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13. Procedures for Global Harmonization of Plant Quarantine
13. Procédures pour l'harmonisation mondiale des mesures phvtosanitaires
13. Procedimientos para la armonización mundial de la cuarentena de las plantas

LE PRESIDENT: Mesdames, Messieurs, je déclare la dixième séance ouverte. Nous avons à l'ordre du jour de cet après-midi le point 13 qui concerne les procédures pour l'harmonisation mondiale de la quarantaine végétale. Il vous souviendra à tous qu'en 1989 la Conférence, au cours de sa vingt-sixième session, avait créé le Secrétariat de la CIPV qui est notamment chargé de l'harmonisation de la quarantaine végétale grâce à l'élaboration de normes et de directives nationales.

Le but de cette question est que les pays membres de la Commission puissent se prononcer sur les principes de quarantaine végétale qui figurent à la page 5 du document C 93/25-Rev.l, ainsi que sur la mise en place d'un groupe d'experts à composition régionale pour discuter justement de la mise en place de ces principes et de leur respect.

Sans plus tarder, je donne la parole à M. Papasolomontos, Directeur de la Division de la protection des plantes, de l'Organisation, qui va vous en dire un peu plus.

A. PAPASOLOMONTOS, Director (Plant Production and Protection Division): The aim of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) is to prevent the introduction and spread of plant pests and their control. FAO is the depository of the Convention which entered into force in 1952. There has been one series of amendments, these coming into force in 1991. Over 100 countries are up to now parties to the Convention.

One of the major provisions of the IPPC is contained in Article VI, which addresses the quarantine requirements for imports of plants and plant products. It recognizes the right of contracting parties to regulate imports to prevent pest introduction and spread, but nevertheless requests that countries minimize adverse impact on international trade.

As you are aware, the GATT Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations has focused on the removal of unjustified obstacles to trade. The participating governments are concerned that, with the removal of tariff barriers, other mechanisms might be used to restrict the free trade of goods between countries. They recognized that the use of technically unjustified sanitary and phytosanitary restrictions could be one such mechanism. To avoid the misuse of such measures, the parties in the GATT recommended that measures be based on sound scientific evidence and that international standards and guidelines be developed. On issues relating to animal health, the OIE (International Office of Epizootics) was identified as the international organization to assist GATT. For food quality matters, GATT requested assistance from the Codex Alimentarius Commission. For plant health the international standards, guidelines and recommendations will be developed at the request of the Secretariat of the IPPC in cooperation with the regional organizations operating under the framework of the IPPC.

Members that adopt the standards would not be challengeable under GATT rules. However, measures without technical justification or more stringent than those developed by the IPPC mechanism would be subject to challenge.

The FAO Conference endorsed the establishment of an IPPC Secretariat in 1989 to address the establishment of guidelines and standards. However, due to financial constraints existing at the time, this Secretariat was not established until 1992. To start work on standards and guidelines, as an interim measure, FAO, in cooperation with the Regional Plant Protection Organizations (RPPOs), undertook a joint work programme.

This joint work programme has begun with the consideration of the principles of plant quarantine as embodied in the IPPC in order to clarify and harmonize them in the light of current plant quarantine and trading practices. This has been followed by an examination of the decision-making process, known as Pest Risk Analysis, which will be the cornerstone of plant quarantine decision-making in the future and the basis for the derivation of standardized operational quarantine procedures between trading partners.

A document on "Principles of Plant Quarantine as related to International Trade" was produced by an Expert Consultation in 1991, circulated to FAO member countries and Regional Plant Protection Organizations for comments and finalized by another Expert Consultation and a Technical Consultation among Regional Plant Protection Organizations in 1992. This document was submitted to COAG in May and to FAO Council in June this year for their consideration and they recommended the adoption of the text by this Conference. This will be the first of a series of harmonized guidelines produced by FAO in response to the GATT requirements.

In respect to the text of the Principles document, Japan has noted the definition of the term "quarantine pest" to include biotypes and strains of a pest and this clarification of the definition (which FAO supports) will be considered for addition to the Glossary of Phytosanitary Terms. With this clarification, it is understood that Japan withdraw its proposals for amendments to the Principles made to COAG.

In order to have global acceptance of the results of harmonizations, various consultation mechanisms were proposed by FAO, IPPC members and by the Regional Plant Protection Organizations, each in itself having benefits and failings, amongst these being the establishment of a Commission. Following lengthy discussions, and as an interim measure, the creation of a Committee of Experts on Phytosanitary Measures has now been proposed. This Committee of Experts would be composed of representatives nominated by the regional organizations and a number of Non-Regional Plant Protection Organization members selected by FAO to provide an equitable global technical representation of viewpoints. The Committee would be serviced by the IPPC Secretariat. This proposal was accepted by COAG and by the Council earlier on this year and the recommendation made that the Conference authorize the Director-General to establish the Committee of Experts on Phytosanitary Measures.

Given the vital importance of establishing a body to guide the international harmonization programme, in order to provide the requested standards in plant quarantine and secure their international adoption, we seek approval of the proposal by the Conference.

There will, of course, be cost implications to be included in future FAO budgets for the operation of such a standard setting mechanism within FAO. The work programme outlined for the biennium includes the setting of standards which involves Expert Working Groups, the CEPM meetings, consultation with members and approval by COAG, by Council and Conference, etc., the arranging of information resources to support the implementation of the standards, liaison with Regional Plant Protection Organizations and members, and technical support programmes where requested.

Some of this work will be absorbed within the proposed 1994-95 budget such as the cost for the Committee of Experts meetings. However, to expedite the formation of standards, further funds, such as a Trust Fund Programme, may need to be set up. FAO has heard from many members that phytosanitary standards are required as soon as possible - we therefore trust that many may wish to take this opportunity for cooperation and support for this international programme effort.

E PRESIDENT: Je vous remercie de votre introduction aux points de notre ordre du jour. Nous avons à nous prononcer sur les deux annexes qui figurent au document C 93/25-Rev. 1. Il s'agit d'abord du tableau qui reprend les principes généraux et ensuite des objectifs de la proposition de ce groupe d'experts.

U. KNÜEPPEL (European Economie Community): On behalf of the European Community and its Member States I would like to thank Mr Papasolomontos for his very useful introduction to this Agenda item.

The document C 93/25-Rev. 1 on the Programme for Harmonization for Plant Quarantine is, in its revised version, satisfactory and I would like to take the opportunity to thank the Secretariat for the fruitful consultation which we had on the matter in the recent months.

Already at the Council Session we had given the list of Plant Quarantine Principles our full support. As a number of those principles are, however, directly related to provisions contained in the draft GATT Agreement on sanitary and phytosanitary measures we felt it important that this fact and the need for coherent interpretation and implementation be spelt out in the introduction to the list. This has now been done in a way which recognizes the broader scope of the FAO list of principles and does not prejudge the outcome of the on-going negotiations on phytosanitary measures. We are grateful to the Secretariat for this.

We also share the support of other delegations for the establishment of the Expert Committee as proposed by the Secretariat and can agree to the Secretariat's proposal as to the Committee's composition. In this context we may recall our interest in the appointment of a Community expert to the Committee and we are confident that this will be the case.

Regarding the future work of the Committee we have noted from the Organization's meeting schedule that a tentative date is already fixed for the first session in May 1994. We take this as a very positive sign for a rapid start and trust that the close cooperation and understanding between the experts in the Committee will provide us already in the near future with first results.

