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Mme Amina BOUDJELTI (Président, Comité de rédaction): Monsieur le Président, je n'ai pas de remarque particulière à vous faire sur cette première partie du rapport. Il n'y a absolument rien de particulier. Nous avons travaillé dans une bonne ambiance et nous avons pu adopter assez rapidement ce document. Merci.

CHAIRMAN (Original language German) I would suggest that we go through the document paragraph by paragraph, unless there are other suggestions.

Paragraphs 1 to 3 approved
Les paragraphes 1 à 3 sont approuvés
párrafos 1 a 3 son aprobados


Sra. Grafila SOTO CARRERO (Cuba): La Delegación de Cuba quisiera añadir algo al final del párrafo 4 donde hay una frase que comienza: "Muchos miembros pidieron un mayor alivio de la carga de la deuda y su reestructuración". Proponemos añadir: "Así como que no se utilicen los alimentos como arma política". Eso fue expresado por nuestra Delegación y otras en la discusión de este tema. No tuvo ningún tipo de comentario en contra y es una cuestión que casi todos los informes, tanto de la Conferencia como del Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria, han recogido y nos parece que tal vez se omitió involuntariamente.

CHAIRMAN (Original language German): I should like to ask the Cuban delegate to give us a wording.

Sra. Grafila SOTO CARRERO (Cuba): Sí, señor Presidente, con muchísimo gusto. Nosotros proponíamos que al final del párrafo 4, que termina en la versión española con las palabras "y su reestructuración", se añadiera: "así como que no se utilicen los alimentos como arma política".

E. Wayne DENNEY (United States of America): We recognize that this point has been made, and we have often accepted a text comparable to this, particularly in the Committee on Food Security. I believe that the text we have more often used and which we have come to agree with, which is a little bit different in nuance, is that food should not be used as an

instrument of political pressure. I think, if you look at some of the prior CFS reports, that is the language which has often been adopted.

DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: On this point I would essentially support what has just been said and remind members that in the Declaration which 159 countries adopted in December 1992 it is stated: "We affirm, in the context of international humanitarian law, that food must not be used as a tool for political pressure". If the Cuban amendment could be amended to read as the Declaration, then that would be fine.

CHAIRMAN (Original language German): You have all heard the proposal. Is there any objection to Dr Hjort's proposal? There is no objection, which means that the paragraph is adopted, with the amendment proposed.

Paragraph 4, as amended, approved
Le paragraphe 4, ainsi amendé, est approuvé
párrafo 4, así enmendado, es aprobado

Paragraph 5 approved
Le paragraphe 5 est approuvé
El párrafo 5 es aprobado


E. Wayne DENNEY (United States of America): In looking at one sentence, one thinks that FAO is promoting the idea of trade distortions. I do not think that that is the intent. Probably the intent is that we want to recognize that, for a variety of reasons, trade distortions may continue. There is definitely reason to believe that. Therefore, perhaps to clarify it further, we would propose the following changes: on the third from last line, which is the second line of that sentence, we would propose striking out the word "would" and inserting the words "are likely to". Then after the word "continue", we would offer the following end to the sentence: "given the gradual reduction envisaged toward full market liberalization". We would end the sentence at that point, so that the newly constructed sentence would read: "It also noted that distortions in international markets are likely to continue, given the gradual reduction envisaged towards full market liberalization".

We would then suggest that the next sentence be modified slightly at the beginning to say, "Member Nations would therefore ..." and so on. And the sentence would continue as it currently reads.

We believe that would clarify what was meant by the idea in the first place.

Mme Yvette LANGRAND (France): Je pense que le texte doit refléter ce qui a été vraiment dit par les membres de la Commission et que la proposition du Représentant des Etats-Unis ne semble pas le faire, notamment lorsqu'il

propose les termes "libéralisation totale des marchés". En effet, cette perspective n'a pas vraiment été évoquée. Je ne peux donc pas me rallier entièrement à la proposition du Représentant des Etats-Unis.

D'autre part, je demanderais que le Représentant des Etats-Unis relise la phrase dans son intégralité pour ce qui concerne la fin de sa proposition.

E. Wayne DENNEY (United States of America): I will read the revised first sentence and then follow it through to the end with the recommended change to start a new second sentence. The first part of it stands without change. "It also noted that distortions in international markets are likely to continue, given the gradual reduction envisaged toward full market liberalization. Member Nations would therefore have to continue to take these distortions into account in formulating national food and agricultural policies". That would be the proposed revised text.

If I could comment briefly on what France has said, I am not so sure that our comments were not more along the lines of the proposed revision than the text which exists right now, so suggesting that in fact we are distorting the truth is something we have a little difficulty with.

Mme Yvette LANGRAND (France): Personnellement, je propose d'accepter la modification de la phrase jusqu'aux termes "ont des chances de persister" à substituer au mot "persisteraient". Cela donne un caractère moins affirmâtif à la phrase. Mais les termes "étant donné la réduction progressive envisagée en vue d'une libéralisation totale des marchés" proposés ensuite par le délégué des Etats-Unis ne me semblent pas vraiment acceptables car je suis persuadé que, dans leurs déclarations, les uns et les autres n'ont pas été jusque-là. Je pense que l'on peut apporter une nuance, mais que l'on ne doit pas aller jusqu'au bout de cette phrase.

CHAIRMAN (Original language German) Does the proposal of the French delegation suit the American delegation?

E. Wayne DENNEY (United States of America): I want to be sure that I understand what is being proposed. As I understand it, France would find it acceptable if the words "are likely to" are changed to "may", with the rest of the text remaining? Is that correct?

Mme Yvette LANGRAND (France) : En effet, j'ai proposé que l'on apporte une nuance dans la phrase en substituant au mot "persisteraient" les termes "ont des chances de persister" mais que l'on arrête là la modification. Voilà ma proposition. Je dois dire que, sur des points précédents, nous avons nous-mêmes fait l'impasse sur une partie de ce que nous aurions souhaité voir dans le texte. Je remercierais le délégué des Etats-Unis de tenir compte de ma proposition.

CHAIRMAN (Original language German): With the inclusion of the word "may", do we adopt paragraph 6, with the addition by the United States?

Sra. Grafila SOTO CARRERO (Cuba): Discúlpeme, señor Presidente, pero no estoy muy segura de lo que dice el párrafo 6.

CHAIRMAN (Original language German): Could I ask the Secretary to specify this paragraph, especially the last sentence?

W.A. LAMADÉ (Secretary, Commission I): In fact there are two sentences now instead of one sentence. The last two sentences read, "It also noted that distortions in international markets may continue given the gradual reduction envisaged toward full market liberalization. Member Nations would therefore have to continue..." and from then onwards there would be no more change.

CHAIRMAN: Cuba, are you satisfied with the text? Thank you.

