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24. Election of Council Members (continued)
24. Election des membres du Conseil (suite)
24. Elección de miembros del Consejo (continuación)

SECRETARY-GENERAL: The report of the ballot is as follows:

SECRETARY-GENERAL: During the lunch period we were asked by the delegation of St. Lucia to inform the Plenary Session of Conference that St. Lucia withdraws its candidacy for a position on FAO Council for the periods November 1995 to 31 December 1998 and January 1997 to November 1999 for the Latin America and Caribbean Region.

Arpád SZABO (Czech Republic): I have been asked to intervene in my capacity as Chairman of the European Group. As you may know, Mr Chairman, earlier there were discussions regarding nominations for the vacancies in our region. In this connection, I would stress that one of the countries, Romania, is eligible for a seat belonging to Central and Eastern Europe. May I draw the attention of the whole membership of the Organization to the fact that it is important that Central and Eastern Europe should keep the Seat. There are only two seats for 21 countries so the loss of a seat could endanger the position of the other countries.

David Edwards BORBON (Costa Rica): Señor Presidente, mi país desea retirar su candidatura, en favor del país centroamericano que está postulado, Honduras.

CHAIRMAN: Now that we have heard the results, a third ballot is needed to fill one seat in the Europe Region and three seats in the Latin America and Caribbean Region. St Lucia and Costa Rica have withdrawn. In the Latin America and Caribbean Region the four remaining countries are Cuba, Uruguay, Colombia and Barbados for three seats.

Mrs Hannelore A.H. BENJAMIN (Dominica): I would like to bring to your attention, Mr Chairman, that Trinidad and Tobago are not running in the election for Council seats. In CARICOM if one country goes out the others rotate. Therefore, we have given all our support to Barbados and would like to let you know that one Council seat really belongs to the sub-region of CARICOM. I beg you all to support us in our effort.


The meeting was suspended from 15.00 to 16.00 hours
La séance est suspendue de 15 à 16 heures
Se suspende la sesión de las 15.00 a las 16.00 horas

CHAIRMAN: The report of the ballot is as follows:

CHAIRMAN: Having heard the results it is evident that we go to a fourth round of voting for the Latin America and Caribbean Region between Barbados and Colombia.


The meeting was suspended from 16.15 to 16.40 hours
La séance est suspendue de 16 h 15 à 16 h 40
Se suspende la sesión de las 16.15 a las 16.40 horas

CHAIRMAN: I have been informed that we do not have a Fifth Round! I give the floor now to the Secretary-General to announce the result.

SECRETARY-GENERAL: Report of ballot for election of Council members for Latin America and the Caribbean Region:

Oscar CABELLO SARUBBI (Paraguay): Gracias señor Presidente. En calidad de Presidente del Grupo Latinoamericano quería anunciar que he decidido aceptar la solicitud de la Representación de Colombia de retirar su candidatura y que, por lo tanto, no participarán para el segundo período de elecciones del Consejo.

Quiero aprovechar también esta oportunidad para agradecer en nombre de todo el Grupo Latinoamericano a la Delegación de Colombia por este gesto que, sin duda, ayuda a todo nuestro trabajo.

SECRETARY-GENERAL: In the same way, the delegation of Malta has asked me to announce that it withdraws its candidature for a Council seat for the period 1 January 1997 to November 1999 - i.e., the next round of the voting.

Rawle C. EASTMOND (Barbados): I would like on behalf of the delegation of Barbados, and indeed of the CARICOM Region, to thank all those distinguished delegates who offered my Ministers encouragement and support in the recently concluded election. I want to thank you for the confidence you put in the sovereign state of Barbados.

CHAIRMAN: With those results announced, the countries elected to the Council for the period November 1995 to 31 December 1998 are the following:

For the Africa Region: Algeria, Congo, Gabon, Ghana, and Mauritius.

For Europe: Ireland, Portugal and Romania.

For Latin America and Caribbean Region: Barbados, Brazil, Cuba, Mexico, Uruguay.

For the Near East: Kuwait and Lebanon.

For North America: Canada and the United States.

I congratulate all these countries and I call them to prepare for hard work.

SECRETARY-GENERAL: For this second period, that is to say 1 January 1997 to November 1999, delegates are kindly reminded that they will elect four Member Nations for Africa, three for Asia, four for Europe, one for Latin America and the Caribbean, three for the Near East and one for the Southwest Pacific.

Please note that there are no vacancies during this period for the North America Region.

We will proceed with the vote on the same basis as this morning.


25. Appointments
25. Nominations
25. Nombramientos

25.1 Appointment of the Independent Chairman of the Council
25.1 Nomination du Président indépendant du Conseil
25.1 Nombramiento del Presidente Independiente del Consejo

CHAIRMAN: While we are awaiting the results we will continue our business with Item 25.1 which is the appointment of the Independent Chairman of the Council.

There is one nomination only - Mr José Ramón López Portillo, as stated in document C 95/15. In accordance with the provisions of Rule XII of the General Rules of the Organization, the quorum required for the election is a majority of Member Nations of the Organization. This means that at least 88 Member Nations must be represented in this hall at this time. A count has been carried out and I am told that there are at least 90 delegations present.

May I remind you that, in accordance with paragraph 12 of Rule XII of the General Rules, once voting has commenced no delegate or representative may interrupt the voting except to raise a Point of Order in connection with the voting.

In accordance with paragraph 7 (c) (i) of Rule XII, the Chairman of the Conference appoints two tellers from amongst the delegates or representatives or their alternates. I therefore suggest that the delegates from Brazil and from the Philippines serve as tellers for this election. In accordance with the provisions of Rule XII of the General Rules of the Organization we will now proceed to the vote.