In conclusion the Community and its Member States supports the Secretariat's recommendation regarding the establishment of the Expert Committee and the endorsement of the principle of plant quarantine as set out in the document before us.

Takesi NISHIO (Japan): We appreciate the great efforts of the ITPC Secretariat to provide these comprehensive papers and clear explanation by Mr Papasolomontos for Global Harmonization of Plant Quarantine.

With regard to the principle of plant quarantine as related to international trade which has been expected to be approved at the 12th Session of COAG and at the 103rd Session of the FAO Council 1993. We have proposed some points of amendments. Among our proposals of amendments we think that the definition of Quarantine Pests was the most important. As you have already understood the definition of the Quarantine Pest in IPPC is a pest potential of national economic importance to the country endangered thereby and not yet presented there, or presented but not widely distributed and being actively controlled. However, this definition is not necessarily clear about pests. The world of pests is likely to be interpreted species in the context. There are reports on the serious damage to agricultural crops in various countries with pests of different biotypes or strains. We would not carry out plant quarantine without respect to those facts, therefore we have requested FAO to add context in the definition of Quarantine Pests, that quarantine pests includes biotypes or strains. FAO admitted the validity of our definition, consequently we formally wish that those views are clearly stated in the record of this Conference. Furthermore, we would like to suggest that our view be added to the definition of Quarantine Pests in the FAO glossary of phytosanitary terms. In this context my Governemnt would like to withdraw our reservation on adaptation of the principle of plant quarantine as related to the international trade.

We agree to establish an Expert Committee on Phytosanitary measures and hope heartily to express our intentions to participate with this Committee as its member.

We would like to express one point regarding to the Step 5 of Attachment A. In the Step 5 in the development of the harmonization of international standards and guidelines it is said that the IPPC Secretariat will request the comments by government through our PPOs to allow for technical inputs, etc. However, there are some governments which are FAO Members but not IPP Members and there are also some governments which are IPPC Members but not all PPO Members, but we think it is necessary to prepare the channels through which the Secretariat requests comments to those governments and they submit their comments and the necessity that those channels should be clearly stated in the Step 5. We would like to suggest to add one sentence to the last part of Step 5 such as "individual governments when necessary may submit their comments to the IPPC Secretariat directly".

LE PRESIDENT: Dans un souci d'organisation, si dans les interventions qui vont suivre il n'y a pas de remarque particulière sur l'amendement du Japon à l'étape 5, je considérerai que cet amendement ne pose pas de problèmes aux membres de la Commission.

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Ms Marínela R. CASTILLO (Philippines): The subject of global harmonization of plant quarantine is of particular interest to the Philippines not only within the context of the need to control and manage the spread of plant pests and diseases through trading activities but also in relation to international initiatives to achieve more open markets by reducing non-tariff trade barriers.

We support any action which will facilitate and advance the development of internationally recognized transparent and non-discriminatory phytosanitary standards and guidelines.

We believe the establishment and adoption of a harmonized set of standards and procedures is essential to the global effort to eliminate the use of restrictive quarantine measures which limit access to markets. We therefore endorse the principles of plant quarantine as related to international trade which are set out in Appendix I of document C 93/25 as revised.

We welcome in particular the general principles on minimal impact modification, transparency and dispute settlement as well as the specific principle of non-discriminâtion. It is important, however, that these principles be consistent with agreements arrived at on sanitary and phytosanitary measures within the framework of GATT. We also support the establishment of a committee of experts on phytosanitary measures as an interim mechanism for developing and achieving consensus on a set of globally accepted plant quarantine standards and procedures. We concur with the composition of the committee proposed by the Secretariat.

Theodor GLASER (Suisse) (Langue original allemand): Je vous remercie pour les documents qui nous ont été remis et pour leur traduction. Je vois qu'il est incontestable que la protection contre les maladies végétales représente une nécessité internationale. Toutes les mesures de protection végétale sont absolument nécessaires, surtout afin d'éviter toutes sortes d'importations d'ennemis des végétaux dans les pays où nous savons bien qu'ils peuvent servir à des mesures injustifiées pour restreindre la libre circulation des biens, et nous savons qu'au niveau du GATT ce genre de question a été longuement discutée. Nous savons que la FAO est disposée à mettre en oeuvre toute une série de mesures positives dans ce sens et ma délégation se déclare favorable aux remarques qui sont faites du document C 93/25-Rev.l. Nous espérons que les travaux pourront avancer très rapidement. Ce qui vient d'être proposé par le Japon nous semble également mériter d'être soutenu.

Carlos A.FONTES (Portugal) : Considering all the work already done by FAO on the matter, the Portuguese delegation supports the view that FAO should be the organization to carry out this important task.

Quarantines are the result of several technical consultations between regional organizations and are based on the new philosophy emerging from GATT in which international free trade should be regulated by transparent phytosanitary measures according to standard recommendations and based on risk analysis of propogation to rid us of plant pest, supported by scientific, biological, technical and economic evidence.

Concerning the setting of the Expert Committee on phytosanitary measures in accordance with Article VI.2 of the FAO International Convention for Plant Protection, we believe that the Committee is the best alternative and can

carry out the international programme for harmonization of phytosanitary measures and that it would be the best forum where international plant protection organization should discuss priority recommendations. However, concerning the composition of the committee, we believe that the RPPO regional organization, of which our country is a member, should be represented by three members instead of two because it should be taken in conjunction with the fact that it is an organization which includes almost all European and North African countries.

We also support the proposal that the European Committee should be represented by an expert.

Alan Bruce AMEY (Canada): Mr Chairman, the Canadian delegation, as indicated at the 103rd Council Session can endorse the principles of Plant Quarantine as related to international trade as set out in Appendix 1. I am pleased to see that the one Member that reserved its position has now indicated its agreement.

Furthermore, we can endorse the authorization of the Director-General to establish a committee of experts on phytosanitary measures as set out in Appendix 2.

I have two specific questions at this point; the first one concerns the procedure for amending the plant quarantine regulations and as there will be a meeting of the RPPOs in the spring of next year, I am wondering whether that might be a better place to consider amendments at this stage. My second question relates to the number of persons on the actual commission's expert committee. I think, as a general principle, we should try to keep the numbers to a minimum so as to have effective meetings but I am wondering if the Secretariat can indicate what the formula would be for that.

As far as the documents go, this programme will further the trade support work undertaken by FAO and we see this as a high priority programme. We will look forward to progress reports at future Councils and Conferences.

Pinit KORSIEPORN (Thailand) : My delegation is very pleased with the introductory statements on the subject matter by the Secretariat. You may recall that in 1991 the FAO Conference endorsed the proposal to set up the Secretariat for the International Plant Protection Convention within the framework of FAO's plant production and protection division. The major item of this unit is to facilitate trade in agricultural products. This unit will also provide expertise in cases of disagreement on the impact of plant quarantine measures in trade at the request of the contracting parties in GATT.

Today we are grateful for the progress of this unit and would like to endorse the establishment of the expert committee on phytosanitary measures to be appointed by the Director-General of FAO. The experts will be nominated by the regional plant protection organizations.

My delegation also welcomes the principles of plant quarantine as related to the international trade. I would point out that unjustified quarantine restrictions would definitely be used to limit the free flow of agricultural trade particularly from developing countries. I would therefore urge FAO to always be aware of the principles and procedures of

plant quarantine. This is necessary in order to prevent the unjustified use of quarantine as a barrier for agricultural trade.

