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6. World Food and Agriculture Situation and Outlook (continued)
6. Situation et perspectives mondiales de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture (suite)
6. Situación y perspectivas de la agricultura y la alimentación en el mundo (continuación)

6.1 State of Food and Agriculture (Draft Resolution) (C 93/LIM/35)
6.1 Situation de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture (Projet de résolution) (C 93/LIM/35)
6.1 El estado mundial de la agricultura y la alimentación (Proyecto de Resolución) (C 93/LIM/35)

DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: I would simply like to point out that implicit in this Resolution is the need for considerable funds. I would assume therefore, that the Commission and the Conference would take this to mean that funds for these activities would be obtained in the normal manner that we obtained resources for the Desert Locust situation, i.e., through the funding process of extra-budgetary resources.

Alternatively stated, I am cautioning you that the Programme of Work and Budget which you approved yesterday does not have the financial resources necessary to implement what is called upon and recommended here. I am quite confident this is the understanding among all concerned, recalling and knowing that these emergency activities are funded through contributions by donors. I just wanted to make sure delegations understood that in the process of adopting the resolution.

Mme Yvette LANGRAND (France): La délégation française est d'accord, sur le fond, avec le projet de résolution qui nous est proposé. Je voudrais simplement faire une proposition, sur le plan de la rédaction, aux pays qui ont présenté ce projet. Je propose que nous supprimions le paragraphe 5 de la résolution et que nous modifiions le paragraphe 1. Je rappelle que la résolution invite le Directeur général de la FAO à convoquer des réunions des institutions et des pays donateurs. La modification que je propose est d'ajouter, après "à convoquer des réunions des institutions et des pays donateurs": "et des pays affectés".

Je propose que ce paragraphe soit rédigé de la façon suivante:

"1) en vue de mobiliser les ressources humaines, matérielles et financières nécessaires à la conduite des opérations de lutte pour la campagne hiverno- printanière en cours et les campagnes estivales futures dans les aires d'invasion;

2) en vue d'informer les pays intéressés au suivi des campagnes antiacridiennes."

Zachee YEM YEM (Cameroun) : La délégation du Cameroun approuve dans son ensemble le projet de résolution traitant d'un fléau qui menace la situation agricole souvent précaire dans plusieurs régions du monde en développement. Elle voudrait rappeler qu'en 1989, notamment, son pays a été la cible des criquets pèlerins dans la partie septentrionale de son territoire dont la configuration n'est pas éloignée du type sahélien. Par ailleurs, le Cameroun est membre de l'organisation commune de lutte antiacridienne et il est régulièrement informé par la FAO des invasions du criquet pèlerin.

Notre pays a mis en place des équipes - surtout à titre préventif - de lutte contre le criquet pèlerin, les acridiens et les oiseaux ravageurs.

Compte tenu de ce qui précède et avec votre permission, Monsieur le Président, nous souhaitons que l'Afrique centrale soit ajoutée à la liste des régions intéressées par la lutte contre le criquet pèlerin. On ajouterait donc, au paragraphe 3 du projet de résolution, après "l'Afrique de l'Ouest": "l'Afrique du Centre".

Mme Amina BOUDJELTI (Algérie): Monsieur le Président, je ne reviendrai pas sur l'importance que revêt pour nos pays ce projet de résolution, ni sur le véritable fléau que représente le criquet pèlerin. Je voudrais simplement dire qu'après avoir entendu l'intervention faite par la déléguée de la France, nous approuvons, en tant que pays coauteur, la proposition qui a été faite. Nous pensons qu'effectivement cela allégerait le texte sans rien enlever à nos préoccupations.

En ce qui concerne l'intervention qui vient d'être faite par le Représentant du Cameroun, je voudrais simplement préciser que la préoccupation première des coauteurs du projet de résolution était de viser avant tout les aires de reproduction, mais que nous n'avons rien contre l'adjonction qui a été proposée.

Bamanga ABBAS MALLOUM (Tchad): Tout d'abord, ma délégation voudrait se porter coauteur de ce projet puisque des consultations préalables ont déjà eu lieu à un haut niveau entre nos pays, dont une réunion en Algérie.

Je voudrais également approuver la proposition de la délégation française qui demande que les pays affectés soient associés à la réunion qui sera convoquée par la Directeur général.

Je voudrais profiter de l'occasion pour adresser nos remerciements à la FAO qui a mobilisé les moyens techniques nécessaires à l'évaluation de l'invasion des criquets pèlerins et à l'organisation de la lutte. Qu'il me soit également permis de manifester la gratitude de mon gouvernement aux pays amis et aux institutions internationales qui ont répondu avec promptitude à l'appel lancé par le Tchad pour freiner la progression du criquet pèlerin. Il s'agit notamment de la France, de l'Allemagne, de la Suisse et de la Banque islamique de développement.

Nous pensons que l'adoption de ce projet de résolution par la vingt-septième Conférence de la FAO contribuera à sensibiliser la communauté internationale et la poussera à prendre les moyens appropriés pour lutter contre ce fléau qui menace dangereusement non seulement nos pays mais aussi les régions d'autres continents.

Quant à la proposition de la délégation camerounaise d'inclure l'Afrique centrale dans le projet de résolution, je la trouve tout à fait opportune puisque l'Afrique centrale est une région située entre l'Afrique sahélienne et l'Afrique de l'Ouest, et que d'autres pays d'Afrique centrale, notamment le Cameroun qui est voisin du Tchad, sont affectés par ce fléau.

Zahir Shah MOHMAND (Pakistan): FAO is aware that Pakistan suffered a massive attack of desert locusts in the summer of 1993. By the Grace of God Almighty, and with the assistance of friendly countries and donor agencies, particularly FAO and UNDP, we were able to contain the attack. Our special thanks are due to FAO, to UNDP and to the friendly countries for their timely assistance. I just wanted to put this note of thanks on record.

CHAIRMAN (Original language German) : I would ask the delegate of France to read her suggested amendment.

Mme Yvette LANGRAND (France): Je propose donc que l'on supprime le paragraphe 5 de la résolution et que l'on modifie le paragraphe 1 comme suit - je vais le relire en y intégrant ma proposition de modification:

"1. Invite: le Directeur général de la FAO à convoquer des réunions des institutions, des pays donateurs et des pays affectés:

1) en vue de mobiliser les ressources humaines, matérielles et financières nécessaires à la conduite des opérations de lutte pour la campagne hiverno-printanière en cours et les campagnes estivales futures dans les aires d'invasion;

2) en vue d'informer les pays intéressés du suivi des campagnes antiacridiennes."