Mme Yvette LANGRAND (France): J'ai reçu un message au moment où, en réponse à la déléguée de Cuba, le Secrétaire relisait la dernière phrase du paragraphe 6. Il me semble que les quelques échos que j'ai eus de la dernière phrase ne reflétaient pas la proposition de modification que j'avais faite. Le Secrétariat serait-il assez aimable pour me relire la dernière phrase du paragraphe 6. Je suis désolée de revenir en arrière, j'espère que je n'aurai plus à le faire.

W.A. LAMADÉ (Secretary, Commission I): The last two sentences of paragraph 6, as we have them down, read as follows: "It also noted that distortions in the international markets may continue, given the gradui reduction envisaged toward market liberalization" . That is the way we have it up to this moment. The next sentence would then read: "Member Nations would, therefore, have to continue", and there would be no more change.

Mme Yvette LANGRAND (France): C'était bien mon impression. Je suis désolée de revenir sur ce point, mais j'avais demandé que l'on se contente de nuancer le mot "persisteraient", et que l'on n'évoque pas la libéralisation totale des marchés. C'était très clair. On retrouve dans la rédaction du secrétariat la quasi intégralité de la proposition des Etats-Unis qui avaient bien voulu me suivre. Je suis désolée. Je crois qu'il y a un malentendu. Je vous saurais gré d'éclaircir ce point.

CHAIRMAN (Original language German): What do you propose as the amendment?

Mme Yvette LANGRAND (France): Je reprends le début de la phrase qui avait été assez fortement remaniée par la proposition américaine: "Elle a également constaté que les distorsions sur les marchés internationaux ont des chances de persister", au lieu de "persisteraient". J'avais demandé que ce soit la seule modification de la phrase.

CHAIRMAN (Original language German): Could I ask the US delegate whether he would agree with this amendment?

E. Wayne DENNEY (United States of America): We would have some difficulty with that and propose that we keep the text that, as I understood, we have already agreed to twice.

Mme Yvette LANGRAND (France): Je crois qu'il y a un vrai malentendu, parce que j'avais demandé que l'on modifie seulement le mot "persisteraient" et l'on n'avait pas à évoquer la libéralisation totale des marchés. J'avais demandé que l'on supprime cette partie de phrase. Je la retrouve intégralement, alors que j'avais cru comprendre que les Etats-Unis étaient d'accord sur ce point. Je fais une proposition. Je reprends la phrase: "Elle a également constaté que les distorsions sur les marchés internationaux ont des chances de persister, et que les Etats Membres, étant donné la réduction progressive envisagée, devraient continuer d'en tenir compte lors de la formulation de politiques nationales concernant l'alimentation et l'agriculture."

J'insiste sur le fait que l'évocation de libéralisation totale des marchés (qui par ailleurs me paraît difficile à atteindre) n'a pas été évoquée en cours de réunion.

Je demande que ma proposition soit acceptée par les Etats-Unis, s'ils le veulent bien.

E. Wayne DENNEY (United States of America): My feeling is that most - and I thought all - countries had agreed with the text as you had read it out, Mr Chairman, which included this last sentence. Some modification of that last portion might be possible if there was concern about the word "full", whether or not there was full market liberalization. We might modify that in some way to suggest "further" rather than completely to strike out that last phrase and start dealing with a new phrase which we have not had in its entirety. Perhaps we could work with the phrase we have been dealing with and look for an alternative to the word "full" if that would help the concern of France.

Also, it would be useful to have some views from other members as well.

Mme Yvette LANGRAND (France): Je suis d'accord avec les Etats-Unis si on enlève le mot "complète", ou "totale", puisqu'il faut vraiment préciser. Je vous remercie, Monsieur le Président.

CHAIRMAN (Original language German): You have heard the proposal. France has agreed to delete the word "full".

D. Sands SMITH (United Kingdom): I note that the French delegation agrees to the deletion of "full", a proposal made by the United States.

I further note that the United States proposed not only the deletion of the word "full" but that it should be replaced by another term. The word "further" was suggested.

It seems to me that if this clause is going to make sense it needs to read "given the general reduction envisaged towards further market

liberalization...". If we can accept that form of words, we have a good text which hangs together logically and clearly.

CHAIRMAN (Original language German): You have heard the proposal made by the United Kingdom. Do you agree with it? I see that the French delegate nods. Are there no other comments?

Paragraph 6, as amended, approved
Le paragraphe 6, ainsi amendé est approuvé
párrafo 6, así enmendado, es aprobado


E. Wayne DENNEY (United States of America): I am not sure that our habit of commenting on every paragraph will continue, but please bear with me one more time. In the last sentence of paragraph 7, we think what is being asked of FAO, in gaining access to biotechnologies which are often involved in private sector ownership, may be a bit beyond the mandate of what FAO can and should do. We certainly do remember that this idea was discussed in the debate on this subject, but we believe that the main point is that countries need to know more about how to take advantage; they need to know what the biotechnologies are and how they can best be used in their countries, how to adopt them and so on. We think "gain access to" is a phrase we would rather not see there. Thus, what we propose is, on the next to the last line, to delete the words "to gain access to", and then the word "and" would be changed to "to". Thus the new sentence, if it is to be attributed to the Conference, would say "the Conference urged FAO to take a lead role in helping developing countries to take advantage of these new technologies."

Parviz KARBASI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): In the last line of paragraph 7 I would like to make an inclusion. I will read the two lines: "The Conference urged FAO to take a lead role in helping developing countries to upgrade their knowledge and to gain access to and take advantage of these new technologies."

Alcir CARVALHO REBELLO (Brazil): I would like to support the view expressed by Iran. I think this proposition completes what was said before in the paragraph.

Ricardo LEON-VALDES (Chile): Apoyo también la propuesta de Irán. Me gustaría agregar a la frase donde dice: "En lo que se refiere a ayudar a los países en desarrollo a acceder y beneficiarse de esas nuevas tecnologías", lo siguiente: "disponibles por parte de la Organización".

Zachee YEM YEM (Cameroun): Je voudrais donner mon appui à la proposition du distingué délégué de l'Iran.

W.A. LAMADÉ (Secretary, Commission I): The sentence as I have it down now reads: "The Conference urged FAO to take a lead role in helping developing countries to upgrade their knowledge and to gain access to and take advantage of these new technologies".

E. Wayne DENNEY (United States of America):As you might have expected, this new addition proposed by Iran and supported by others runs very much counter to my original proposal. We could not attribute the Conference to having said this. If we are going to use that kind of language, if we cannot delete the phrase "to gain access", which we will not deny has been said in both this and prior fora in many instances, we would have to make it attributable to something less than the full Conference.

Mme Amina BOUDJELTI (Président, Comité de rédaction): Personnellement, je me souviens que cela n'avait pas posé de problème au niveau du Comité de rédaction. On peut peut-être mettre: "La Conférence a prié" plutôt que: "La Conférence a instamment prié".