May I request that the Secretariat clarify a few remarks? Firstly, the procedures of the regional plant protection organizations to nominate the so-called experts to CEPM; secondly, the terms of reference for the experts are written by the RPPOs or FAO; thirdly, what is the future plan of CEPM and I refer in particular to the RPPOs opening for the nominees from member countries as well as the schedule of CEPM in the months to come?

Finally, my delegation understands that the CEPM will be composed of sixteen experts and two of these will come from the APPC. I would be obliged if you could confirm my understanding is correct.

LE PRESIDENT: A la question qui a été posée par le Représentant de la Thaïlande, j'aimerais en ajouter une autre à laquelle M. Papasolomontos pourra répondre tout à l'heure, à savoir que le paragraphe i) de l'Annexe II paraît, en fait, assez limitatif puisqu'on ne tient pas compte de l'organisation qui vient d'être créée pour le Proche-Orient, mais qui n'est pas encore opérationnelle, puisqu'il est nécessaire qu'un certain nombre de pays y adhèrent. Néanmoins, il serait souhaitable de prévoir que cette organisation puisse être représentée également par un membre au Comité d'experts.

Mrs Janet F.BITEGEKO (Tanzania): My delegation would like to thank the Director for Plant Production and Protection for introducing the document, and the Secretariat for the very clear document.

My delegation notes that the 12th Session of COAG, the 5th Technical Consultation of Regional Plant Protection Organization and the 103rd Session of the FAO Council have considered and in general supported the text.

Tanzania endorses the general and specific principles of plant quarantine as related to international trade contained in Appendix 1 of document C 93/25, as revised. Tanzania welcomes the fact that these principles, apart from the control of diseases and pests, are geared towards reducing and eliminating the use of unjustifiable phytosanitary measures as barriers to trade. The principles would also be flexible to accommodate changing quarantine concepts and technology.

On the composition of the Committee of Experts on Phytosanitary Measures my delegation would like to recommend having two members instead of one from the Inter-African Phytosanitary Council, so as to accommodate the diversified agro-ecological features and resources, crops and trading commodities in Africa.

My delegation has no objection to the proposed steps in the development of harmonized international standards and guidelines.

Tanzania recognizes that in order to avert the increasing threat of new exotic pests introduction, accompanying agriculture diversification and enhanced trade, there is an urgent need to strengthen national sub-regional, regional and global quarantine capabilities, and, most important, to establish effective intergovernmental collaboration and cooperation.

In recognizing the imperatives of sub-regional food security in Eastern Africa and the present economic situation in these countries, my delegation would like to request FAO to be the prime catalyst for establishment of a sub-regional plant quarantine network and to provide active assistance to the governments of Eastern Africa to implement and sustain their quarantine services.

My delegation also requests FAO to provide through the Regional Office for Africa the technical Secretariat for the network and provide technical back-up for the network.

LE PRESIDENT: Concernant la composition, je pense que cela dépend des avis qui vont être exprimés par les autres membres, mais je retiens déjà que le délégué du Canada estimait que 16 membres, c'était déjà beaucoup. Or, avec votre proposition, nous allons passer à 22 membres. Je soumets donc cette proposition à l'avis des membres de la Commission. Pour ma part, et je pense qu'un grand nombre de pays partagent cette opinion, je considère qu'un Comité d'experts doit avoir une composition restreinte s'il veut être efficace.

Dixon NILAWEERA (Sri Lanka) : We note with appreciation the steps taken by FAO in regard to developing procedures for global harmonization of plant quarantine. With the establishment of IPPC and thereafter with the introduction of a range of standards and guidelines, the Convention is now well established. Basically, there are two aspects.

One is dealing with in-country plant quarantine procedures which, have been developed keeping national issues in mind. These are largely influenced by internal agricultural policies and programmes, and import and export procedures.

The second aspect concerns procedures adopted by other countries in regard to restrictions imposed on trade where such restrictions would sometimes be harsh and unreasonable. It is indeed a welcome proposal, that FAO intends to harmonize these procedures by developing guidelines and standards.

We believe that individual countries are now in the process of making available in documented form these plant quarantine procedures to facilitate international understanding, most specifically, trade. We should now endeavour to assist all nations to put out these procedures for better understanding and transparency.

My delegation is happy to endorse the principles of plant quarantine as related to trade. It should of course be mentioned that these principles should not be considered as once-and-for-all and static, but constantly changing as national programmes and international trade develop.

The Committee of Experts on Phytosanitary Measures, as recommended in the document, is indeed a good proposal. This Committee should be sensitive to both national and international issues, and should have the effective clout to resolve the major impasses that may arise in harmonizing procedures to facilitate"trade, particularly removing the unjustified and unreasonable procedures which would restrict the movement of planting material.

LE PRESIDENT: Je partage tout à fait votre avis. D'ailleurs, dans le document il est indiqué que ces principes devront constamment être revus pour tenir compte de l'évolution des concepts et des technologies. Il ne s'agit nullement de principes figés et vous avez eu raison d'insister sur ce point.

Ms Guri GRONOLEN (Norway): The Norwegian delegation welcomes document C 93/25-Rev.l and would like to commend the Secretariat for an interesting and well prepared document and Mr Papasolomontos for the useful introduction to it.

Norway attaches considerable importance to the issues raised in this agenda item. In our opinion the pursuit of global harmonization of plant quarantine through the development of international standards and guidelines is of great importance to facilitate a free flow of trade and a means to control the outbreak and spread of pests of plant and plant products.

My delegation strongly supports the work that has been carried out by FAO and the Regional Plant Protection Organizations with respect to formulating a set of general and specific principles to facilitate the process of developing international standards for plant quarantine.

Norway has with great interest studied the Principles of Plant Quarantine as Related to International Trade set out in Appendix 1 to this document. In our opinion these principles form a sound basis for facilitating the process of developing international standards for plant quarantine. Hence, we support the endorsement of these principles.

We have also considered the option suggested for establishing a standards/guidelines-setting machinery within the framework of the IPPC and we support the establishment of an Expert Committee on Phytosanitary Measures based on the composition and purpose as set out in Appendix 2 of the document.

Won-Gil BAE (Korea, Republic of): The delegation of the Republic of Korea expresses its support for the efforts of the Secretariat to develop harmonized international phytosanitary measures and standards. They cannot only prevent individual countries' limitation for free trade by the use of unjustified quarantine restrictions, but also protect against the carrying in and spreading of pests which can create loss of agricultural products.

In this view, the Republic of Korea endorses the principle of plant quarantine, and gives its authorization to the Director-General to establish an Expert Committee on Phytosanitary Measures as requested by the Secretariat.

However, allow me to point out that, as we brought up in related meetings on numerous occasions, the number of participants in the Expert Committee should be determined after giving proper consideration to the size and activities of the regional organizations. Therefore as the Secretariat has proposed in Appendix 1, in the case of the Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Organization at least two members should be able to join the Expert Committee.

We also would like to stress the importance of sincere exchange of information about all serious pests.

Finally, we hope that FAO and other international organizations devote more effort in the preparation of standards about pesticide residuals that may be applied in all countries, so that human beings' health can be protected greatly, more than ever, especially those in developing countries.

NI HONGXING (China) (Original language Chinese): First of all, please allow me on behalf of the Chinese delegation to tkank the Secretariat for preparing the highly technical document C 93/25-Rev.l, and Mr Papasolomontos for his introduction, which has provided us with a good foundation for today's discussion. I would like to make a few comments on this Agenda item.