Je peux, si vous le souhaitez, Monsieur le Président, faire un commentaire complémentaire pour expliciter ma proposition. Je suis à votre disposition.

Parviz KARBASI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): I should like to support the Resolution and the statement made by the distinguished delegate of France. It is important that countries affected should participate and should have the means to do so. This will complement the issue.

CHAIRMAN (Original language German) : Since no one else wishes to take the floor, we now have the draft Resolution as amended, and it stands adopted.

The draft resolution was adopted.

Le projet de résolution est approuvé.

El proyecto de resolución es aprobado.

Mme Amina BOUDJELTI (Algérie): Je voudrais remercier les membres de la Commission pour le soutien qu'ils donnent à ce projet de résolution. Je crois qu'il est également bon ici et qu'il n'est pas de trop - c'est d'ailleurs inscrit dans le texte du projet de résolution - de remercier la communauté internationale et la FAO pour leur souci et la réponse généreuse

qu'ils ont chaque fois apportée à ce qui représente pour nous un véritable fléau.

Parviz KARBASI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): I should like to record my thanks to the institutions and the donor countries, which have always given an immediate response on this very important issue.

6.2 World Food Security and Nutritional Status (Draft Resolution)
6.2 Sécurité alimentaire et situation nutritionnelle dans le monde (Projet de résolution)
6.2 Seguridad alimentaria mundial y estado nutricional (Proyecto de Resolución)

D.P.D. VAN RAPPARD (Netherlands): In November of 1989 the 25th Session of the Conference decided to begin preparations for the organization of the ICN. Last year, in December 1992, the International Conference on Nutrition, was successfully organized, in this very place, with its World Declaration and Plan of Action. However, ICN has so far not been endorsed by FAO, while WHO took this step in May this year and has already accepted a Resolution to endorse the results of ICN, the Plan of Action and the Declaration and to secure the follow-up process. My country is of the opinion that, considering the fact that FAO took an important role in the preparation of ICN, a similar Resolution would be appropriate. The Resolution before us is very much along the lines of the Resolution considered earlier this year in Geneva. Only a few new points have been brought in. I should like to draw your attention in particular to the fact that the regional approach has been appropriate over the past two years, and we think the follow-up process should be along those lines. A second point which has been brought in concerns increasing nutritional awareness within all FAO Departments.

Parviz KARBASI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): The issue of follow-up of ICN is very important. I should like to ask the Commission to make a recommendation to WHO that they cooperate more closely with FAO. An FAO/WHO pilot project is planned but we are not receiving a very good response from WHO. I would ask that there should be strong cooperation and that, when FAO asks for assistance, WHO should reply.

Mme Yvette LANGRAND (France) : Nous sommes sur le fond en accord avec cette résolution, mais j'ai un problème sur un mot. Cela regarde peut-être uniquement la traduction française.

A la page 3, au paragraphe 3, il y a un petit premièrement, où il est dit dans la traduction française: "à revoir l'engagement qu'elles ont pris en vue de la réalisation des objectifs et stratégies..."

J'aimerais comprendre mieux ce que veut dire "à revoir" dans ce contexte.

Parviz KARBASI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): On page 3, paragraph 3, which "Calls upon organizations of the United Nations System", I would like the words "particularly WHO, and" to be inserted between the word "system" and "other". This would give emphasis, because the issue is mainly related to WHO and FAO. The sentence would then read: "CALLS UPON organizations of the

United Nations system, particularly WHO, and other governmental and non-governmental organizations and the international community as a whole:”.

Tawfiq-e-Elahi CHOUDHURY (Bangladesh): There is a minor point to which I should like to draw your attention. This is on page 2, paragraph 2, where it says "URGES Member States:", and sub-paragraph (1), "by the year 2000, to strive to eliminate famine and famine-related deaths...". If we are asking Member States to do that by the year 2000, then "to strive to eliminate" would be a rather weak argument to make to Member States. My suggestion is to eliminate the two words "to strive", and to rephrase it by saying "by the year 2000, to eliminate famine and famine-related deaths, starvation and nutritional deficiency diseases in communities...". Now this part "...affected by natural and man-made disasters;", even if this situation is prevailing in other areas, which are not affected by natural and man-made disasters, there could be situations -- possibly we are also urging those Member States also to eliminate famine and famine-related deaths, but in any case "to strive to eliminate", you might consider, should be deleted.

CHAIRMAN (Original language German): If I understand you correctly, you want to delete two words "strive to".

ParvIz KARBASI (Iran, Islamic Republic of) : I would like to ask the distinguished delegate of Bangladesh, since the inception of the World Food Programme and all the UN system, we have seen an increasing number of hungry and chronically hungry people. How is it possible for us to pose such a resolution when it is impossible that by the year 2000 this can be eliminated? So I suggest that maybe "to strive" would be more appropriate.

Ms Faith INNERARITY (Jamaica) : I should just like to put on record that Jamaica and the rest of the Caribbean have supported the concept of the ICN from the very outset. In fact, one of the regional meetings was held in Jamaica and the Minister of Agriculture for Jamaica was present at the ICN in Rome.

In the Caribbean, we have what we call the Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute and many of the objectives and programmes are similar to those established in the ICN.

I should also like to comment on sub-paragraph (1) of 2. It is a noble objective to eliminate famine and famine-related deaths, but I wonder whether this is achievable by the year 2000. So I would say that the better wording in terms of what is possible, what is feasible, is "to strive" to do this.

Zahir Shah MOHMAND (Pakistan) : I just wanted to suggest a minor amendment on page 4, sub-paragraph (5). It reads "to further enhance nutrition awareness within FAO while developing projects and programmes;" I want to suggest that after "nutrition" we should add "enhance nutrition and household food security awareness".

D.P.D VAN RAPPARD (Netherlands): I would like to react to a few points which have been raised. First of all, the Iranian suggestion on page 3 "CALLS UPON organizations of the United Nations system..." to propose adding "and WHO". I think the cooperation between WHO and FAO has been on another level, as with other UN organizations. Moreover, I have mentioned already in my introduction that WHO has a similar resolution which has already been accepted. I do not feel it is appropriate to bring up WHO on the same level as other UN organizations. Perhaps Iran can give a reaction on that.