The meeting was suspended from 17.40 to 18.00 hours
La séance est suspendue de 17 h 40 à 18 heures
Se suspende la sesión de las 17.40 a las 18.00 horas

24. Election of Council Members (continued)
24. Election des membres du Conseil (suite)
24. Elección de miembros del Consejo (continuación)

CHAIRMAN: I call the meeting to order. I have the results of the vote for the Council elections for the second period, that is from 1 January 1997 to November 1999. I will ask the Secretary-General to read them.

SECRETARY-GENERAL: It appears that a number of delegations are in doubt about the item after the appointment of the Independent Chairman of Council.

May I draw the attention of delegations to the Journal of Conference. As you will see, we expect to adopt the Report from Commission II on Item 16, Programme of Work and Budget 1996-97. Once Commission II has debated its Report, that Report will come here for adoption by Plenary.

We have heard from the Chairman of Commission II that if all goes well he expects to have the approved Commission II Report before Plenary at about 20.00 hours tonight. It is clear that this is going to be a long session, as it concerns the approval of the Programme of Work and Budget which is of some importance.

25.1 Appointment of the Independent Chairman of the Council (continued)
25.1 Nomination du Président indépendant du Conseil (suite)
25.1 Nombramiento del Presidente Independiente del Consejo (continuación)

CHAIRMAN: The Secretary-General will now read the result of the ballot for Independent Chairman of Council.


CHAIRMAN: May I be the first one to congratulate Mr López Portillo on his election to this important position in the Organization.

DIRECTOR-GENERAL: I would like to join my voice to yours in congratulating the Independent Chairman of Council on his election with such a high majority. I would also like to pledge to continue to work with him in the same spirit of cooperation in serving our countries and in particular the body that he will be heading which is so important in our world - the Council. Again, congratulations on such a brilliant election.

José Ramón LOPEZ PORTILLO (Presidente Independiente del Consejo): Muchas gracias señor Presidente. Señor Director General, Excelencias, distinguidos delegados, señoras y señores, estoy conmovido y, a la vez, estimulado por este voto de renovada confianza al reelegirme ustedes, distinguidos representantes, para otros dos años en la Presidencia del Consejo y por las expresiones de afecto y de apoyo que he recibido a lo largo de los últimos dos.

Estoy consciente de que su decisión es un tributo a mi país y a sus principios de solidaridad y conciliación internacionales. Por eso, agradezco al Gobierno de México por mi nominación y apoyo para este segundo período. Mi agradecimiento también a usted, señor Director General, Jacques Diouf, con quien me unen, no sólo lazos de colaboración, sino también de admiración y de amistad por su búsqueda para que la FAO sea una institución más cercana a los problemas de la seguridad alimentaria y de un desarrollo agrícola sostenible. Además he recibido por parte de sus colaboradores apoyo y cooperación invaluable en el ejercicio de mis funciones.

A usted, señor Presidente, Excelentísimo Ministro Costas Petrides, mi reconocimiento por la manera precisa, respetuosa y brillante con la que ha dirigido los trabajos de esta Conferencia, reciba todo mi aprecio por la amistad de apoyo con que me ha honrado.

A los Miembros del Consejo les expreso mi agradecimiento por facilitar la realización de debates serenos y creativos y por su disposición y empuje para transformar al Consejo en un Organo más eficaz y más ejecutivo.

A los nuevos miembros les felicito por su elección y les ofrezco continuar manteniendo un clima de armonía y de ejecutividad. Reconozco plenamente que mis prerrogativas como Presidente Independiente del Consejo sólo pueden emanar de mi máximo esfuerzo por cumplir bien mis obligaciones.

A todos les reitero mi renovado esfuerzo para que el Consejo continúe siendo un ejemplo de activa diversidad dentro de un propósito unitario que es el de mantener muy en alto el mandato de la Organización y sus objetivos y, verificar la eficacia y transparencia de sus funciones y acciones.

En ese sentido, me uno a aquellos -y permítanme extenderme sólo un poco- que consideran que la función del Consejo debe reforzarse. El Consejo es un órgano subrogado de la Conferencia; debe, por tanto, tener junto con los comites técnicos la flexibilidad suficiente para aplicar y hacer operativas las resoluciones de la Conferencia y prepararla para nuevas decisiones.

Sólo así la Conferencia será la culminación de un proceso de trabajo y de la maduración de proyectos futuros.

Por razones de costos se han recortado los períodos de sesiones del Consejo, a pesar de que su agenda sigue siendo tan abultada como siempre; ello se ha compensado con mayor ejecutividad en su tratamiento. No obstante, llevar esta situación al extremo de la inoperancia no contribuye ni al logro de los ahorros ni tampoco a una mayor eficacia en los debates y en las decisiones del Consejo: celebrar reuniones nocturnas, preparar y adoptar los informes de manera precipitada, no cumple con los propósitos que, como órgano rector, le han sido encomendados.

Confío en que prevalezca la intención de restablecer la efectividad del Consejo y de su papel rector en esta Organización. Pienso que debemos encauzarla a través de la participación plena y balanceada de sus miembros, y de fórmulas flexibles para el tratamiento de temas delicados y de mecanismos de contacto y negociación, según la naturaleza y gravedad de dichos temas. Esto no exige necesariamente reformas estructurales de los órganos rectores, que conllevarían cambios en los puestos básicos; se pueden seguir utilizando las instancias ya creadas, tales como el Comité de Programas y de Finanzas, dándoles, como he mencionado, la flexibilidad casuística necesaria.