Firstly, in order to protect countries against pest introduction and spread and subsequent crop losses, and the promotion of international agricultural commodity trades and less unfair technical barriers, it is necessary to develop a Programme for Global Harmonization of Plant Quarantine. While in favour of this Programme we, China, are also willing to conduct cooperation with the international agencies concerned in this field, and to take an active part in efforts relating to this Programme, so as to make our due contribution.

Secondly, the development of a Programme for Global Harmonization of Plant Quarantine should try and bring into play the role of regional plant protection organizations and make full use of their achievements, as well as strengthen internal consultations within the regions, so as to bring into harmony the international standards, guidelines and recommendations of the globally-harmonized plant quarantine programme and its development by regional cooperation organizations.

Thirdly, so far as developing the Programme for Global Harmonization of Plant Quarantine is concerned, the Chinese delegation supports the idea of estalishing a Committee of Experts on Phytosanitary Measures under the related Articles of the FAO Constitution so as to guide the international harmonization programme.

Fourthly, with regard to the steps in the development of harmonized international standards and guidelines, we believe that full consideration should be given to the varied plant quarantine situations and technical levels of different countries.

An adequate amount of time should be given to member countries so as to allow them carefully to consider this technical issue.

Lastly, with regard to Plant Quarantine Principles as related to International Trade, we would like to suggest two changes to the principles of plant quarantine. Referring to General Principle Number 8, we suggest replacing the last part of the sentence which reads "further action may be undertaken by means of a multilateral settlement system" by another phase which reads "further consultation may be undertaken by means of a multilateral settlement system towards a final solution". Secondly, referring to Specific Principle Number 10 we suggest replacing the phase "Plant Protection Organization" by "Plant Protection and Quarantine Organization".

That is because in China the Chinese Plant Protection Organization is independent of the Plant Quarantine Organization. They are different organizations.

LE PRESIDENT: Je vous remercie. Je suppose que tous les membres ont pris note de ces deux amendements que nous traiterons de la même manière que celui proposé par le Japon. Au fur et à mesure de vos interventions, si vous avez une objection particulière, exprimez-vous clairement sur les amendements de la Chine.

Marcos NIETO LARA (Cuba): Señor Presidente, quiero saludar al señor Papasolomontos porque nos ha hecho una excelente presentación del tema.

Cuba se adhirió a la Convención Internacional de Protección Fitosanitaria desde épocas muy tempranas, y siempre ha seguido un programa coherente de trabajo, aun en la activa Comisión Fitosanitaria del Caribe.

Por tanto nuestra Delegación apoya plenamente lo expuesto en el documento C 93/25-Rev.l y considera que es el momento oportuno para introducir un proceso de armonización en materia de cuarentena vegetal. En otras oportunidades, cuando hemos tratado el tema del comercio, se ha mencionado reiteradamente el efecto negativo que producían algunas medidas cuarentenarias que realmente constituían una pantalla para evitar un comercio más abierto. Creo que este proceso de armonización, ateniéndose también a una estrecha coordinación con las deliberaciones y las normas del Codex Alimentarius, ayudaría sustancialmente a favorecer la situación del comercio internacional.

Mi Delegación, señor Presidente, desea expresar su apoyo a la composición del comité de expertos que tendrá a su cargo la preparación de este proceso de armonización. Creemos que hay una composición bastante distribuida en las diferentes regiones, y que la misma debe guardar un adecuado equilibrio.

Le agradezco, señor Presidente, el habernos dado la oportunidad de hablar en este tema y exhortamos a la Secretaría para que siga profundizando este tema tan importante para todos nosotros.

MYA MAUNG (Myanmar) : First, I should like to express our sincere thanks to the FAO Secretariat for the preparation of the excellent and comprehensive document C 93/25-Rev.l, Programme for Global Harmonization of Plant Quarantine.

As we all know, every country has to produce more food, in other words to increase agricultural production to keep up with its population increase. In relation to increased agricultural production, it is very important to undertake proper plant protection procedures. Plant quarantine, one of the most important plant protection activities, will provide every country with protection against pest introduction, spread and subsequent crop losses.

In this regard every country should participate actively in the Programme for Global Harmonization of Plant Quarantine. As the economy of Myanmar is based on agriculture, Myanmar enacted the Pesticide Law in May 1990 and the

Plant Quarantine Law in 1993, overruling the obsolete law, the Insect and Pest Act of Burma, the Indian Act which was enacted in 1914.

The organization of the plant quarantine unit has been strengthened according to the need of inspection points in our country. Three entry points in Yangon and four others in border areas are considered to be of sufficient importance to be equipped with trained personnel and the necessary laboratory facilities.

As a member of FAO and the Asia-Pacific Plant Commission, the Myanmar delegation is very pleased to endorse the General and Specific Principles set out in Appendix I of the document Programme for Global Harmonization of Plant Quarantine. We are very pleased to follow FAO guidelines and principles regarding plant protection procedures.

Alejandro TRUEBA CARRANZA (México) : México manifiesta su acuerdo para que la Conferencia autorice el establecimiento del Comité sobre Medidas Fitosanitarias en los términos que establece el Apéndice 1 del documento C 93/25-Rev.l.

En consecuencia de lo anterior, nuestro país también manifiesta su interés para que técnicos especializados de México participen en la terna para la designación de los expertos que conformarán el citado Comité por lo que toca a la representación regional de las Organizaciones Norteamericanas de Protección de Plantas (NAPPO) y al Organismo Regional de Sanidad Agropecuaria para México y Centroamérica (OIRSA).

De igual manera, se propone el desarrollo y aprobación de principios, normas y directrices armonizadas de cuarentena vegetal, en relación con el análisis de riesgos y la preservación de zonas libres de plagas específicas que las hagan claras y objetivas para la planeación y el fortalecimiento del comercio internacional de vegetales.

Finalmente, esta Delegación desea recomendar el fortalecimiento de algunos aspectos a desarrollar por la recientemente creada Secretaría de la Convención Internacional de Protección Fitosanitaria. Estos son los .siguientes :

La actualización dinámica de bases de datos de cuarentena vegetal, la base de datos de plaguicidas, incluidas en ésta las restricciones parciales y la revisión de la normatividad de los certificados internacionales.

El fomento de los estudios de análisis de riesgo de plagas para medir el impacto de la introducción de una plaga determinada, a través de productos vegetales, a una región o país dado, y el apoyo para la organización de talleres regionales de cuarentena vegetal y la distribución de publicaciones disponibles de la FAO.

I.G.K. SWASTIKA (Indonesia): The Indonesian delegation welcomes and supports the Principles of Plant Quarantine as related to International Trade which appear in Appendix I of the document C 93/25-Rev.l. We are also happy to endorse the establishment of the CEPM as an interim standard-setting body to address harmonization of plant quarantine regulations.

We would like to suggest that to enable the Committee to operate effectively and efficiently the Committee should be small, and there should be a sufficient number of experts to achieve a consensus of a wide variety of opinions. The Committee should also reflect the just and equal representation of its membership. To achieve this objective, the number nominated from the RPPOs should be based on the size of the membership of each RPPO. We see that the membership of the CEPM as contained in Appendix II of the document already has a balanced representation.

A.N.M. EUSUF (Bangladesh): We very much appreciate the brief but precise introduction by Mr Papasolomontos, which was very good. I fully agree that we must ensure that plant quarantine regulations do not become non-tariff barriers which will impede global trade. We need to harmonize plant quarantine regulations but should ensure that member countries put only real regulations into place and not ones that will keep competing products out of the country.