Secondly, on page 2, the point of striving to eliminate famine and famine-related deaths -- we had a long discussion about this issue during the ICN last year. It was decided to split up "to strive to eliminate". Also, "to reduce substantially," and "to develop , or strengthen as appropriate".

First of all, we made a difference between what should be possible, where it should be strive and where it should be reduce, etc. I think that after that long discussion, we decided to take the reaction as "to strive to eliminate". I do not think it warrants the result of the ICN if we are going to delete it now.

Thirdly, I would comment on the proposal of Pakistan on point (5) on page 4, "to further enhance nutrition awareness within FAO while developing projects and programmes;". We deliberately brought in "to enhance nutrition awareness". FAO pays a lot of attention to food security, of which household food security is an aspect, but if we are going to increase household food security, I wonder why we should bring in food security as such. In that case we should mitigate the purpose of this paragraph "to enhance nutrition awareness".

CHAIRMAN (Original language German): If I remember correctly the delegate from France has made a proposal. In fact, the Dutch delegate did not respond to that.

D.P.D VAN RAPPARD (Netherlands): You are right. Page 3, paragraph 3, "to review their commitment to the achievement of the objectives and strategies set out in the World Declaration and Plan of Action..." etc.: English is not my mother language but "to review" is not an appropriate word perhaps. "To enhance", "to reinforce their commitment" might be better. If that were better language for the French delegation, I am quite happy to replace it.

Parviz KARBASI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): With regard to this last issue, I suggested on page 3 of document C 93/LIM/37, number 3, when it says "calls upon organizations of the United Nations system" that "particularly WHO", or whatever, should be inserted. I think it is customary in all the UN system, when there is a joint project, that they put emphasis on those particular UN organizations. I do not see any difficulty, because I know that WHO is not cooperating very well with FAO in this project, because we have a project and we have asked WHO often to send an expert, and this has not yet been done. So if this issue of nutrition is both for FAO and WHO, I think it is good to insert it.

DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: With respect to the amendments which are on the table, firstly operative paragraph 2, where concern has been expressed about the words "to strive", may I read to you what you have already committed in the Declaration that was approved by your governments? "We pledge to make all efforts as soon as possible to eliminate: (a) starvation and death caused by famine; (b) widespread chronic hunger; (c) severe protein energy malnutrition, particularly among children", and so forth. In other words, note the words "as soon as possible". The terminology here, by inserting "by the year 2000 to strive to", would, I think, be consistent with "as soon as possible". I think the alternative would be more cumbersome and more difficult: it would be "as soon as possible to eliminate". In other words, what I am saying here is that I believe you will find what you have already pledged to do is consistent with the wording, the way it has been drafted by the Netherlands. It- is not exact, but I believe it is consistent with it. Therefore, I would suggest that you may wish to leave "to strive".

With regard to paragraph 3 and the discussion about WHO, firstly I would point out that there may be isolated instances where collaboration and cooperation is not as good as could be desired, but I must assure you that in the general framework there has been active and good collaboration between the two Organizations in the implementation of follow-up to the ICN.

One can find in the Declaration in the Plan of Action that you adopted last year references to FAO and WHO as the lead agencies for these matters in the UN system. You could, therefore, I think, accept, and it would be perfectly consistent with your previous action, an insertion that would say "particularly FAO and WHO following organizations of the United Nations system". Then it goes on "other inter-governmental and non-governmental".

Also, with respect to paragraph (1) in 3, the question about "review" which, incidentally is spelled wrongly; there have been suggestions here, I think, that "review" is not strong enough. The Declaration in the Plan of Action is explicit. All of the members of the UN system and all of their governing bodies were asked to take action in 1993; some have but not many. Perhaps it would be better to use a stronger word than "review". "Reinforce" has been suggested as well as "undertake", "implement", "honour", and all kinds of suggestions. Perhaps "reinforce" would be the more politic one.

With respect to the suggested amendment in section 4, "REQUESTS the Director-General" and (5), FAO would have no problem with the insertion of "and household food security".

Mme Maria do Lourdes MARTINS DUARTE (Cap-Vert): La Représentante du Cap-Vert est désolée d'être arrivée en retard et de n'avoir pas pu joindre sa voix à celles qui ont appuyé la résolution qui est l'objet de ce point de l'ordre du jour.

S'agissant de la résolution sur le suivi de la Conférence internationale sur la nutrition proposée par la délégation des Pays-Bas, ma délégation aimerait apporter son plein appui.

Zachee YEM YEM (Cameroun): Monsieur le Président, à la page 3, comme la distinguée déléguée de la France, j'avais aussi des inquiétudes sur le mot

"revoir". Mais d'après les explications qui nous ont été données, je pense que nous pourrions peut-être marquer "concrétiser l'engagement". C'est la première chose.

La deuxième chose: dans le rapport, le Gouvernement du Cameroun souhaiterait exprimer ses remerciements à la FAO pour l'aide qu'elle lui a déjà apportée dans la conception de son plan national de nutrition. Je souhaiterais que ce soit mentionné dans le rapport.

Mme Yvette LANGRAND (France): Monsieur le Président, pour ce qui concerne la proposition de M. Hjort, suite à l'intervention du délégué de l'Iran, je crois que c'est une bonne proposition de noter: la FAO et l'OMS. Je ne sais pas si le délégué de l'Iran est d'accord; c'est à lui de le dire. Mais personnellement, je trouve que c'est une bonne proposition.

Pour ce qui concerne le premièrement du paragraphe 3, je pense qu'en effet on peut trouver des mots de substitution. Soit simplement, mais c'est plus faible, "donner suite à l'engagement qu'elles ont pris". Soit la proposition du Cameroun: "concrétiser". J'ajouterais à ce moment-là "rapidement", le "plus rapidement possible" par exemple: "concrétiser le plus rapidement possible l'engagement qu'elles ont pris".

Voilà. On peut trouver d'autres mots. Mais je pense qu'il faut introduire "rapidement", "le plus rapidement possible".

Ms Faith INNERARITY (Jamaica) : Following on from what Mr Hjort said on paragraph 2(i), I noted that in the ICN document it says "as soon as possible". By saying "by the year 2000", it might be suggesting that we are going to begin our striving by the year 2000 but the striving is an ongoing process. It has already started. We intend to continue. Could we not simply say "to strive to eliminate"? Do we need that timeframe because we are not waiting for 2000 to begin our striving.