En todo evento, la función plena y útil del Consejo y de sus comités exige de un flujo de información confiada, suficiente y transparente, a fin de poder tomar decisiones informadas, razonadas y oportunas. El Director General ha dado importantes pasos en este sentido y, obviamente, los Estados Miembros están igualmente interesados en debatir con toda responsabilidad y con miras al entendimiento. Garantizar las diversas instancias del diálogo y mantener informados a los Miembros y observadores del Consejo es preocupación manifiesta del Director General y, obviamente, del Presidente del Consejo.

El examen de los métodos de trabajo de los órganos rectores no debe estar regido por meras consideraciones de reducción de costos; debe partir de una identificación precisa de los problemas y de un reconocimiento cabal de lo que se ha avanzado y de lo que es conveniente o improcedente cambiar. Antes de consolidar un cambio, creo que debemos experimentar y comprobar que cumpla con sus propósitos, en beneficio de los Estados Miembros y de esta Organización.

Podemos seguir avanzado para que los debates se concentren aún más en los puntos a tratar, se agilice la toma de decisiones, se eliminen duplicaciones, se reduzcan costos y se orienten los informes hacia la formulación de recomendaciones claras, descripción de consensos e identificación de discrepancias relevantes. Además, ello le permitiría a la Secretaría de la FAO racionalizar, hacer más eficaz y modernizar los documentos de organización de trabajos del Consejo.

Considero que un factor esencial es el estímulo a una mayor iniciativa de parte de los Estados Miembros, con miras al consenso y al fortalecimiento de nuestra Organización. A lo largo de su historia, la FAO ha crecido, se ha reestructurado, se ha adaptado, ofreciendo y obedeciendo a procesos normativos y graduales, así como a circunstancias críticas. Hoy se combinan ambos: por una parte, la voluntad de cambio del Director General y un clima internacional que exige reformas radicales a todo el sistema de las Naciones Unidas; por la otra, una situación financiera delicada que obliga a tomar decisiones severas sobre lo que hace la Organización, sobre cómo lo hace y cómo lo reporta.

El sistema de las Naciones Unidas, y la FAO dentro de éste, compiten ciertamente por recursos financieros escasos y por espacios de credibilidad en una opinión pública internacional y nacional más crítica. Y compiten también con poderosos intereses comerciales y políticos que no ven en estos organismos necesariamente los medios idóneos bajo su control para promover sus productos y servicios y asegurar sus intereses. También compiten con organizaciones que representan fracciones de la sociedad civil y que desconfían de los poderes intergubernamentales.

Con todo, es difícil vislumbrar que puede sustituir a foros multilaterales con representación equitativa y procedimientos democráticos, con la finalidad de diluir efectivamente controversias y encontrar convergencias entre las naciones y pueblos del mundo y fincar los marcos normativos y operativos que prevengan situaciones críticas extremas.

Lo han repetido ustedes: si la FAO no existiera tendría que inventarse, si tuviera una fecha de expiración, tendría que reformularse sobre bases muy probablemente similares de representación y de procedimientos democráticos. Pero esto no es necesario, lo que importa es que los mecanismos de comunicación sean suficientemente flexibles para llevar a buen término las acciones que concilien intereses distintos para asegurar la conquista del problema del hambre y de la sostenibilidad del desarrollo agropecuario y pesquero.

En todo esto, no perdamos de vista que el mundo de palabras en el cual nos movemos debe empatarse y servir eficazmente al mundo de las fatigas y de la acción de los agricultores y pescadores y, sobre todo, a superar la agonía y la ignominia de quienes padecen hambre y desnutrición. Eso, considero yo, es lo único que le da sentido a todo este complejo aparato en el cual nos movemos. De igual manera, el presupuesto que ustedes van a aprobar seguramente dentro de unos minutos, es sólo el medio que debe garantizar que la FAO haga cosas útiles y significativas para la agricultura y la alimentación.

Yo lamento que este ejercicio de definición presupuestaria haya tenido que responder sólo hasta ahora, a cinco para las doce, a planteamientos pocos claros y sorprendentemente divergentes, que obligaron a jugar con el Programa de Labores de la Organización como si se tratara de una subasta. No sabemos aún qué tanto de dicho programa podrá ejecutarse y, en consecuencia, qué partes estarán ustedes aprobando y cuáles recortando o adelgazando. No obstante, hay un aspecto positivo en todo esto: este presupuesto será, o es, posiblemente, producto de enormes esfuerzos de conciliación que hacen de la FAO un ejemplo preponderante de concordia y de conciliación que se proyecta al futuro.

El mandato de la FAO y sus funciones son más grandes que circunstancias difíciles como ésta. Pensemos en el futuro de la Organización, a largo plazo, para hablar de los recursos financieros institucionales y políticos que amplifiquen sus objetivos y multipliquen sus acciones, sobre la base de la credibilidad, confianza y transparencia de sus operaciones y de la función eficaz de sus órganos rectores.

Muchas gracias.

Mario MOYA PALENCIA (México): Muchas gracias Señor Presidente. La delegación de México desea agradecer a la comunidad internacional aquí representada por la forma en que ha decidido reelegir al Dr. José López Portillo Romano, un valioso mexicano, como Presidente Independiente del Consejo. La delegación de México atribuye esta decisión a las capacidades y cualidades personales del Dr. López Portillo, que tan bien ha demostrado en estos dos años, en que ha ejercido el cargo, y por si fuera poco bastaría recordar las palabras que el Señor López Portillo dijo al principio de esta Conferencia y estas profundas y maduras palabras pronunciadas hace apenas unos momentos, para ratificar su calidad humana, su preparación política, su solidez académica y la experiencia diplomática que ha adquirido en estos últimos años.

La delegación de México también felicita al Dr. López Portillo por su merecida reelección. Los dos últimos años pasados no han sido años fáciles para él ni para la Organización, no lo serán tampoco los dos próximos años. Pero si, como él ha dicho, hacemos todos un esfuerzo para ratificar los principios y los objetivos de la FAO y para cumplir, todos los Estados, nuestras obligaciones internacionales en un ámbito de nuevo entendimiento, de cooperación y de conciliación, todo será posible.