In the process of negotiations for finding common grounds, we should not end up with more regulations than are needed. We need the smallest number of regulations which will give us the necessary protection from plant diseases and pests.

Finally, my delegation supports the conclusion and suggested action as contained in paragraphs 16 and 17 of document C 93/25-Rev.l, the Programme for Global Harmonization of Plant Quarantine.

Ramdane KELLOU (Algerie): Permettez-moi tout d'abord de remercier le Secrétariat pour l'élaboration de ce document et M. Papasolomontos pour son exposé parfait à mon sens.

L'étude du document qui est entre nos mains, relatif aux procédures pour l'harmonisation de la quarantaine végétale, proposé à la discussion à notre Conférence, a retenu particulièrement notre attention eu égard à l’importance de cette question pour notre économie agricole qui connaît actuellement, comme vous le savez, des mutations profondes devant l'amener à jouer un rôle important dans les échanges de produits agricoles. Cette question de quarantaine végétale, qui est du ressort d'une institution nationale spécialisée, fait l'objet de réflexions et de travaux intenses découlant de l'adoption, en 1987, de la loi phytosanitaire algérienne, qui, par ailleurs, se réfère grandement aux principes généraux de la Convention internationale pour la protection des végétaux à laquelle l'Algérie a souscrit.

L'expérience acquise par notre Organisation et les pays participant aux travaux du Codex alimentarius nous invite à mettre en place, pour les travaux futurs d'élaboration des normes et des directives internationales de quarantaine, une organisation opérationnelle dont les grandes lignes sont décrites dans les documents soumis à notre examen.

Toutefois, il nous semble que ces travaux à conduire au niveau des organisations régionales existantes gagneraient à prendre en charge les spécificités régionales et sous-régionales en vue d'élaborer des projets de normes appropriées et de nature à faciliter les échanges dans ces zones. Dans ce sens, l'institution d'organisations régionales dans les régions encore non couvertes concourrait certainement de manière efficace à la prise en charge d'une telle préoccupation. Enfin, mon pays appuie les

conclusions et mesures proposées à l'adoption de la Conférence, à savoir: les principes de quarantaine végétale liés au commerce international, tels que retenus par le Conseil de la FAO à sa cent troisième session, et l'établissement par le Directeur général de la FAO d'un Comité d'experts, tout en réitérant la question de la définition du nombre des membres du Comité, posée d'ailleurs par plusieurs délégués ici présents.

E. Wayne DENNEY (United States of America) : Thank you, Mr Chairman, and thank you to Dr Papasolomontos for his excellent remarks. The United States unequivocally supports all the recommendations contained in the document before us. Whether we will be able to agree to recommendations for change that have been made so far or are yet to come will be a matter we will have to reflect upon. We generally agree with Canada's idea that any revision of either the principles or the steps to be undertaken should be considered by the RPPOs at a later date. The United States is not in a position to accept any changes until we have conferred with our officials in Washington. We are anxious to see the IPPC Secretariat actively engaged in coordinating the recommendations of the Regional Plant Protection Organizations and helping to guide them in their future work.

The United States fully endorses the principles of plant quarantine as presented in Appendix 2. Like others, we are pleased to hear that Japan has withdrawn earlier misgivings. We find it amazing that there are still no internationally recognized Plant Quarantine Standards. We look forward to the establishment of an Expert Committee to continue the consultative progress which has already begun between the IPPC Secretariat and the RPPOs. We are somewhat uneasy about having many experts from countries not belonging to RPPOs, especially if they have an opportunity to belong and choose not to. The United States would prefer to have an Expert Committee which is somewhat smaller than the sixteen-member maximum listed in Appendix 1. In that regard, we have reservations about any proposals to increase the basic proposed listing in Appendix 1. We have every confidence that the Secretariat will put together a qualified team of experts which can make progress in this important area.

LE PRESIDENT: Je constate que vous avez des objections quant au fond sur les amendements qui ont été proposés et j'aimerais revenir sur les amendements proposés par la Chine une fois que tous les intervenants se seront prononcés.

Nedilson RICARDO JORGE (Brasil): En primer lugar, yo desearía expresar la conformidad de Brasil a la aprobación del documento C 93/25-Rev.l en sus términos generales, o sea, el establecimiento de un comité de expertos sobre medidas fitosanitarias conforme a lo previsto en el Apéndice 2, así como los principios de cuarentena fitosanitaria en relación al comercio internacional, de los cuales yo subrayaría la importancia, del número 13. El documento está en conformidad con la convención internacional de protección vegetal a la cual Brasil es adherente.

Sin embargo, creemos que en el Anéxo A es necesario dar mayor precisión al texto del párrafo que se refiere a la Fase 5, a fin de evitar interpretaciones diferentes a la acordada en la consulta técnica informal entre organismos regionales de protección vegetal realizado en París en octubre de 1992.

Brasil sugiere en consecuencia la sustitución de la frase "siempre que sea posible", incluida en el párrafo que describe la Fase 5 del Anexo, por la de "cuando ellas existan" que aclara la inequívoca alusión a los organismos regionales de protección fitosanitaria existentes y no a la disponibilidad de tiempo.

Yo me permitiría repetir el cambio sugerido en la Fase 5 del Anexo A, cambiar, siempre que sea posible, por "cuando ellas existan".

Rachid LAKHDAR (Maroc): La délégation marocaine se félicite de l'état d'avancement de l'élaboration des principes généraux de quarantaine et de la pertinence de ces principes auxquels nous adhérons.

Nous approuvons aussi le principe de la mise en place d'un Comité d'experts. Ce comité doit représenter, de manière équilibrée, les différentes régions et sous-régions de notre globe.

C'est dans ce sens qu'il nous semble utile que les pays de la région du Proche-Orient puissent être représentés au sein du Comité d'experts dès que l'organisation de la protection des végétaux pour le Proche-Orient, actuellement en cours de mise en place, verra le jour.

Il faudrait aussi que les pays puissent faire parvenir leurs commentaires au Secrétariat de la CIPV.

LE PRESIDENT: J'aimerais porter à votre connaissance que la délégation chinoise, qui a profité de la pause pour discuter plus longuement avec le représentant du Secrétariat, considère qu'elle est en mesure de retirer les deux propositions d'amendement aux articles 8 et 10 des principes. Il n'est donc pas nécessaire que les autres membres de la Commission s'expriment sur ces amendements qui sont retirés.

Hilda GABARDINI (Argentina): Mi país forma parte del Comité Regional de Sanidad Vegetal para el Cono Sur, al igual que Brasil, Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay, países todos adhérentes de la Convención Nacional de Protección Fitosanitaria. Dicho Comité, con oportunidad de su quinta reunión celebrada en octubre próximo pasado, emitió una resolución en la que - vista la pertenencia de todos sus miembros a la CIPF, y dado que el Consejo de Ministros había aprobado y adoptado para la Región los principios de cuarentena fitosanitaria en relación al comercio internacional propuesto por FAO, así como también apoyada la creación del Comité de Expertos -solicita a los Ministros de Agricultura integrantes del Consejo de Ministros de la Región que se manifestara en esta Conferencia la conformidad y se solicitara además la aprobación del documento C 93/25 en sus términos generales, con la solicitud de que se sustituyera en el anexo A fase 5 la frase "siempre que sea posible" por "cuando ellas existan".