David SHERWOOD (Canada): This point was raised in the Drafting Committee. At the time it was raised the question was put about the extensive role of FAO in transfer technology. If you recall, the Deputy Director-General did address this point and indicated it was a major role of FAO. In terms of the discussions that did take place and in view of the strong support being given to this at this point, we would suggest alternative wording such as "many members urged FAO to take a lead role in helping developing countries".

Parviz KARBASI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): I think the Commission can make the decision at any time. I was just asking this question and it was supported. I think it is the function of FAO, just one of the major functions, to upgrade knowledge on different areas of agriculture. We would like to see this if it is agreed by the Commission. I just do not see any difficulty.

DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: I must say that, yes, this did come up in the Drafting Committee. I believe I said words to the effect that technology transfer was fundamental to the mission and mandate of the Organization. I simply cannot see why or how the Conference would wish to urge FAO to do other than what is said here. I just do not understand why "to gain access to" should be deleted. Does that mean that somebody else should have the lead role in helping developing countries? Does it mean that some countries do not wish developing countries to get access to technology?

I do not understand why there should be a problem with this terminology. It certainly comes under FAO's mandate. Technology transfer, as I say, is very fundamental and very important to us. We are the lead Organization on food and agricultural matters. I cannot see why there should be a problem with this.

E. Wayne DENNEY (United States of America): The last thing I would be interested in doing today would be to engage the Deputy Director-General. We have had a lot of discussions about the importance of plant breeders'

rights, the recognition of the new power of convention and so on. It suggests to us that this language potentially might be in conflict with that. Certainly, technology transfer is extremely important. We cannot see that having that phrase deleted suggests anything other than FAO taking a lead and an important role in upgrading knowledge and taking advantage of these new technologies. "Gaining access to" has a slightly different view from our perspective. I think, rather than worry about this, given that there has been a lot of support for leaving this wording in, Canada's suggestion may be an option. We would have suggested "some countries" but perhaps, rather than go round and round on this issue, we could adopt what Canada has offered here - I think it is probably a good compromise - and say: "many members urged FAO".

Mme Amina BOUDJELTI (Président, Comité de rédaction): Lorsque j'ai dit que cela n'avait pas posé de problème, c'était parce que, comme cela ressort des explications de M. Hjort, nous n'avions pas changé le libellé qui existait. J'ai suivi les débats et dire "plusieurs pays" va en deçà de la vérité. Je proposerai que l'on mette au moins "la plupart des pays". C'est une question qui, d'après mon souvenir et selon mes notes, n'avait pas provoqué de discussions enflammées au Comité de rédaction. On pourrait donc dire "la plupart des pays".

Mme Yvette LANGRAND (France): Je me rallie très volontiers à la proposition de notre Présidente du Comité de rédaction.

Alcir CARVALHO REBELLO (Brazil): Regarding paragraph 7, I would like to confirm my understanding that the approved text reads "most members". What about the suggestion of Iran on "to upgrade their knowledge". Was that kept or not?

CHAIRMAN: It stays in as far as I have seen it. Are there any further comments?

Paragraph 7, as am ended, approved
Le paragraphe 7, ainsi amendé, est approuvé
párrafo 7, así enmendado, es aprobado


CHAIRMAN: Are there any comments on Paragraph 8?

Zahir Shah MOHMAND (Pakistan): My suggestion refers to the first sentence of the paragraph, the second line, after the comma, "emphasized the importance of extending the sustainable management of forests". The Commission will see that the word "importance" has been repeated in this sentence which to me cosmetically looks slighly out of place. If the second use of the word "importance" could be substituted by the use of the word "urgency", it would be preferable.

CHAIRMAN: If I understood you correctly you are proposing in the third line to delete the word "importance" and substitute the word "urgency? Are there any further comments? If not, the paragraph as amended by Pakistan is adopted.

Paragraph 8, as amended, approved
Le paragraphe 8, ainsi amendé, est approuvé
párrafo 8, así enmendado, es aprobado


Kiyoshi SAWADA (Japan): Before I put forward our amendment on paragraph 9, may I express our appreciation for the broad support of Member Nations on the issue of the International Conference on Sustainable Contribution of Fisheries to Food Security which was proposed by Japan.

My amendment is as follows. In line 8 of paragraph 9 which starts "fisheries management", then there is a comma and it continues "including measures to control high seas fishing", we would like that to be replaced with "both on the high seas and in areas within national jurisdiction". The reason is as follows. Since better fisheries management is important for both the 200 sea mile areas and also for the high seas areas, it is unnecessary to emphasize that it includes high seas particularly. If it is needed, the report should emphasize the 200 sea mile areas also.

Moreover, the original sentence before us, which emphasized high seas areas, does not fit with the next sentence which mentions the International Conference even though these two sentences are connected by the words "In this connection", because the object of the proposed International Conference is to pursue better fishing without the distinction of the high seas and the 200 sea mile areas.

W.A. LAMADÉ (Secretary, Commission I): The change would occur on the 7th line from the bottom of page 4 which starts "fisheries management". After these two words and after the comma, the phrase "including measures to control high seas fishing" would be deleted and replaced by a new insertion which would read "both on the high seas and in areas within national jurisdiction". This would be the only change which I have noted down.

Parviz KARBASI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): I would like to ask what is the difference? I am not very clear on Japan's proposal. I did not see any difficulty in what we had before.

Kiyoshi SAWADA (Japan): I will explain again. I could not see why only the high seas are emphasized in this sentence when in the next sentence we have that the International Conference is to pursue better fishing without the distinction of the high seas and the 200 sea mile areas. That is the reason.

CHAIRMAN (Original language German): Do you agree with that explanation? I see that you agree. Are there any other amendments? If this is not the case, paragraph 9 is adopted with the amendment proposed by Japan.

Paragraph 9, as amended, approved
Le paragraphe 9, ainsi amendé, est approuvé
párrafo 9, así enmendado, es aprobado

Paragraphs 10 to 13 approved
Les paragraphes 10 à 13 sont approuvés
párrafos 10 a 13 son aprobados

Draft Report of Commission I, Part I, as amended was adopted
Le projet de rapport de la Commission I, première partie, ainsi amendé est
proyecto de informe de la Comisión I, Parte I, así enmendado es aprobado


CHAIRMAN: The next document is C 93/I/REP/1-Sup. 1. May I draw your attention to the fact that the paragraph in the document will be inserted after paragraph 6 of the document we have just adopted. Are there any questions or comments?

Draft Report of Commission I, Part I - Sup.l, was adopted
Le projet de rapport de la Commission I, première partie - Sup.l, est adopté
proyecto de informe de la Comisión I, Parte I - Sup.l, es aprobado


CHAIRMAN: May I draw your attention to the fact the paragraph in the document will be inserted after paragraph 1 in document C 93/I/REP/1-Sup.1.