La FAO es más grande que sus propios problemas.

Carlos ARANDA MARTIN (España): En nombre de mi país, y creo hacerme eco de los países y de la Unión Europea, cuya presidencia ostenta España en estos momentos, queremos adherirnos a las felicitaciones al Presidente Independiente del Consejo, Dr. José Ramón López Portillo.

Pero, Señor Presidente, nuestra felicitación es particularmente especial por dos motivos: en primer lugar, por su ejemplar Dirección de los debates del Consejo, por su dinamismo y, cómo no, por sus acertados resúmenes, y la prueba está en su reelección, unánimemente podríamos decir, por todos nosotros; en segundo lugar, Señor Presidente, nuestra satisfacción es doble, por tener la satisfacción de oír su cálido acento mexicano en estos debates por un mínimo de dos años más.

Adel Mahmoud ABOUL-NAGA (Egypt) (Original language Arabic): I do not really need to speak in order to congratulate our colleague, Mr López Portillo. The decision to that effect was taken when we first elected him. The decision was taken then as it has been now: by the developed and developing countries alike.

On behalf of the Group of 77, however - the developing countries in this Organization - I should like to congratulate him as a colleague, as a friend, as a neighbour and as the wise leader and Chairman of our deliberations. Thanks to his wisdom we have been able to conduct positive and fruitful discussions to the benefit of FAO and all member countries, developed and developing alike.

As the representative of Egypt and on behalf of the Group of 77, I congratulate him once again.

Oscar CABELLO SARUBBI (Paraguay): En nombre de mi país, y del Grupo Latinoamericano y del Caribe, quiero extender al Embajador López Portillo nuestra felicitación por su elección para este cargo tan importante de nuestra Organización; y también quiero expresar nuestra gran satisfacción de que un ciudadano ilustre de un país de nuestra región haya sido seleccionado para tan alta responsabilidad. Estamos seguros, porque lo conocemos y conocemos sus cualidades personales, de que podrá dirigir el Consejo nuevamente con la competencia con que lo ha hecho en el pasado.

The meeting was suspended from 18.45 to 20.45 hours
La séance est suspendue de 18 h 45 à 20 h 45
Se suspende la sesión de las 18.45 a las 20.45 horas

CHAIRMAN: I call the meeting to order. We proceed right away with the adoption of the Report from Commission II on Item 16, the Programme of Work and Budget for 1996-97. The document is C 95/REP/1 and also REP/2, which is not distributed because it was adopted in Commission II half an hour ago.

I would like to ask Mr Laureau, Chairman of Commission II, to be kind enough to introduce this Report.



Jacques LAUREAU (Président, Commission II): J'exprime toute ma gratitude aux Etats Membres de la Commission II puisque nous sommes parvenus, après une discussion difficile que nous avons prolongée dans un Groupe de contact entre le groupe de l'OCDE et le Groupe des 77 - j'ai calculé que nous avons tenu des réunions pendant plus de quarante heures - à définir un niveau budgétaire de 650 millions de dollars accompagné d'un certain nombre de dispositions visant à garantir que les engagements de dépenses et les paiements n'excéderaient pas les ressources prévisibles, notamment les contributions.

Ceci a été négocié par le Groupe de contact et je tiens à remercier, au-delà des membres du Groupe, les pays qui ont fait quelques mouvements afin que se dégage un consensus et qui s'exprimeront certainement tout à l'heure, y compris ceux qui avaient des réserves à l'égard du montant que nous avons défini.

Je remercie en particulier les deux présidents des deux groupes du G 77, j'ai nommé M. Aboul-Naga et du Groupe de l'OCDE, j'ai nommé Mme Régine De Clercq.

Je suis désolé de ne pas pouvoir disposer dans l'immédiat de la traduction du REP/2 mais comme toutes les délégations ont participé à la Commission II, je pense qu'elles ne seront pas surprises par les quelques amendements qui ont été apportés au cours de cet après-midi sur le REP/2. Mme Forthomme, qui a été la Secrétaire efficace de nos travaux et que je tiens à remercier vous lira le texte de manière à ce qu'il n'y ait pas de difficultés.

Monsieur le Président, je pense que vous pouvez rapidement faire approuver les différentes parties. Certaines parties peuvent être d'ailleurs adoptées en bloc, c'est le cas du REP/1. Quant au REP/2, il conviendra de le relire pour que chacun puisse les porter sur la documentation qui leur a été diffusée à l'instant puisque nous ne pourrons pas avoir de texte définitif avant lundi matin. Pour des raisons de courtoisie, les amendements seront relus par le Secrétariat.

CHAIRMAN: I propose that we adopt the Report C 95/REP/1. Are there any comments on that? I consider Report C 95/REP/l adopted.

Draft Report of Plenary, Part I, was adopted
Le projet de rapport de la plénière, Première partie, est adopté
El proyecto de informe de la plenaria, Parte I, es aprobado


Paras 1-6 (including Draft Resolution)
Les par. 1-6 (y compris projet de résolution)
Párrs. 1-6 (incluido el proyecto de resolución)

Ms Claude FORTHOMME (Secretary, Commission II): The first amendment is placed at the end of paragraph 2. It reads: "It recalled the recommendations of the 109th Session of the Council respecting a management review, taking fully into account the measures already taken by the Director-General".

The second amendment concerns paragraph 3. It comes in the second line in the English text in the first sentence after "effective governance arrangements," where you have to add "and it endorsed the recommendation of the 109th Session of the Council in this respect. This work will build on the measures already taken", and the sentence continues as in the text.