Mohammed Larbi FIRDAWCY (Maroc): Monsieur le Président, pour le paragraphe 3, je pense qu'il faut insister: parmi les institutions spécialisées du système des Nations Unies, particulièrement la FAO et l'OMS. Et pour le premier paragraphe, je crois que la meilleure formule serait de dire: "à renouveler", ce qui veut dire: donc pour ceux qui ont déjà fait une action, continuer; et ceux qui ne l'auraient pas faite; "renouveler" c'est reconfirmer un engagement. Et donc la meilleure traduction de "review" serait "à renouveler l'engagement qu'elles ont pris en vue de". Merci.

Lamin K. JUWARA (Gambia): Having listened to the Deputy Director-General on the pledges already made concerning paragraph 2 on page 2, I wish to suggest a follow-up to the Jamaican delegate, since there is some controversy on the wording. The pledge says exactly, if I have it correctly, "to eliminate as soon as possible". Here we may avoid a new wording and simply indicate by deleting "by the year 2000, to strive", and simply say "urges Member States to eliminate as soon as possible famine and famine-related deaths".

D.P.D. VAN RAPPARD (Netherlands): First of all, I am quite happy with the proposal of Mr Hjort to adopt paragraph 3 as follows and make it "calls

upon organizations of the United Nations system and FAO and WHO in particular". I think that brings both organizations on the same level again.

Secondly, with regard to 2(1), "by the year 2000, to strive to eliminate", dealing with Jamaica's concern, I wonder whether we could not make it "if necessary to strive to eliminate by the year 2000"?

Further, on paragraph 3(1), I am quite happy with the proposal of Cameroon, "to fulfil as quickly as possible".

CHAIRMAN (Original language German) : May I ask the delegate from the Netherlands a question? I think that Gambia's proposal is very precise. Could you accept that proposal?

D.P.D. VAN RAPPARD (Netherlands): My question is whether this proposal is with regard to the first paragraph of 2 or the second one as well.

CHAIRMAN: I understood that this only referred to 2, sub-paragraph (1).

D.P.D. VAN RAPPARD (Netherlands) : I think the proposal made by Gambia is fairly similar to the text accepted by the ICN. I can live with it.

Edward Simon KABUYE (Malawi) : I just wanted to echo and agree with what has been said about page 2 paragraph 2(1), as put by Gambia, and on page 3 paragraph 3(1) where perhaps "reinforce" would be better than what is indicated now with "review".

CHAIRMAN (Original language German) : English is not my mother tongue but I think that perhaps the words "fulfil as soon as possible" would be the best choice.

Mme Yvette LANGRAND (France): Monsieur le Président, simplement sur ce point, je pense qu'il faut éviter d'utiliser un mot qui puisse entraîner en quelque sorte des suivis administratifs; c'est-à-dire que certains mots pourraient laisser entendre que l'on demande aux institutions de renouveler, de reprendre une déclaration, une décision. Il faut éviter ces mots-là. Il faut souligner l'intention de confirmation, en quelque sorte, d'engagement ou de concrétisation en effet, mais éviter tout mot qui entraînerait une suite administrative, ou qui pourrait laisser penser que l'on demande à reprendre des déclarations ou des textes qui ont déjà été faits. Merci.

D.P.D. VAN RAPPARD (Netherlands): I am totally in line with the remarks of the French delegation. I think that is the whole purpose of the resolution. It is not just an administrative procedure but we will give another momentum to the ICN process. Therefore, the wording should be rather strong.

John Bruce SHARPS (Australia): I have a suggestion for the wording there. Instead of "review" could I suggest "reaffirm"?

That would probably convey the feeling of the meeting. I refer to paragraph 3(1), "to reaffirm their commitment" instead of "to review their commitment". This is merely ,a suggestion.

Zachee YEM YEM (Cameroun): Monsieur le Président, j'appuie personnellement la proposition de la France dans la rédaction de ce point; parce que "renouveler" ne veut pas dire concrétiser. On peut renouveler un engagement que l'on va concrétiser dans dix ans. Donc je pense personnellement qu'il faudrait quelque chose de concret. Je pense qu'il faudrait dire "matérialiser", "concrétiser rapidement".

Eberhard SCHMAUZ (Germany) (Original language German): In paragraph 2(2) it says "by the year 2000, to reduce substantially...". To follow logically from paragraph 2(1), and also to take into account the fact that we do not want to wait until the year 2000 to carry out our activities, we have to begin our action immediately, it would be appropriate to say "to reduce as soon as possible".

DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: With respect to the latter point, what you have already pledged is "We also pledge to reduce substantially within this decade." "Within this decade" could go a little past 2000 probably but I really do not think there is any problem with paragraph 2(2). I do not see the need for an amendment there.

What you have pledged in the other case is "we also pledge to reduce substantially within this decade. This says "reduce substantially". It is the same terminology as there. It says "by the year 2000". One can argue it is within the decade, within this decade. I think the reference there is to the decade we are in, which ends in 2000. I think this terminology in paragraph 2(2) is precisely in accord with the declaration that you have adopted. It needs no amendment.

Mohammed Larbi FIRDAWCY (Maroc) s Pour le paragraphe 3, si "à renouveler" implique un travail administratif supplémentaire, je pense qu'il faut effectivement peut-être le changer par "mettre en oeuvre l'engagement", ou "concrétiser".

CHAIRMAN (Original language German) : Does anyone else wish to take the floor? Since no one else wishes to address the point I will now give the floor to the Observer from the Holy See.

Alois WAGNER (Observer from the Holy See) : We are very happy about the realization of this Plan of Action, and I want to point out that we have informed our own organizations around the world, in all countries, about this programme to cooperate with you. We have more than 200 different organizations working on this idea. We have invited them to cooperate, even through their own small contributions, in the national programmes as well as in the governmental programmes in the different countries.

The second point is that we have tried always to convince people that it is not sufficient to wait for help but especially to accept more self-responsibility in all countries. As far as nutrition is concerned, the first right and first responsibility of all countries is to look for better nutrition using all that is possible in those countries. It is already in this Plan for an International Conference on Nutrition.

As a third point, I am happy that it has been clearly expressed that immediately, today, we must start to change the situation of hunger and malnutrition, and even cooperation between FAO and WHO is important.

I merely wish to express our appreciation and the hope that we shall encourage everybody to fulfil all that has been planned in this famous Conference here in Rome.

CHAIRMAN (Original language German) : If no one else is asking for the floor, we have finished the discussion on the resolution and I am now going to ask the Secretariat to be good enough to read out the amendments to that resolution.