En síntesis, señor Presidente, mi delegación, en cumplimiento de la citada resolución, apoya también el documento C 93/25-Rev. 1 incluída la composicióń del Comité de Expertos en él propuesto y, tal como adelantara el distinguido Representante del Brasil, solicita que en el mencionado anexo A fase 5 se sustituya la frase "siempre que sea posible" por la frase "cuando ellas existan". Esto, por las razones ya expresadas por la delegación de Brasil.

LE PRESIDENT: Je vous rappelle que la proposition du Brésil est de supprimer à l'Appendice A, paragraphe 5, le membre de phrase "chaque fois que possible", et d'ajouter après ORPV, "lorsqu'elles existent".

Antonio BAYAS (Chile): Quiero, en primer lugar, agradecer la presentación del tema del señor Papasolomontos y el resumen del documento C 93/25-Rev. 1 sobre procedimientos para la armonización mundial de la cuarentena vegetal.

Chile se encuentra adherido a la Convención Internacional de la Protección Fitosanitaria de la FAO desde 1952. Posteriormente, ratificó las enmiendas de 1979, estableciéndolas como un instrumento legal. De acuerdo con lo planteado en el citado documento, mi país considera conveniente la creación de este Comité que permitirá definir un marco de procedimientos para la armonización internacional de medidas fotosanitarias.

Respecto a los principios cuarentenarios fitosanitarios relacionados con el comercio internacional, Chile no tiene objeciones a esto y ya se pronunció positivamente sobre ellos mediante comunicación oficial a la FAO durante 1992.

Además, Chile, como integrante del Comité de Sanidad Vegetal para el Cono Sur Americano (COSAVE) , también emitió un pronunciamiento similar a lo ya expresado recientemente por la distinguida delegación de Argentina. Por lo tanto, también apoyamos la sugerencia presentada inicialmente por el delegado del Brasil, apoyado por Argentina, en cuanto al cambio de la frase en el anexo 1 fase 5.

LE PRESIDENT: J'aimerais également vous rappeler l'amendement qui était proposé par le Japon à l'Appendice 5 et qui viendrait à la fin du paragraphe 5 et dirait: "les gouvernements, individuellement, le cas échéant, peuvent soumettre directement leurs commentaires au Secrétariat de la CIPV.

Alnaji Alhassan FAWU (Nigeria) : Thank you for the opportunity given me to speak on this important topic. The Nigerian delegation welcomes the development of the globally harmonized international standards and guidelines as these will promote international cooperation aimed at restricting the movement of serious pests that could spread through the activities of international trade, which the IPPC is supposed to promote.

The terms of reference (Steps 1-9) of the Expert Committee are quite clear and detailed enough. They would certainly lead to the attainment of the set goals.

We support the general principles of plant quarantine as related to international trade but, as contained in our response on international trade in 1991 when IPPC member countries were contacted for comments, a minor adjustment is requested. Under Appendix 1, point 3, "Minimal impact", we propose that the words "and/or affordable" be inserted after the "available".

We therefore endorse the request to authorize the Director-General of FAO to establish an Expert Committee on Phytosanitary Measures to guide the programme for the international harmonization exercise. You may be aware

that the regional quarantine training centre is situated in Ibadan in Nigeria, which provides quarantine training to member countries of the African region. In view of this important decision of the Nigerian Plant Quarantine Service in Africa, Nigeria wishes to offer to represent IAPC in the Committee.

LE PRESIDENT: Je demande au Représentant du Nigeria de bien vouloir être assez aimable pour nous répéter la proposition qu'il vient de faire en la situant précisément dans le texte.

Alhaji Alhassan FAWU (Nigeria): In Appendix 1, number 3, "Minimal impact", the second line, "measures available" - after "available" we are proposing that the words "and/or affordable" be inserted - that is, "measures available and/or affordable". The whole passage would then read "3. Minimal impact: Phytosanitary measures shall be consistent with the pest risk involved, and shall represent the least restrictive measures available and/or affordable which result in the minimum impediment to the international movement of people, commodities and conveyances."

This is because some of the measures may be available, but they will not be affordable.

LE PRESIDENT: Nous avons bien pris note de votre amendement. Simplement, je ne voudrais pas ouvrir la discussion sur le fond, mais vous inviter, comme l'a fait le Représentant de la Chine, à ne pas envisager d'amendement aux principes eux-mêmes puisque cela a fait l'objet de discussions très poussées au COAG, c'est pourquoi, avec votre accord, j'aimerais vous demander d'étudier la possibilité d'abandonner cet amendement, ce qui je pense ne vous posera pas trop de difficultés, de manière à laisser le chapitre principes intact. Nous pourrons bien sûr accepter les propositions relatives à la question des étapes successives de l'élaboration des normes. Donc acceptez-vous de renoncer à votre proposition d'amendement au paragraphe 3 des principes?

Alhaji Alhassan FAWU (Nigeria): I have no objection, but I would be grateful il you would allow me to perhaps discuss this later with Mr Papasolomontos. Thank you. I have agreed to drop it.

Abdul Jamil MOHD. ALI (Malaysia) : Malaysia has been actively involved in assisting the development of the harmonization of plant quarantine for the Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC) since the idea was brought up in 1988.

As Chairman of the APPPC Working Group on the Harmonization of the Plant Quarantine Procedure, my country would like to stress the need to formulate and establish international standards and guidelines for harmonization of plant quarantine in order to facilitate trade among countries.

However, a mechanism and related procedure to develop and adopt standards and guidelines must first be established, and Malaysia feels that the best option is for the establishment of the ECPM. Malaysia therefore supports the establishment of ECPM, which will determine the success of the Global Harmonization of Plant Quarantine.

On the subject of representation in ECPM, my delegation would like to request from the Secretariat the criteria used in determining the number of representatives from each RPPO and outside of RPPO.

Parviz KARBASI (Iran, Islamic Republic of) : As this is my first intervention, I would like to welcome you to the Chair. My delegation would like to thank FAO for the document C 93/25-Rev. 1, and agree that the Conference endorse the principle of plant quarantine as related to international trade set out in Appendix 1, and gives authority to the Director-General to establish a Committee of Experts on Phytosanitary Measures.

Regarding Appendix 2, I would like to ask that the regional Plant Protection Organization of the Near East be included in the membership, as it is in the last processes on establishment. This is Item (i) on page 7.

I would like to support the amendment suggested by the delegate of China.

LE PRESIDENT: En ce qui concerne la question que vous avez posée, je l'avais moi-même posée au préalable, mais j'ai eu l'occasion d'en discuter avec M. Papasolomontos pendant la pause. Je m'étais basé sur le texte français où l'on disait "la composition sera la suivante", ce qui limite le champ, mais en disant "la composition serait la suivante", on tient compte du fait que, dans un proche avenir, la NEPPO puisse être considérée comme une ORPV faisant partie de cette liste puisque juridiquement, on ne peut pas considérer aujourd'hui qu'il s'agit d'une Organisation fonctionnelle.

Hayim BAR-SHAI (Israel) : First of all, I would like to thank the Director-General for this document, which is a very good and great step towards more conformity and efficiency, as well as facilitating better trade, both internationally and locally, in agriculture and food products.

In spite of the fact that the wording in the Steps and Principles is very cautious, I hope that action will follow in the not too distant future. Setting up the Committees that will give Codex Alimentarius-like activities in plant production will of course very much facilitate it. I would like, without wanting to hamper the process of decision-making - I know how important it is that everyone agree on the same programme - to suggest that it should also be mentioned in some way that FAO, or the Committee, will regularly report or indicate new or changed regulations regarding plant protection management as they occur from time to time. This will of course facilitate matters.