A new paragraph was added after paragraph 4 to read as follows: "The Conference expressed its concern regarding the possibility of a shortfall in contributions for 1996-97. The Conference urgently calls upon all Member Nations to make every effort to pay their contributions on time. It also requested the Director-General to pursue his commitment to protect the financial viability of the Organization, which he so agreed to do." Paragraph 6 then starts "Accordingly the Conference adopted the following Resolution ..." and then you have the text of the Draft Resolution which is contained in C 95/II/REP/5-Sup.1..

CHAIRMAN: You have heard the amendments. Are there any comments on the Report C 95/REP/2? If there are no comments, I consider that Report C 95/REP/2 has been adopted.

That concludes the adoption of the Report but, as we agreed, we now have to vote on the Resolution. This Resolution relates to the Programme of Work and Budget and budgetary appropriations for 1996-97, document C 95/REP/2. It was contained in REP/5 of Commission II. This requires a two-thirds majority and consequently a roll-call vote.

José Ramón LOPEZ PORTILLO (Presidente Independiente del Consejo): Perdón, señor Presidente, pero antes de que aprueben este Proyecto de Resolución hay una pregunta que el Consejo debe conocer. Se refiere a lo siguiente. En el párrafo 1 se habla de que se aprueba provisionalmente, subrayo provisionalmente, el Programa de Labores. Luego en el párrafo 3, se autoriza al Comité del Programa y de Finanzas en su próxima reunión conjunta, a que apruebe los criterios para ajustar el Programa de Labores.

Yo creo que hay una contradicción de carácter legal aquí. El Comité del Programa y de Finanzas no tiene la facultad legal para aprobar el Programa de Labores que se presenta provisionalmente. Hay dos posibilidades: una, eliminar la palabra "provisionalmente" en el párrafo 1, o modificar el párrafo 3, de tal suerte que sea el Consejo como órgano subrogado de la Conferencia el que apruebe el Programa que se le presente provisionalmente.

CHAIRMAN: I will read the Draft Resolution for adoption by the Conference. The amendment in paragraph 1 is as follows: "approves a total effective working budget of US$650 million for the financial period 1996-97 and provisionally approves, subject to paragraph 3, the Programme of Work proposed by the Director-General for 1996-97 as follows ..." and it continues in the form of the text which you have in front of you. Do you have any comments on that? Then we proceed with the Report as it has been amended.

SECRETARY-GENERAL: We are to have a roll-call vote on the budgetary appropriations for 1996-97. In accordance with Rule XVIII-5 of the Constitution, decisions on the level of the budget shall be taken by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast. According to Rule XII.7A of the General Rules of the Organization, a vote by roll-call shall be taken if a majority of two-thirds is required by the Constitution. According to Rule XII.3C of the General Rules of the Organization, when a two-thirds majority of the votes cast is required by the Constitution for a decision to be taken by the Conference, the total number of the affirmative and negative votes cast shall be more than one-half of the Member Nations of the Organization. The number of votes cast for or against should then be at least 88. The Secretariat has advised that there are far more than 88 delegations present for this roll-call vote. According to Rule XII.7A of the General Rules of the Organization, voting by roll-call shall be conducted by calling in English alphabetical order the names of all Member Nations entitled to vote. The name of the first nation to be called shall be designated by lot drawn by the Chairman. The Member Nation designated to cast the first vote is Namibia. The vote will therefore begin with Namibia. The delegate or representative of each Member Nation shall reply "Yes", "No" or "Abstention" when his or her country is called. At the conclusion of the roll-call the names of Member Nations whose delegates or representatives fail to answer shall be called again. The vote of each nation participating in any vote by roll-call shall be inserted in the verbatim record of the meeting. We will now proceed to the vote.


If a vote is equally divided on a matter other than an election, a second vote shall be taken at a subsequent meeting to be held not less than one hour after the conclusion of the meeting at which the equally divided vote occurred. If the second vote is also equally divided the proposal shall be regarded as rejected.

En cas de partage égal des voix lors d'un vote ne portant pas sur une élection, on procède à un deuxième vote au cours d'une séance ultérieure, qui ne peut avoir lieu moins d'une heure après la fin de celle à laquelle s'est produit le partage égal des voix. Si les voix restent également partagées lors de ce second vote, la proposition est considérée comme repoussée.

Si hubiera empate en un asunto que no sea una elección, se repetirá la votación en una sesión subsiguiente la cual no deberá celebrarse hasta que haya transcurrido una hora, por lo menos, desde la conclusión de aquella en que se produjo el empate. Si en la segunda votación hubiera también empate se considerará rechazada la propuesta.

28th Session of the Conference


28ème session de la Conférence


28° período de sesiones de la Conferencia





Paras 1-6 (including Draft Resolution) as amended, approved
Les par. 1-6 (y compris projet de résolution), ainsi amendés, sont approuvés
Párr. 1-6 (incluido proyecto de resolución) así enmendados, son aprobados

Draft Report of Commission II - Part II, as amended, was approved
Le projet de rapport de la Commission II - Deuxième partie, ainsi amendé, est approuvé
El proyecto de informe de la Comision II - Parte II, asi enmendado, es aprobado


Mrs Melinda L. KIMBLE (United States of America): The United States would like to recognize the extraordinary spirit of cooperation, openness and goodwill evidenced by all Member States in arriving at a decision on FAO's 1996-97 Programme of Work and Budget. We would like to express particular appreciation for the tireless efforts of all members of the Contact Group and especially its Chairman, Ambassador Laurean of France, in facilitating our work. We welcome this positive outcome. Now, more than any other time in recent memory, Member States are working together at FAO. Such active engagement is a prerequisite for fundamental change throughout the UN System. At FAO we are on our way.

