and humanitarian assistance, stress should be placed on the continuum of relief - rehabilitation - development (para. 45)

Preparations for the Twenty-eighth Session of the FAO Conference
Arrangements for the session and provisional timetable

Agreed to submit to the Conference for approval the provisional agenda, the tentative timetable and the arrangements outlined in the Council document CL 108/11, and in particular recommended that the action listed in paragraph 47 of this Report be taken (para. 47)

Deadline for nominations for Independent Chairman of the Council

Decided to establish the deadline for the receipt of nominations for Independent Chairman of the Council at 12.00 hours on Friday 18 August 1995, and that such nominations be circulated by the Secretary-General on 25 August 1995 (para. 48)

Director-General's Progress Report on implementation of decisions of the Council
at its Hundred and Sixth Session

Supported the Director-General in his appeal for adequate extra-budgetary support to sustain momentum, and expand the geographical and substantive outreach of the Special Programmes for Food Production in support of Food Security in Low-Income Food Deficit Countries (LIFDCs) and for the Emergency Prevention System for Transboundary Animal and Plant Pests and Diseases (EMPRES), as agreed previously (para. 51)

Programme Evaluation Report 1994-95

Transmitted the Programme Evaluation Report 1994-95 to the Conference for its consideration and endorsed the recommendations of the Programme Committee that the analytical and evaluative content of the Report should be further strengthened (para. 53)

Expressed strong support for the sub-programmes covered by the Programme Evaluation Report as high priority areas of FAO, as listed in paragraph 55 of this Report (para. 55)

Endorsed the recommendations of the Programme Committee with regard to the importance of evaluation as a management tool in improving the relevance and effectiveness of FAO's programmes and operations through feedback to programme planning and implementation, as well as sharper identification of the priorities and comparative advantage of the Organization (para. 56)

Summary Programme of Work and Budget 1996-97

Invited the Director-General to prepare the full Programme of Work and Budget 1996-97 in accord with the recommendations of the Programme and Finance Committees but taking fully into account the opinions expressed by the Council itself and invited further dialogue among Members and with the Secretariat with a view to paving the way for consensus in the adoption of the budget by the Conference (para. 57)

Called for a further determined search for economies in order to limit assessments, while preserving the basic mission of the Organization as stipulated in its Constitution (para. 58)

Endorsed the recommendation of the Programme and Finance Committees that arrears payments be excluded from the determination of assessments of Members (para. 60)

Made a renewed and pressing call for the prompt settlement of contributions and arrears by all Members (para. 60)

Reports of the Seventy-first and Seventy-second Sessions of the
Programme Committee including Review of Programmes

Endorsed the sections of the Reports of the Seventy-first and Seventy-second Sessions of the Programme Committee that covered topics other than the Outline and Summary Programme of Work and Budget 1996-97, which were to be addressed under item 16 of the Council agenda (para. 67)

Endorsed the Programme Committee's recommendation to adopt a more flexible approach for future reviews of FAO activities and the selection of the specific subjects for 1996 and 1998, as stated in CL 108/14 and the proposed on-going review of activities under budgetary Chapter 2, Technical and Economic Programmes (para. 68)

Financial position of the Organization: collection of assessed contributions
(outstanding and in arrears) - status of contributions to the Budget

Reconfirmed the recommendations made at the Hundred and Seventh Session of the Council as regards voting rights, procedures and practices (para. 73)

Urged all Members to pay their outstanding arrears and current assessed contributions in full as soon as possible, in order to enable the Organization to fulfil its mandate (para. 74)

Budgetary Performance 1994

Approved the Annual Report of Budgetary Performance to Member Nations for the year 1994 (para. 76)

Scale of Contributions 1996-97

Agreed to forward a draft resolution on the Scale of Contributions 1996-97 to the Conference for adoption (para. 78)

Report of the Sixty-fourth Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM)
(Rome, 10-12 April 1995)

Participation of EC and EC Member States representing their overseas territories outside the geographical
scope of the Treaty of Rome, in FAO meetings and intergovernmental agreements
under FAO auspices

Decided to postpone the item until its next session in October in order to allow sufficient time for consultations to be carried out successfully (para. 83)

Amendments to the Agreement for the Establishment of a Commission for Controlling the
Desert Locust in the Near East

Approved the amendments to the Agreement for the Establishment of a Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Near East, as set forth in Appendix H to this Report (para. 84)

Amendments to the Statutes and Rules of Procedure of the Coordinating Working Party on Atlantic Fishery
Statistics (CWP)

Approved the revised Statutes as set forth in Appendix I to this Report (para. 85)

Invitations to non-Member Nations to attend FAO sessions

Agreed, in accordance with paragraphs B-l and B-2 of the "Statement of Principles relating to the Granting of Observer Status to Nations", that the Russian Federation and the Ukraine attend, as observers, the sessions listed (para. 87)

Applications for Membership in the Organization

Authorized the Director-General to invite Moldova and Turkmenistan to participate, in an observer capacity, at appropriate Council meetings as well as regional and technical meetings of the Organization of interest to them (para. 90)

Fiftieth Anniversary of FAO: Draft Declaration on Food and Agriculture

Approved a revised Draft Declaration prepared by the Open-ended Working Group, as given in Appendix J to this Report and requested the Director-General to circulate it to all Members of the Organization as soon as possible, requesting any FAO Members who wished to provide comments to do so in writing to the Director-General by Friday, 7 July 1995 (paras 91 and 92)

Revised Calendar of FAO Governing Bodies and Other Main Sessions 1994-95

Approved the Revised Calendar of FAO Governing Bodies and Other Main Sessions 1994-95, as given in Appendix K to this Report (para. 93)

Date and place of the Hundred and Ninth Session of the Council

Decided that its Hundred and Ninth Session should be convened in Rome on 18 and 19 October 1995 (para. 94)

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