Ms Naima AL-SHAYJI (Kuwait): We have some reservation on this paragraph.

CHAIRMAN: Can I propose that your reservation be laid down in a footnote?

Ms Naima AL-SHAYJI (Kuwait): Yes, Mr Chairman.

CHAIRMAN: So it will be put in a footnote. Are there any other comments on the footnote and the reservation of the delegate of Kuwait?

D. Sands SMITH (United Kingdom): I have not seen the text that will be proposed for the footnote which will be added by the delegate of Kuwait. It may be that the United Kingdom will wish to support that footnote.

CHAIRMAN (Original language German): I request the delegate of Kuwait to read out the text of the footnote at dictation speed.

Ms Naima AL-SHAYJI (Kuwait): The Kuwait delegation has a reservation on paragraph 1 in document C 93/INF/REP/1-Sup.2. If you wish I can say the exact wording in Arabic as well.

Zahir Shah MOHMAND (Pakistan): May we see the English translation of the Arabic?

Ms Naima AL-SHAY JI (Kuwait): I purposely said it in English and then in Arabic so there was no need for the interpreters to interpret. I will say it again in English. The delegation of the State of Kuwait has a reservation on adopting paragraph 1 in document C 93/I/REP/1-Sup.2. Is that clear?

D. Sands SMITH (United Kingdom): We would like to say we also have a certain reservation over this, and associate ourselves with the delegation of Kuwait.

CHAIRMAN: Does that mean that we say "the delegations of Kuwait and the United Kingdom", or would you not be included? O.K. - you will be included.

E.WAYNE DENNEY (united States of America): The United States of Americawould like to associate itself with the delegations of Kuwait and the United Kingdom.

CHAIRMAN: You will also be included.

David SHERWOOD (Canada): Canada would like to be associated with the reservation.

Luis DELGADO SANCHO (EEC): We want to associate ourselves with the reservation along with Canada and the United States of America.

Sra. Grafila SOTO CARRERO (Cuba): Solamente para hacer una pregunta: Si la reserva de la Comunidad Económica Europea se refiere a todos sus Estados Miembros o solamente al representante de la Comunidad.

Luis DELGADO SANCHO (EEC): This concerns the Community and its Member States.

CHAIRMAN: You have heard the explanation of the EEC. With those remarks we will adopt the document.

Draft Report of Commission I, Part I - Sup. 2, as amended, was adopted
Projet de rapport de la Commission I, Première Partie - Sup. 2, ainsi
amendé, est adopté
proyecto de informe de la Comisión I, Parte I - Sup. 2, así enmendado,

es aprobado


Paragraphs 1 and 2 approved
Les paragraphes 1 et 2 sont approuvés
párrafos 1 y 2 son aprobados


Parviz KARBASI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): We have had a long discussion which I summarize in this statement as written if it is agreed with the Commission. I would like to add at the end of paragraph 3 - or maybe we could have another paragraph, maybe paragraph 3 .1 or 3(a) after we have changed it. This would read as follows: "The Conference recommends the establishment of a working group from the regional group representatives to advise the Commission on Sustainable Development and to oversee FAO activities for the follow-up of UNCED".

CHAIRMAN (Original language Gorman): Would anybody like to comment on this proposal? It is a new one.

DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: My only reaction on this point, just having seen it, is to remind you that as far as overseeing FAO activities for the follow-up of UNCED are concerned, we have a responsibility to report to the Committe on Fisheries, Committee on Forestry, Committee on Agriculture, the Programme Committee, the Finance Committee, the Council and the Conference. So I am not sure that it is in the interest of the Member Nations of FAO to establish another body to review FAO's follow-up to UNCED, to have oversight responsibilities with respect to FAO activities for the follow-up of UNCED. That I think is only part of what is being proposed here.

With respect to the advice on CSD, I think that is another matter, and Mr Mahler as the Director-General's representative to the CSD is more appropriately equipped to speak to that matter than I.

P.J. MAHLER (Sous-Directeur général pour l'environnement et le développement durable): Monsieur le Président, pour conseiller la Commission du développement durable, il faudrait que celle-ci établisse

elle-même son propre groupe consultatif ou qu'elle le demande. Je comprends l'esprit de la proposition du délégué de l'Iran. Effectivement, à la Commission du développement durable, la majorité des délégations ne sont pas composées par les Ministères de l'agriculture, des forêts et des pêches.

Je n'ai pas encore saisi quelle serait la relation du Groupe proposé avec la CDD. A qui ce groupe devrait-il faire rapport? Devrait-il faire rapport au Conseil, à la Conférence ou à la Commission du développement durable? J'éprouve donc quelques difficultés à me prononcer à ce stade.

Parviz KARBASI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): I would like to explain what we mean by this. I know all you know that in some of the chapters of Agenda 21 the task manager is FAO, and we know that the Commission on Sustainable Development is somewhere else. We know that among the many issues which are discussed, the issue of agriculture usually is the last issue discussed in the General Assembly.

To me that is essential in order that the governments can look at the issue of UNCED and support those chapters and give advice to the Commission on Sustainable Development. It is essential, because we can give information on what is going on. Mr Hjort has mentioned that at the moment sustainable development involves activities by different divisions, so the reports will go to different divisions and there will thus be a spread. We have seven regions and two or three representatives for each region. This group would gather all the information to advise the Commission on Sustainable Development so that they would be better informed about what was going on. We had a lot of support for this. Many people have made interventions. I think this is something that we have to look to. We want governments to be able to tell the Secretariat what they have to do. It is the responsibility of governments to put the money to work. They have to say what they believe, what they can do and what their capacity is. The way to do it is for the representatives here to have a group to advise the Commission.

CHAIRMAN: You have heard the explanation given by the distinguished delegate of the Islamic Republic of Iran. I should now like to invite comments.

Alcir CARVALHO REBELLO (Brésil): En ce qui concerne la proposition du délégué de l'Iran, ma délégation ne serait malheureusement pas d'accord pour créer un tel organisme. Elle favorise plutôt l'allocation de ressources mais non la création de nouveaux organismes, instances ou fora.

Mme Amina BOUDJELTI (Président du Comité de rédaction): En ce qui concerne ce paragraphe et les suivants, nous avons beaucoup parlé, au Comité de rédaction, des décisions pertinentes de la CNUED. Je pense qu'il y avait la volonté de refléter les débats. Mais nous pensions que le paragraphe 4 tel qu'il est rédigé - surtout les dernières lignes, où l'on demande qu'un rapport soit présenté au Conseil, qui est un organe gouvernemental - tenait largement compte de ces préoccupations. Voilà ce que je voulais ajouter.