The United States abstained on this budget because we cannot predict the outcome of our on-going legislative process, nor can I offer any concrete assurances of payment as I was able to do when we adopted the 1992-93 Programme of Work and Budget. I want to emphasize, however, that the United States will do everything it can to request and secure full funding for FAO in support of the 1996-97 Programme of Work and Budget. Given the budget stringencies we will likely face in the foreseeable future, it is of paramount importance that FAO and all other UN agencies continue to seek more efficiencies and economies. This effort will also necessitate better priorities.

The Director-General has already undertaken important streamlining initiatives and we are confident that this effort will continue as we implement this programme. Reform is a dynamic process and flexibility is essential to its success. We, and other Member States, have offered a number of suggestions for cost-saving measures that maintain the core programmes of the Organization. FAO should actively pursue these suggestions as the next step in this effort. Our major task ahead is to plan for the future. Implementing this programme is only one challenge we face. As Member States we need to develop clear programme priorities so we are better prepared to provide guidance to the Director-General on the next Programme of Work and Budget. Management reviews and regular programme evaluations are among the tools we need to aid both the Director-General and Member States in our ongoing efforts to revitalize FAO.

I want to assure that the United States looks forward to working constructively and cooperatively with all our partners - Member States, the Director-General and the Secretariat - as we lay the necessary foundation for international cooperation on food and agriculture in the 21st century.

J.C. MACHIN (United Kingdom): The United Kingdom attaches the highest importance to the United Nation's financial and budgetary reform in the context of the wider UN reform process. We attach top priority to UN agencies doing what they do best - to prioritizing their activities, to maximizing efficiency savings and to allocating resources to the most efficient programmes. Equally it is clear that UN agencies must live within their means on the basis of realistic expectations of income and in accordance with transparent budgetary procedures. I have to say that concerns in this latter area, Mr Chairman, influenced my authorities' views on the proposed level on the 1996-97 budget.

During the last two weeks my delegation has reiterated its view that an acceptable budget would be in the region of between US$620-630 million. Our starting point at the June Council was a figure of some US$600 million. In moving to a higher figure of US$630 million we believed that such a budget level could be fully funded and enable FAO to carry out a programme in line with its core activity. It is against this background, Mr Chairman, that I have been instructed to accept a budget level of no higher than US$630 million.

Given the important and constructive development today, however, by the membership as a whole in working to reach a consensus, and the welcome commitment of the Director-General to find additional efficiency savings in order to accommodate a budget of US$650 million, my authorities will not oppose such a budget and have instead instructed me to abstain as I did.

At this point I would like to express our gratitude to the Director-General for the important leadership role he himself has played in this process of reaching consensus and to all the other key players who helped to make it possible too. I also want to reiterate that my authorities will continue to work closely, constructively and openly with him in continuing further to reform and strengthen FAO. A truly effective and well-focused FAO, which operates on the basis of sound financial principles, is clearly in all our interests. The United Kingdom will do all it can to help the Director-General and the membership further to achieve that priority goal.

Finally it is essential for the United Kingdom that the new budget figure which has just been agreed leads to the further reforms and savings we hope and expect of FAO. We do believe that there is more to be done not least in the area of the budgetary process. Further major change will, of course, take time but should start now. My authorities will be looking carefully at progress in these areas over the course of the coming biennium.

Meanwhile, we congratulate FAO and its membership on the important decisions taken today in such a spirit of cooperation and partnership.

Jürgen OESTREICH (Germany): My delegation belongs to those who are very satisfied, that, after one week of intensive - sometimes difficult but always constructive - discussions, the 1996-97 budget of our Organization has been approved without any vote against it.

Although some may not be fully satisfied with the figures, the fact that this budget is adopted without any vote against it is an expression of confidence in this Organization and in its Director-General. In our view, this counts perhaps more for the successful work of our Organization and some higher budget figures. It is promising for the Organization that, throughout the negotiations of the last days, we were very well assisted by the Secretariat and also by the Director-General himself and especially by Mr Wade, and there was also a common effort from all groups and all negotiators to keep as many members as possible of the Organization on board for the budget. The cooperative spirit in which it was adopted at this late hour is a remarkable achievement.

My delegation is grateful for the spirit in which it was conducted and wants to express a special thanks to the Chairman of Commission II, my friend Ambassador Jacques Laureau, for the way in which he has guided these negotiations.

We all know the UN System as a whole is passing through difficult times, and is not only faced with serious financial constraints and problems caused by shortfalls and uncertainties on the income side. My government has always taken very seriously its obligations in the UN System and in the institution and intends to do so also in the future. That is why we feel obliged, in the specific situation of the UN System as a whole, to request in the FAO budget negotiation certain precautionary measures which will ensure that the Programme of Work and Budget which we adopt is fully financed.

My government made different proposals in this respect. Unfortunately they did have several reasons, including some technical ones, which we will explore in the future. Therefore we did not find unanimous support in this Conference, and that is why despite the fact we have no problem with the budget level of US$650 million and despite considerable efforts made here in Rome, and also in Bonn at the high political level, to find a commonly agreed language for these necessary methods, we felt obliged to abstain in the vote of this evening. These measures we have proposed are not measures directed specifically towards FAO. These measures are important to us in the framework of the budget negotiations of all United Nations agencies.

My country, despite the abstention of today, will continue to give its full support to this Organization and can count also in the future, as in the past, on Germany as a loyal partner of this Organization.

Hiroaki KISHI (Japan): Japan joined the majority because I believe the outcome is the result of hard but positive and painful but constructive efforts. This is a result of good will to revitalize and to strengthen this Organization.

