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27 October 1995

Twenty-eighth Session • Vingt-huitième session • 28° período de sesiones




27 October 1995


The First Meeting was opened at 10.30 hours
Mr Thomas A. Forbord,
Chairman of Commission III, presiding

La première séance est ouverte à 10 h 30
sous la présidence de M. Thomas A. Forbord,
Président de la Commission III

Se abre la primera sesión a las 10.30 horas
bajo la presidencia del Sr. Thomas A. Forbord,
Presidente de la Comisión III


CHAIRMAN: We are now quorate. I know all of you have much to do today; there are other meetings you will need to attend. I hope the business of this Commission can be carried out quickly and crisply. The items we will consider today have been reviewed by many of us individually and certainly by all of our countries in other fora. We are looking to give formal endorsement to these items today. Much of the debate has taken place and I hope that remarks today can be kept to a minimum. Those delegations which have written copies of a full speech will of course be welcome to insert them in the record.

I remind this gathering that Commission III deals with constitutional administrative matters. Five meetings of the Commission have been scheduled and the Commission must conclude its work by Tuesday 31 October, but I hope we can finish sooner than that.

At this point I would like to introduce the Commission's two Vice-Chairmen, who were elected earlier during the Conference. They are: His Excellency Carlos di Mottola Balestra, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Costa Rica to FAO, and Ernst Zimmerl, Permanent Representative of Austria to FAO. On behalf of this Commission, may I congratulate our two Vice-Presidents on their election.

The Commission must also appoint a Rapporteur. I understand that, after meetings of regional groups, there is a consensus amongst them for the selection of the Alternative Permanent Representative from Senegal, Mr Moussa Bocar Ly. I request the endorsement of that appointment by this Commission.

It was so decided
Il en a été ainsi décidé
Así fue estipulado

The Commission has several very important items on its Agenda. As I have mentioned, these are largely a formal endorsement of documents, resolutions and changes that we have already approved in the various committees of the Council. I hope we can move very quickly, but finishing our Report by Tuesday will require the cooperation of all delegates and, in particular, that we start on time on Monday. Monday's meeting is scheduled for 9.30 hours and I hope we can achieve a quorum very quickly so that we can begin.

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