CHAIRMAN: Are there any further comments concerning the proposal of the Islamic Republic of Iran? I see no support for the Islamic Republic's proposal. Paragraph 3 is adopted as it stands.

Paragraphs 3-5 approved
Les paragraphes 3-5 sont approuvés
párrafos 3-5 son aprobados


Miss TING WEN LIAN (Malaysia): We should like to amend the first sentence of paragraph 6 by adding the word "preparatory" between the word "the" and "process" in the first line and deleting the word "of" before the word "implementation" in the second line and replacing it by the words "for the". The sentence would then read: "The Conference recommended that FAO take a lead role in the preparatory process for the implementation of the ...." etc. This would better reflect the debate and would be in conformity with the last but one line on the same page where it is correctly stated, "the building of a close partnership between CSD and FAO in support of the implementation of the UNCED decisions". Only the CSD will be at the helm, so to speak, in deciding how to go about implementing the UNCED decisions.

In the same paragraph, on page 4, in line 2 we would wish to see the word "government" added so that it would then read, "measures to secure active involvement on the FAO work on forestry by ministers and high-level government decision makers". This is to emphasize the point that at all times governments should be involved in this discussion, because sovereign natural resources will be involved.

We could probably live with the rest, but I might come back with another point.

Alcir CARVALHO REBELLO (Brésil): La délégation du Brésil voudrait se rallier totalement à la proposition faite par la déléguée de la Malaisie.

CHAIRMAN: This brings us to the adoption of the amendments made by Malaysia, but I would like to make the following announcement. In accordance with the Financial Regulations, Rule XIII, the following sentence should be added to paragraph 6: "The Conference was advised by the Secretariat that the implementation of these proposals carried additional budgetary implications estimated at approximately US$202 000 from the Regular Programme and US$47 000 from extra-budgetary sources, none of which are included in the Programme of Work and Budget for 1994-95".

Eberhard SCHMAUZ (Germany) (Original language German): I should like to propose that in the second line on page 4, in order to correspond with the wording on page 3, the wording should be: "by ministers or high level government".

CHAIRMAN: If I understood you correctly, you mean the word "and" should be deleted and replaced by the word "or".

You have heard the proposal from Germany. Are there any objections?

Martti POUTANEN (Finland): Could we keep it open by having the wording "ministers and/or high level government officers", meaning that some countries would be sending ministers whereas others would be sending high-level government officers?

CHAIRMAN (Original language German): Are there any objections to this proposal made by Finland? There are no objections so we will follow the proposal.

Paragraph 6, as amended, approved
Le paragraphe 6, ainsi amendé, est approuvé
párrafo 6, así enmendado, es aprobado


Mrs Hannelore A.H, BENJAMIN (Dominica): I have several comments on paragraph 7. On line 3, "(Barbados April 1994)" should be deleted and replaced with "(Western Samoa September 1994)". Barbados April 1992 was when the Small Island States had a meeting. In the fourth line "noted with" should be deleted and replaced by "expressed its". The word "considered" should be deleted and replaced by "accepted". The wording would then be, "and expressed its concern that the Draft Action Programme to be accepted by the Global Conference...".

I would propose that the last sentence should read, "ensuring that key elements for the food and agriculture sectors for sustainable development...".

I should like to have an extra sentence added. Because of the slowness of UNCED and the slowness of the implementation of ICN, and in order to have a faster and successful outcome of the Global Conference on Sustainable Development of Small Island States, my delegation would recommend that we set up a small working group of maybe four representatives from the Small Island States who are here in this room, which will not involve any additional budget resources, to advise the Secretariat by making recommendations for the Global Conference on Sustainable Development of Small Island States.

Maybe if we could do that and if we could make our ideas available to the Secretariat more quickly, then the implementation of the Global Conference would be faster.

P.J. MAHLER (Sous-Directeur général pour l'environnement et le développement durable): Il y a effectivement plusieurs conférences sur les petits Etats insulaires.

Une première conférence s'est effectivement tenue à la Barbade enavril 1992. C'était avant la CNUED. Elle avait été organisée par la FAO.

Il y a ensuite, à la suite d'une recommandation de la CNUED, une autre conférence à la Barbade, mais c'est une conférence globale qui ne sera pas uniquement centrée sur les aspects de l'agriculture, des forêts et des pêches. C'est une conférence organisée par les Nations Unies. Elle aura lieu du 25 avril au 7 mai 1994.

Finalement, la FAO a proposé une deuxième conférence des petits Etats insulaires sur le développement durable de l'agriculture, des forêts et des pêches, qui se tiendrait à Samoa, si nous pouvons recueillir les fonds extrabudgétaires nécessaires, vers la fin de l'année 1994. Dans le rapport que lorsqu'on parle de la conférence "globale", il s'agit de la conférence qui aura lieu en avril-mai 1994, conférence organisée par les Nations Unies.

Parviz KARBASI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): I think the request by the distinguished delegate of Dominica could be implemented, because when I hear the intervention by the distinguished delegate of Brazil who hosted UNCED, I think we can, in answer to Dominica, have a task force in our regional groups which can handle the issue. It would be possible to do that.

Mrs Hannelore A.H. BENJAMIN (Dominica): I am a little confused. Are we now going to have a Global Conference in Western Samoa or are we not? If we are going to have it, I would like to see it reflected in this paragraph. I would also, after "(Barbados, April 1994)", and instead of having "noted with" insert "expressed its concern" not "noted with concern". It was definitely expressed, not noted in the meeting. Then after the draft Action Programme "to be accepted", not "to be considered". If we only continue to consider things, then we are wasting our time.

CHAIRMAN: You have heard the proposal of Dominica. Are there any objections? Madam, would you be so kind as to explain to me what is now the content of the brackets? What is included in the brackets?

Mrs Hannelore A.H. BENJAMIN (Dominica): In the third line, after "Barbados, April 1994", since you insist that you are referring to that particular worldwide conference held from 28 April to 7 May, I have no further objection to that. Then close the bracket, comma and take out "noted with" and insert "expressed its concern", continuing "that the draft Action Programme to be accepted" instead of "considered".

I am also not very clear whether we do set up a small working group in Rome without any extra cost which could help the Secretariat to make some recommendation and advice on how the Small Island Sustainable Development Conference would take place in Western Samoa in 1995. This is where I am confused. Are we going to have the Global Conference, or are we not going to have the Global Conference? Because in one of the previous documents, when the environment was under discussion, I did read "Western Samoa" in one of the paragraphs.

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): I do not think we are really in a position to give instructions to a Global Conference, so I do not see that it is possible to have it accepted here. The Global Conference will have to consider things.

CHAIRMAN: If there are no further comments, it means that we remain with the standing text. Do we agree?

Mrs Hannelore A.H. BENJAMIN (Dominica): Not exactly. Are we going to insert "expressed its" and take out "considered" and write in "accepted"?

DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: Allow me to make a suggestion to see if this meets the requirements. Instead of "to be considered by", all of that, perhaps it would be best to say "expressed its concern that the draft Action Programme before the Global Conference did not give adequate consideration to sustainable development" and so forth. It will not accept a "draft Action Programme". It will accept an "Action Programme". We could get away from that potential confusion. As I understand it, the document has been released and is before the members, so if we just say that the draft Action Programme before the Global Conference did not give adequate consideration to sustainable development in the food, agriculture, and so on, that is the main concern of the Conference.

CHAIRMAN: You have heard the comments of the Deputy Director-General. Do you agree? I see no objections.

Paragraph 7, as amended, approved
Le paragraphe 7, ainsi amendé, est approuvé
párrafo 7, así enmendado, es aprobado


Zahir Shah MOHMAND (Pakistan): My suggestion is with regard to the last two words of the paragraph "Member Governments" . I just want to know if it can raise any special meaning, because both the words start with capital letters. It is my understanding that if that is substituted by "member countries" it will be more comprehensible. Obviously the reference is to the public sector.

CHAIRMAN: So you are proposing that the word "Governments" is deleted and replaced by "member countries"?

Zahir Shah MOHMAND (Pakistan): "member countries".

CHAIRMAN: I see no objections, so the proposal of Pakistan is accepted.

Paragraph 8, as amended, approved
Le paragraphe 8, ainsi amendé, est approuvé
El párrafo 8, así enmendado, es aprobado

Paragraphs 9 and 10 approved
Les paragraphes 9 et 10 sont approuvés
párrafos 9 y 10 son aprobados


Morad Ali ARDESHIRI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): As you know, in our statement we mentioned the rule of FAO in the elaboration and implementation of the International Convention on Desertification. I would like to propose that just before the last sentence of paragraph 11, there should be added "It was also requested that FAO's role on elaboration and implementation of the International Convention to Combat Desertification should be continued".

CHAIRMAN: Would you read that again slowly.

Morad Ali ARDESHIRI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): In paragraph 11, before the last sentence, another sentence should be added. This sentence should read, "It was also requested that FAO's role on elaboration" - or if you wish, you can say "on preparation" - "and implementation of the International Convention to Combat Desertification should be emphasized", or "continued". You can change the wording, but I think it is necessary to mention that in this paragraph.

P.J. MAHLER (Sous-Directeur général pour l'environnement et le développement durable): Nous sommes reconnaissants au délégué de l'Iran de souligner le rôle que nous jouons déjà dans la préparation de la Convention internationale pour la désertification.

Je ne sais pas s'il est souhaitable de parler du rôle de la FAO dans l'exécution d'une Convention qui n'est pas encore signée. Il faudrait peut-être dire: "dans l'élaboration", et peut-être "l'adoption", si la Commission voulait aller aussi loin. Mais je ne sais pas si on peut anticiper notre rôle dans la mise en oeuvre elle-même. J'espère que la FAO aura un rôle, évidemment, mais je ne sais pas si nous pouvons l'anticiper.

Morad Ali ARDESHIRI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): I agree with that. Why is it necessary to mention in this paragraph "the role of FAO"? If it is not necessary to participate that way, I am satisfied. Just mention it in the elaboration of the Convention because the experience of FAO is so important.

DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: Perhaps it might facilitate matters to say: "It also stressed FAO’s role in the elaboration and adoption of the International Convention to Combat Desertification".

Morad Ali ARDESHIRI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): I agree that the last words should be to combat desertification", not "diversification".

Paragraph 11, as amended, approved
Le paragraphe 11, ainsi amendé, est approuvé
El párrafo 11, así enmendado, es aprobado


Ms Naima AL-SHAYJI (Kuwait): I have a point of clarification on this paragraph. I do not know what the idea of the drafters was when they said in the second line "including incentives and disincentives". What is meant by "disincentives"? This is not very clear.

Mme Amina BOUDJELTI (Président, Comité de rédaction): Je vais laisser la parole à M. Mahler qui aura sans doute beaucoup plus de précisions à apporter.

P.J. MAHLER (Sous-Directeur général pour l'environnement et le développement durable): Merci, Madame le Président. Je crois que cette partie se réfère en particulier, mais pas exclusivement, à la déclaration du distingué délégué de la Suisse. Il y a une panoplie d'instruments et d'outils pour essayer de conduire le développement durable. Il y a évidemment d'un côté les subventions, mais il peut aussi y avoir les mesures fiscales, par exemple des taxes. Ce qu'on cherchait à refléter sous ce mot qui est utilisé ce sont des mesures fiscales, des taxes et certains règlements. Je pense que c'est cela qui est sous-entendu sous ce mot.

Mme Amina BOUDJELTI (Président, Comité de rédaction): Tout ce que je peux ajouter, c'est que nous n'y avons pas touché au Comité de rédaction.

Paragraph 12, as amended, approved

Le paragraphe 12, ainsi amendé, est approuvé

El párrafo 12, así enmendado, es aprobado


Alcir CARVALHO REBELLO (Brazil): I have just a small suggestion which is in the first line of paragraph 13: "The Conference recognized that rural poverty was in 'most' cases the root cause of environmental degradation". My suggestion is to replace "many" with "most".

Ivan MARULANDA GOMEZ (Colombia): Para sugerir que se cambie el tiempo del verbo, que diga: "La Conferencia reconoció que la pobreza rural es ..." .

Ms Charlotte E. ROE (United States of America): We do not wish to get tangled up in the debate about this one word but I would comment that I think you are losing clarity when you change "many" to "most". Environmental degradation is not simply a problem of struggling countries. It is a problem of rich countries as well. I think that we agreed in the debate when people cannot feed their families they tear up resources. That needs to be addressed urgently. That is not to say when you solve the question of poverty, or at least reduce it significantly, you completely solve the problem of environmental degradation because that goes on around the world.

DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: May I suggest that you delete the words "in many/most cases", so that the sentence would read: "The Conference recognized that rural poverty was a root cause of environmental degradation".

Zahir Shah MOHMAND (Pakistan): In paragraph 13, the second sentence beginning, "The Conference agreed that developed and developing countries had roles to play...", the word "roles" should be preceded by an appropriate word, to my way of thinking, such as "big", "great" or "substantial", whichever word is suitable.

CHAIRMAN: I ask the distinguished delegate from Pakistan to repeat that.

Zahir Shah MOHMAND (Pakistan): The proposal is that in the second sentence the word "roles" should be preceded by "substantial", "big", "great", whichever suits.

Morad Ali ARDESHIRI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): I have a comment on this paragraph as well. In paragraph 13 there is the mention of developed and developing countries having a role. We believe that should be put more strongly and that poverty alleviation should be stressed. There is no mention of poverty alleviation. It just says "roles". What is the benefit of these roles?

DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: Could I suggest that the point could be emphasized a little bit more by putting in the amendment that has been suggested: "The Conference agreed that both developed and developing countries had substantial roles to play in combating poverty, hunger and malnutrition"?

CHAIRMAN: You have heard that proposal.

Ivan MARULANDA GOMEZ (Colombia): Ahí se debe también cambiar el tiempo del verbo. Debe decir: "tienen", no "tenían".

Morad Ali ARDESHIRI (Iran, Islamic Republic of): I am sorry to be asking for the floor so often. I have a problem with this paragraph. "The Conference recognized that rural poverty was in many cases the root cause of environmental degradation". Does that mean it is not now?

CHAIRMAN: Is this acceptable now?

Jagan Nath THAPLIYA (Nepal): I would like to say: "The Conference recognized the role of poverty in developing countries", and that something in the developing countries is, in many cases, the root cause of environmental degradation. It is the role of poverty in the developing countries. It is something else in the developed countries. I would like to bring to your notice that something is added, that environmental degradation is not the only cause of poverty in developing countries.

Mme Amina BOUDJELTI (Président, Comité de rédaction): Je dois vous avouer que, pour ma part, j'adhère aux remarques qui ont été faites, mais je pense qu'elles sont bien reprises ici, dans le paragraphe, c'est assez net. On parle des rôles de chacun, pays développés, pays en développement, de rôles importants dans la lutte contre la pauvreté, la faim, la malnutrition. Cela me paraît assez clair. Je ne sais pas s'il y a quelque chose à ajouter.

CHAIRMAN: You have heard the comments of the Chair of the Drafting Group. Are there any objections to the sentence? It will stand as it is. With these comments, we have now finished with paragraph 13.

Paragraph 13, as amended, approved
Le paragraphe 13, ainsi amendé, est approuvé
párrafo 13, así enmendado, es aprobado

Paragraph 14 approved
Le paragraphe 14 est approuvé
El párrafo 14 es aprobado


Ulf SVENSSON (Sweden): I wish to raise an issue that is somewhat complicated and so I will therefore explain it.

When the resolution on the Revision of the International Undertaking of Plant Genetic Resources was drafted, we made a mistake on the very important collaboration that we are seeking with the Convention and in the interim with the Intergovernmental Committee on Biological Diversity. We have lost a whole crucial year because we introduced into the resolution that before the entry into force of the Convention the relationship should be with the Intergovernmental Committee on the Convention on Biological Diversity.

The Convention enters into force on 29 December and then there will be a whole year before the first meeting of the Conference of the parties takes place in December 1994. That is a serious problem because we really need this close cooperation. It is very clumsy and wrong to ask to substitute for the words "before the entry into force of the Convention" the words

"before the first meeting of the Conference of the parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity", but that is what we need.

My question is: despite the unheard of proposal to make changes in a resolution that has gone through so many steps, would it be possible to do it? Or how it would otherwise be possible to secure that we have the legislative basis for having important collaboration between the Commission on Plant Genetic Resources and the Intergovernmental Committee on the Convention on Biological Diversity during the whole of 1994.

Miss TING WEN LIAN (Malaysia): I entirely agree with the distinguished colleague from Sweden because it is very important that this collaboration is continued. If the resolution remains as it is, then we are only talking of a period between now and 29 December when the Convention comes into force. There is still the period between 29 December and the following year because, according to the Convention, the first Conference of the parties must be held within a year of the Convention coming into force.

As the proposal now stands, it is planned to have the meeting of the first Conference of the parties some time in November. We will have this period between now and November next year where it is in a grey area. Maybe the great minds up there on the podium may find some way to amend the resolution so that we take into consideration this very important point.

E. Wayne DENNEY (United States of America): I wish simply to add our support to what has been proposed, and I agree that it is a highly unusual situation, one that we did not foresee several months ago when we were putting the resolution together, that this will take so long and that by the time we got around to adopting it it would not be appropriate any more. It is an unusual set of circumstances that this has gone through the Commission and the Council - that is, the Commission on Plant Genetic Resources, the Council and then this Commission - and it is unfortunate that it has emerged at such a late date. I believe it is useful that it has. We owe a debt of gratitude to our Swedish colleague that we know about it all.

Alcir CARVALHO REBELLO (Brazil): For the reasons that were very well expressed by the delegates of Sweden, Malaysia and the United States, my delegation would like to support seeking some adjustment to the resolution.

DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: I do not understand the matter: I do not understand the problem. I have been trying to get an understanding of the problem but I do not have it. Certainly there is no reason why FAO cannot collaborate and report and do anything it needs to, with or without this resolution.

I do not quite understand exactly what the problem is at this moment. Could you give me a moment to see if we can figure it out.

Ms Naima AL-SHAY JI (Kuwait): We wish to associate ourselves with the previous speakers. Secondly, may I suggest that a small task force or a small working group from Sweden, Malaysia and the Secretariat redraft the resolution in accordance with the points that have been made.

Ulf SVENSSON (Sweden): I would like to make a very brief comment to Mr Hjort through you, Mr Chairman. I agree with Mr Hjort that the FAO Secretariat can have whatever contact it likes, but this is a contact that is part of an intergovernmental negotiation process, and therefore we think it should be very clearly laid down by governments in their decision that they want this contact to take place during a special period and not only based on a decision by the Secretariat. That is why we made this unusual suggestion at this late stage for a small technical revision of the draft resolution.

DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: Please give us the specific language in the resolution that you want to amend, and then let us know why again because I cannot understand what the problem is. If the problem is that the Convention on Biological Diversity has not been established and will not be established until December 1994, that is not something that we can do anything about. Nor can this Conference.

Miss TING WEN LIAN (Malaysia): After Mr Hjort's intervention, I almost forgot what I wanted to say because I do not understand why he does not understand!

We find ourselves in this self-created dilemma because Sweden and ourselves were assuming that this resolution, having come all the way through the various bodies up to this supreme and august Conference, is sacred and untouchable and that we could not at will change anything even though this is a very important technical point.

Since we have our Legal Counsel here, probably he could advise us on how we could rectify this technical point which would make it, shall we say, more to the point of what we want in the resolution. It is not a substantive change; it is just a technical point.

LEGAL COUNSEL: I come in in the middle of this, so I am not quite sure whether I am going to make sense to you or not.

As I understand it, the problem here is that in the original resolution you had the words "and before the entry into force of the Convention that there should be discussions with the Intergovernmental Committee on the Convention...". Now you have the information that the Convention will come into force in December 1993, and therefore any meaningful discussions will take place in between December 1993, which is upon us anyway, and December 1994 when the first meeting of the contracting parties takes place. Is this a correct understanding of the problem?