This is an important step to our building a more efficient and effective Organization on the continued track of the initiative taken by the Director-General. The need for the expertise of this Organization would be further increased under the growing pressure of the food security. We must meet the need in a more effective and efficient manner than ever before. This exercise will be a long process. We must cope with hardship coming out of the process with the spirit of partnership, the importance of which was expressed by the Chairman of Commission II and broadly supported. I sincerely hope the partnership will facilitate the fruitful outcome of the exercise.

Finally Japan reiterates its position that its support to this Organization remains unchanged.

My delegation also appreciates the Chairmanship of the French Ambassador, Mr Jacques Laureau, in achieving such a successful conclusion.

Add Mahmoud ABOUL-NAGA (Egypt) (Original language Arabic): Firstly allow me to express my personal satisfaction because we have managed to reach consensus on the budgetary level and the PWB for the Organization for the biennium 1996-97, a consensus reached after lengthy negotiations, tiring sometimes, led with wisdom, mastery and patience by the French Ambassador; negotiations in which all parties participated in a responsible spirit; where each party expressed its own point of view whilst accepting and understanding the points of view of others until finally we reached the resolution we have just adopted.

The meaning of consensus is by definition that each one gives in a little bit and I know full well that my Group, the Group of 77, had large hopes of having a high level of budget, hopes which we have not achieved. However, and despite that, we have created a spirit of understanding of partnership, of responsibility amongst all Member Nations to support this Organization, to support its leadership in order to provide the least amount of required resources enabling us to implement the priorities we are agreed upon and the results we expect. I think that this consensus is extremely valuable. It almost compensates for the shortfall in the level of budget we expected.

Allow me to congratulate all Member Nations for the spirit of consensus which they have expressed, which we have achieved after the common effort of us all. I hope that we will be able to maintain that spirit of consensus since it is the foundation of our future activities.

I would like to thank the French Ambassador for his efforts and all members of the contact group, be they members of developed countries or of the Group of 77 of whom I am very proud. Allow me also to put on record our appreciation to the Secretariat for the efforts put into the success of our work.

I would also like to thank the Director-General for his positive response to our proposals which in fact means extra work for him and for his collaborators and the Secretariat in order to achieve the positive results despite the lower level of budget. But we are confident in his stewardship. We are sure he is fully able to achieve these objectives in the interests of all Member Nations.

Jean Robert GOULONGANA (Gabon): Je voudrais, au nom du Groupe africain faire un bref commentaire en commençant par remercier l'Ambassadeur Laureau pour les efforts soutenus qu'il a consentis tout au long de ces dernières 48 heures afin de nous aider à progresser vers un niveau de budget acceptable. Je tiens également à remercier les membres du Groupe de contact qui n'ont ménagé aucun effort et qui ont fait preuve d'un grand dévouement dans leur tâche. Alors que tout le monde s'accorde à reconnaître que l'éradication de la faim demeure un défi majeur pour l'humanité et que l'on souligne dans ce contexte le rôle irremplaçable de la FAO, le Groupe africain ne peut manquer d'exprimer une certaine perplexité face au niveau des moyens mis à la disposition de l'Organisation pour le prochain biennium. Nous aurions par ailleurs préféré qu'en dépit de ce niveau un accord unanime puisse se faire sur le budget, compte tenu de l'esprit d'ouverture dont a fait preuve le Groupe des 77 auquel nous appartenons qui est au niveau ou plutôt à la mesure de l'ampleur des besoins qui nous interpellent. Toutefois, après avoir écouté les arguments développés par les pays qui n'ont pu se joindre au consensus et qui se sont donc abstenus, et parmi lesquels figurent d'importants contributeurs, notre voeu est que les divergences que nous avons pu noter restent des divergences ponctuelles et qu'elles n'entament en rien leurs engagements ainsi que l'engagement de l'ensemble des Etats Membres à soutenir l'Organisation et ce, pour le plus grand bien de millions de personnes qui souffrent de la faim dans le monde. A cet égard, les propos que nous avons entendus de la bouche des délégués des Etats-Unis, du Royaume-Uni et de l'Allemagne nous confortent dans ce voeu.

Per Harald GRUE (Norway): I want to express our satisfaction that we have been able to arrive at a broad, general consensus decision on the budget with no country voting against it. We regret, of course, very much that three countries were not able to join the consensus. We would like, however, to underline how much we appreciate the spirit of constructive cooperation and compromise that has prevailed during this difficult process. We have reason to be proud of the result achieved.

The Programme of Work and Budget we have just received will put heavy demands on all of us, the Director-General, the Secretariat and the member countries. We all share their responsibility for utilizing the resources available in the most efficient manner possible. In this situation it is more important than ever that we honour the obligations we have taken upon ourselves by paying assessments promptly and in full.

This statement has been prepared in consultation with the other Nordic countries present here tonight, Denmark, Finland and Sweden.

Winston RUDDER (Trinidad and Tobago): It is not my intention to detain the house much longer than they would wish to be here but it would be remiss of me if I did not take this occasion to make a brief statement on behalf of the fourteen member countries of the CARICOM sub-region of Latin American and the Caribbean.

First of all under the astute leadership, guidance and wisdom of the Chairman of Commission II this Twenty-eighth Session of the Conference has approved a Programme of Work and Budget for the 1996-97 biennium with a budget level reflecting what has been variously referred to as a near consensus, or to use a modernism, a virtual consensus. So we have reached a magical figure of US$650 million for the coming biennium.

Our aspirations are not entirely satisfied by the decision that we have taken here today. For us, therefore, it is but a bitter-sweet occasion, bitter since we are concerned that we have adopted a budget which is some US$23 million less in nominal terms than the budget for the current biennium, and this in the context of the increasing demands being made on the Organization, the expanding membership over the last several biennia and the critical issues and challenges which confront FAO.