W.A. LAMADÉ (Secretary, Commission I) : The first amendment relates to page 2, point 2 where it says "Urges Member States", and then where in (1) it says "by the year 2000, to strive" would be deleted. The sub-paragraph would start with the words, "to eliminate as soon as possible famine and famine-related deaths", and so on.

The second change would be on page 3, paragraph 3, in the first line after the words "United Nations system" we would insert "and the FAO and WHO in particular" and the rest of the two lines of this paragraph would remain unchanged.

Under 3 (1) the words "to review" would be replaced by the words "to fulfil as soon as possible their commitment to the achievement..." and so on.

There would be no further changes there.

The last change would occur on page 4, paragraph (5) where, after the words "to further enhance nutrition", we would insert the words "and household food security" and then we would go on "awareness within FAO" and so on.

The draft resolution as amended was adopted

Le projet de résolution, ainsi amendé, est approuvé

El proyecto de resolución, así enmendado, es aprobado



CHAIRMAN (Original language German): We will discuss document C 93/I/REP/2 paragraph by paragraph. When you make your intervention will you please tell us very specifically which are the sentences, the parts of sentences or the words which you wish to delete, or any additions you wish to make to the text.

We will start now with the document on World Food and Agriculture Situation and Outlook, World Food Security and Nutritional Status.

Paragraphs 1-3 approved
Les paragraphes 1-3 sont approuvés
párrafos 1-3 son aprobados


E. Wayne DENNEY (United States of America): On paragraph 4 we have a few insertions we would like to propose in order to have it made clear that we are talking about the domestic rather than the international context. These would simply be points to try and clarify what I think is intended here. If we can just offer the proposals all together - in the first line of paragraph 4, after the words "in general" we would propose inserting the word "domestic". We are talking about domestic policy changes.

In the third line in the middle we would propose that the word "in" be deleted and the word "within" inserted.

In similar vein, in the fifth line after the word "liberalization" we would propose to insert the words "within nations".

Finally, on the seventh line at the very end after the word "such" we would propose the insertion of the word "domestic". Our intent is to clarify what I believe is already intended, but I think this brings the point home a little bit more strongly.

Julio LUCINI CASALES (Espafia): Tengo delante la versión española del documento y creo que en su segundo párrafo, que empieza: "No obstante, se expresó preocupación especial por el hecho de que, a corto plazo, el proceso de liberalización podría conducir a una disminución del consumo de alimentos y a la interrupción de los suministros", la idea podría mejorarse si en vez de utilizar "podría conducir a una disminución del consumo de alimentos", se sustituyese por la idea de "podría conducir a una menor disponibilidad de alimentos".

Mme Yvette LANGRAND (France): Je voudrais que l'on vérifie que le mot "libéralisation", dans la phrase "On peut toutefois craindre qu'à court terme, le processus de libéralisation ne réduise la consommation d'aliments", se rapporte bien au processus de libéralisation politique à l'intérieur des pays eux-même,s; ou craint-on que le processus de libéralisation des échanges en général ne réduise la consommation d'aliments à l'intérieur des nations et n'entraîne des ruptures de stocks?

CHAIRMAN (Original language German): Are there any further comments on paragraph 4? If not I will ask the Secretary to take note of the amendments made and to remind us of them once again.

W.A. LAMADÉ (Secretary, Commission I): Paragraph 4 would be amended as follows: in line 1, after the words "in general" we would insert the word "domestic" - "domestic policy changes ..." and so on. In the third line in the middle we would delete the word "in" and replace it with the word "within".

In line 5 after the first three words "process of liberalization" we insert the two words "within nations", and in line seven - always in the English text, of course - after the very last word "such" we add the word "domestic" so that it would read "such domestic measures".

Ms Faith INNERARITY (Jamaica): I am not sure which delegation it was, but someone suggested that the word "consumption" could be changed to "availability", because I think "availability" would really be a better word there - "... could lead to reduced availability of food ...".

DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: "Availability" would be covered by the words "interruption of supplies". There were certain delegations which expressed deep concern over what they had actually observed, which was the decline in consumption and nutritional status associated with the privatization and liberalization process under way in certain countries.

Jan Paul ADRIANSENS (Belgique): J'ai suivi l'interprétation française des explications du Secrétariat et j'ai relevé que le Secrétariat disait que la proposition française consistait à insérer "à l'intérieur des nations" après "libéralisation", bien que la France ait proposé de placer ces mots après les mots "ne réduise la consommation d'aliments".

Mme Yvette LANGRAND (France): En faisant ma proposition, j'ai fait observer qu'il fallait vérifier que, dans le cadre de la discussion au sein de notre Commission, le mot "libéralisation" avait bien été utilisé dans le sens national ou qu'il l'avait été dans le sens de libéralisation commerciale en général. S'il s'agit bien de libéralisation nationale, on peut mettre "à l'intérieur des nations" après "libéralisation". Je voulais vérifier que c'était bien l'intention des délégués en général et que cela avait été précisé au moment de la rédaction du rapport. Si, effectivement, l'ensemble du paragraphe ne concerne que les politiques à l'intérieur des pays, je ne vois pas d'objection à ce que l'on mette "à l'intérieur des nations" après le mot "libéralisation" dans cette phrase.

DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: I think the Chairman of the Drafting Committee should be responding to this point. In the debate in the Drafting Committee it was clear the conclusion was that this paragraph should refer to domestic and national but I think this is a matter that the Chairman of the Drafting Committee should address.

Mme Amina BOUDJELTI (Président du Comité de rédaction): Je n'ai pas grand chose à ajouter à ce qu'a dit M. Hjort, qui a participé à nos travaux. Nous avons eu, en effet, de très longues discussions sur ce paragraphe et il a fallu la compréhension de tous pour aboutir à ce que nous proposons. Mais je pense, personnellement, qu'à partir du moment où, à la première ligne, on dit "la Conférence a noté qu'en général les changements politiques nationaux conduisant à une libéralisation", ce souci est pris en compte pour tout le paragraphe. C'est un avis personnel. Cela étant, comme l'a dit M. Hjort, c'est le souci que nous avons eu durant les travaux de la Commission. Je pense, pour ma part, qu'à partir du moment où l'on dit qu'il s'agit de changements politiques nationaux, il n'est peut-être pas nécessaire de le redire à propos de la libéralisation, alors qu'il s'agit du même paragraphe.