You have therefore suggested deleting the words "and before the entry into force of the Convention" and to substitute therefore the words "before the first meeting of the governing body". That would seem to be appropriate, but I was wondering why you could not just delete altogether the words "and before the entry into force of the Convention" and not have anything in its place. Then you have to say "with the Intergovernmental Committee on the Convention" which presumably will disappear anyway in December 1994.

Is it necessary to have anything? If we just delete "and before the entry into force of the Convention", we automatically cover the period up until the first Meeting of the Contracting Parties in December 1994, and from

then on the cooperation obviously is with the Contracting Parties. Is that alright? I see some nodding of heads. If you delete the words "and before the entry into force of the Convention" that may handle it.

CHAIRMAN: Do we agree with Mr Moore's proposal?

Miss TING WEN LIAN (Malaysia): Yes, of course we agree if that makes the sense we want. We were, as I said before, only wondering whether we can tamper with a draft resolution seeing that it has come this far, but if the Legal Counsel, Mr Moore, has gone ahead and done it, so be it.

DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: The Conference is a superior body to anybody else that has messed with the resolution.

Paragraph 15, as amended, approved
Le paragraphe 15, ainsi amendé, est approuvé
párrafo 15, así enmendado, es aprobado

Paragraphs 16 and 17 approved
Les paragraphes 16 et 17 sont approuvés
párrafos 16 y 17 son aprobados


E. WAYNE DENNEY (United States of America): This is just for clarification of paragraph 18 in the third line. I think that someone reading this may not know what the State of the World report would be. I suggest that we indicate it is FAO's World's Plant Genetic Resources Report.

If I might add, two lines below that where it talks about the "CPGR assisted by its working group", prior to that we have talked about the CPGR and its working group.

Miss TING WEN LIAN (Malaysia): Since my attention has been drawn to this by the delegate of the United States of America, although I was not meaning to comment on this paragraph but I have had my attention drawn to it, I would like to add an amendment at the end of the second line, "including the proposed preparation of the first State of the World report..." whatever. You will recall in the debate my delegation expressed very clear reservations on this particular preparation. We should use the word "proposed" because otherwise we are assuming we are all going ahead with it.

Mme Amina BOUDJELTI (Président du Comité de rédaction): Je peux ajouter que j'ai sur mes notes, qui reflètent les travaux de la Commission, que nous avions parlé de préparation. Je n'ai pas cru bon de corriger cela, mais il s'agissait bien de préparation et non d'établissement. Mme l'Ambassadeur de

Malaisie reflète exactement ce que nous avons ajouté au Comité de rédaction.

Paragraph 18, as amended, approved
Le paragraphe 18, ainsi amendé, est approuvé
párrafo 18, así enmendado, es aprobado

Paragraphs 19 and 20 approved
Les paragraphes 19 et 20 sont approuvés
párrafos 19 y 20 son aprobados


E. WAYNE DENNEY (United States of America): During our discussion in the Commission there were considerable references to getting the International Technical Conference Secretariat fully formed and since I do not see that referenced anywhere else in this text, I propose a new sentence at the end of the first sentence. This new sentence would read as follows: "It noted the importance of putting in place a Conference Secretariat as soon as possible full stop". This would not say anything about resources or exactly when it would happen, but it would just note the importance of achieving this important step in the preparatory process.

CHAIRMAN: You have heard the proposal of the delegation of the United States of America. Are there any comments?

DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: In partial - I guess mostly - jest, we could say "On 4 October the Director-General instructed that the Secretariat be established".

Paragraph 21, as amended, approved
Le paragraphe 21, ainsi amendé, est approuvé
párrafo 21, así enmendado, es aprobado


Miss TING WEN LIAN (Malaysia): I would simply request the deletion of the last two words "as necessary", so the sentence would end with "itself". This is to avoid an ambiguous situation arising whereby someone might decide it necessary or not necessary and what we expressed in our statement is not on it.

Alcir CARVALHO REBELLO (Brazil): I did not understand what Mr Hjort said regarding the Secretariat. If he would be kind enough to repeat it?

DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: I simply reported that on 4 October 1993 the Director-General instructed that the Secretariat for this work be established.

CHAIRMAN: Should this be incorporated into the Report?

E. WAYNE DENNEY (United States of America): It would be perfectly acceptable to us. The way I understand it is that until the Secretariat has been fully put into place, then the Organization has not complied with the instructions of the Director-General.

Igor MARINCEK (Switzerland): I am not very clear whether I understood this very well. Mr Hjort said an instruction was being given by the Director-General to create a Secretariat. The instruction was to create it by when?



Paragraph 22, as amended, approved
Le paragraphe 22, ainsi amendé, est approuvé
párrafo 22, así enmendado, es aprobado

Paragraph 23 approved
Le paragraphe 23 est approuvé
El párrafo 23 es aprobado

Paragraph 24, including Resolution, adopted
Le paragraphe 24, y compris la résolution, est adopté
párrafo 24, incluida la Resolución, es aprobado

Draft Report of Commission I, Part IV, was adopted
Le projet de rapport de la Commission I, guatrième partie, est adopté
proyecto de informe de la Comisión I, Parte IV, es aprobado

Jan Paul ADRIANSENS (Belgique): Monsieur le Président, ayant participé aux travaux du Comité de rédaction, je voudrais, au nom de la délégation belge et de la Communauté européenne et ses Etats Membres, rendre un hommage chaleureux à Mme la Présidente du groupe de rédaction, Mme Amina Boudjelti. Elle a su diriger et guider les travaux du Comité de rédaction avec une maîtrise sans laquelle nous ne serions probablement pas arrivés à trouver de formulation acceptée par tous les membres du Comité.

Je voudrais également inclure dans cet hommage le Secrétariat et les collègues du Comité de rédaction. C'est la première fois que je participe aux travaux d'un groupe de rédaction dans cette enceinte, et je dois avouer

que j'ai été frappé par l'habileté du Secrétariat à résumer dans des paragraphes très brefs le contenu et le sens de longues déclarations.

Enfin, je voudrais également adresser mes remerciements aux traducteurs et au personnel de la FAO, qui ont rendu possibles nos réunions et nos débats.

Merci, Madame la Présidente et merci, Monsieur le Président, de m'avoir donné la parole.



CHAIRMAN (Original language German): I thank the delegate of Belgium for his kind remarks; I can only return your compliments. It was only possible for us to finish our work today because it was carried out in a spirit of cooperation and mutual understanding. For this cooperation I thank you all. My thanks go not only to the Secretariat; I would like to thank the Secretary, the interpreters and all those who behind the scenes have contributed to the success of our work. I do not want to quote any individuals but to thank absolutely everybody involved. Thank you all for making it possible to finish our work here today. This will allow us to have a free weekend.

With this we have finished the work of Commission I and I thank you for the good cooperative spirit you have shown.

The meeting rose at 17.3 0 hours.
La séance est levée à 17 h 30.
Se levanta la sesión a las 17.30 horas.

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