The concern that we have is how we so pared the resources level as to impair fundamentally the organizational capability to deliver what we expect it to deliver for us, particularly us small and island developing countries of the sub-region to which I belong.

Notwithstanding that, we are gratified that we have voted on a budget with no votes against, reflecting our revitalized spirit of cooperation and spirit of working together in the interests of ensuring the long-term viability of this Organization.

It is my sincere hope, therefore, that the US$650 million that we have agreed upon is the level that we have referred to so often as the assured level of funding that this Organization can significantly and with great expectation and assurance build into the programme and have its activities conducted on over the next biennium.

Chairman, we are pleased at the comments made by the three delegations that have abstained, and in particular we identify with the view that the reforms that have already begun to be initiated are part of a dynamic process and that flexibility should inform us on how we move in the future.

Having regard to the level of the budget that we have voted, Chairman, we would expect that, in the context of the encomium showered upon the Director-General for his leadership and for his astuteness over the last biennium, we allowed the fullest measure of flexibility within the context of the Rules of the Organization so that the Organization, the Director-General and his management can get on with the job over the coming biennium of delivering what we so sorely require and need in our development for several countries.

We thank the House for voting in the way it has voted.

LE DIRECTEUR GENERAL: Monsieur le Ministre et Président de la Conférence, Monsieur le Président indépendant du Conseil, Honorables Ministres, Excellences, Mesdames et Messieurs, nous voici donc arrivés au bout d'un processus qui n'aura pas été des plus faciles et qui nous a conduit aujourd'hui à adopter sans opposition, le Programme de travail et budget qui va déterminer notre action pour les deux années à venir.

Ce Programme, nous l'entamons au moment où nous venons de réfléchir sur l'évolution de notre Organisation et sur ses perspectives dans le cadre des cérémonies du cinquantième anniversaire au Québec. Mais ce Programme, nous allons l'entamer aussi au moment où nous demandons aux plus hautes autorités de nos Etats de réfléchir sur la situation alimentaire mondiale et de nous guider dans nos efforts pour relever le défi - ô combien important! - que nous aurons à relever à la fin des années 90 et au début du siècle prochain. Je dois avouer qu'exécuter un budget de 650 millions de dollars quand on parle d'un budget qui, il y a deux ans, se situait à 673 millions de dollars, n'est pas une chose aisée lorsque l'on prend en compte le fait que non seulement il y a l'inflation, non seulement il y a des programmes nouveaux considérés comme prioritaires, comme le Programme de sécurité alimentaire et le Programme de lutte préventive contre les maladies transfrontières et les fléaux des animaux et des plantes, lorsque l'on doit mettre en oeuvre un Sommet mondial de l'alimentation et lorsque l'on doit aussi tenir compte des différents besoins de nos Etats Membres et des évolutions qui pourraient résulter des discussions en cours au niveau de l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies. Mais, lorsque j'ai pris mes fonctions je ne l'ai pas fait dans la perspective d'avoir à réaliser un travail facile. Je suis donc prêt, comme je vous l'ai promis au cours de la réunion du Conseil, à appliquer loyalement les décisions qui ont été prises ici.

Je vous avais indiqué au cours du récent Conseil que, quel que soit le niveau du budget, votre Secrétariat le mettrait en oeuvre en essayant d'éviter au maximum les impacts négatifs sur le Programme. Mais je dois dire qu'au-delà des chiffres ce qui est important c'est l'esprit. Au-delà des chiffres, ce qui est important c'est notre commune volonté d'entreprendre ensemble et de réussir ensemble.

Le processus qui a été mené ici sous la direction éclairée de l'Ambassadeur Jacques Laureau, et cela ne doit être une surprise pour personne puisqu'il est un héritier de ce brillant diplomate qu'était Talleyrand, ce processus, dis-je, a montré que les différents Etats Membres savaient dépasser leurs préoccupations particulières et savaient être capables de se retrouver sur ce qui est essentiel. Lorsque l'on a la responsabilité de diriger le Secrétariat d'une institution internationale, l'outil mathématique le plus important est l'arithmétique. Il s'agit de savoir calculer les plus petits dénominateurs communs. Et aujourd'hui, il apparaît que le plus petit dénominateur commun, c'est ce niveau de budget qui permet de préserver l'universalité de l'Organisation, qui permet d'entraîner l'ensemble de nos Etats Membres dans la même aventure.

En moi, vous trouverez toujours un Directeur général qui aura la franchise de vous dire ce qui n'est pas possible. Lorsqu'il m'a été proposé de faire des économies supplémentaires qui ne touchent pas les programmes, je vous ai indiqué qu'après être parti d'un budget de plus de 734 millions de dollars E.-U. pour passer à un budget de 698 millions de dollars E.-U., il n'était pas possible de faire ce qui était demandé.

Cet exercice budgétaire va donc toucher les programmes et nous allons faire des propositions au Comité du programme et au Comité financier. J'ose espérer que le même esprit d'entente, le même souci de coopération, la même volonté de trouver des solutions acceptables pour les uns et les autres vous conduiront à m'accorder toute l'aide nécessaire pour que je réussisse la lourde mission que vous m'avez confiée.

A vous tous et à vous toutes, qui avez permis aujourd'hui que ce budget et ce programme soient adoptés sans opposition, je voudrais vous exprimer toute ma reconnaissance et tous mes remerciements pour cette confiance. Et j'ose espérer qu'au cours des deux années prochaines, nous travaillerons ensemble pour que la FAO vive, pour que la FAO puisse être à la mesure de son idéal qui est fiat panis.

The meeting rose at 22.00 hours.
La séance est levée à 22 heures.
Se levanta la sesión a las 22.00 horas.

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