Mohammed Larbi FIRDAWCY (Maroc): Je pense que pour éviter la confusion on pourrait dire: "On peut toutefois craindre qu'à court terme ce processus de libéralisation ...". Cela nous ramène à ce qui a été dit dans la première partie du paragraphe.

Mme Yvette LAGRAND (France): Je pense que la proposition du Maroc est bonne. Elle me conviendrait.

Mohammed Larbi FIRDAWCY (Maroc): A la quatrième ligne du quatrième paragraphe: "On peut toutefois craindre qu'à court terme ce processus de libéralisation ne réduise la consommation d'aliments et n'entraîne des ruptures de stocks."

Arnaldo BADILLO ROJAS (Venezuela): Voy a manifestar mi acuerdo con la interpretación que hace la Presidenta del Comité de Redacción en el sentido de que esto hace referencia a las políticas de liberalización económica. Si en lugar de proceso, colocamos políticas de liberalización económica, que se entiende que son aplicadas a nivel nacional, quedaría resuelto el problema. El proceso parece un término mucho más ambiguo que el término de políticas de liberalización económica, que es a lo que hace referencia precisamente este tema.

CHAIRMAN (Original language German): Can I ask the delegate of Venezuela to give us his specific proposal. Which words does he want to add, or which does he want to delete?

Arnaldo BADILLO ROJAS (Venezuela): Voy a leer esta parte de la frase: "No obstante, se expresó preocupación especial por el hecho de que, a corto plazo, las políticas de liberalización económica podrían conducir a una menor disponibilidad de alimentos"; es decir, incorporando la correción que hizo el Delegado de España.

CHAIRMAN (Original language German): Is that acceptable? There are no objections, it seems. Can I ask the delegate from Venezuela whether he is including the words "within nations" in his proposal?

Arnaldo BADILLO ROJAS (Venezuela): No parece ser necesario, señor Presidente, incorporar la palabra "naciones" si expresamos esto como políticas de liberalización económica que, en cualquier caso, son aplicadas exclusivamente a los niveles nacionales.

E. Wayne DENNEY (United States of America): I think that, given the concerns about having the words "within nations" in the paragraph, the insertion of the word "policies" seems adequately to suggest that it refers to the preceding sentence, so I think that would be an acceptable way of concluding this.

CHAIRMAN (Original language German): Are there any further comments on paragraph 4?

Mme Yvette LANORAND (France): Je demanderais que l'on nous relise la phrase qui a finalement été adoptée et qui commence par: "On peut toutefois craindre qu'à court terme ...". Je n'ai pas bien saisi la décision définitive. Je vous remercie de bien vouloir nous la relire.

W.A. LAMADÉ (Secretary, Commission I): The sentence as I have it down here would read as follows: "However, particular concern was expressed that in the short term the policies of economic liberalization could lead to reduced consumption of food..." and so on.

Paragraph 4, as amended, approved
Le paragraphe 4, ainsi amendé, est approuvé
párrafo 4, así enmendado, es aprobado

Paragraphs 5-11 approved
Les paragraphes 5-11 sont approuvés
párrafos 5-11 son aprobados

CHAIRMAN (Original language German): I would like to ask the Chairman of the Drafting Committee, Mme Boudjelti, to take up her rightful position on the podium.

Mustapha-Menouar SINACEUR (Maroc): Je voudrais vous remercier d'avoir rectifié ce petit oubli, parce que c'est une tradition que lors de l'adoption du rapport le Président du Comité de rédaction puisse siéger à vos côtés pour répondre aux questions et rapporter exactement ce qu'ont été les discussions au sein du Comité de rédaction. Je vous remercie d'avoir réparé cet oubli.

Mme Amina BOUDJELTI (Président, Comité de rédaction): C'était simplement un petit oubli, nous ne sommes pas formalistes. De ma place, j'ai essayé de suivre la discussion. Mais vous m'avez peut-être empêchée, au début de la

séance, de remercier tous les membres du Comité de rédaction qui ont beaucoup travaillé et qui ont fait preuve de beaucoup de compréhension pour que l'on puisse arriver à ce résultat.

Paragraphs 12-14 approved
Les paragraphes 12-14 sont approuvés
párrafos 12-14 son aprobados


Mme Yvette LANGRAND (France): Je n'ai pas eu le temps de lire la suite du rapport et peut-être en parle-t-on, mais je pense qu'on n'a pas suffisamment noté la satisfaction exprimée par les délégations pour la qualité de ce document. C'est peut-être ici l'endroit où le dire.

Mme Amina BOUDJELTI (Président, Comité de rédaction): Il s'agit d'une toute petite correction. Je pense qu'elle ne concerne que la version française. A la huitième ligne, on parle des "Etats Membres", alors que l'on avait convenu qu'il s'agirait des "Membres", puisque la CEE était intéressée par ces consultations. C'est une correction qui concerne uniquement la version française.

DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: I thought that perhaps here might be an appropriate place to follow up on the concern expressed by the delegate of France. Perhaps one could amend the first sentence to read: "The Conference, in expressing its appreciation for the Study, considered that its findings would be useful..."

Parviz KARBASI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): If possible, I should like some explanation from the Drafting Committee on the last sentence of paragraph 15, which states: "Some delegations suggested publication of a summary version."

Mme Amina BOUDJELTI (Président, Comité de rédaction): Je ne sais pas exactement ce que souhaite savoir le délégué de l'Iran mais, en effet, c'est au niveau du Comité de rédaction que nous avons, à la suggestion de certains membres, ajouté cette demande qui est plus pratique, plus réaliste, et qui pourrait être opérationnelle plus vite. Il y a même eu des considérations économiques. On a convenu que ce ne serait pas une mauvaise chose. Je ne sais pas quel est le souhait du délégué de l'Iran.

Paragraph 15, as amended, approved
Le paragraphe 15, ainsi amendé, est approuvé
párrafo 15, así enmendado, es aprobado

Paragraphs 16-24 approved
Les paragraphes 16-24 sont approuvés
párrafos 16-24 son aprobados


Mme Yvette LANGRAND (France): Il s'agit, je pense, d'un problème de vocabulaire. Dans la version française, à la ligne 3 du paragraphe 25, on parle d'"aménagement rationnel des stocks de poisson". Dans la version anglaise, il y a le mot "management" qui est plus précis. Je souhaite que l'on remplace "aménagement" par "gestion" ou "conduite rationnelle".

CHAIRMAN (Original language German): We will take that into account in the French version.