Ruall C. HARRIS (Barbados): May I begin by expressing my appreciation to the Secretariat for the excellent introduction to this document.

My delegation, and those of the Caribbean islands, support the recommendation for the establishment of a Committee of Experts on Phytosanitary Measures, as set out in the document before us. We especially support this recommendation in the light of our condition as island states with our defined ecology and fauna - and I add for good measure, flora - in consequence of our clearly defined boundaries as island states.

I would also like to support the principles enunciated in Appendix 1 in relation to national trade, and give equal support to the composition of the membership committee, since it recognizes the Caribbean Plant Protection Commission as set out in Appendix 2. Finally, I would add that I support the Brazilian amendment to Step 5.

Mrs Wafaa Mohamed YOUSSUF (Egypt) (Original language Arabic): We would like to thank the Secretariat for preparing this excellent document, and also Mr Papasolomontos, who has presented this document in a very concise way.

We also support FAO in any measures on guidelines for plant protection and plant quarantine. Our country has already signed the International Plant Protection Convention.

We also support the establishment of a Committee of Experts, and we would support all of the principles contained in this document, C 93/23-Rev.l.

Sra. Graziella DUBRA (Uruguay): Mi Delegación desea agradecer a la Secretaría por la colaboración y presentación del Documento C 93/25-Rev.1, así como señalar su apoyo al contenido del mismo. Quisiera en esta oportunidad unirme a las delegaciones de Brasil, Argentina y Chile en lo que se refiere a la fase 5 del Anexo A del documento y apoyar la sustitución de la frase "siempre que sea posible" por la de "cuando ellas existan", tal como fue aprobado por el Comité Directivo del Consejo de Sanidad Vegetal, Comité integrado por Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay y mi propio país.

Tiberiu VASIESCU (Romania) : I just want to reiterate the fact that Romania, due to her position, has a particular situation as regards plant quarantine. Due to our experience, having a large number of experts in this field and an Institute of Plant Protection, we should like to take part in various FAO missions under the aegis of FAO.

U. KNÜEPPEL (European Economic Community): If I understand the situation correctly, we have no requests for modification after the withdrawal of China and Nigeria of their comments on the list of principles. We do not have a need to modify Appendix 2 regarding the composition of the Committee of Experts because, if I understand correctly - and this would also be my interpretation - the present wording "Thus the membership would be" would mean that as a logical consequence of the considerations which were established earlier that every organization is represented by at least one representative there, the list of organizations here is more illustrative that constitutive. So, if I understand correctly, there is no need for this either.

The only question which remains open is Attachment A regarding Step 5, where we are discussing the question whether the words "when possible" should be replaced by the words "where they exist" and whether there shall be an additional sentence following the Japanese proposal that comments can also be made directly to IPPC. If this is so, it would be fortunate if we could even out that point so that everything can be concluded here in this meeting. But before this can be done, I think we need a little more information from the Secretariat about what the words "when possible" are intended to mean. It could be that the words "when possible" mean exactly

the same as the words "where they exist". They may be a little broader than "where they exist" but certainly would cover the situation.

Then the question is whether the requested addition by the Japanese delegate that governments may submit their replies directly to IPPC is in conformity with the intention of the Secretariat or whether it goes contrary to those intentions. I think it is very important to know what the Secretariat suggests to us, because, if I understand correctly, the consultation of the RPPOs has, among other purposes, that of consolidating comments. Therefore, where a country is either a member of RPPO or can act through RPPO, for example in its status as an observer to a regional organization, then obviously the possibility of consolidating opinion and comments would not be served if all members of RPPOs or observers to RPPOs sent their comments in an incoordinated fashion.

If there are divergencies of opinion in RPPOs, those divergencies could be brought out by the report from RPPO to IPPC. Therefore, there must not be a feeling that certain minority opinions are completely forgotten. They could be brought out in the report by RPPOs to IPPC. Therefore, if a country is a member of RPPO, or can at least cooperate as an observer to RPPO, which should be possible to all countries where there is an RPPO in the region, there may not be a need for the additional sentence as proposed by Japan. If this is so, the question is what may then be the remaining difference between the words "when possible" and "where they exist"?

LE PRESIDENT: Je crois que vous avez parfaitement résumé la situation et vous m'avez devancé par la parole. J'avais l'intention de demander à Mme Forthomme de vous lire ce paragraphe 5 des étapes successives de manière à ce que l'on saisisse exactement la pensée des propositions qui ont été faites. Je crois que nous avons tous enregistré le retrait de la proposition faite par la Chine sur la question des principes ainsi que la proposition du Nigèria.

S'agissant de la composition, je n'en ai pas parlé car je ne veux pas anticiper sur ce que pourra dire M. Papasolomontos, tout simplement parce que deux propositions un peu divergentes n'ont pas retenu l'attention des membres de la Commission. C'est pourquoi nous pouvons valablement interpréter que la proposition faite sur une base de principe de 16 membres est celle qui retient l'attention de la Commission.

Mme C. FORTHOMME (Secrétaire, Commission II): L'appendice 5 modifié se lit comme suit: "Observations des membres: le Secrétariat de la CIPV les sollicitera par l'intermédiaire des ORPV, lorsqu'elles existent de façon qu'elles bénéficient des avis techniques et des observations des pays membres et d'un consensus au niveau régional. Les gouvernements, individuellement le cas échéant, pourront soumettre directement leurs commentaires au Secrétariat de la CIPV."

E. Wayne DENNEY (United States of America) : When we took the floor earlier, the United States was very concerned that what appeared to be consensus marching through COAG and Council was suddenly falling apart, but now it appears that we are on the right track again. Like you, Mr Chairman, I want to commend the delegate of the EEC for basically indicating that there is really very little in the way of proposals that remain now.

I had indicated what might have been interpreted as a rather harsh stand. Given some consultations and hearing explanations of others I think that the Brazilian proposal would be acceptable to us. However, I have significant misgivings about the Japanese proposal. If that could be withdrawn perhaps we could go forward and adopt it with that one change.

LE PRESIDENT: Si vous êtes d'accord je donnerai la parole à M. Papasolomontos afin qu'il puisse répondre aussi brièvement que possible. M. Denney, je crois que vous avez dit les choses correctement. Je crois que l'on pourrait envisager la première proposition parce qu'elle concerne les ORPV et elles sont en place. S'agissant de l'amendement du Japon, je crois que l'observation du délégué de la CEE est assez cohérente dans la mesure où les membres du groupe d'experts sont censés représenter les organisations régionales. Lorsqu'un point de vue divergent est émis par un membre de l'ORPV qui n'a pas le privilège de siéger dans ce groupe d'experts, cette proposition peut très bien être reflétée dans le rapport d'activités de ces organisations régionales, et cela apparaîtra au niveau de la réunion du groupe d'experts. Je donne la parole à M. Papasolomontos.

A. PAPASOLOMONTOS (Director, Plant Production and Protection Division): In preparing these steps, a lot of thought and discussion has gone on with the Regional Plant Protection Organizations. The idea behind Step 5 is basically as follows. I will take the first step. The Secretariat will communicate directly with countries that are not a member of a Regional Plant Protection Organization.