Paragraph 25 approved
Le paragraphe 25 est approuvé
El párrafo 25 es aprobado


Parviz KARBASI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): I apologize first of all for my English which is not very good. So far as paragraph 26 is concerned, I wish to take one minute of the Commission's time to explain what we have been thinking. For example, there is the project of buffalo over 50 years in FAO. We would like to see what has been successful. In Thailand they have a buffalo project. We would like to see why it was so successful. There has been a project on sesame, there have been different co-financing projects. We think this would be something which would be useful for college people, for policy-makers, for extention education - this would be a big volume of work, if that makes sense. We were not working only to have evaluation. If it were prepared, it would evaluate itself. This would show which functions of this Organization are necessary and which are not necessary. I do not know if this makes any sense or not. I should like to ask for some clarification.

Mme Amina BOUDJELTI (Président, Comité de rédaction): J'avouerai que je pensais que cette préoccupation était prise en compte dans le terme "évaluation". Peut-être que Monsieur le Représentant de l'Iran a des termes plus précis à nous proposer. Peut-être que l'on pourrait mettre "l'examen". Mais je ne sais pas; c'est tellement critique; alors que je crois que ce qu'il souhaite, c'est au contraire quelque chose de positif. Je ne sais pas: le "passage", la "revue". Mais "l'évaluation" me paraît tout à fait satisfaisante.

Mustapha-Menouar SINACEUR (Maroc): Monsieur le Président, je crois que lorsque le délégué de l'Iran s'est exprimé sur cette question, nous n'avons pas eu d'inconvénient à apprécier sa proposition. Simplement, là, nous parlons du cinquantième anniversaire. Je crois que c'est un événement qui va être fêté par tous. Donc, pour ne pas donner une certaine connotation au texte en parlant "d'examen" ou de "review", peut-être que l'on pourrait, s'il acceptait, simplement dire: "pourrait être l'occasion d'entreprendre" ou "de préparer", par exemple, "un rapport sur les activités de l'Organisation". Là, cela peut coincider avec un événement de ce type. Après cinquante ans dans la vie d'une organisation, on peut s'arrêter et produire ce genre de chose. Mais un "examen" ou une "évaluation", personnellement je ne pense pas que cela soit à maintenir en l'état dans ce texte. Et de la même manière, je ne sais pas comment le Comité de rédaction a formulé cette phrase; mais le fait qu'on dise "Quelques Etats Membres" au moment où l'on parle du cinquantième anniversaire, moi, cela me laisse un peu perplexe.

Mme Amina BOUDJELTI (Président, Comité de rédaction): Monsieur le Président, je dois dire que le paragraphe n'a pas fait l'objet d'un examen ou de commentaires particuliers en Comité de rédaction. Ce que je pourrais vous proposer actuellement, c'est, pour reprendre un peu l'idée du délégué marocain, de remplacer "même rapport" qui est peut-être trop administratif par "un document", ou "une étude". Un "document" pourrait peut-être aller.

E. Wayne DENNEY (United States of America): We all know that there will be a celebration in 1995 in Quebec at which there will be a series of events to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of FAO, and no doubt at that time a brochure will be prepared in which many of these activities will be discussed.

I would also question whether or not, in the budget which was approved yesterday, there was any discussion of a specific study which might be undertaken. It seems to me that it might satisfactorily capture what is intended here if we, rather than use the words "for undertaking an evaluation of", inserted the words "to reflect upon". This is just a suggestion. There will be many opportunities to comment and to acknowledge what FAO has done. I think the idea of doing an evaluation would not be a very appealing way of stating it.

Mme Amina BOUDJELTI (Président, Comité de rédaction): Oui, je pense que cela pourrait nous agréer.

Parviz KARBASI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): I wish to thank Morocco for helping me with this issue. I wonder if we might put the words "the Commission considered", because I do not think anybody disagreed with this issue. Therefore, it will go to the Conference.

I would just tell you why I am really pushing this idea. The 12 documents which go to every nation usually cannot be reached by everybody. For example, there is every year a USDA annual board which will spread all its information and that is very useful. FAO has all this information and it could be a very useful instrument for everybody.

Mme Yvette LANGRAND (France): Monsieur le Président, je pense qu'en effet "Quelques Etats Membres" est un terme qui réduit l'intention. Je suis vraiment d'accord avec le délégué de l'Iran pour indiquer que c'est la

Commission qui l'a souhaité. Et si je peux me permettre d'ajouter une question ... on va peut-être finir sur ce point, et je reviendrai à l'autre tout à l'heure.

CHAIRMAN (Original language German): Instead of having the word "Commission", I think it would be better to use the word "Conference". In my opinion that will be stronger. So at the beginning of this we will put "The Conference".

E. Wayne DENNEY (United States of America): I would just appreciate it if you could read that sentence. I would like to make sure what we are adopting.

W.A. LAMADÉ (Secretary, Commission I): As I have it written down, the sentence reads as follows and includes the suggestion by the United States to replace the words "for undertaking an evaluation of". It would read "The Conference considered that the forthcoming 50th Anniversary of FAO offered an opportunity to reflect upon the Organization's activities over the past 50 years."

Joseph NZARAMBA (Rwanda): Monsieur le Président, si j'ai bien compris l'intervention du délégué des Etats-Unis, il a également fait remarquer que, lors d'une cérémonie comme celle-là, il serait normal que l'on parle naturellement des activités de l'Organisation; et qu'on conçoit mal comment, en réalité, lors d'une occasion comme celle-là, on pourrait effectivement passer outre l'importance d'évoquer les activités qui ont été abordées et effectuées par une Organisation telle que la FAO.

De ce fait, ma délégation s'interroge sur l'opportunité de ce paragraphe. Pour l'instant, nous sommes occupés à traiter un chapitre qui s'intitule "Situation et perspectives mondiales de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture". Je me rends compte que le point 26 est un point formulé de manière générale sur l'ensemble des activités. Et je me demande si c'est cette Commission-ci qui est habilitée à faire cette proposition. Donc ma délégation se demande sérieusement s'il ne serait pas plutôt opportun de se passer de ce paragraphe.

Parviz KARBASI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): I expected the Secretariat to answer. I was looking for Mr Lamade, but I did not see any response. I think this is the right of the Commission and this is the issue of the state of the world of agriculture. We are asking FAO. This is our right. It is the duty of FAO to prepare a document for us telling us what has been happening during the last 50 years - which project has been successful and why. This would be a guide for us. I do not see why we are not able to do it. If we do not do it, who is going to do so, which committee? The General Assembly maybe?

Ms Naima AL-SHAYJI (Kuwait) : This last paragraph with the amendment by the Secretariat is not very clear to us. Is the intention to document the activities of the Organization for the 50 years which have elapsed, or is it to reflect on some specific activities, or is it to evaluate the work of the Organization? Those three questions are important. It is important to have documentation of outstanding achievements. It is also essential for some members. Maybe some evaluation is needed, but this paragraph as it stands now is not very clear to us.

Mohammed Larbi FIRDAWCY (Maroc): Je pense qu'un cinquantenaire est un événement suffisamment important; et donc il est important que le paragraphe 26 mentionne que la Conférence estime que ce cinquantième anniversaire pourrait être l'occasion de présenter une rétrospective. La présentation d'une rétrospective est beaucoup plus globale, puisqu'elle permet donc de faire une sorte de bilan. Cela peut sous-entendre "sous-évaluation", etc. Et cela reste suffisamment général et à la hauteur de l'événement qu'est un cinquantenaire.

DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: I think, first of all, we should remind ourselves that a resolution on the 50th Anniversary has already been passed by Conference. I do not think that means that one cannot say something again in this particular report. The matter was addressed in this Commission.

I wish to recall that in 1995 it will not only be the anniversary of FAO but also of the United Nations. I coordinate an inter-departmental group and am identified as the focal point as far as the Secretary-General is concerned with respect to preparations for these celebrations, both for the United Nations and for FAO.

As you know, we have a new Director-General coming into office. In view of what I have just said about our preparations being in process, I would appreciate it if the Conference would not tie the hands of the new Director-General or the Secretariat too tightly on the matter.

You will recall that at the 40th Anniversary there was a booklet issued, medals struck, postage stamps issued and so forth. All of these avenues will be pursued. The Secretary-General wishes to seize this opportunity in 1995 as one to put the UN in its place, where it needs to be, on the importance of the United Nations system to development, to the environment and to social well-being. A lot of activities are planned along those lines, all of which means that I would appreciate it if it could be left in the general sense that I believe it has been formulated: "The Conference considered that the forthcoming 50th Anniversary of FAO offered an opportunity to reflect upon the Organization's activities over the past 50 years".

I think it captures the sense of the matter and provides a framework that does not constrain the new Director-General from coming forward with different ideas and proposals on ways of commemorating the first 50 years.

CHAIRMAN (Original language German): You have heard the proposal from the Deputy Director-General. Can you accept it?

Ms Faith INNERARITY (Jamaica): I support wholeheartedly what the Director-General has just said but I would like to make an additional comment.

The distinguished delegate from Iran seemed to be largely interested in having available to him comparative analyses of FAO projects over time and how they have performed in different countries. Perhaps the Director-General could indicate the extent to which this information is already available through FAO's Evaluation Department of projects in various areas and regions. I believe this could in some way fulfil that need which has now been expressed.

DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: There is a Regular Programme of Evaluation on field projects. I believe, however, that the distinguished representative from Iran is looking for something a bit different from that, perhaps taking the results of previous evaluations, to highlight those that have been success stories and also those that have been failures. I think it is an intriguing idea but I notice that the distinguished representative from Iran was saying "yes" to the proposition that it be left generally at this point and not tied down to anything too specific.

Mustapha-Menouar SINACEUR (Maroc): Monsieur le Président, j'ai suivi avec beaucoup d'attention les informations qui nous ont été données par M. Hjort, Directeur général adjoint. Avant de faire connaître mon dernier sentiment sur la question, j'aimerais qu'on nous relise à nouveau ce texte parce que, dans la version anglaise, les termes sont peut-être légèrement différents mais, dans la version française "réfléchir aux activités" me semble bien plus compliqué que ce que j'avais demandé auparavant.

CHAIRMAN (Original language German): Can I ask the Secretary once again to read out the text slowly?

W.A. LAMADÉ (Secretary, Commission I): "The Conference considered that the forthcoming 50th Anniversary of FAO offered an opportunity to reflect upon the Organization's activities over the past 50 years".

Mustapha-Menouar SINACEUR (Maroc): Il n'est pas dans notre habitude de retarder les travaux d'une commission. Je voulais simplement faire remarquer qu'à notre sens, le terme "rétrospective" avait l'avantage d'être plus général que ceux "réfléchir sur les activités". Cela me fait penser à l'examen des buts et opérations de la FAO, chose que, personnellement, j'aimerais éviter. Mais nous n'insisterons pas.

Mine Amina BOUDJELTI (Président du Comité de rédaction): Je crois que nous pouvons prendre acte de ce que vient de nous dire le représentant du Maroc et laisser les choses en l'état.

Parviz KARBASI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): I wanted to bring the matter to the attention of Jamaica. I know where the information is. In fact, I would like to support the distinguished delegate of Morocco.

Paragraph 26, as amended, approved
Le paragraphe 26, ainsi amendé, est approuvé
párrafo 26, así enmendado, es aprobado

Mme Yvette LANGRAND (France): Je voudrais savoir si l'on a retenu la proposition de M. Hjort, qui consistait à exprimer notre satisfaction ou notre reconnaissance, au sujet de l'étude "Agriculture: horizon 2010". Est-ce que cela a bien été repris? C'était là ma préoccupation.

Draft Report of Commission I, Part II, as amended, was adopted
Projet de rapport de la Commission I, Deuxième Partie, ainsi amendé, est adopté
Proyecto de Informe de la Comisión I, Parte II, así enmendado, es aprobado


Mme Amina BOUDJELTI (Président du Comité de rédaction): Monsieur le Président, j'ai le plaisir de vous dire que, sur tous les points, nous avons travaillé dans un grand esprit de coopération et avec beaucoup de bonne volonté. Mais ce point, en particulier, n'a pas provoqué de longues discussions. Nous avons adopté très facilement cette partie du rapport.

DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: I only wish to add that the draft of this document was prepared by a woman and the Chair of the Drafting Committee was a woman. It would seem to me this one is ready to be adopted en bloc.


CHAIRMAN (Original language German): I see from your applause that we are adopting this en bloc.

Draft Report of Commission I, Part III, was adopted
Projet de rapport de la Commission I, Troisième Partie, est adopté
El Proyecto de Informe de la Comisión I, Parte III, es aprobado

The meeting rose at 12.15 hours.
La séance est levée à 12 h 15.
Se levanta la sesión a las 12.15 horas.

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