As regards the other part, I will simply say that our thoughts behind the wording "when possible" as opposed to the suggestion now made of "where they exist" is basically based on the fact that the Regional Plant Protection Organization itself may wish that the International Plant Protection Convention communicate directly with the countries or that the answers will come only through the plant protection organizations. We already have instances where Regional Plant Protection Organizations have asked us to act in this way. Hence, the words "when possible" would give the Secretariat this flexibility which the Regional Plant Protection Organizations themselves wanted the Secretariat to have in handling this issue.

I hope I have answered your question, Mr Chairman.

LE PRESIDENT: Je demanderai au délégué du Brésil de nous faire part de sa réaction après avoir écouté les propos de M. Papasolomontos.

Nedilson RICARDO JORGE (Brazil): What exactly do you expect from me now, Mr Chairman?

LE PRESIDENT: Monsieur le délégué du Brésil, nous avons écouté la réponse de M. Papasolomontos qui nous a dit que votre proposition "lorsqu'elles existent" semblait se référer aux observations, lorsque observations il y avait. Or, tout à l'heure un délégué a dit que "chaque fois que possible", cela pouvait sous-entendre: uniquement lorsqu'il y a des observations.

M. Papasolomontos vient de dire à l'instant que le Secrétariat de la CIPV sera en contact avec tous les Etats, même s'ils ne sont pas membres des ORPV, pour solliciter leurs commentaires.

Je voulais connaître votre sentiment sur cette appréciation et, à travers vous, celui des autres membres. Puisque nous avons entendu le délégué des Etats-Unis dire qu'il n'avait pas d'objection particulière à votre proposition, je pense que nous pourrions aller de l'avant et passer à la proposition japonaise.

Je passe la parole au Représentant du Brésil.

Nedilson RICARDO JORGE (Brazil): Having heard the Secretariat, I would first like to have the opinion of some other delegations. The intention of my proposal was, as I said, to give the text of Step 5 the same interpretation as was given in the informal Technical Consultation held in Paris in October 1992 between RPPOs. In this sense I think my proposal was supported by many delegates, and if any other delegate has difficulties, I would like to hear exactly what they are because the idea of the proposal is not to give the Secretariat problems. It is merely to provide a better text in Step 5 in accordance with what was agreed between the RPPOs.

LE PRESIDENT: Je remercie le Brésil de nous avoir fait part de ses remarques supplémentaires. Y a-t-il des objections particulières à la proposition du Brésil? S'il n'y en a pas, je considère que l'amendement proposé par le Brésil est accepté.

U. KNÜEPPEL (European Economie Community) : If we accept the modification proposed by Brazil, what was pointed out by Mr Papasolomontos could not be taken into account because then we would have to say, "request these through RPPOs, where they exist and when this is possible" because if we only had the words "where they exist" we would limit the possibility for the IPPC Secretariat to address members directly if the RPPOs so wished. So you would have to have a double conditionality if you wished to adopt Brazil ' s idea on the one hand and the point made by the Secretariat on the other that RPPOs may wish the IPPC Secretariat to address the members of that particular RPPO directly. Then you could obviously question the functioning of that RPPO.

A. PAPASOLOMONTOS (Director, Plant Production and Protection Division): I have a suggestion, Mr Chairman. Having listened to the discussion I would propose we consider the following substitution: "Comments by members: the IPPC Secretariat will request these through RPPOs where they exist and if they so wish." Then the sentence will continue "to allow for technical inputs".

LE PRESIDENT: Cette suggestion qui vient d'être lue vous paraît-elle acceptable?

Alan Bruce AMEY (Canada): Could the suggestion be repeated, please?

A. PAPASOLOMONTOS (Director, Plant Production and Protection Division): "Comments by members: the IPPC Secretariat will request these through Regional Plant Protection Organizations where they exist and if they so wish to allow for technical inputs".

LE PRESIDENT: Puis-je considérer que cette proposition est acceptable? II en est ainsi décidé.

Y a-t-il des objections sur l'amendement proposé par le Japon à la fin de cet appendice 5?

Takeshi NISHIO (Japan): We would like to confirm the Secretariat's explanation on Step 5; in the first sentence, "when possible". Does this wording include the meanings directly connected to Member Countries of RPPC?

LE PRESIDENT: Pourrez-vous baser votre question sur la phrase telle qu'elle a été amendée?

Alan Bruce AMEY (Canada) : During the break we were trying hard to come to some agreement on this aspect and I think our discussion was repeated in the COAG earlier this year. I am anxious that there should be agreement here but I wonder if the explanation the EEC delegate gave earlier would suffice in these circumstances. For example, the comments would be transmitted by the RPPOs and will include dissenting comments. I wonder if that would satisfy Japan.

E. Wayne DENNEY (United States of America) : Our comments are on the same lines. We indicated before that this is more than a minor word change, in our view, and it affects the process. I hope we would always leave open the possibility of making amendments as they become necessary further down the line, but to make this adjustment at this late stage is something we would have to consult upon. We hope we do not have to make this amendment.

LE PRESIDENT: Pour ma part, je pense que les choses se précisent. Nous avons une proposition émanant du Japon contre laquelle se sont exprimés au moins deux délégués, et j'aimerais entendre à nouveau le délégué du Japon.

Kiyoshi SAWADA (Japan): Japan is satisfied with Brazil's amendment and we would like to withdraw our request. We are not formal members of the IPPC but we are currently trying to take the necessary steps to participate. However, we still have some difficulties to overcome. For the moment we would like to have the opportunity to make our comments as members of IPPC.

LE PRESIDENT: Je vous remercie M. le Représentant du Japon pour votre compréhension. Je pense que nous sommes tous d'accord sur ce paragraphe 5 de l'Appendice A.

M. Papasolomontos n'ayant rien à ajouter, il n'est pas nécessaire que je m'attarde longuement à faire un résumé. Les choses sont claires pour nous.

La Commission soutient pleinement les principes énoncés à l'Annexe I, de même que la création et la composition de ce Comité d'experts. Il faut cependant rappeler le souhait exprimé à la fois par le Représentant de la Communauté européenne, le Représentant du Japon, et par un Représentant de l'Europe de l'Est, de faire partie de ces six experts de membres non représentés par l'ORPV. Nous sommes d'accord sur ce point.

Concernant la composition, je pense avoir déjà répondu en disant que l'ensemble de la Commission s'était exprimée pour la proposition faite à l'Annexe II. S'agissant de la NEPPO, d'autre part, nous nous sommes également mis d'accord. Lorsque cette organisation sera opérationnelle, elle pourra déléguer un expert à ce Comité d'experts.

Nous sommes arrivés au terme de nos débats sur ce point 13 de 1 ' ordre du jour. Je vous remercie de votre participation et remercie également MM. Van der Graaf et Papasolomontos de leur présence.

Demain, à la reprise de nos travaux, nous examinerons les trois projets de résolutions présentés ce matin par le Canada, le Mexique et le Honduras et qui sont soumis au Comité des résolutions, je crois savoir d'ailleurs que ledit Comité n'a pas été en mesure de se pencher sur le projet du Honduras, uniquement pour des raisons techniques car il ne disposait que du texte en langue anglaise. Il se réunira donc à nouveau demain matin.

Aussitôt après l'examen de ces projets, nous entamerons l'adoption de notre Rapport sur le point 12 de l'ordre du jour, c'est-à-dire sur le Programme de travail et budget.

Je déclare la séance levée.

The meeting rose at 17.45 hours.
La séance est levée à 17 h 45.
Se levanta la sesión a las 17.45 horas.

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